In the sense of a food source, nah. I'm thinking we reproduce and grow too slowly to make a good meat source. That means it'd be time-consuming to breed "better" traits (higher meat yield, faster growth, more complacent and less violent/likely to resist being exploited) and it wouldn't be an efficient or fast way to produce meat (assuming you are set on breeding and raising them yourself. If you're just eating whoever's already here on earth, then sure, there's an endless supply of human meat, if you can manage to get other people to not put you on death row for eating other people).
Nutritionally, our meat would probably be fine EXCEPT that humans use a wide variety of medications, which I suppose could possibly make eating the flesh risky or unsafe. In terms of taste, I've read that human meat is similar to veal (oh, the time i've spent googling random questions), so perhaps it would be a palatable meat if you could get over the psychological barrier of knowing you're eating human flesh.
Also, as we have seen in history of humans repeatedly eventually organizing together and uprising when they feel exploited, abused, or are in danger of death... I'm sure those trying to farm those humans would probably eventually be overthrown or killed themselves.
So in short, no, humans would not be good cattle. It'd be uneconomical, time-consuming, and your stock would very likely uprise and kill you.
Also, I'd like to add that none of this is well-researched and I'm just throwing out my speculations, ha.
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