Di Maio sta ottenendo l'archiviazione per l'omicidio di Luca Ventre, di cui e' RESPONSABILE vicariamente

SECOLO D'ITALIA > CRONACA > L’atroce morte di Luca Ventre nell’ambasciata italiana in Uruguay. La famiglia: «Di Maio dove sta?» (video) 24 Gen 2021 12:22 - di Penelope Corrado luca ventre morte «Luca Ventre è stato ucciso dentro un’ambasciata italiana, il ministro degli Esteri Luigi Di Maio non si è degnato di dire una parola, di telefonarci, di chiedere di fare piena luce. Siamo stati letteralmente abbandonati dalle istituzioni». Nelle parole di Fabrizio Ventre, fratello della vittima, la rabbia per una morte atroce, che sui nostri giornali ha avuto scarsissima visibilità. Come è morto Luca Ventre? Il video che Fanpage ha pubblicato in esclusiva è raccapricciante. Le guardie private all’interno dell’ambasciata lo aggrediscono. Il ragazzo muore dopo poco. Il decesso (ma dalle immagini pare un vero e proprio omicidio) è avvenuto il primo gennaio 2021. All’interno della nostra ambasciata di Montevideo. La comunicazione ufficiale è arrivata l’indomani sul sito della Farnesina. Ecco quanto ha dichiarato la nostra rappresentanza diplomatica. La morte di Luca Ventre “L’Ambasciata d’Italia con rammarico conferma che ieri il Signor Luca Ventre, connazionale residente nella nostra comunità, è deceduto dopo che nelle primissime ore della mattinata si è arrampicato per scavalcare il recinto dell’Ambasciata e si è poi diretto verso gli Uffici. Dopo l’arresto il connazionale è stato trasportato al Hospital de Clinicas dove purtroppo risulta sia successivamente deceduto. L’Ambasciata, in questo doloroso momento, si stringe alla famiglia del connazionale; in particolare al padre, Sig. Carmine Mario Ventre che vive in Uruguay e con cui è in contatto, oltre alla madre, Sig.ra Palma Roseti, cui assicura la massima vicinanza e il massimo impegno affinché le Autorità uruguaiane facciano piena luce sulle cause del tragico decesso del figlio”. Luca Ventre 35 anni, famiglia originaria di Senise (Potenza) voleva tornare in Italia dai suoi familiari. Il fratello Fabrizio accusa e parla esplicitamente di omicidio. In effetti nel video, un poliziotto preme sul collo del giovane ragazzo lucano. Ma Fabrizio Ventre va oltre. “Oltre alla terrificante morte, il teatrino disgustoso inscenato dalla polizia con la complicità dei medici e con il silenzio e l’assenza totale dello Stato Italiano”. Con la completa assenza del nostro ministro degli Esteri. L’11 gennaio, scrive Basilicata24, a dieci giorni dalla morte di Luca Ventre, “dopo innumerevoli chiamate a vuoto al centralino della Procura presso il Tribunale di Roma, alla famiglia viene detto che non ci sono fascicoli o notifiche su questo caso e la si invita a presentare denuncia via PEC allegando eventuali prove”. Solo giovedì 22 gennaio, tre settimane dopo la morte, la Procura di Roma ha aperto un fascicolo per omicidio. Intanto, Di Maio continua a brillare per la sua assenza.

This is what the WEF wants for (the working part of) humanity. This is what vaccinocracy is for.

https://www.dw.com/en/how-chinese-mafia-run-a-scam-factory-in-myanmar/a-68113480 Human RightsAsia How Chinese mafia run a scam factory in Myanmar Lewis Sanders IV | Julia Bayer | Julett Pineda | Yuchen Li 6 hours ago6 hours ago In KK Park, on the Myanmar-Thai border, those who refuse to scam face torture, starvation and even murder. DW investigates one of Asia's most brutal scam compounds. https://p.dw.com/p/4bnQW Copy link An aerial image shows KK Park on the Moei River Thousands of people have been trafficked into KK Park, a compound on the Thai-Myanmar border designed for scamming people across the globe Image: Stefan Czimmek/DW Aaron couldn't believe his luck. An up-and-coming tech company in Thailand was offering him a dream job — a high salary, great benefits, and a way out of a bleak future in southern Africa. "I was hoping to go and work overseas. And one day, I was approached," Aaron said. "I thought everything was legit — until I got to Bangkok." At the airport, Aaron was given a warm welcome and ushered into a car with two other young men from eastern Africa. "We were supposed to go to a hotel that is maybe 10 minutes away from the airport. But we drove in a different direction." The driver drove for nearly eight hours before arriving in the Thai border city of Mae Sot, where Aaron and his fellows were trafficked over the Moei River and into a war-torn part of Myanmar. "There were people with guns," he remembered. "They said we should get in the boat — and we crossed." Scam Factory: Behind Asia's cyber slavery Remaining Time -26:31 Myanmar: Human trafficking hub Aaron and his fellows were trafficked into a prison-like compound called KK Park. Here, thousands of people are forced into criminality — to scam people in the United States, Europe and China. The UN estimates that more than 100,000 people are being forced to work in scam centers in Myanmar. DW's investigative unit met with several survivors of the compound. They described widespread surveillance, torture and even weekly murders. "We worked 17 hours a day, no complaints, no holidays, no rest," said Lucas, a young man from western Africa. "And if we say we want to leave, they tell us that they will sell us or kill us." But who is behind this brutal operation? Satellite imagery shows how KK Park has grown since it first began construction in 2020Satellite imagery shows how KK Park has grown since it first began construction in 2020 DW obtained satellite imagery that shows the development of KK Park. The image on the left was taken on February 18, 2020, the one on the right on January 17, 2024 Image: Maxar Technologies provided by European Space Imaging Myanmar's local enablers We reviewed exclusive images taken from within the compound and spoke to several survivors who were held there. They all recognized the badges on the guards' uniforms. They are the insignia of the official Border Guard Force, a group of former rebels who stopped fighting the Myanmar junta a decade ago in exchange for free reign over their territories. Their soldiers are present in KK Park. But the bosses of the operation are Chinese, according to several sources. Tracing crypto to KK Park We followed the money trail from several scammed victims to see where it leads. It took us to cryptocurrency wallets KK Park used to collect victims' funds. From there, the funds were funneled to other wallets, which act like digital accounts and store cryptocurrencies. One of those wallets was opened by Wang Yi Cheng, a Chinese businessman based in Thailand. He received tens of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency from wallets used by KK Park. Wang is part of a larger network of overseas Chinese business people that ultimately leads to a notorious Chinese mafia boss. At the time Wang was receiving direct transfers from KK-managed wallets, he served as the vice president of the Thai-Asia Economic Exchange Association, an association in Bangkok promoting Chinese and Thai relations. Thai-Asia shares its building with the Overseas Hongmen Culture Exchange Center, which was raided by police in 2023, along with another Hongmen center in Bangkok, for operating illegally and serving as a front for Chinese organized crime. Wan Kuok Koi smirks from the back of a police vehicle in MacauWan Kuok Koi smirks from the back of a police vehicle in Macau Wan Kuok Koi, also known as Broken Tooth, is a former 14K triad boss who spent more than a decade in prison for his involvement in organized crime in Macau Image: AFP/dpa/picture-alliance The Chinese link These organizations are closely linked to Wan Kuok Koi, alias Broken Tooth. He launched the World Hongmen History and Culture Association in 2018, an organization that has since been sanctioned by the US for its involvement in organized crime. But Wan's Hongmen organization also promotes Beijing's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a trillion-dollar infrastructure project meant to integrate China further into the global economy. It is also known as the New Silk Road. "Wan Kuok Koi also has a quote that he uses fairly regularly: he says he used to fight for the cartels, and now he fights for the Chinese Communist Party," Jason Tower, a leading expert on organized crime at the US Institute for Peace, told DW. The area where KK Park was built is a target region of China's BRI investments. Chinese government reports hailed development projects in the vicinity of KK Park as part of its BRI ambitions, though it later distanced itself from them following allegations of widespread fraud. KK Park itself is not mentioned in official Chinese communications, nor did it hold groundbreaking ceremonies like other development projects in the area. Instead, KK Park was purpose-built for scamming. KK Park's network expands Bangkok skyline at sunsetBangkok skyline at sunset Chinese criminal organizations have used Bangkok as a hub for operations linked to KK Park Image: Stefan Czimmek KK Park's scamming operations trace back to a complex network of businesses and associations used by criminals to legitimize their crimes and launder millions in defrauded assets — and that network continues to expand from Southeast Asia to Africa, Europe and North America. "We really see that these criminal networks are becoming more and more powerful, more and more influential, and more and more embedded in different countries around the world," says Tower. "And the efforts by law enforcement are only touching the tip of the iceberg." Find out more in our documentary 'Scam Factory: Behind Asia's Cyber Slavery.' Aaron, Lucas and Laura's names were changed for security purposes. Edited by: Mathias Bölinger.


