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“A New World Order With European Values”: The Unholy Union of Globalism and Anti-Free Speech Measures

Globalists just had a meeting of their World Forum in Berlin on the future of democracy, AI / Tech and Humankind, in which they called for "A New World Order of European Values," the main thrust being that mass censorship is needed.

“A New World Order With European Values”: The Unholy Union of Globalism and Anti-Free Speech MeasuresImage Credit: BING

Below is my column in the Hill on the recent World Forum where leaders gathered to declare “A New World Order With European Values.” Globalists gathered in Berlin to seek a new era based on European values that not only involve the expansion of transnational systems but the contraction of free speech rights.

Here is the column:

“A New World Order With European Values.” Emblazoned across banners and signs, those words met the participants at this week’s meeting of the World Forum in Berlin.

Each year, leaders, executives, journalists and academics gather to address the greatest threats facing humanity. This year, there was little doubt about what they view as the current threat: the resurgence of populism and free speech.

In fairness to the Forum, “a New World Order” likely sounds more ominous for some civil libertarians than intended. While the European Union is a transnational government stretching across 27 nations, the organizers were referring to a shift of values away from the United States to Europe.

As one of the few speakers at the forum who was calling for greater protections for free speech, I found it an unnerving message. Even putting aside the implications of the New World Order, the idea of building a world on today’s European values is alarming for free speech.

Free speech is in a free fall in Europe, with ever-expanding speech regulations and criminal prosecutions — including for having “toxic ideologies.”

The World Forum has a powerful sense of fraternity, even an intimacy, among leaders who see each other as a global elite — a cadre of enlightened minds protecting citizens from their own poor choices and habits.

There has long been a push for transnational governing systems, and European figures see an opportunity created by the conflict with President Trump. The European Union is the model for such a Pax Europaea or “European peace.”

The problem is that this vision for a new Holy Roman Empire lacks a Charlamagne. More importantly, it lacks public support.

The very notion of a “New World Order” is chilling to many who oppose the rise of a globalist class with the rise of transnational governance in the European Union and beyond.

This year, there is a sense of panic among Europe’s elite over the victory of Trump and the Republicans in the U.S., as well as nationalist and populist European movements.

For globalists, the late Tip O’Neill’s rule that “all politics is local” is anathema. The European Union is intended to transcend national identities and priorities in favor of an inspired transnational government managed by an expert elite.

The message was clear. The new world order would be based on European, not American, values. To rally the faithful to the cause, the organizers called upon two of the patron saints of the global elite: Bill and Hillary Clinton. President Clinton was even given an award as “leader of the century.”

The Clintons were clearly in their element. Speaker after speaker denounced Trump and the rise of what they called “autocrats” and “oligarchs.” The irony was crushing. The European Union is based on the oligarchy of a ruling elite. The World Forum even took time to celebrate billionaires from Bill Gates to George Soros for funding “open societies” and greater transnational powers.

The discussions focused on blunting the rise of far-right parties and stemming the flow of “disinformation” that fosters such dissent.

Outside of this rarefied environment, the Orwellian language would border on the humorous: protecting democracy from itself and limiting free speech to foster free speech.

Yet, one aspect of the forum was striking and refreshingly open. This year it became clear why transnational governance gravitates toward greater limits on free speech.

Of course, all of this must be done in the name of democracy and free speech.

There is a coded language that is now in vogue with the anti-free speech community. They never say the word “censorship.” They prefer “content moderation.” They do not call for limiting speech. Instead, they call for limiting “false,” “hateful” or “inciteful” speech.

As for the rise of opposing parties and figures, they are referred to as movements by “low-information voters” misled by disinformation. Of course, it is the government that will decide what are acceptable and unacceptable viewpoints.

That code was broken recently by Vice President JD Vance, who confronted our European allies in Munich to restore free speech. He stripped away the pretense and called out the censorship.

With the rise of populist groups, anti-immigration movements and critics of European governance, there is a palpable challenge to EU authority. In that environment, free speech can be viewed as destabilizing because it spreads dissent and falsehoods about these figures and their agenda. Thus far, “European peace” has come at the price of silencing many of those voices; achieving the pretense of consensus through coerced silence.

Transnational governance requires consent over a wide swath of territory. The means that the control or cooperation of media and social media is essential to maintaining the consent of the governed.

That is why free speech is in a tailspin in Europe, with ever-expanding speech regulations and criminal prosecutions.

Yet, it is difficult to get a free people to give up freedom. They have to be very afraid or very angry. One of the speakers was Maria A. Ressa, a journalist and Nobel laureate. I admire Ressa’s courage as a journalist but previously criticized her anti-free speech positions. Ressa has struck out against critics who have denounced her for allegedly antisemitic views. She has warned that the right is using free speech and declaring “I will say it now: ‘The fascists are coming.’”

At the forum, Ressa again called for the audience of “powerful leaders” to prevent lies and dangerous disinformation from spreading worldwide.

But the free speech movement has shown a surprising resilience in the last few years. First, Elon Musk bought Twitter and dismantled its censorship apparatus, restoring free speech to the social media platform. More recently, Mark Zuckerburg announced that Meta would also restore free speech protections on Facebook and other platforms.

