War in the Philippines is imminent, maybe a few days away. Marcos will be treated like Zelensky.


23 May, 2024 18:01

HomeWorld News

Taiwan puts military on high alert

Taipei has scrambled jets after China launched war games to punish the self-governing island for alleged “separatist acts”

Taiwan puts military on high alert

China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theater Command launches exercises around Taiwan on Thursday. ©  PLA/Handout/Anadolu via Getty Images

Taiwan has scrambled fighter jets and put its naval and ground forces on high alert in response to Chinese military exercises that were billed as punishing the self-governing island for “separatist acts” following Monday’s inauguration of an anti-Beijing president.

“We seek no conflicts, but we will not shy away from one to ensure our nation’s safety and protect our beautiful homeland,” the Taiwanese Defense Ministry said in a statement on Thursday. The ministry condemned China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) for launching two days of war games around Taiwan, a move it called an “irrational provocation.”

The latest row between Beijing and its breakaway province comes three days after newly elected President Lai Ching-te called, in his inauguration speech, for China to cease its “political and military intimidation against Taiwan.” Chinese officials have branded Lai a “dangerous separatist” and have vowed to reunify with the island – by force, if necessary.

Japan reacts to Chinese threat over Taiwan

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Japan reacts to Chinese threat over Taiwan

The PLA’s Eastern Theater Command said its latest exercises around Taiwan were meant to test the capabilities of its units. “This is also a powerful punishment for the separatist forces seeking independence, and a serious warning to external forces for interference and provocation,” the command added in a statement.

A map released by the PLA showed five areas where the so-called “Joint Sword-2024A” drills are being held. Those points surround Taiwan’s main island, as well as some outlying islands. The Taiwanese Defense Ministry said 49 PLA aircraft were seen operating in the region as of Thursday morning, including 35 that crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait into Taipei’s Air Defense Identification Zone.

“We have the capacity and confidence to ensure our security and defend our sovereignty,” the ministry said. “At the same time, we call for the international community to condemn” the PLA’s exercises. “This pretext for conducting military exercises not only does not contribute to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, but also shows [Beijing’s] hegemonic nature at heart.”

Lai visited a marine base in Taoyuan, south of Taipei, on Thursday. “Facing eternal challenges and threats, we will continue to maintain the values of freedom and democracy,” he told sailors and defense officials.

READ MORE: Beijing warns Washington against crossing ‘red lines’

US Marine Corps Lieutenant General Stephen Sklenka, deputy commander of Washington’s Indo-Pacific forces, said China has been practicing maneuvers that could be employed against Taiwan since at least last year. “The PLA continues to exercise critical elements of a potential military invasion of Taiwan,” he said in a speech at Australia’s National Press Club in Canberra. He called for Australia and other nations in the region to condemn such behavior.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said the latest drills, which he called a crackdown on separatist forces, were a “necessary and legitimate move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” He added, “Anyone seeking Taiwanese independence will find themselves crushed by the historic trend of China’s complete reunification.” The spokesman also urged the US to “stop meddling in China’s internal affairs.”

In the mirror room all mirrors are chinese or russian. Fight fire with fire. At least now we know who tries to assassinate systematically opposition. It is an ancient Nazi custom.

 Political assassination is an ancient custom, but the Nazis have elevated it to an art: the art of Nazi Government.

So it wasn’t NATO. But what is the difference between EU and NATO? What is the difference between Stoltenberg and VdL?

Grazie per aver letto Cato’s Newsletter! Iscriviti gratuitamente per ricevere nuovi post e per supportare il mio lavoro.

The elites created parliamentary democracy in response to their defeats in WWI and WWII. It was a fake democracy. It is more than ever a fake democracy. At least they managed to do away monarchy from Europe, certainly a plus for most of the peones. Then like now, their real motivations of course may have been not so honorable. But the requirement is only that the real motivations look honorable, not that they ARE honorable.

Chimerica is at war with America. America is at war with itself. The autoimmune diseases of american politics attack Americas internal constitutional organs in order to usher in a new world: a new world that looks damn similar to an improved Auschwitz, a more advanced concentration camp and killing field where the elite can make the lambs pay for the sins of the elites, for the sins of all elites everywhere in the world and for the sins of the elites in every age of the world.

No, there will be no pardon for them: in 1945 like now, there will be no pardon. The question is only who and when will impose retribution on them.

They understood that their plan is nonsense and cannot be implemented. They asked already for amnesty. Amnesty is impossible. It is impossible to live with them on this planet. It is also impossible to live without them on this planet, as they have organized it on their image and on their resemblance. Now they are at the point of non return: they failed in creating a new organization in their image and resemblance and the fierceness of the opposition drives them only to one conclusion: if they have to go, all must go with them. No stone can remain on top of any other.

Were they really so stupid? Was Bill Gates really surprised of the resistance of the normal against his psychopathological pulsions? Of course not.

The elites have a contingency plan also for that.

They invented and implanted the norm that made history end, parliamentary democracy. Why should they not have invented and implanted the BRICS?

The fake enmity of Russia and of China against the neocolonial-neofeudal west? Maybe faking a liberation attempt from the neocolonial-neofeudal west? In reality inventing and implanting only Chinese and Russian versions of the NWO/GR concentration and killing camp so much loved in Washington, Berlin, Paris, Geneva and Davos? And maybe in Manila too??

In the mirror room all mirrors are chinese and russian. The NWO/GR gives you the bait of their panic in front of the “resistance” in the west by the desperados crying their heads off for the sovereignity they never really had, for the democracy they never really had, for the labor rights they never really had, for the human and civil rights they never really had, for the political rights they never really had, for the electoral power they never really had. They just got some food and some money: they have been useful idiots again in the last century, like so many centuries before, so many generations before, in the last 50,000 years: now they deserve to be enslaved, reduced again to serfdom and be killed, either with employment at their will or with vaccines at their will.