Global pandemic agreement at risk of falling apart, WHO warns The accord, aimed at preventing another health catastrophe, is losing momentum due to ‘lies and conspiracy theories’ AFP in Geneva Mon 22 Jan 2024 20.02 GMT Last modified on Mon 22 Jan 2024 22.19 GMT Plans for a global pandemic preparedness agreement risk falling apart amid wrangling and disinformation, according to the chief of the World Health Organization, who has warned that future generations “may not forgive us”. Shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic, the WHO’s 194 member states decided more than two years ago to start negotiating an international accord aimed at ensuring countries are better equipped to deal with the next health catastrophe, or to prevent it altogether. The plan was to seal the agreement at the 2024 World Health Assembly, the WHO’s decision-making body, which convenes on 27 May. However, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, said the momentum had been slowed down by entrenched positions and “a torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories”. He warned that if nobody was prepared to seize the initiative or give ground, the whole project risked going nowhere. Tedros told the WHO’s executive board in Geneva on Monday: “Time is very short. And there are several outstanding issues that remain to be resolved.” Failure to strike an agreement would be “a missed opportunity for which future generations may not forgive us”, he said. Tedros said all countries needed the capacity to detect and share pathogens presenting a risk, and timely access to tests, treatments and vaccines. He called for a “strong agreement that will help to protect our children and grandchildren from future pandemics”. Tedros said claims that the accord would cede sovereignty to the WHO or give it the power to impose lockdowns and vaccine mandates were “completely false”. “We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged.” WHO member states decided in December 2021 to create a new international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, aimed at ensuring the flaws that turned Covid-19 into a global crisis could never happen again. The WHO emergencies director, Michael Ryan, reminded countries how the pandemic “ripped apart our social, economic and political systems and became a multi-trillion dollar problem”. In the midst of major geopolitical conflicts, “this is one thing the world agrees on”, he said. Roland Driece, who is co-chairing the negotiations, said the project had condensed a seven-year process into two years. He said the accord should be ambitious, innovative and with clear commitments. On the disagreements, he said European countries wanted more money invested in pandemic prevention, while Africa wanted the knowledge and financing to make that work, plus proper access to pandemic “countermeasures” such as vaccines and treatments. He said there were two sessions of two weeks left to do an “extreme” amount of work. Parallel negotiations are also going on to reform the international health regulations (IHR), which many countries felt had been found badly wanting. Under these, Tedros declared Covid-19 a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020 – the highest level of alert available under the regulations. boy in front of a mural about covid ‘No one is talking about it’: the cruelty of long Covid in the global south Read more But it was not until March 2020 when he described the worsening situation as a pandemic – a word that does not exist in the IHR vocabulary – that the world jolted into action, by which time the virus was already widespread. Tedros declared an end to the international emergency in May 2023. Ashley Bloomfield, the chief executive of New Zealand’s health ministry during the pandemic, is co-chairing the IHR negotiations. Like Tedros, he criticised a “coordinated and sophisticated campaign” of misinformation and disinformation attempting to undermine the process. He said there were 300 proposed amendments to plough through during the talks.


