Top UK Newspaper Says USA Civil War ‘Increasingly Plausible’ & ‘More’ Insurrections Likely: ARE YOU READY???

Top UK Newspaper Says USA Civil War ‘Increasingly Plausible’ & ‘More’ Insurrections Likely

by Kelen McBreen

Establishment media continues pushing divisive rhetoric as the ruling class loses influence over the masses

The Metro, Britain’s most circulated freesheet tabloid newspaper, ran an article on Thursday claiming the United States could soon go through a second civil war.

“Second US civil war becoming ‘increasingly plausible’ as more insurrections likely,” reads the headline.

The article claimed slavery was the key cause of the Civil War before jumping to modern times and labeling the January 6th setup a deadly “insurrection.”

The piece focused on a study by a California State University San Bernardino team of researchers comparing the “social psychology of the United States of the 1850s to today.”

The team claimed there are “striking similarities” between pre-Civil War America and the modern social climate.

After painting the picture that America is headed for another domestic fight, the authors offered a gloomy prediction for the future, writing, “We argue the likelihood of protracted social and political conflicts lasting decades – if not generations – are essentially inevitable and will engulf public administration as well.”

Overall, the publication concluded that if an all-out civil war doesn’t take place, other politically motivated social turmoil will almost undoubtedly occur.

The paper even suggested a person or group may refuse to “relinquish power,” perhaps insinuating Donald Trump wants to become a dictator as mainstream media and Democrat politicians have repeatedly claimed.

“At least for the foreseeable future, more likely are trajectories moving toward other types of social unrest short of civil war – ongoing civil strife, additional insurrections, decades-long intraregional political gridlock causing widespread administrative dysfunction, and even a failure to relinquish power,” the researchers wrote.

This was published just after the film “Civil War” was released, in what many people are calling a blatant example of “predictive programming” by the elite.

The social engineers want Americans distracted and divided so they can pillage our resources as we focus our attention on each other instead of the people responsible for destroying the greatest nation in the world.

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