Dutch Minister of Health Acknowledges that The Pandemic Policy is a Military Operation. “The Ministry of Health Obeys NATO and NCTV”

Dutch Minister of Health Acknowledges that The Pandemic Policy is a Military Operation. “The Ministry of Health Obeys NATO and NCTV”

New Dutch health minister admits: “We must follow NATO, US and NCTV orders; Covid is a military operation”

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Dutch Health Minister Fleur Agema has acknowledged in parliament that the Dutch pandemic policy is taking place “under the direction of National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) and Defense” and must comply with “NATO obligations”. In doing so, she confirmed what researchers such as Cees van den Bos previously revealed on the basis of Wob documents: the corona policy was a “coup d’état” by the NCTV. Family doctor Els van Veen says she finally understands what happened to her, and other critical doctors, during the corona crisis: “It was a military operation, the Minister of Health obeys NATO and NCTV”.

On Thursday 24 October, Fleur Agema had a first: she was the very first health minister in parliamentary history to explain her actions by “NATO obligations.” And not once, but six times, as Member of Parliament Pepijn van Houwelingen (FVD) did. A three-minute video, in which Agema tells the Chamber that pandemic preparedness is related to treaty obligations and that the intelligence service NCTV is in charge, went viral on X. Van Houwelingen immediately promised to answer Chamber questions.

Agema made her remarks during a debate on “resilience.” She said the Netherlands must be prepared for any kind of disaster, such as “hybrid threats, military threats, natural disasters or a new pandemic.” A “substantial strengthening” of the country’s resilience is needed, she said, adding:

“Under the direction of the NCTV and the Ministry of Defense, we will come up with a plan of action in the spring.”

She said shortly after taking over as minister that she had been briefed on resilience and the Nato commitments:

“Since that briefing, I have been with my ministry taking stock of what we need to meet those Nato commitments. We are doing that under the leadership of the NCTV. A number of ministries are involved in this. I have asked if there is an overlap between pandemic preparedness and resilience of care and there is. She added: “You want to have the same tools as we would have had in relation to the corona crisis.”

One of the first to comment on Agema’s appearance on X was Woo researcher Cees van den Bos. Under the heading “the coup d’etat,” he characterized the NCTV as a “bamiluk” of NATO:

“This country will only be free if the NCTV is completely abolished and these kinds of shadow governments never get a foothold again. This is the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of a democracy,” he said.

He added that there is no control over the NCTV:

“The NCTV has carte blanche, as has been shown during corona.”

According to Van den Bos, people who think corona is over (“let’s stop talking about it”) are waiting for another hard “reality check.” He thanked Agema for her “candor.”

Van den Bos previously pointed out – also in this newspaper – that the NCTV was in charge during the coronavirus crisis, in the person of Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg, who had succeeded Dick Schoof as NCTV boss in early 2019. At the end of 2022, Van den Bos accused the NCTV of having committed a “coup d’etat.” The crisis management was almost everywhere in the hands of the military and intelligence services, and in our country it rested with the NCTV. In addition to the day-to-day management of the crisis organization, the NCTV even counted it as its task to coordinate the parliamentary process (“timing and mutual congruence”). The intelligence service set up a separate team for this, according to a report from mid-March 2020. Commenting on the parliamentary vote, it said: “Ambition and agreement are not surprising.” It was likely intended to prevent unexpected motions or amendments to new legislation.

In early 2023, journalist Elze van den Hamelen described NATO’s role in this newspaper, based on investigative work by Van den Bos: “The documents show that since at least 2019, more than a year before the coronavirus pandemic, the government has set up a large organization to “combat disinformation.” The initiative for this came from NATO and the EU, Van den Bos shows:

“It was a military operation aimed at its own population. Not to turn people off, but to influence their behavior.”

During the coronavirus pandemic, NATO set the guidelines for the covid response and coordinated the “Stratcom” (strategic communications). “The guidelines were circulated through the member states’ foreign ministers.” Does this explain why Sweden, which only joined NATO this year, was the only country in Europe to adopt a more lenient policy during the coronavirus crisis?

Earlier, the leader of Verheid, Willem Engel, had made similar revelations. At his trial in Rotterdam on 22 November 2022, in which he was accused of “sedition,” Engel gave an extensive speech in which he showed how the government has worked to combat critics of the coronavirus policy. According to him, this involved agencies from four ministries: NCTV (Justice), AIVD (Interior), MIVD (Defense) and PCD19 (VWS).

“They formed a crisis team that worked together with other government agencies, such as the OM, mayors, and the judiciary, and with the media,” he reported in De Ander Krant on 27 November 2022. “They are using a military method that amounts to mapping, suppressing and disrupting.”

Critics from the medical world have meanwhile reacted sharply to Agema’s revelation, including medical ethicist Wendy Mittemeijer:

“For the first time in four years, I hear a public admission that the NCTV was in charge during the corona crisis, and that it had to be carried out. It was a military operation. This was not allowed to be said for four years. That was a conspiracy theory. I appreciate the honesty of the minister, that this is being admitted and that he was not in charge.

General physician Els van Veen experienced the policy to heart: “Almost five years after the beginning of corona, I understand much better what happened,” she reported on October 27th. After this video and this explanation, I actually understand everything. Hence the censorship of critics and especially critical doctors. Hence, the police visit in 2021, ostensibly because of a tweet about tick boxes. Hence letters and an investigation by the Inspectorate, based on anonymous and unfounded reports that I was spreading disinformation. Hence that the government and VWS do not want to release the WOB documents, that they have been black-painted, that minutes of the OMT are guarded as if they were state secrets. The NCTV governs this country, but it does so with a closed eye.”

What she saw several times in the Museumplein, according to her, also fit a military operation: ‘That demonstration was banned, that innocent civilians were crushed by the ME, that police dogs were bitten, that water cannons were used. We were mistreated by the police, by the judiciary and so, I understand now, with the approval of the NCTV and Mr. Aalbersberg. It was a military operation.’

Her post generated some 225,000 views and numerous reactions within two days, including a comment from Stefan Homburg, emeritus professor of public finance at Leibniz Universität Hannover and one of Germany’s leading coronavirus critics. Last July, he spoke, along with journalist Aya Velázquez, at the press conference in Berlin where the leaked data set of the meeting minutes of Germany’s Covid Crisis Team (the “RKI protocols’ named after the Robert Koch Institute, which is similar to our RIVM) was presented. Homburg argues that Van Veen’s post “perfectly matches the German experience: As we discovered in the leaked #RKIFiles, a NATO general (Holtherm) was in command of the so-called “pandemic.”

The news of Agema also fits in with what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has repeatedly stated about the production of the coronavirus vaccines in the US. According to him, this was a military operation, with close involvement of the US Department of Defense (DOD) and the military-industrial complex. Defense, according to him, was in full charge and paid pharmaceutical companies for their brand names, so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer or Moderna.


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The minister openly stated that both Covid and the current “pandemic preparedness’ is a military operation that has nothing to do with healthcare in the traditional sense of the word: “Covid policy is a child of NCTV and NATO.

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