Home | Wire | The Fed Prepares for a Bank Crisis While Telling Americans the Economy is Strong The Fed Prepares for a Bank Crisis While Telling Americans the Economy is Strong 53073540164_2655482250_b.jpg Tags Fed WatchMonetary PolicyMoney and BanksPolitics 01/25/2024Tho Bishop Last Thursday, Bloomberg reported that federal regulators are preparing a proposal to force US banks to utilize the Federal Reserve’s discount window in preparation for future bank crises. The aim, notes Katanga Johnson, is to remove the stigma around tapping into this financial lifeline, part of the continuing fallout from the failures of several significant regional banks last year. This new policy is reminiscent of the Fed’s actions during the 2007 financial crisis, where financial authorities encouraged large banks to tap into the discount window, taking loans directly from the Federal Reserve, to make it easier for distressed banks to do the same. The hesitancy from financial institutions to tap into this source of liquidity is justified. If the public believes a bank needs support from the Fed, it is rational for depositors to flee the bank. The Fed’s explicit aim is to provide cover from at-risk banks, trying to hold off bank runs that are an inherent risk in our modern fractional reserve banking system. By strong-arming healthy banks to comply, the Fed is escalating moral hazard and leaving customers more vulnerable. They are deliberately trying to remove a signal of institutional risk. The regulator’s concerns about bank fragility are justified. The Fed’s low-interest rate environment meant financial institutions seeking low-risk assets bought up US treasuries with very low yields. As inflationary pressures forced rates upward, the market value of these bonds decreased in favor of new, higher-yield bonds. It was this pressure that sparked the failure of Silicon Valley Bank last year. Additionally, the state of commercial real estate is a further stress for regional banks, which are responsible for 80 percent of such mortgages. In the previous low-interest rate environment, investors viewed commercial real estate as “a haven for investors in need of reliable returns.” Unfortunately, this same period experienced major changes in consumer behavior. Online shopping, remote work, and shared office space increased at the expense of traditional brick-and-mortar locations. Covid lockdowns only further amplified these trends. As a result, commercial real estate debt is viewed as one of the most dangerous financial assets out there today, sitting right on the balance sheets of regional banks across the country. These stresses have had a major impact not only on this latest policy from federal regulators but the depth of their response to last year’s failures. Following the failure of SVB, the Fed created the Bank Term Funding Program, which allowed banks and credit unions to borrow using US Treasuries and other assets as collateral. This emergency measure reflected fears of other banks being at risk. The Fed has signaled its willingness to let this program expire in March, with the aim of transitioning banks to increasing their use of the discount window. While the actions of the Fed and financial regulators illustrate real concerns about the health of US banks, these same institutions have projected bullish optimism about the state of the economy in public. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have consistently described the US economy as “robust” over the last few months, a view not shared by the majority of Americans. Additionally, Powell proclaimed victory over inflation this past December, even while the Fed’s preferred measures remain well above their 2 percent target, in stark contrast to his previous statements about the necessity to aggressively tackle inflation at the risk of it becoming normalized. The shadow of politics obviously can’t be decoupled from the rosy statements from government officials on the economy, particularly going into a presidential election year. Another motivation for projecting economic strength, however, is to re-arm the Federal Reserve’s policy arsenal. While the projections of Fed officials for rate cuts in 2024 have been packaged as reflecting the growing strength of the US economy, the reality is that the Fed desires the option to lower rates as a response to financial distress. The Fed has proven time and time again that if given the choice between forcing Americans to suffer from the consequences of inflation or bailing out the financial system, it will choose the latter. With the 2024 election in full swing, Americans will be consistently bombarded with political lies and false promises, not just from politicians but from government agencies and the central bank. While we can expect another ten months of being told how strong the economy is, the actions being taken behind the scenes tell a very different story. Author: Contact Tho Bishop Tho is Editorial and Content Manager for the Mises Institute, and can assist with questions from the press. Prior to working for the Mises Institute, he served as Deputy Communications Director for the House Financial Services Committee. His articles have been featured in The Federalist, the Daily Caller, Business Insider, The Washington Times, and The Rush Limbaugh Show.

India to deliver BrahMos missiles to Philippines: NICE BUY, BBM!

India to deliver BrahMos missiles to Philippines New Delhi will start exporting long-range supersonic missiles co-developed with Moscow to Manila next month India to deliver BrahMos missiles to Philippines A soldier salutes from a Brahmos Weapon system as they march along Rajpath during the Republic Day parade in New Delhi on January 26, 2021. © Jewel SAMAD / AFP India is gearing up to export BrahMos – a long-range supersonic missile jointly developed with Russia – to the Philippines, a top government official disclosed on Thursday. The move comes amid New Delhi’s push to boost domestic arms production and increase exports to other nations. The $375 million deal, signed in January 2022, will involve sending missiles to the country shortly, Samir Kamat, the chief of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), told news outlet ANI. “[The BrahMos’] ground systems should be sent very soon, in the next ten days,” he said, suggesting that the rest of the components would be transported in March. Kamat added that BrahMos missiles are “getting a lot of interest” from potential buyers. According to media reports, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia have also expressed interest in acquiring the missiles. The DRDO chief also mentioned that foreign countries have indicated they would like to purchase other India-made defense hardware, including ‘Akash’, a missile system that can target aircraft up to 45km (27 miles) away. “I am sure over the coming years, exports are going to become a very important part of our portfolio,” he added. Sword of Bharat: How India aims to conquer the global arms market READ MORE: Sword of Bharat: How India aims to conquer the global arms market The BrahMos is a joint collaboration between New Delhi and Moscow that began in the late 1990s. The powerful long-range supersonic cruise missile system can be launched from submarines, ships, and aircraft or from land. The missiles originally had a range of 290 kilometers (180 miles), which was subsequently extended to between 450 and 500 kilometers through upgrades. The BrahMos is widely used by the Indian Navy. Warships currently patrolling the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden amid tensions in the Red Sea, where Houthi rebels are attacking the passing merchant vessels, are believed to be equipped with these missiles. BrahMos will also form the crux of India’s planned Integrated Rocket Force (IRF), aimed at non-contact conventional warfare to counter China’s rapidly expanding missile and nuclear forces. READ MORE: Brothers in arms: Russian weapons are key for India’s self-reliance On Friday, India’s Uttar Pradesh state will display the BrahMos as a part of its tableau at the Republic Day parade in New Delhi, as a new manufacturing unit for production of these missiles is under construction in the state’s capital, Lucknow. Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has stated that the new facility will help drastically speed up the manufacturing rate of the missiles, which are currently being manufactured at the Brahmos Aerospace’s Integration Complex (BIC) in Hyderabad in the southern state of Telangana.


NATO member rejects British call to ‘prepare for war’ A UK general proposed earlier this week that “citizen armies” should be ready to take up arms against Moscow NATO member rejects British call to ‘prepare for war’ Chief of the General Staff UK Patrick Sanders speaks at ceremony held at Canakkale Martyrs' Memorial on the occasion of the 108th anniversary Canakkale Land Battles on the Historical Gallipoli Peninsula, in Canakkale, Turkiye on April 24, 2023 © Getty Images / Cem Tekkesinoglu/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has poured cold water on a proposal by the chief of the British Army, Gen. Patrick Sanders that citizens should be prepared to take up arms against Russia in a hypothetical land war. Sanders, who has consistently called for the expansion of the UK's armed forces, said in a speech on Wednesday that Moscow’s conflict with Kiev has shown that “citizen armies” can often make a difference on the battlefield. He added that the British military is presently unequipped to handle threats in the modern geopolitical landscape. “Our friends in eastern and northern Europe, who feel the proximity of the Russian threat more acutely, are already acting prudently, laying the foundations for national mobilization,” Sanders said. Ciolacu, prime minister of NATO member Romania since last summer, dismissed Sanders’ claim in comments to reporters on Friday. “There is no need to prepare for war,” he said, in response to a question about Bucharest’s possible concerns over the Ukraine conflict spreading to the rest of Europe. The British Army has about 75,000 fully-trained active personnel, according to government figures released last year. Another 60,000 people reportedly serve in the UK Navy and Air Force. ‘No threat’ of Russia attacking NATO – Germany Read more ‘No threat’ of Russia attacking NATO – Germany London spends about 2% of its annual gross domestic product (GDP) on the military, and while it has expressed an intention to expand that to 2.5%, Sanders has called for the army to increase its numbers to 120,000 active duty members – a total he claimed “is not enough.” “Ukraine brutally illustrates that regular armies start wars; citizen armies win them,” Sanders, who is due to step down from his position this summer, said. Downing Street distanced itself from Sanders’ comments on Wednesday, saying in a statement that the army chief’s “hypothetical scenarios” were “not helpful.” A spokesperson for prime minister Rishi Sunak also dismissed suggestionsof a return to national service in the UK for the first time since the 1960s. In his comments on Wednesday, Sanders cited the example of Sweden – which has moved towards a form of national service as full NATO membership beckons. Speaking at UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected speculation that Moscow would seek to engage other countries in conflict. “No one wants a big war,” Lavrov said, adding that “we have lived through ‘big wars’ many times in our history.” Meanwhile, Germany’s Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, told the Bild newspaper on Friday there is currently no danger of a “Russian attack or NATO territory or on any NATO-partner country.” In a survey conducted last year by Romania’s Institute for Evaluation and Strategy, it found that some 63% of respondents backed Bucharest’s continued support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. A separate survey from last September showed that just over half of Romanians support Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the European Union.