In a shock to many, young Irish voters have been credited with killing a move to further expand the criminalization of speech to include “xenophobia” and the “public dissemination or distribution of tracts, pictures or other material” from viewpoints barred under the law.

Anti-free speech forces are gathering to push back on such trends. Indeed, Hillary Clinton has hardly been subtle about the dangers of free speech to the new world order. After Musk bought Twitter with the intention of restoring free speech protections, Clinton called upon the European Union to use its infamous Digital Services Act to make Musk censor her fellow Americans. She has also suggested arresting those spreading disinformation.

The European Union did precisely that by threatening Musk with confiscatory fines and even arrest unless he censored users. When Musk decided to interview Trump in this election, EU censors warned him that they would be watching for any disinformation.

For many citizens, European governance does not exactly look like a triumph over “oligarchs” and “autocrats.” Indeed, the EU looks pretty oligarchic with its massive bureaucracy guided by a global elite and “good” billionaires like Soros and Gates.

Citizens would be wise to look beyond the catchy themes and consider what Pax Europaea would truly mean to them. We have many shared values with our European allies. However, given the current laws limiting political speech, a “New World Order Based on European Values” is hardly an inviting prospect for those who believe in robust democratic and free speech values.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro professor of public interest law at George Washington University and the author of “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage.”



Online Anonymity Could End in Belgium With The Introduction of MANDATORY Digital ID, Similar Moves Seen Across EU

Belgium’s ID cards have been upgraded several times over the years. In 2020, the owner’s fingerprints became a mandatory inclusion on all such cards, for example.

Several of the country's ministers think that this is an idea whose time has come.

Online Anonymity Could End in Belgium With The Introduction of MANDATORY Digital ID, Similar Moves Seen Across EUImage Credit: Massimo Borchi/Atlantide Phototravel / Getty

Electronic identification cards, known as eIDs, have been available in Belgium for many years – since 2003, in fact. Until now, however, they have always been optional. Now, the Belgian government has become yet another country to consider making them a requirement for their citizens to use social media.

All Belgian citizens over the age of 12 are required to have a national ID card. An eID is one option to fulfill this requirement. eID cards are already required in order to access certain government services online.

Belgium’s ID cards have been upgraded several times over the years. In 2020, the owner’s fingerprints became a mandatory inclusion on all such cards, for example.

It was announced earlier this month that citizens will soon be able to request digital versions of their ID cards that they can use on smartphones by Nov. 26. The new form of the ID will be accepted not only for identification purposes but also for online authentication, electronic signatures, and for travel between countries within the Schengen Zone.

Minister of the Interior Bernard Quintin stressed that the use of the digital ID will remain optional and that existing eID cards will still be valid.

Last week, however, it was reported by the Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws that the country’s new minister of public modernization, civil service, public enterprises, digitization, and buildings administration, Vanessa Matz, is considering making digital ID mandatory for using social media. The newspaper said that this suggestion appears in a policy note issued by Matz.

Caroline Gennez, who is the current Flemish minister of welfare, praised the idea. “It is becoming increasingly clear that social media has a negative impact on the well-being of our children and young people,” she said, as reported by Het Laatste Nieuws. “There they are confronted with completely unrealistic ideals about beauty, images of brutal violence and sexual abuse, fake news, and hate speech.”

“We need to intervene,” Gennez added. “In real life, we find it perfectly normal to set boundaries and introduce age restrictions to protect our children and young people. Why should it be different in the digital world?”

The minister did not address the obvious privacy issues that would arise from such legislation, despite the fact that a mandatory ID check would render online anonymity impossible for citizens of all ages.

Other European countries are considering making a digital ID mandatory for social media use as well. Last month France’s Minister of Justice Gérald Darmanin said that he will be looking into such a scheme for French Internet users in the coming weeks, as previously reported by Remix News.



Mattarella: “la mafia può essere vinta”

Sergio Mattarella

I nomi delle vittime di mafia “sono parte della nostra memoria collettiva, ed è nei loro confronti che si rinnova, anzitutto, l’impegno a combattere le mafie, a partire dalle Istituzioni ai luoghi della vita quotidiana, superando rassegnazione e indifferenza, alleate dei violenti e sopraffattori. La mafia può essere vinta. Dipende da noi: tanti luminosi esempi ce lo confermano”.

Lo scrive, in un messaggio in occasione della Giornata nazionale della memoria e dell’impegno in ricordo delle vittime delle mafie, il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella.

“Il 21 marzo – dichiara il Capo dello Stato – rappresenta un giorno solenne di ricordo e di impegno civile per affermare valori essenziali per la salute della nostra comunità. L’impegno quotidiano per la pratica della legalità, la lotta contro tutte le mafie, contro le consorterie criminali che generano violenza e oppressione, contro zone grigie di complicità che ne favoriscono affari e diffusione, vede operare tutti i cittadini che desiderano vivere in una società coesa e rispettosa dei diritti di tutti.

