L'Italia ha perso un grande giurista, un grande ingegnere, un grande ministro del lavoro ed adesso sta perdendo un grandissimo ministro degli esteri che invece della politica estera italiana fa il rappresentante di commercio: se sa vendere, lasci perdere la politica - non fa per lui, e' buono solo a fare danni megagalattici


Expo opportunity for Italian businesses, Di Maio in Dubai

Collab on startups a winning strategy, 12,000 Italian firms

26 April, 15:52

ROME - Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, who met on Sunday with his Emirati counterpart in Abu Dhabi, sheik Abdallah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, said he discussed with the minister "new opportunities we will have during this year through our Italian and Emirati companies, also thanks to the Expo of Dubai that will allow many countries to share their technologies and their culture and put together their objectives for the next 20 years".

"This morning - the minister said Monday from Dubai - I took part in a meeting with startups that, thanks to investments of the foreign ministry and ICE, today have the opportunity of seeing their innovative idea funded by the Innovation center of Dubai" and see it "also affirmed in foreign markets".

"Over the last two years, the Global Start-up Program launched by ICE has been an important element of collaboration between Italy and the United Arab Emirates. I personally promoted the Memorandum of agreement that permitted to launch this program. I am convinced that the attention to innovation, together with entrepreneurial intuition, are a winning strategy", stressed Di Maio, intervening in the Dubai Future Foundation, during his visit to the Emirates where he will also inaugurate the Italian pavilion of the Dubai Expo.

"The last report of ICE on Italian innovative startups presents very promising numbers in this sense. And I see with great satisfaction that an important component of start-uppers here is Italian. There are nearly 12,000, with an overall nominal capital exceeding 700 million euros. We have startups active in many and different sectors: services to companies, manufacturing trade", added the minister. He highlighted the "important presence of women and youths" with 42.6% including at least a businesswoman and 19% mainly managed by young entrepreneurs.

"The presence of foreign entrepreneurs is also on the rise, proving that a market of startups is increasingly integrated. I believe it is fundamental, in this sense, to favor international cooperation. We must create occasions of reciprocal exchange, especially with dynamic countries like the Emirates", also highlighted Di Maio. He said that he is "certain that our national incubators will be happy to welcome Emirati startups".

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Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano

ZZZ, 04.07.2020 C.A. deputato Luigi di Maio sia nella sua funzione di deputato sia nella sua funzione di ministro degli esteri ...