correctiv.org Startseite Themen Faktencheck Projekte Über uns Newsletter Unterstützen Hintergrund Weshalb ein deutsches Gericht die Impfung einer 85-Jährigen gegen ihren Willen ermöglichen wollte In der Impfgegner-Szene wird der Fall Inna Z. als Skandal dargestellt: Ein deutsches Gericht habe die damals 85-Jährige „zur Zwangsimpfung“ gegen Covid-19 verurteilt. Wir haben beim Amtsgericht und beim Bundesjustizministerium nachgefragt, unter welchen Umständen es dazu kommen kann, dass Menschen gegen ihren Willen geimpft werden dürfen. von Steffen Kutzner 13. Februar 2023 Symbolbild zu Impfung bzw. Impfpass Dass Gerichte Menschen, die nicht für sich selbst entscheiden können, ohne deren Einverständnis impfen lassen, ist nicht ungewöhnlich (Symbolbild: Picture Alliance / Pressefoto Korb / Micha Korb) Es begann mit einer Schlagzeile: „Morgen wird sie abgeholt – Deutsches Gericht verurteilt Holocaust-Überlebende (85) zu Zwangsimpfung“. Die österreichische Internetseite Report24 berichtete am 10. Januar erstmals über den Fall von Inna Z., einer ukrainischen Komponistin, die in Deutschland lebt und gegen Covid-19 geimpft werden soll. Angeblich gegen ihren Willen, wie auf Telegram und auf Blogs behauptet wird. Nachdem Report 24 den Text auf Englisch übersetzt hatte, griffen das Thema zudem einige englischsprachige Medien auf, wie der US-amerikanische TV-Sender Fox News und die israelische Tageszeitung Jerusalem Post. Der Gerichtsbeschluss kursiert mitsamt sensiblen Gesundheitsdaten und Adressen beteiligter Personen in Telegram-Kanälen der Querdenker-Szene. Wir haben beim zuständigen Amtsgericht Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt nachgefragt, wie sich der Fall von Inna Z. danach entwickelte. Hintergrund ist: Können Menschen in Deutschland ​​in rechtlichen Fragen nicht mehr für sich selbst sorgen und haben keine Angehörigen, die das übernehmen, bestimmt ein Gericht einen externen Betreuer. Im Fall von Inna Z. beantragte diese Person eine Impfung – notfalls gegen den Willen der Frau. Mehr von CORRECTIV Ein Standbild eines Videos von Polizisten und Krankenschwestern in Australien Nein, dieses Video zeigt keine „Zwangsimpfungen“ von Kindern in Australien Jens Spahn beim 124. Deutschen Ärztetag Corona: Nein, der Deutsche Ärztetag hat keine Zwangsimpfungen für Kinder beschlossen Über das neuartige Coronavirus kursieren viele Behauptungen. Das Faktencheck-Team von CORRECTIV veröffentlicht seit Monaten Faktenchecks dazu. (Symbolbild: Ivo Mayr/Correctiv) Coronavirus-Faktenchecks: Diese Behauptungen hat CORRECTIV geprüft Eine jüdische Gemeinde in Stuttgart und einige Fachleute sprachen sich gegen die Impfung von Inna Z. aus. Gegen den Gerichtsbeschluss wurde Beschwerde eingelegt und die Frau wurde bisher nicht geimpft. Dass Menschen, die etwa an Demenz leiden, auch gegen ihren Willen geimpft werden, ist kein alltäglicher Vorgang – aber rechtlich möglich. Wir erklären, unter welchen Umständen es dazu kommen kann. Die Schlagzeile von Report24 kursiert aktuell auf Facebook (Quelle: Facebook; Screenshot und Schwärzung: CORRECTIV.Faktencheck) Laut Beschluss sollte Inna Z. in einer geschlossenen Abteilung untergebracht werden Inna Z., so heißt es im Beschluss des Amtsgerichts Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt vom 14. Dezember 2022, leide laut Gutachten eines Sachverständigen unter anderem an Demenz und wahnhaften Störungen, sowie an verschiedenen körperlichen Erkrankungen. Auf dieser Grundlage genehmigte die Richterin die Unterbringung in einem psychiatrischen Krankenhaus oder einer Pflegeeinrichtung. Die Begründung dafür lautet: „Die Betroffene muss geschlossen untergebracht werden, weil sie massiv verwahrlosen würde und ihre dringend notwendige ärztliche Versorgung, auch der organischen Erkrankungen wie eine regelmäßige Tabletteneinnahme nicht gewährleistet ist.“ Ohne geschlossene Unterbringung könne keine ärztliche Behandlung erfolgen; die Betroffene „kann sich in keiner Weise mehr selbst vorstehen“. Ein Gutachter kam laut Beschluss des Amtsgerichts Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt zu dem Ergebnis, dass Inna Z. dement ist und an wahnhaften Störungen leidet. Zudem bestehen körperliche Grunderkrankungen, die einen schweren Verlauf im Falle einer Covid-19-Erkrankung begünstigen könnten. (Quelle: Telegram / Amtsgericht Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt; Screenshot: CORRECTIV.Faktencheck) Richterin erklärte, Impfung gegen Covid-19 sei „erforderlich“ – umgesetzt wurde dies wegen einer Beschwerde bislang nicht Zur Begründung, weshalb die Patientin geimpft werden müsse, heißt es im Beschluss: Die Durchführung der Impfung gegen Covid-19 gegen den Willen der Betroffenen sei erforderlich, um einen drohenden erheblichen gesundheitlichen Schaden von ihr abzuwenden. Weiter heißt es: „Es wurde zuvor erfolglos versucht, die Betroffene von der Notwendigkeit der ärztlichen Maßnahme zu überzeugen.“ Trotz dieser Versuche habe die Frau „keinerlei Krankheitseinsicht“, erkenne die Notwendigkeit nicht an, und sei hinsichtlich medizinischer Entscheidungen „zu keiner freien Willensbildung […] in der Lage“. Dieser Beschluss wurde aber nicht umgesetzt. Am 12. Januar schrieb der Rechtsanwalt Holger Fischer in einem Telegram-Beitrag, er habe einen Eilantrag beim Landgericht Stuttgart im Fall Inna Z. gestellt. Die Beschwerde brachte den Fall vor die nächste Instanz – das Landgericht Stuttgart setzte den Beschluss vorerst aus Eine Pressesprecherin des Amtsgerichts Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt schrieb uns am 12. Januar, Inna Z. habe Beschwerde eingelegt, woraufhin das Landgericht Stuttgart den Beschluss für die Impfung aussetzte. „Es schließt sich nun eine eingehende Prüfung der Beschwerde durch das Landgericht an. Bis dahin kann die Zwangsbehandlung nicht vollzogen werden.“ Dies betraf aber zunächst nicht die Unterbringung in einer geschlossenen Einrichtung. Am 18. Januar berichtete Report24, die Ukrainerin sei „durch die Unterstützung von Helfern“ der gerichtlich angeordneten Impfung „entkommen“. Dazu war ein Video der damals 85-Jährigen zu sehen, in dem sie jedoch nicht über ihre Haltung zur Impfung spricht, sondern darüber, wie wichtig es ihr ist, weiterhin Musik machen zu dürfen. In einer Telegram-Nachricht am 31. Januar erklärte der Anwalt von Inna Z., dass schließlich auch die zwangsweise Unterbringung in einer geschlossenen Einrichtung vorübergehend ausgesetzt worden sei. Holger Fischer Rechtsanwalt: „Das Landgericht Stuttgart hat per einstweiliger Anordnung nun auch die sofortige Wirksamkeit der Genehmigung zur Unterbringung von Frau Zhvanetskaya vorübergehend ausgesetzt.“ Telegram-Nachricht vom Anwalt von Inna Z. zur Aussetzung der Einweisung (Quelle: Telegram; Screenshot und Unkenntlichmachung: CORRECTIV.Faktencheck) Wer entscheidet, ob Menschen, die unter Betreuung stehen, geimpft werden? Das Amtsgericht schrieb uns, dass auch Menschen, die unter Betreuung stehen, grundsätzlich selbst über medizinische Maßnahmen und ärztliche Behandlungen entscheiden dürften. Nur wenn der Patient oder die Patientin eine Maßnahme ablehnt, die der Betreuer für dringend geboten hält, kann ein Antrag auf Durchführung einer Zwangsmaßnahme gestellt werden. Vor der richterlichen Genehmigung dürfe die Maßnahme nicht durchgeführt werden, so die Pressesprecherin. Im Fall von Inna Z. sei ein „fachpsychiatrisches Gutachten zu den Voraussetzungen der Maßnahmen eingeholt“ worden und die Frau „wurde im Beisein des Verfahrenspflegers von der zuständigen Richterin in ihrer gewohnten Umgebung angehört“. Ob eine Person grundsätzlich selbst entscheiden kann und darf, ist eine Frage der sogenannten Einwilligungsfähigkeit, wie uns ein Sprecher des Bundesjustizministeriums per E-Mail mitteilte. Streitpunkt bei Inna Z. dürfte die Frage sein, ob sie der Impfung zustimmen würde, wenn sie nicht dement wäre. „Der rechtliche Betreuer darf bei der Frage der Einwilligung in die Impfung nicht seine eigenen Wertmaßstäbe oder seine persönliche Meinung zur Grundlage seiner Entscheidung machen, sondern hat einzig und allein danach zu fragen, ob die von ihm betreute Person einer Impfung generell oder jedenfalls in diesem Fall zustimmt oder zustimmen würde“, so der Sprecher. Report24 meint dazu: „eine Indikation einer Zwangsimpfung angesichts der offiziell beendeten Pandemie lässt sich weder medizinisch noch juristisch begründen“. Auf welcher Basis dem Gericht hier widersprochen wird, bleibt offen. Argumente liefert der Artikel nicht. Angeblich kontaktierte „medizinische Fachleute“ hätten von „Böswilligkeit“ des Gutachtens gesprochen. Wer diese Fachleute sind, bleibt im Dunkeln. Kritik am Beschluss: Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Württemberg gibt an, dass Inna Z. schon früher gegen die Impfung war T-Online und der Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen berichteten ebenfalls über den Fall. Eine Stellungnahme der Betreuerin von Z. bekamen beide nicht. Aber die Zeitungen berichten, dass die Entscheidung für eine Zwangsimpfung unter anderem vom Bundesverband der Berufsbetreuer/innen und von der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinschaft Württemberg kritisiert wurde. Wie der Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen (ZVW) am 19. Januar berichtete, meldete sich auch die Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Württemberg zum Fall, deren Sozialabteilung offenbar öfter mit der Frau zu tun hatte. Eine Aussage von Vorstandsmitglied Mihail Rubinstein legt nahe, dass sich Inna Z. ablehnend gegenüber der Covid-19-Impfung zeigte. Er sagte laut ZVW: „Wir kennen diese Frau sehr lange, auch zu Zeiten, wo wir sagen können, dass sie sich bewusst gegen die Impfung ausgesprochen hat.“ Er selbst sei dreimal geimpft und halte das für sinnvoll, doch das sei „keine Entscheidung, die ein Gericht zu treffen hat“. Rubinstein fügte hinzu: „Dass gewisse Kreise jetzt versuchen, diesen Fall zu instrumentalisieren, und daraus Profit zu schlagen, gefällt uns überhaupt nicht.“ Der Beauftragte der Landesregierung gegen Antisemitismus, Michael Blume sagte gegenüber dem ZVW, dass es sich um einen juristisch wie auch sozial komplexen Fall handele, der „von Internetmedien ohne vorherige Nachfragen skandalisiert“ worden sei. Laut dem Twitter-Account des Beauftragten der Landesregierung gegen Antisemitismus in Baden-Württemberg wurden infolge der Gerichtsentscheidung auch Mitarbeitende angegriffen (Quelle: Twitter; Screenshot und Unkenntlichmachung: CORRECTIV.Faktencheck) Gegenüber T-Online sagte Andrea Schwin-Haumesser, Vorstandsmitglied des Bundesverbands der Berufsbetreuer/innen: „Wir haben als Verband ganz klar Stellung bezogen, dass wir eine Zwangsimpfung gegen Corona für nicht notwendig erachten.“ Eingriffe in Grundrechte seien nur dann angezeigt, „wenn der Mensch sich nicht mehr selbst schützen kann und nicht mehr einschätzen kann, was gut und wichtig für ihn ist“. Eine Impfung gegen den Willen der betreuten Person sei nach Ansicht des Bundesverbands jedoch „ganz klar“ davon ausgeschlossen. Weshalb Impfungen gegen den Willen einer betreuten Person selten sind Laut RKI ist eine Impfung insbesondere für ältere Menschen über 60 Jahre empfohlen, da sie ein besonders hohes Risiko für einen schweren Verlauf einer Covid-19-Erkrankung haben. 1,3 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland hatten 2021 eine rechtlich betreuende Person. Fälle wie der von Inna Z. sind jedoch eher selten, denn sie sollte gegen ihren Willen geimpft werden. Ein Sprecher des Bundesjustizministeriums schrieb uns dazu: „Impfungen gegen den erklärten Willen von dementen Personen sind keinesfalls ein alltäglicher Vorgang und werden nicht regelhaft praktiziert.“ Der Grund dafür sei, dass es relativ selten vorkomme, dass ein Betreuer einer Person trotz deren geäußerten Willens überhaupt gegen sie entscheiden darf, auch wenn sie dement ist. Dafür müssen laut Bundesjustizministerium eine ganze Reihe von Bedingungen erfüllt sein, die nur selten zusammenfallen. So muss die betreute Person etwa den Nutzen der Maßnahme entweder nicht erkennen oder nicht danach handeln können. Die Maßnahme darf auch durch keine andere Maßnahme ersetzt werden können, die dieselbe schützende Wirkung auf die Gesundheit hätte, und die Maßnahme darf nur durchgeführt werden, wenn sie dem „Willen der betreuten Person entspricht“. Demnach muss entweder eine Patientenverfügung vorliegen, oder der Betreuer muss dem vermuteten Willen der Person entsprechen. Die Entscheidung des Amtsgerichts bleibt umstritten. Dennoch ist der Fall eines von vielen Beispielen dafür, wie die Impfgegner-Szene Einzelfälle rund um das Thema Corona-Impfungen immer wieder instrumentalisiert, aufbauscht oder irreführend verbreitet. Redigatur: Matthias Bau, Sarah Thust CORRECTIV im Postfach Lesen Sie von Macht und Missbrauch. Aber auch von Menschen und Momenten, die zeigen, dass wir es als Gesellschaft besser können. Täglich im CORRECTIV Spotlight. Vorname (freiwillig) Name (freiwillig) E-Mail-Adresse (erforderlich)(erforderlich) Bewertung: Falscher Kontext Nein, dieses Video zeigt keine „Zwangsimpfungen“ von Kindern in Australien In einem viralen Video wird ein Kind von einem Mann getrennt. Im Internet wird es als angeblicher Beleg verbreitet, dass Kinder in Australien „zwangsgeimpft“ würden. Das… Dieses Video aus Australien wird zehntausendfach im Internet verbreitet, in verschiedenen Ländern (Quelle: Facebook / Screenshot: CORRECTIV.Faktencheck) weiterlesen Faktencheck Corona: Nein, der Deutsche Ärztetag hat keine Zwangsimpfungen für Kinder beschlossen Hat der Deutsche Ärztetag beschlossen, dass die Regierung Kinder gegen den Willen der Eltern impfen lassen soll? Nein. Der Ärztetag hat weder Zwangsimpfungen beschlossen, noch eine… 124. Deutscher Ärztetag weiterlesen Hintergrund Coronavirus-Faktenchecks: Diese Behauptungen hat CORRECTIV geprüft Rund um das neuartige Coronavirus und die damit verbundene Pandemie werden seit Januar 2020 zahlreiche Falschinformationen und Halbwahrheiten verbreitet – vor allem in den Sozialen Netzwerken.… illustration_covid19 weiterlesen Zentrale Essen Huyssenallee 11 45128 Essen Redaktion Berlin Singerstraße 109 10179 Berlin Fax: +49 (0) 30 – 555 780 2 20 Jugendredaktion Salon5 Essener Straße 7 46236 Bottrop Buchladen Essen Akazienallee 10 45127 Essen Online-Shop Kontakt Allgemeine Anfragen: info[at]correctiv.org Presseanfragen: presse[at]correctiv.org Redaktion: hinweise[at]correctiv.org Faktencheck: faktencheck[at]correctiv.org Spenden: unterstuetzen[at]correctiv.org Bewerbungen: siehe Stellenangebote Hinweise geben Hier können Sie uns auf sichere und vertrauliche Weise Hinweise und Dokumente zukommen lassen. Redaktion Ihre Ansprechpartner finden Sie hier. 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Debt could destroy US economy – JP Morgan boss Jamie Dimon calls for the snowballing US debt burden to be addressed before it turns into crisis Debt could destroy US economy – JP Morgan boss Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase. © Global Look Press / Rod Lamkey The US economy is heading towards disaster as the vast national debt continues to mount, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said in an interview with Fox News earlier this week. According to the chief executive of the nation’s largest bank, the situation urgently needs to be tackled by the government before it causes a major economic crisis. “It is a cliff, we see the cliff,” Dimon said. “It’s about 10 years out, we’re going 60 miles an hour [toward it].” The top executive agreed with the view of former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has called the snowballing debt “the most predictable crisis we’ve ever had.” The warnings were issued by Ryan and Dimon during a panel discussion at the Bipartisan Policy Center on Friday. US government federal debt topped $34 trillion for the first time in history at the end of December. It now amounts to about $102,000 for an average American family of three. In 2023 alone, it grew by more than $4 trillion. US total public debt is roughly equivalent to the economies of China, Germany, Japan, India, and the UK combined, as pointed out by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a nonpartisan fiscal policy group in New York. READ MORE: US budget deficit tops half a trillion Earlier this week, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the absolute level of US public debt looks like “a scary number.” “So far, that [the public debt] has been quite manageable,” she said, calling for steps “to make sure that our deficits come down and remain at manageable levels.” The huge amount is comprised of what the federal government owes to creditors, including individuals, such as citizens and foreign investors, as well as states or large funds. Washington continues to borrow money to cover a budget deficit that has been running for more than 20 years.


NATO planning ‘military Schengen’ – The Times Bloc planners have criticized red tape restricting cross-border exchanges of military equipment, the newspaper reported NATO planning ‘military Schengen’ – The Times FILE PHOTO: Soldiers stand in front of a German Army Leopard-2 tank used by the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group (eFP battalion) during Chancellor Scholz's visit to Camp Adrian Rohn. © Michael Kappeler / picture alliance via Getty Images Plans are underway to create a network of “military corridors” across Europe in an effort to bypass complex regulations which currently restrict the exchange of equipment and personnel between NATO nations, The Times reported on Sunday. In November, NATO’s European logistics chief Lieutenant-General Alexander Sollfrank urged countries in the region to establish zones to allow for the rapid movement of troops and ammunition in the event of a major conflict with Russia. The idea has been floated by military leaders for years, The Times noted, saying talks on creating the corridors “are now underway” and the results could be announced before NATO’s next summit in July. The “byzantine tangle of regulations restricting the exchange and transport of military equipment” in the EU has created a “significant headache” for NATO planners, the outlet said. Kremlin responds to NATO’s ‘military Schengen’ plan READ MORE: Kremlin responds to NATO’s ‘military Schengen’ plan ”Cross-border exercises frequently involve dizzying quantities of paperwork that would cost critical time in a military crisis,” it added. In an interview with The Times, Sollfrank said the US-led military bloc members must begin without delay, making efforts to “reduce or adapt the red tape” wherever possible. ”Everyone can start. Just do it. And don’t wait. Because in the end we have no time to waste,” he warned. The logistics chief pointed to the example of paratroopers being prohibited from using parachutes belonging to other member states, even when there is no reason for such a restriction. “Where’s the problem, for example, with a paratrooper from a European nation A using a parachute from a neighboring nation B after having been trained on this system, or attaching equipment from one nation to the helicopter of another nation?” he asked. If there are no “technical or security” issues involved, there should be no impediments, he said. READ MORE: Russia doesn’t want another ‘big war’ – Lavrov However, Lieutenant General Jan-Willem Maas, the chief of Defense Support Command for the Dutch armed forces, told The Times that there was still plenty of preparation needed. “We are not where we should be. That’s clear,” he said. In recent weeks, senior officials in several European nations have been urging their citizens to prepare for a potential military confrontation with Russia. Moscow, however, has repeatedly insisted that it has no interest in waging war against NATO, with Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissing the warnings as “nonsense,” saying Moscow has “no interest” in attacking any bloc members.


