-1, there remain only 9.999.999 to be stepped down (and jailed)


Breaking! Globalist Biden Official Victoria Nuland Stepping Down

by Kelen McBreen
America's third-highest ranking diplomat to retire within month's end
Many people want Nuland tried as a war criminal
Image Credit:
Future Publishing / Contributor / Getty

The Biden administration’s Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland will be retiring later this month, according to a State Department press release issued Tuesday.

The statement, written by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, explains, “Victoria Nuland has let me know that she intends to step down in the coming weeks as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.”

Aaron Maté of The Grayzone pointed out Nuland’s temporary replacement, John Bass, was in charge of the Biden admin’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal and used to serve as an aide to top globalist and former Vice President Dick Cheney.

The announcement was widely celebrated by many people online as Nuland has for decades been a key figure in the U.S. war machine, including playing a major role in the Western coup of Ukraine and its war with Russia.

“This is a good development,” wrote Infowars founder Alex Jones. “Victoria Nuland has been a central figure in the planed destabilization of Europe for the last two decades.”

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