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An international online petition calling for an investigation into a US military laboratory and the possible origin of Covid-19 was hacked at the weekend. The hackers were reportedly based in the US.

Fort Detrick in Maryland is the center of American biowarfare research. It is just one of the hundreds of such infectious disease laboratories located across the United States. During the Cold War, Fort Detrick was the main site for experimenting with lethal pathogens, including viruses causing deadly influenza.

In 2001, when a disgruntled researcher is believed to have killed five people by mailing deadly anthrax spores it was Fort Detrick that was the origin of the lethal material. 

However, the network of secretive US biowarfare laboratories is also infamous for safety violations and accidents. In August 2019, Fort Detrick was shut down abruptly for several months when its wastewater decontamination process failed. 

It is not unreasonable to call for an investigation into the practices and records at the Maryland center to ascertain if it had any connection to the Covid-19 pandemic which has so far killed over four million people worldwide and more than 600,000 in the United States alone.

Of course, American politicians and media dismiss the appeal as “disinformation” put out by Russia and China. Americans have accused China of being the origin of the pandemic after the first cases of Covid-19 were detected in the city of Wuhan at the end of 2019. More sinisterly, the Wuhan virology institute has been fingered as the source of the virus even though an international survey by the World Health Organization concluded such a release was “extremely unlikely”. 

Scientific consensus contends that the virus evolved naturally and was most likely transmitted to humans from animals. 

US President Joe Biden has given credibility to the conspiracy theory unleashed by his predecessor Donald Trump that the Wuhan laboratory was the origin of the Covid-19 virus. Biden has tasked his intelligence agencies to look into the claims. They are due to report back on their findings next month. Washington berates China for not being transparent about its laboratory and is demanding that Beijing open up its facility for inspection. The Americans claim China was not fully open with WHO investigators who cleared the lab as not being the origin of the virus. 

But two can play that game. If the Americans accuse China and demand an investigation into secret laboratories then why can’t China level the same at the US?

It is still not known where the Covid-19 pandemic originated. It may take years to determine that. But what is certainly hindering an answer is the politicization of the disease. Washington is using it to smear China while hypocritically suppressing any questions about its own conduct.© AP Photo / Andrew Harnik

FILE - In this March 19, 2020, file photo laboratory scientist Andrea Luquette cultures coronavirus to prepare for testing at U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., where scientists are working to help develop solutions to prevent, detect and treat the coronavirus

The early cases of Covid-19 were detected in Wuhan. But who is to say that cases may have existed elsewhere but were simply not detected and reported in other countries? The US had an unprecedented surge in influenza deaths in 2019 before the Wuhan cases. Were some of these misdiagnosed as flu instead of Covid-19?

Fort Detrick has a notorious history of safety failures. It works on a wide range of biowarfare pathogens with little public oversight. And it was shut down in mid-2019 for reasons that are not clear to the public. 

It is therefore reasonable for China to demand a probe into the American facility. This is not just a matter of “counter-propaganda” to turn the tables over American speculation about the Wuhan institute. There are empirical grounds for suspecting Fort Detrick as possibly having a role in the origin of the pandemic. 

An online petition was started in China earlier this month demanding the WHO launch an investigation into Fort Detrick. It had gathered over 10 million signatures when the online site was hacked into at the weekend. Apparently, the petition was defended by its cybersecurity system and continues to operate. 

According to Chinese reports the hackers were identified as having computer server addresses located in the US. If that is confirmed then the suspicions around the murky practices of Fort Detrick become more acute. It looks like the Americans are afraid to permit a probe into the site, even though they make high-handed accusations and demands on China over tenuous claims about Wuhan. 


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  • avatar
    Rita Lamar
    Ah, the monsters...
  • avatar
    Thrillbillin reply toRita Lamar(Show comment)
    Rita Lamar, The Chinese? I know.
  • avatar
    "It is therefore reasonable for China to demand a probe into the American facility." ------This is not really unreasonable ... if any country makes an accusation against another country, that country should be open to an investigation also. ------ It is a well known fact that one is often guilty of that which they are accusing another. ------
  • avatar
    vot tak
    Excellent commentary.
  • avatar
    The Native Americans will confirm US dastardly deeds, as will scores of other countries.
  • avatar
    The US solution to anyone asking questions is to label them "Communists", "Putin shills", "Kremlin stooges" and coming soon "January 6 Insurrectionists". Any slander will do to justify hiding their crimes.
  • AndyS
    The link to "petition" is not the petition but a Global Times article. What is the link to the petition itself? I have searched for it and can't find it.
  • 100janoff
    All roads lead to Detrick in the world of biological toxins designed to exterminate people. See Litvinenko Polonium 210 found in a landfill at Detrick or Poisoning there with Novichok and possibly AIDS & SARS don’t forget the 2015 Anthrax attacks were tracked there. Do we need an investigation. Nothing to see here, move on.
  • avatar
    Rosemary Hart
    Dr David Martin has made a dossier available which details his 20 year investigation of this matter, and clearly identifies that the spike protein modification which is doing the damage, was patented in the USA in 2002... USA and China are in cahoots with this and are simply playing games at the surface level to keep the population divided and confused.. Blaming each other when they are both culpable.
  • What, me worryin reply toThrillbill(Show comment)
    Thrillbill, No, it's the usual Kunts!
  • avatar
    Quite right as ever, Mr Cunningham. What's sauce for the goose must be sauce for the gander. Otherwise, the gander is a complete hypocrite (nothing new).
  • menteriin reply toThrillbill(Show comment)
    Thrillbill, the chinese bombed for oils?
  • avatar
    i'd look at fort detrik and the university of north caroina. plus the vaping deaths in 2019.
  • avatar
    George Webb broke this story over a year ago - then had his YouTube channel cancelled.
  • avatar
    Of course

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