Il coronavirus come evento federatore "esterno" che avrebbe portarto "naturalmente" alla fondazione della superdemocratura europea? Invece e' un boomerang, qualcuno deve aver premuto il bottone dell'autodistruzione, signor Draghi: tutto diventa reversibile, anche le sue mutande ...


Merkel shamed: Russia will laugh at Berlin's 'meaningless' words as troops sent to border

ANGELA Merkel's demand for Russian President Vladimir Putin to reverse his country's build-up on its border is "meaningless" given Germany's continued commitment to the controversial Nord Stream 2 project, a Tory MP has warned.

Russia: Tanks and military vehicles spotted near Krasnodar

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has predicted Mr Putin’s defence minister, , will humiliate Mrs Merkel’s representatives on the subject at the first opportunity - just as he did with EU foreign policy chief earlier this year. Videos widely circulated on social media have shown large numbers of tanks and other materiel on roads close to Ukraine’s eastern border, as well as other clips showing equipment headed for Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014.

Mrs Merkel voiced her concerns during a telephone conversation with Mr Putin yesterday.

However, Mr Kawczynski, MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham, suggested the planned construction of the gas pipeline, running under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany, inevitably reduced the impact of anything Germany’s Chancellor might have had to say.

Mr Kawczynski, who was born in neighbouring Poland, told "Merkel’s warm words are meaningless when Germany under her leadership is prepared to endanger the security of fellow NATO partners by selfishly building this pipeline directly to Russia. 

Vladimir Putin Angela Merkel

Vladimir Putin is unlikely to take Angela Merkel seriously, said Mr Kawczynski (Image: GETTY)

Russia military

Russian military close to Ukraine's eastern border (Image: GETTY)

"Germany continues to lobby America strenuously to lift the threat of sanctions against this project.

"Those are the actions of an unreliable NATO partner.”

Mr Kawczysnki suggested neither allies nor adversaries would be fooled.

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Vladimir Putin Angela Merkel

Vladimir Putin Angela Merkel, pictured last year (Image: GETTY)

He declared: "Germany cannot possibly expect to be taken seriously by Russia given they remain fully committed to Nord Stream 2.

"In fact, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov would doubtless say precisely that to whichever German Government representative delivers the message to him, making little attempt to disguise his scorn as he did so.

"We all saw what he did to Josep Borrell when he went to Moscow earlier this year. He won't hold back."

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Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano

ZZZ, 04.07.2020 C.A. deputato Luigi di Maio sia nella sua funzione di deputato sia nella sua funzione di ministro degli esteri ...