https://www.rt.com/russia/591284-switzerland-not-neutral-lavrov/ Switzerland no longer neutral – Moscow The Swiss government has adopted an anti-Russian stance on European security, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said Switzerland no longer neutral – Moscow Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; RIA Novosti Switzerland is no longer a neutral country and pursues an openly anti-Russian national security strategy, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has suggested. Moscow's top diplomat was speaking after meeting in New York with his Swiss counterpart, Ignazio Cassis, who offered to serve as a mediator between Moscow and Kiev. Russia has repeatedly insisted that it remains open to peace talks with Ukraine, as long as its national interests are considered and Kiev acknowledges the “new realities on the ground.” Moscow insists Kiev recognizes the four regions that joined Russia following a series of referendums in 2022. Kiev, however, has been reluctant to engage in peace talks, and President Vladimir Zelensky has even signed a law banning negotiations with Moscow while Vladimir Putin remains president. Speaking at a press conference at the United Nations on Wednesday, Lavrov stated that during his meeting with Cassis, the Swiss Foreign Minister tried to convince him that Switzerland could “as it did in the past, serve as a mediator on any issue.” “I explained to him that a mediator must be neutral,” Lavrov said, pointing to the fact that “Switzerland was previously famous not only for its military neutrality, but also neutrality in a broader sense, which allowed it to successfully host various negotiation processes.” West faces $300bn loss for seizing Russian assets – RIA Read more West faces $300bn loss for seizing Russian assets – RIA However, according to Russia’s top diplomat, the Swiss government has abandoned this neutrality by adopting a national security strategy for the next three to four years that aims to develop European security “not with Russia, but against it.” While not officially a member of any international blocs, such as the EU or NATO, Switzerland has nevertheless joined nearly all of the Western sanctions imposed on Moscow, frozen billions of dollars’ worth of its assets, and actively supported Kiev following the launch of Russia’s offensive in Ukraine in 2022. Commenting on Bern’s proposal to mediate talks, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also stressed that peace initiatives coming from countries that actively aid Ukraine are “manipulative.” “Such pseudo-initiatives and false statements are designed to create the feeling of some kind of activity aimed at peace, while simultaneously, the supply of weapons continues as do the splitting of budgets in search for ways to support the Kiev regime,” she said. Zakharova stressed that if Switzerland wanted its proposals to seem honest, it should “stop sending weapons and inciting conflict” in Ukraine. She stated further that there could be no talk of peace initiatives with those trying to use Kiev to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia.