What are the BRICS and China offering you?

Vaccine passports, internal passports still exist in Russia and in China since the dark ages of the real socialism era, they do not need to be “reinvented”, reengineered and be reimplanted. The grip of the postocommunist elites on the “people” is exactly the same like in the precommunist and in the real socialist era. The commercial empire of the CCP is built on the same foundation of all empires who have seen the light on this planet: endless and bottomless exploitation of the workers, of the producers by useless eater elites, blackmailing professionals, government officers using the same methods of the maffias, just with different names. Their rationing power on goods and services markets is endless and bottomless, like their infiltration and indirect control of black and illegal markets worldwide. GMO soldiers, GMO police forces, GMO party cadres specialized in governing cattle that, once upon a time, was human and was made inhuman with artificial herd immunity methods.

The BRICS are offering exactly the same that Washington, Berlin, Paris, Geneva and Davos are offering to you. They are faking the fight. The fight is only for distracting you, for illuding you, for deceiving you, for disorienting you, for disarming you, for inducing you into despair: for inducing you to suicide, to collective suicide.

The NWO/GR is illuding you that the war in Ucraine is fought by some of its opponents. It is just a skirmish in the chinese mirror room. You are not supposed to understand who is the enemy, who is YOUR TRUE ENEMY, who is the real enemy of YOUR FAMILY and of your God, you are mislead systematically against windmills, to unload your rage against fake enemies, fake puppet masters and fake policies.

You must not know what to do and you must not learn what to do, while machines of power abusing power, abusing right, circumventing any civilized law and moral custom are killing the planet impunely.

If an evil, machiavellistic, maybe satanic alien species would have decided to take over this planet, for reasons and for purposes that we CANNOT know, why would they fight militarily when they could win any resistance and occupy all of it without fighting? If the humans can be deceived so easily in fighting each other until extinction, why invade them militarily, from another planet or from the Hades?

There have been already many extinctions of hominids on this planet, let’s face it: it is reality.

Nonetheless the decision whether the homo sapiens, this wonderful monster, is supposed to continue to exist here or not, pertains only to the homo sapiens, because it is a monster, but it is also wonderful.

Freedom on this planet still has a real chance, but only if the homo sapiens destroys all mirrors in the mirror room, it does not matter if Chinese or Russian.

Yes, also Chinese and Russian people deserve to be liberated from eternal deception.

The democracy I want is not “representative” democracy and also not “direct” democracy, it is not your democracy, it is my democracy, it is the democracy that I own: It is a democracy where the people controls ALL politicians and ALL corporations with the general goal of making THEIR chances for abuse of power, abuse of right and circumvention of constitutions impossible.

The mirror room can and must be destroyed, ENROLL IN THE LIBERATION ARMY FROM THE NWO/GR!

However this will not be enough: the old institutions will have to be replaced with new ones that will ACTIVELY INHIBIT anything like an NWO/GR from ever rising again: THIS IS WHAT PERMANENT CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS OF THE PEOPLES ARE FOR with the exclusion of any constituted power since 1946.

We are alone: take finally notice of this. Not Trump, not the BRICS, the fake oppositions to the US and the EU mainstreams are and will be on your side. They are all neofascists with more presentable faces than the totalitarians that are behind the NWO/GR. We must fight alone, and we must learn how to fight alone, only for ourselves and the likes of us.

The earlier we start fighting, the earlier all this will be brought to an end.


Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat

The bloc is trying to intimidate Georgia over its foreign agents law, Irakli Kobakhidze has said

Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat

FILE PHOTO: Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze. ©  Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has claimed that a European commissioner told him he could end up suffering the same fate as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt last week.

In a Facebook post on Thursday, Kobakhidze said that the unnamed commissioner warned him during a recent phone call that the West would take “a number of measures” against him if his government pressed ahead with a law requiring foreign NGOs in Georgia to disclose their funding.

“While listing these measures, he mentioned: ‘you see what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful’,” he wrote.

Fico was shot multiple times as he met with supporters outside a government meeting in the town of Handlova on May 15. He was rushed to hospital, underwent emergency surgery, and is currently recuperating from his injuries. His would-be assassin – allegedly a 71-year-old poet who disagreed with Fico’s suspension of military aid to Ukraine – has been charged with attempted murder and may face terrorism charges.

Georgia’s parliament passed the ‘Transparency of Foreign Influence Act’ last week. The law requires NGOs, media outlets, and individuals receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as entities “promoting the interests of a foreign power” and disclose their donors.

While the act has been vetoed by Georgia’s pro-Western president, Salome Zourabichvili, parliament is expected to override the veto.

Georgia does not want to become second Ukraine – PM

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Georgia does not want to become second Ukraine – PM

Despite similar yet more stringent foreign influence laws existing in the US, UK, and other Western nations, Georgia’s foreign agent law has been strongly condemned by US and EU officials, with Washington considering unspecified “actions” against Tbilisi and multiple EU members weighing sanctions, according to media reports. 

“We have long been accustomed to this kind of insulting blackmail,” Kobakhidze wrote. “The parallel drawn with the attempted assassination of Robert Fico reminds us that in the form of the Global War Party, we are dealing with an extremely dangerous force that will do anything to bring chaos to Georgia.”

In an interview with Georgia’s Channel 1 on Wednesday, Kobakhidze argued that without a transparency law, foreign-funded NGOs operating in the country could easily foment a revolution akin to the US-backed ‘Maidan’ coup in Ukraine in 2014. “We want transparency... we don’t want to leave muddy water in this country, because a ‘Georgian Maidan’ could lead our country to very serious consequences, to its ‘Ukrainization’. We cannot agree with this,” he said.

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano