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Chinese Media Warns US Would Face ‘Absolute Nightmare’ in Conflict With China, Russia

Министерство обороны РФ
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently characterized Moscow’s relations with Beijing as “the best in their entire history,” with the Chinese Foreign Ministry announcing last month that the two countries enjoy a “comprehensive partnership” and would “support each other in matters of protecting state sovereignty.”

China’s ruling Communist Party-aligned Global Times newspaper has published a pair of editorials warning the US and its allies not to provoke aggression against Moscow and Beijing, and suggesting that the two nations are now significantly stronger than the old Eastern Bloc.

“The combined power of China and Russia is far greater than that of the former Soviet Union-Eastern Europe bloc. The economic, scientific and military strength of China and Russia is not only huge in scale, but also has wider implications for the whole world. If anyone tries to ride roughshod over this fact and pushes China and Russia to join forces in a desperate fight, that must be its nightmare,” the first of the editorials, published 5 May, reads.

Warning Washington that its “strategic game with fire” would fail, the newspaper stressed that Moscow and China carry themselves in a “strategically restrained” manner and “are committed to upholding” the United Nations Charter and an “international order based on international law.”

The article goes on to suggest that the reason US elites have sought to isolate China and Russia and exclude them from a new Western-dominated international system is because they “have either recognized or anticipated the aging and declining competitiveness of the American and Western way of governance,” and seek to simply jettison potential competitors.

President Joe Biden addresses a joint session of Congress, with Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on the dais behind him, in Washington, U.S., April 28, 2021.
President Joe Biden addresses a joint session of Congress, with Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on the dais behind him, in Washington, U.S., April 28, 2021.
The newspaper emphasized that while Russia and China have resisted the creation of a formal military alliance, “the more the Western countries strengthen their antagonistic alliance” against them, the more they “will be inclined to jointly deal with it. This is the basic rule of politics.”

The second editorial, published 6 May, focused on the communique issued by the G7’s foreign ministers after their London meeting, suggesting that “among various topics of no substance, China and Russia were the real focus” of the talks.

Admitting that the United States continues to be the world’s single most powerful country “in terms of comprehensive strength” and ability to force countries to bend to its will, Global Times argues that Washington’s “problem” is that it is “too greedy,” with its desire for total hegemony outstripping its actual capabilities and causing an “unprecedented sense of crisis and confusion.”

The editorial suggests that Washington’s attempts to rally allies to confront both Russia and China simultaneously fail because “doing that is almost equivalent to strategic suicide,” and that unlike the attempt at greater Western unity, comparable to “the last few drops of water in a sponge,” Russian-Chinese cooperation is a “sponge” that “has just been fully soaked with water.”

“China and Russia could make more diplomatic coordination in opposing hegemony and take counteractions against US attempts to strengthen alliances. The two can also tap the huge potential for economic complementarity. In addition, the two countries have just begun in moving closer to each other militarily, if necessary, there could be a lot of cooperation that can cause shocks,” the editorial stresses.

Offering advice to leaders in Moscow and Beijing, the newspaper argues that “as long as China and Russia don’t make mistakes, do their own things well, reinforce comprehensive strategic coordination with each other and continuously deepen integration with the world,” the US will be unable to realize its ambition of “replicating” its victory in the Cold War.
Russia's President Vladimir Putin and China's President Xi Jinping walk after the family photo of leaders of the BRICS emerging economies at the Itamaraty palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019
© AP Photo / Eraldo Peres
Russia's President Vladimir Putin and China's President Xi Jinping walk after the family photo of leaders of the BRICS emerging economies at the Itamaraty palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019

The pair of editorials comes amid the continued cementing of Russia-China ties, demonstrated last month as Beijing expressed a commitment to further boost cooperation with their Russian counterparts as Washington and its allies ramped up its sanctions war against them. Washington slapped major new restrictions on Russia last month amid fresh unsubstantiated claims of election meddling and hacking, and the US and its allies hit China with sanctions earlier this year over the alleged “genocide” in Xinjiang. Beijing denounced the “genocide” claims and pointed to the unsavory moments in many Western nations’ own history against aboriginals, African slaves, and others.

Former President Donald Trump, who promised during the 2016 campaign to try to improve relations with Moscow but got bogged down in Russiagate claims for almost the entirety of his presidency, recently attacked the Biden administration for pushing Russia and China into one another’s arms by continually antagonizing both countries, suggesting that “the worst thing you could do is put China and Russia together, and they are together.”
Russian-Chinese long-range CR929 aircraft
© Sputnik / Михаил Воскресенский
Russian-Chinese long-range CR929 aircraft

Trump added that he suspected that Washington may be deliberately exacerbating the conflicts in Ukraine and Taiwan, saying neither issue was ever a big problem when he was president.

In March, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the US would need to be able to act against China “from a position of strength,” and urged US allies to close ranks to deal with the “challenges” posed by both China and Russia.


