Why are there rumors about Bill Gates being a Freemason?
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I've studied Nazi history, and I still agree with Hellboy.Author has 12.3K answers and 17M answer views5y
There are rumours about Bill Gates being a Freemason because he is rich and famous. Whenever a person is successful, jealous people look for some reason why he is successful and they are not. Obviously, the successful one cannot be clever, hard working or just luckier than them. Obviously they must cheated and had help from The People Who Secretly Rule The World.
The People Who Secretly Rule The World have many names: Freemasonry, Illuminati, Jews, Lizard People, Mainstream Media, Shambala, WHO, etc.
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Lives in AmentiAuthor has 1.1K answers and 1.3M answer viewsUpdated 3y
bill gates is a jesuit illuminati member, as is warren ‘bilderberg’ buffet.
gates’ daddy was a member of cold springs harbor Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Wikipedia
, the eugenicist facility in America
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