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The development comes as the World Health Organisation and the Biden administration separately conduct probes into the origins of the infectious disease, which according to John Hopkins University has killed 4.1 million worldwide.

Europe may have been hit with the coronavirus earlier than China, suggests a new study conducted by Italian scientists. According to their results, the coronavirus may have been circulating in Italy as early as October 2019, two months before Beijing alerted the world about the pneumonia cases caused by an unknown disease.

The researchers retested individuals' blood samples for lung cancer before the pandemic. Three samples were found to contain the coronavirus-linked antibody, IgM, indicating that a person was recently infected.

"The results of this retesting suggest that what we previously reported in asymptomatic patients is a plausible signal of early circulation of the virus in Italy", Giovanni Apolone, one of the researchers, told the Financial Times.

Yet, the results do not provide conclusive proof of SARS-CoV-2 infections. According to the study, none of the samples contained sufficient levels of each of the three types of antibodies that Erasmus University in the Netherlands, a WHO-affiliated facility, considers proof of infection. One of the scientists involved in the study, Gabriella Sozzi, says this may be the case because at the beginning of the pandemic the virus was less aggressive and contagious.

The study did not address the question of the origins of the coronavirus, but its findings are likely to start a debate on the issue. The first known cases of COVID-19 were reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December of 2019, with Europe reporting its first case in January 2020. However, later studies suggested that the infectious disease could have appeared on the continent as early as November 2019.

Italy, pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus
  • Némesis
    Stop spreading bullshit, SARS-CoV2 was much probably an affair between some well known american criminals and an obliging chinese laboratory...
  • avatar
    bullwinklein reply toNonyank(Show comment)
    Nonyank, I have been saying it was released by agents of Soros and the CIA and the Democratic party leaders. It is totally in line with what Soros has been preaching for years. China is just a very convenient scapegoat.
  • karlo marxin reply toNémesis(Show comment)
    Némesis, oh!you mean the chinese lab on fort detrick !
  • avatar
    vot tak
    We're getting there. :-D
  • Némesisin reply tokarlo marx(Show comment)
    karlo marx, just search in the web to find out WHAT kind of researches were being done in the wuhan lab until 2019, WHO was funding them and WHICH other foreign labs collaborated with the chinese (even wikipedia could probably help)...
  • Barros
    Only US is "blind".
  • avatar
    So the US take covid to Italy sounds about right Spanish flu came from the US
  • Tom Onein reply toCountTo5Manual(Show comment)
    CountTo5Manual, I’m pretty certain the virus came from the Chinese lab. Workers became sick, went to local hospital and, well the rest is history. The sad part is that most Governments haven’t a clue how to handle Covid. In the main they’ve take the high handed approach (certainly in the West) and tried to dictate to a liberal West society. Most have failed. Now many try to control their population with passports, which won’t work or be tolerated by their public. Covid need to run in the West to herd immunity. 3rd world country’s I’m afraid and on their own.
  • Peejay
    My wife and I contracted SARS-CoV2 on the 20th December 2019 ina pizzeria in Tenerife, and Covid-19 5 days later. We spent 3 days in bed with more or less constant coughing and slight fevers. I suspect that one or more Italians had brought some with them to the island. We had anyti-body tests in May this year. I am still positive (only just at 1.2), and my wife is now negative. This "positove" and "negative" if of course humbug. If the human body has been exposed to a virus, then it knows how to make the required anti-bodies, and more improtantly T-cells if it ever sees the virus again.
  • Peejay
    My wife and I contracted SARS-CoV2 on the 20th December 2019 ina pizzeria in Tenerife, and Covid-19 5 days later. We spent 3 days in bed with more or less constant coughing and slight fevers. I suspect that one or more Italians had brought some with them to the island. We had anyti-body tests in May this year. I am still positive (only just at 1.2), and my wife is now negative. This "positove" and "negative" if of course humbug. If the human body has been exposed to a virus, then it knows how to make the required anti-bodies, and more improtantly T-cells if it ever sees the virus again.
  • avatar
    frank false flag
    I predict that Giovanni Apolone will wake up one morning soon with a severed horse's head in his bed.
  • avatar
    frank false flagin reply toTom One(Show comment)
    Tom One, what sources besides the MSM do you have for the sick Wuhan lab workers? And the anti-Chinese propagandists? Both of whose information is fed to them by the CIA
  • CountTo5Manualin reply toTom One(Show comment)
    Tom OneTom, don't take it wrong but from our position of observers to say -I am sure- one must at least read and speak mandarin and have access to Chinese social sites or must know personally people involved in the matter because their language is very different and sentences could really have various meanings, so all information about what happened in China we acces from media is processed or even alerted and we choose what we want to believe according our preferences majority concernig China we access in English media is processed or explained from western point of view and not from Chinese point of views..See for example recent speech of Xi Jinping during their hundred years of anniversary, all Western media ( even Sputnik sadly ) translated his speech in the way as we all know, me also belevied it, but in fact president Xi said completely different words. Even I was there in the past and learned mandarin still I had to ask my Asian friends what really he said. Yes, agree with you, majority of governments failed to contain virus, but I think it happened because in very early time of pandemic majority followed US and UK approaches which proved to be totally wrong, in UK now they want to learn to live with the virus, which basically mean controlled suicide, at least they learned in situations like global pandemic there is no time for to play chess and nations must be united and act swiftly and they did not as many listened to Trump that's why Chinese are mostly covid free now and their economy is booming and they can safely vaccinate, not as in the rest of the world vaccinating in the middle of the pandemic when virus is around. Chinese expected from the rest of the world same actions like they did when they discovered the virus. That's right concerning the covid passports, they imagine now they can control people and virus when is proper transparent they totally failed, they do it because their economies are near to collapse and they are desperate, in want of all sheeps back at work and traveling, buying and selling and spending but by this pandemic will not only continue but even accelerate, will create chaos and social tensions evnn during this year. Situation is bad, is unstoppable now even with vaccines ( they all vaccinate at wrong time ) .
  • avatar
    frank false flag
    We are headed blindly to the ne plus ultra of the conspiracy theories. The theory that every nation on Earth would like to see the global population back to 2 billion as long as their individual nation wasn't a big loser. Capitalism's goose is cooked and the surviving nations will gladly submit to socialism to handle the future. A future much better off with 6 billion less humans
  • CountTo5Manualin reply tofrank false flag(Show comment)
    frank false flag, happy days will come again..
  • avatar
    frank false flagin reply toCountTo5Manual(Show comment)
    CountTo5Manual, on Mars
  • JamieBrooks
    These are 2 pay checks $78367 and $87367. that i received in last 2 months. I am very happy that i can make thousands in my part time and now i am enjoying my life. Everybody can do this and earn lots of dollars from home in very short time period. Just visit this website now_____________________gg.gg/JOBSOFFER
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    frank false flagin reply toJamieBrooks(Show comment)
    JamieBrooks, you're so full of shit, I can smell you on my lap top
  • TruePatriot
    So actual "covid infections" require "...sufficient levels of each of the three types of antibodies..."? Really? How about re-running all the sample of those infected and allegedly dead from covid using this criteria? Will it be the 16% of all reported covid cases were actuall covid, or will it be even less? The scamdemicists have utterly failed. End the tyranny.
  • TruePatriotin reply toNémesis(Show comment)
    Némesis, hmm,. let's see. Fraudci and Daszak come easily to mind and have already been thoroughly implicated via documentation.

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