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  • avatar
    IT is already for 100 years time that the sickness Strange USA should gong to Go away from our Planet.
  • karlo marxin reply toNevi'im(Show comment)
    Nevi'im, hey genius,you do know murcuh is as capitalist as it gets right?,and that China is still,as Russia was, a socialist political economy?,and murcuh was never intended to be a democracy,how can a country,whom was born from the wholesale slaughter of the first nations,and built upon the back of murderous slavery,ever be so arrogant as to think other countries buy the bullshit the imperialist marauder has pushed as fact,fact is,murcuh,through much luck and connivance found its self in the top ranking due to the destruction wrought by their brothers,the nazi.but murcuhns,like yourself,who are either stupid or willfully ignorant,fail to understand that you can't get ahead by just throwing your weight around,very soon that weight becomes a pair of concrete combat boots that only drown you,same goes for your zionist fascist fu<k buddies
  • avatar
    And Africa will never support any war waged against China or Russia by the West and its allies. It will mean supporting the status quo that has brought poverty and destruction to many parts of Africa.
  • avatar
    taking on the us/nato would be the end of the world. it is not winable, 7500 nukes says it is just a dream. wars will be fought in ecomomics. the world is moving away from oil, some nations will be a fragment of themselves soon from no fore thought.
  • Real Steel Smithin reply toWesternfail(Show comment)
    Westernfail, For someone who “lives” in the USA, your American Grammar and punctuation differs from Traditional American Slang/Jargon... Lolol.
  • Ascot7
    Yes it is true, West have no chance, and according to Revelations in the Bible, the King of the north, Putin etc, defeats the king of the south and west, American allies are the English speaking Country's. and Europe. China will take out the southern Hemisphere. Easily. The whole show is a conspiracy to make money. western Australia, send iron ore to china, Queensland sends Metallurgical coal, china is building at the moment as i type, aircraft Carriers, Tanks, Missiles,Lasers ships, nuclear warheads, to fire back at Australia and NZ in the next confrontation, WW 3. From our iron ore, and the wa premier doesnt care, or Morrison and his lackey, Albanese.
  • avatar
    The various US allies long realized that the US wants to sacrifice them to fight the war for US supremacy to minimize damage to the US homeland and to have the allies pay for such a war at their cost and destruction. And as expected, they have no interest in destroying their countries and economies for US hubris.
  • avatar
    The fact that Biden wants to commemorate the US loss on 9/11 with the pull out from Afghanistan - another loss! - says all about the US current state of affairs.
  • Senormegapeloin reply toWesternfail(Show comment)
    Westernfail, they've got this new invention called 'airports'. I Googled it for you. You just put your butt on something called an 'airplane' I think it was. Then you can leave the US behind. I'll be the guy waving from the ground as you leave. Try Wuhan. It's perfect for you...
  • Senormegapelo
    Well China should have been more forthcoming when it came to discovering the root of the virus problem. When it comes to a disease of this nature, playing 'you can't come in' or 'you can't have access to that' (and now claims that gov. scientists re-engineered samples to cover tracks) just doesn't cut it. And Russia has a few too many bodies popping up on places like London streets due to mysterious 'hit & runs'. Esp. after some door-to-door perfume salesmen visited a quaint English town; guys who have no history pre-1995 or so. And tracing back ransomware to Moscow... not cool. I'm the first to admit America's got faults. We need to get back to our Constitutional roots. Stop using the dollar as a weapon. But man, IF the virus IS traced back to China... Let the games begin, kids. The folks running the CCP have to be sent to Hell, one radioactive cell at a time...
  • Senormegapeloin reply toZuki(Show comment)
    Zuki, there's little reason to attack Russia. They have continued their folly of wasting resources and doing anything for a bribe. Now if only the Chinese citizens could be shaken from the brainwashing of their lying leaders. The Chinese unleashed a nightmare on the planet thanks to shoddy procedures. If the citizens don't wake up and smell the coffee, oh well... they can go down with the ship, too. Maybe the S. China Sea conflict will bring it on. Let's hope so.
  • clevelandswabbie
    thanks for running this article...
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  • menteriin reply tosiljvn9(Show comment)
  • menteriin reply tosiljvn9(Show comment)
    siljvn9, but it better then 5 years ago, same thing could be said of usa and its allies
  • menteriin reply tokidacom(Show comment)
    kidacom, that will not happen because american are way way afraid of nuke state eg north korea or even iran
  • menteriin reply toSenormegapelo(Show comment)
    Senormegapelo, ho ho ho you think russian is idiot eh?
  • menteriin reply toSenormegapelo(Show comment)
    Senormegapelo, yeah we heard about WMD yellow cakes, what else usa fake news that is believable except for low IQ americans
  • Martian
    Amen! Alow me to say 'Absolute Nightmare' will be only the first name!
  • avatar
    US attack on China or Russia will make American nightmare a reality as China CAN bring the war to American soil with devastating result. Compare to other countries that has been attacked and invaded by US previously, non of them is capable of doing so.

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