Ricorrono trent’anni da quando Libera e altre associazioni hanno intrapreso un percorso importante di sensibilizzazione e mobilitazione civile fino a far sì che una legge dello Stato istituisse la “Giornata nazionale della memoria e dell’impegno in ricordo delle vittime delle mafie”, per esprimere doverosa solidarietà nei confronti delle vittime innocenti uccise dalla mano mafiosa. Ogni ambito è stato colpito da questo flagello: servitori della Repubblica, donne e uomini che si battevano per migliorare la società, imprenditori e cittadini che hanno respinto il ricatto del crimine, persone semplici finite sotto il tiro degli assassini”. ANSA



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La cosa piu’ interessante e’ che Telegram ha piantato un keylogger sul mio computer, che mi impedisce di battere parole come “polizia del pensiero” e simili.

Tra psicopatici si aiutano.





Cato Maior Asiaticus




 In reply to ManchurianManimal_REBOOT
She is covering Draghi's ass - and her own. There is no escape from the consequences of the covid mass murder, of the lockdowns, of the generalized blackmailing and blacklisting of the rest of the world by the wef corporation, who are going for all. The eu army under THEIR command is the last attempt to cover themselves from what is coming: their class extinction. There is already a european army, but it is not under THEIR command: it is the Liberation Army from the NWO/GR. And you should enroll in it too, create the North American chapter of it.

Italy Will Prevent EU From ‘Suffocating’ Itself Through Over-Regulation And Mass Immigration, Says Meloni

Addressing Italian lawmakers, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni warned Brussels against excessive regulation and mass immigration, and claimed that increased defense is the key to freedom.

Italy Will Prevent EU From ‘Suffocating’ Itself Through Over-Regulation And Mass Immigration, Says MeloniImage Credit: NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has warned that Europe cannot survive by drowning itself in excessive regulations and that only by cracking down on illegal migration and human trafficking can the EU truly protect lives and its own stability.

Taking to the floor of the Senate on Tuesday for the first time in three months, the Italian premier outlined her government’s priorities on economic competitiveness, migration, international security, and the war in Ukraine.

“If Europe thinks it can survive in this phase by continuing to claim to hyper-regulate everything instead of freeing up the many energies it has, it will simply not survive,” she warned, speaking ahead of the European Council meeting in Brussels later this week.

She stressed that her government would do everything possible “to prevent the EU from being suffocated by its own rules.”

Meloni emphasized the importance of economic competitiveness, which she defined as the ability of nation-states to “offer adequate and increasingly better social services to citizens.” More broadly, she argued that economic strength is essential for geopolitical influence, asking: “A Europe desertified from an industrial point of view and lagging behind in research and development of new technologies — how is it supposed to be taken seriously?”

On trade policy, Meloni warned against excessive tariffs, noting that while duties on non-EU goods “can theoretically favor domestic production, in a highly interconnected context such as that of the European and U.S. economies, the picture becomes complicated.” She urged against the European Commission from imposing retaliatory trade measures against U.S. President Donald Trump, warning such a move would create a “vicious circle in which everyone loses.”

Meloni also addressed migration, reiterating her government’s commitment to reducing illegal departures and human trafficking networks. “Reducing departures and crushing the business of traffickers is the only way to reduce the number of migrants who lose their lives in the attempt to reach Italy and Europe,” she told lawmakers. She also noted that efforts being made by her government — including the third-country deal with Albania now being considered at a pan-European level — “should make us more proud.”

Turning to security, the right-wing leader called for a broader approach to European defense, stating: “We need to deal with many more things than the strengthening of arsenals — the fight against terrorism, border defense, and cybersecurity.”

“Without defense, there is no security, and without security, there is no freedom,” she added.

Meloni was critical of the EU’s proposed ReArm Europe initiative, an €800 billion plan announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen last week aimed at boosting European defense capabilities. She found the initiative’s name misleading, arguing that “it does not mean trivially buying armaments, first of all, because it is not a question of buying them from foreign countries, but rather of producing them.”

Addressing the ongoing war in Ukraine, Meloni reaffirmed Italy’s unwavering support for Kyiv, stating: “Firm and total condemnation of the brutal aggression against Ukraine and support for the Ukrainian people has never been in question.”

She suggested that the current entrenchment of military positions could pave the way for peace talks, asserting: “It is the stalemate on the ground that today can lead to peace negotiations, and I think we should proudly claim compact and determined support for the Ukrainian people.” She also welcomed diplomatic efforts by former U.S. President Donald Trump to seek a resolution to the conflict.

On broader transatlantic relations, Meloni rejected the notion that Italy must choose between Europe and the United States, criticizing those who promote this idea: “Those who obsessively repeat that Italy should choose between Europe and the United States do so instrumentally, for reasons of domestic controversy or because they have not realized that the American election campaign is over.”

She dismissed claims that increasing defense spending in Italy would come at the expense of social services, calling this argument a “gross simplification.” Instead, she blamed past mismanagement for financial shortfalls: “Those who support this claim know they are deceiving citizens because there are currently no more resources for health, school, or welfare — not because we spend money on defense, but because hundreds of billions have been burned for inadequate measures.”

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


  “A New World Order With European Values”: The Unholy Union of Globalism and Anti-Free Speech Measures by Jonathan Turley | Jonathanturley....

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