Comment on LawyerLisa: Siggi na po!

Hi Klaus, could you please explain how vaccinocracy is going to save ecologically the planet? Thank you.

https://theconversation.com/big-pharma-emits-more-greenhouse-gases-than-the-automotive-industry-115285 Edition: Available editions Global Get newsletter Become an author Sign up as a reader Sign in The Conversation Academic rigour, journalistic flair Greenhouse gas emissions from pharmaceutical companies need to be better monitored and regulated. (Shutterstock) Big Pharma emits more greenhouse gases than the automotive industry Published: May 27, 2019 9.51pm BST Updated: May 27, 2019 11.21pm BST Author Lotfi Belkhir Associate Professor & Chair of Eco-Entrepreneurship, McMaster University Disclosure statement Lotfi Belkhir does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Partners McMaster University McMaster University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation CA. McMaster University provides funding as a member of The Conversation CA-FR. View all partners Languages Français English CC BY ND We believe in the free flow of information Republish our articles for free, online or in print, under Creative Commons licence. Email X (Twitter)189 Facebook2k LinkedIn Print Rarely does mention of the pharmaceutical industry conjure up images of smoke stacks, pollution and environmental damage. Yet our recent study found the global pharmaceutical industry is not only a significant contributor to global warming, but it is also dirtier than the global automotive production sector. It was a surprise to find how little attention researchers have paid to the industry’s greenhouse gas emissions. Only two other studies had some relevance: one looked at the environmental impact of the U.S. health-care system and the other at the pollution (mostly water) discharged by drug manufacturers. Our study was the first to assess the carbon footprint of the pharma sector. More polluting More than 200 companies represent the global pharmaceutical market, yet only 25 consistently reported their direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions in the past five years. Of those, only 15 reported their emissions since 2012. One immediate and striking result is that the pharmaceutical sector is far from green. We assessed the sector’s emissions for each one million dollars of revenue in 2015. Larger businesses will always generate more emissions than smaller ones; in order to do a fair comparison, we evaluated emissions intensity. We found it was 48.55 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) per million dollars. That’s about 55 per cent greater than the automotive sector at 31.4 tonnes of CO2e/$M for that same year. We restricted our analysis to the direct emissions generated by the companies’ operations and to the indirect emissions generated by the electricity purchased by these companies from their respective utilities companies. The total global emissions of the pharma sector amounts to about 52 megatonnes of CO2e in 2015, more than the 46.4 megatonnes of CO2e generated by the automotive sector in the same year. The value of the pharma market, however, is smaller than the automotive market. By our calculations, the pharma market is 28 per cent smaller yet 13 per cent more polluting than the automotive sector. Extreme variability We also found emissions intensity varied greatly within the pharmaceutical sector. For example, the emissions intensity of Eli Lilly (77.3 tonnes of CO2e/$M) was 5.5 times greater than Roche (14 tonnes CO2e/$M) in 2015, and Procter & Gamble’s CO2 emissions were five times greater than Johnson & Johnson even though the two companies generated the same level of revenues and sell similar lines of products. Energy use, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning, in the manufacturing facilities of pharmaceutical companies produces large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. (Shutterstock) We found outliers too. The German company Bayer AG reported emissions of 9.7 megatonnes of CO2e and revenues of US$51.4 billion, yielding an emission intensity of 189 tonnes CO2e/$M. This intensity level is more than four times greater than the overall pharmaceutical sector. In trying to explain this incredibly large deviation, we found that Bayer’s revenues derive from pharmaceutical products, medical equipment and agricultural commodities. While Bayer reports its financial revenues separately for each division, it lumps together the emissions from all the divisions. The company also reports and tracks its emission intensity in terms of tonnes of CO2e produced for each tonne of manufactured goods, whether fertilizer or Aspirin, for example. This level of opacity makes it not only impossible to assess the true environmental performance of these kind of companies. It also raises questions about the sincerity of these companies’ strategies and actions in reducing their contribution to climate change. Climate compliance We also estimated how much the pharmaceutical sector would have to reduce its emissions to comply with the reduction targets in the Paris Agreement. We found that by 2025, the overall pharma sector would need to reduce its emissions intensity by about 59 per cent from 2015 levels. While this is clearly a far cry from their current levels, it is interesting to note that some of the 15 largest companies are already operating at that level, namely Amgen Inc., Johnson & Johnson and Roche Holding AG. If those performance levels are achievable by some, why can’t they be achieved by all? Three of the most profitable pharmaceutical companies have some of the lowest greenhouse gas emissions. (Shutterstock) These three leading companies are also the ones with the highest level of profitability and revenue growth in the whole sector. Indeed Roche, Johnson & Johnson and Amgen showed revenue increases of 27.2 per cent, 25.7 per cent and 7.8 per cent respectively between 2012 and 2015, while managing to reduce their emissions by 18.7 per cent, 8.3 per cent and eight per cent respectively. This supports the premise that environmental and financial performance aren’t mutually exclusive. The pharmaceutical industry is responsible for some serious environmental impacts beyond greenhouse gas emissions. For example, the waste water from drug manufacturers in Patancheru, India has left river sediment, ground water and drinking water polluted. Researchers estimated that in a single day, 44 kilograms of ciprofloxacin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, was released — enough to treat everyone in a city of 44,000 inhabitants. Clearly, there is a dire need for more extensive and sustained research as well as more scrutiny of the pharmaceutical industry’s environmental practices and performance. Healing people is no justification for killing the planet. Climate change Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceutical industry Pharmaceutical companies Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) Events More events Jobs Professor in Education Chair of Psychiatry - St. Vincent's Health Communications Campaigner, Energy Transformation Communications, History & Geopolitics Positions in Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies Head of Newsletters and Social Media More jobs Editorial Policies Community standards Republishing guidelines Analytics Our feeds Get newsletter Who we are Our charter Our team Partners and funders Resource for media Contact us ​ ​ ​ Privacy policy Terms and conditions Corrections Copyright © 2010–2024, The Conversation





America’s dominance is over. By 2030, we'll have a handful of global powers

People watch the sun set over New York from a park in Weehawken, New Jersey September 8, 2013.

The sun is setting on the power structures of the twentieth century

Image: REUTERS/Gary Hershorn/Files

Robert Muggah
Co-founder, SecDev Group and Co-founder, Igarapé Institute

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    Watch the Outlook for the United States session here and a Conversation with John Kerry: Diplomacy in an Era of Disruption here.

    The world's political landscape in 2030 will look considerably different to the present one. Nation states will remain the central players. There will be no single hegemonic force but instead a handful of countries – the U.S., Russia, China, Germany, India and Japan chief among them – exhibiting semi-imperial tendencies. Power will be more widely distributed across non-state networks, including regressive ones. And vast conurbations of mega-cities and their peripheries will exert ever greater influence. The post-war order that held since the middle of the twentieth century is coming unstuck. Expect uncertainty and instability ahead.

    Nation states are making a comeback. The largest ones are busily expanding their global reach even as they shore-up their territorial and digital borders. As the onslaught of reactionary politics around the world amply shows, there are no guarantees that these vast territorial dominions and their satellites will become more liberal or democratic. Instead, relentless climate change, migration, terrorism, inequality and rapid technological change are going to ratchet up anxiety, insecurity and, as is already painfully apparent, populism and authoritarianism. While showing cracks, the four-century reign of the nation state will endure for some decades more.

    It was not supposed to be this way. During the 1990s, scholars forecasted the decline and demise of the nation state. Globalization was expected to hasten their irrelevance. With the apparent triumph of liberal democracy, spread of free-market capitalism, and promise of minimal state interference, Francis Fukayama famously predicted the end of history and, by extension, the fading away of anachronistic nation states. A similar claim was made a century earlier: Friedreich Engels predicted the “withering away of the state” in the wake of socialism.

    Elon Musk Condemns U.S. State Dept for Not Lifting a Finger to Secure Gonzalo Lira’s Release: HE HAS NO TIME FOR HIS BUSINESSES ANYMORE, POOR KID


    Elon Musk Condemns U.S. State Dept for Not Lifting a Finger to Secure Gonzalo Lira’s Release

    by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation
    Musk tried to press the Biden regime to secure Lira's release just one month ago but his request went unanswered.
    Image Credit:
    Omar Havana/Getty Images

    X owner Elon Musk condemned the State Department on Friday for not lifting a finger to secure the release of American citizen Gonzalo Lira and leaving him to die in a Ukrainian prison.

    “The Biden administration could have gotten Gonzalo Lira back with a phone call but didn’t lift a finger,” David Sacks, a friend of Musk’s, commented in a thread on X. “Therefore the Ukrainian government knew it could act with impunity. Still, the sheer brazenness to kill an American citizen in custody reveals a thuggish and unmoored regime.”

    “If you want to quibble and argue that Lira wasn’t killed by the Ukrainian government, but rather he was just wrongfully imprisoned (for exercising First Amendment rights), abused and denied vital medical treatment, I don’t see much of a difference,” Sacks continued. “There was a time when even a U.S. enemy, never mind an ally, would have expelled Lira to avoid any risk of an American citizen dying in their prison. No foreign government wanted to risk America’s wrath coming down on their head.”

    He added: “The fact that the Ukrainian government dared to act with such impunity must reveal the shared attitude of the Biden administration. Ie. critics have no rights; justice is weaponized. ‘For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law.’ “

    “This is super messed up!” Elon Musk responded.

    Musk tried to press the Biden regime to secure Lira’s release just one month ago but his request went unanswered.

    The State Department confirmed Lira’s death on Saturday but wouldn’t even say his name.

    From Tass, “US authorities confirm death of reporter Gonzalo Lira in custody in Ukraine”:

    The US Department of State has confirmed the accuracy of data about the death of reporter Gonzalo Lira, a citizen of Chile and the US, in prison in Ukraine.

    “We can confirm the death of a U.S. citizen in Ukraine. We offer our sincerest condolences to the family on their loss,” a representative of the Department of State told a TASS correspondent in response to a request to comment on the information that Lira died in jail.

    “We stand ready to provide all appropriate consular assistance. Out of respect to the family during this difficult time, we have no further comment,” the official added.

    Gonzalo’s father held the State Department, Joe Biden and the Zelensky regime responsible for his son’s death in a statement to the media on Friday.

    “I cannot accept the way my son has died. He was tortured, extorted, incommunicado for 8 months and 11 days and the US Embassy did nothing to help my son,” Gonzalo Lira, Sr. said. “The responsibility of this tragedy is the dictator Zelensky with the concurrence of a senile American President, Joe Biden.”


    Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano