The Anglo-Saxon Mission



Introduction - Open Your Mind

If someone would have told you that in a freemason meeting in 2005 that took place in London high ranking people spoke about a plan to use a flu-like biological agents, that these agents would first target China and then spread like wildfire around the world, would you have believed them?

I know I would have disregarded it then as a conspiracy theory. At that time, such a claim would have seemed absurd.

Fast forward to 2024, and such a claim do not look any more like a crazy tinfoil hat madman story. The real challenge is that the same testimony which talked about the flu-like biological agents was not the only thing that was discussed in that meeting. According to the source who reported it, the participants in the meeting talked creating chaos, that would lead to the complete destruction of all freedoms in the western world, a nuclear war in the Middle East, World War III, food shortages, mass starvation, diseases, and an upcoming geophysical event that will kill most human beings on the planet.

Most people will dismiss everything I’ve mentioned above because they can’t even accept the fact that their governments colluding with big pharma and deliberately poisoned them and caused death to many people, including their loved ones. The idea that this is just a tiny part of a much bigger and much darker plan is something that is simply “too hard to swallow”, due to the suppression of their right hemisphere, which prevents them from updating their model of reality. If you are a hard-core conspiracy theorist you obviously do not need to be convinced about the possibility of a “grand conspiracy” against humanity. However, there is a large group of hard-core conspiracy theorists community who will also going to struggle with what you are about to read, because it will demolish their own understanding of what’s going on in the world.

Project Avalon

In 2010 a testimony surfaced on the internet (links below). That man who gave the testimony asked to stay anonymous, but he wanted to describe to what he heard in a freemason meeting in July 2005 which was unlike any other freemason meeting he ever attended. That man described himself as a person who “spent a long time in the military and then held a senior position in the City of London”. That man used to attend the quarterly meetings of the freemasons, and by his own testimony he accidentally went to a meeting who had 25-30 people which he “knew most of the attendees at the meeting, but not all.” . The testimony transcript, and a video that included an analysis of it, was published on a website most of us never heard of, called project Avalon.

Project Avalon was originally established by Bill Ryan in 2008, as a spinoff of another website, called Project Camelot, which was cofounded by Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy.

Let us start with Bill Ryan’s summary of the meeting:

  • There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months.

  •  It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos - all carefully engineered.

  • The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.

  • During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, "China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.

  • This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the "real" war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.

According to Bill, this horrific scenario has been planned for generations. According to the person who gave the testimony, the first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse - as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.

If all this was not enough, the source speculated this was all set against the backdrop of a coming "geophysical event" - the same kind of event as was experienced by our ancestors approximately 11,500 years ago. He stated that this event will occur sometime in the next decade, and it would destroy civilization as we know it, dwarfing even the effects of a nuclear war.

While we now have multiple signs of the weakening of the magnetic poles, as far as I know almost NO ONE talked about polar shift in 2010. If you never heard about it, I invite you to see THE Earth Disaster Documentary:

Testimony highlights

Since the testimony is long, I decided to provide quotes from it, structured according to the topics they relate to.

Israel-Iran War

  • “There was lots of conversation and talk about Iran... talking comfortably about the Israeli reluctance to strike and provoke Iran into armed action.... And it seemed as if the Israeli government was tied onto what was going on here and had a role to play which was being dictated outside Israeli borders. There was open talk about the use of biological weapons, where and when they would be used, and the timing. there was more talk centered on how Iran must be engaged militarily in order to provoke the desired military response from China.”

  • There was a clear expectation of goading Iran into some sort of armed conflict with the West, with China coming to the aid of Iran.

  • They needed either the Chinese or the Iranians to be guilty of the first use of nuclear weapons in order to justify the next stage.

  • Iran … actually have a current nuclear capability. (provided by China)

  • The plan is for the fuse to be set off in the Middle East again, in a way that would make the previous conflicts in the Middle East look like playground scraps.

  • We're probably talking about Israel here, the population in Israel being sacrificed. Yes, it's like some sort of game of poker where they already know what hands are going to be dealt. They know what's going to be dealt. They know that scenario could be brought about and that scenario can be ended again with a ceasefire. So we'll have the ceasefire, and it's during this time of the ceasefire that events will start to really take off. 

Biological Agents

  • There was talk about biological agents being used, described as being flu-like and it would spread like wildfire. … it definitely appears to be a thinning of the world's population and it's getting it down into a controllable size for this government that's going to come, in order for them to have the control that they wish for. Otherwise, they wouldn't have it.

  • Well, in a nuclear exchange -- and I believe there will be a limited nuclear exchange -- there will be some sort of ceasefire. That was spoken about; they anticipated a quick ceasefire, but not before millions had already died, principally in the Middle East.

  • This is when biological weapons will be used. …People living in total fear and panic -- this is what's going to happen next. In this ensuing chaos of a post-nuclear exchange that these biological weapons will be deployed in such a fashion where there will be no structure, no safety-nets, for anybody to counter this type of biological onslaught.

  • There'll be a worldwide flu epidemic


  • It's safe to say that World War One and World War Two were manufactured wars … they were used as stepping-stones to get to where they are now.

  • There will be a conventional war to begin with, then it will quickly go to nuclear with either Iran or the Chinese being provoked into first use, is because they won't be able to be in a position to defend themselves properly against what the West can deliver conventionally without going nuclear first. ...

  • We're talking about a conventional war of sorts; that war then eliciting the use of a nuclear weapon either by the Chinese or by the Iranians. People in general are going to be placed into such a state of panic and fear that they're going to wish for a strong government everywhere.

The Rise of Totalitarian State(s)

  • They won't call them totalitarian governments; they'll be military governments with the civil government still there but in a redundant mode. The military will call the shots …the British private security industry employs somewhere in the region of 500,000 people, which is far more than the UK military. The UK military is far smaller than that. The UK military is only a couple of hundred thousand. You're talking 500,000 people working in private security industry at the moment … we're talking about powers of arrest; powers of detention; we're talking down those lines. And that's going to happen.

  • There is quite a lot of power-brokering going on, and it's principally that those who have been in control of most of society for not just hundreds of years, but for thousands of years, wish that control to continue. And in order to do that, a sequence of events has to be manufactured in order for that to happen.

  • We're looking at this totalitarian regime, which I believe is already totalitarian anyway. I mean, we do not have a democracy at all. Nobody's got a say. This has already been decided over and above anybody.

  • We don't matter, as it were. We really don't matter. They matter, and their power matters, and that's the only thing that's being thought about it.

  • It would mean the later use of biological weapons, widespread food shortages, which will affect vulnerable countries across the globe, followed by mass starvation and disease. One goal here, then, is to establish a united alliance of Western countries with a kind of totalitarian "emergency war footing", heavy control aspect to it. And the other aspect is actually to light the fire of this war, which will result in all kinds of chaos and presumably an enormous number of people dying somewhere.

The Geophysical Event

  • There will be a geophysical event taking place on Earth which is going to affect everybody.  by that time we will all have been through a nuclear and biological war. The Earth's population, if this happens, will be drastically reduced. When this geophysical event is going to take place, then those remaining will probably be halved again. And who survives that is going to determine who takes the world and its surviving population into the next era.

  • We are talking about a post-cataclysmic-event era. Who's going to be in charge? Who's going to be in control? So it's all about that. And that's why they're so desperate for these things to happen within a set timeframe.

  • we've now entered into that period where this geophysical event is about to take place, when we consider the length of time that's passed since the last one which happened about 11,500 years ago, and it happens round about 11,500 years, cyclically. It's now due to happen again.

  • I think those days are coming … What's going to happen is geophysical change. I know you mentioned about safe places for people to go. I really don't know. But from a personal point of view, I know where I should be, and where I should be is where I am right now. Whether it's safe or not is immaterial; it's where I should be right now, and I feel comfortable with that.

The “Elites” And Their Plans

  • B:  Retrospectively looking back on it, you can see a sort of long-term strategy that extends over a number of generations even though one couldn't see the wood for the trees at the time.

  • The people who I'm talking about are people who exude power. They elicit fear.  They demand obedience and by God do they get it! And by the way they talk they're dictating to the so-called elected governments that we've got in Parliament or in Washington or in Berlin or in Paris. These people exude that kind of power …  There's not a compassionate bone in their body. They do not resonate any spiritual warmth whatsoever. They're cold, they're calculating.

  • This intelligence is incredibly logical, without any empathy, without any love, care, understanding or compassion. They're cold and calculating and logical beyond any logic that we could muster normally. They go well beyond that -- they're such supremely intelligent people. These are people who can produce answers to really difficult questions without blinking an eye. They are very, very bright people, but bright only in the sense that their logic is extraordinary.

  • We will endure. But to endure, from one person to the next, is not to work for them anymore. It's to stop working for them. It's not to react violently against them because they'll win. They would love that to happen, then it gives them an excuse. They breed on fear and violence -- the reaction from fear. That would be like bees to honey for them. They would love that to happen.

  • Let's consider two things: the first thing is the sheer determination on the part of this regime, for want of a better word, the sheer determination that they have to have this done. They're desperate. They're going full-out for this to happen. They're creating the scenarios, the in, the out. It's relentless; it's non-stop; there's no breathing space. And when there is breathing space, I mean, when people start to relax about things, something else will pop up to keep us within that grip of fear that they've generated.

  • I'm going to emphasize again that we're playing against very dangerous people, extremely dangerous people, incredibly powerful people. … people who do work for them and do their bidding … are incredibly obedient and incredibly servile. They're not what you call "free spirits" at all. You know, they've been taken in, taken in by them.

  • They are incredibly arrogant. Along with their other attributes that they have, there is that arrogance there. It's quite tangible. Yes. And they're just comfortable about what they're doing, totally comfortable.

Aliens / “Benevolent ETs”

  • "These benevolent ETs" -- I don't actually like calling them "ETs"... I believe that these people are us and we are them.

  • They've been around for a lot longer than the regime that's in power at the moment. This present regime, this power-based regime, some have called them reptilians, and I've got no problem at all calling them that because that's exactly what they're like -- totally cold-hearted. They've been around much, much longer and they're the ones who have really made humanity what it is today.

  • My own understanding is that there's some sort of malevolent ET alliance at work for 50 years by the UK and US and other Western powers, and this includes Japan.

  • They don't see time the same way that we understand time here within the physical world. For them, 11,500 years ago was a blink of an eye.

  • The Earth's crust is going to shift round about 30 degrees, about 1700 to 2000 miles southwards, and it will cause a huge upheaval, effects of which will last for a very long time to come.  … this is when there will be an intervention by the "benevolent ETs." …  physical life is only a very, very small part of who we really are.


  • I believe Russia is a player, but I've got no evidence. For some reason or other Russia really doesn't get a look in here; and it's just an assumption of mine that that Russian government that's in place at the moment is hand-in-hand with the controlling players that are here in the West.

  • B: Russia wasn't mentioned as a major factor.

  • W:  No, none at all. The only way it was mentioned is that the whole idea is to create a condition of chaos throughout the world.

The Anglo-Saxon Mission

  • I think it's quite important to associate the timeline with its other reference which I've heard several times now: it's called THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION.

  • all I can really say is I've been aware of this timeline since the early '70s, too young to understand what it was at the time. In fact it seemed to me quite an exciting thing that was going on, and that was the first time I ever heard of the existence of the "Anglo Saxon Mission."

What Can We Do?

  • What's needed is non-violent reaction: simply just not doing the job for them any more.

  • What's needed is non-violent reaction: simply just not doing the job for them any more. To give a comparison, Bill. There was a man who history has largely ignored. He was a Frenchman, by the name of Jean Jaurès. … He formed a movement …  His idea was for the ordinary person not to do anything, not to go to war, just stay at home and they wouldn't have the war they wanted.

  • It's getting over the fear; it's this fear that people need to get over. …

  • But to act against them in any way, it can be quite disastrous. I've had that experience and I think many, many other people have too. So this is maybe why we should tell exactly who they are, should announce ourselves and be fearless about it.

Bill Ryan Video (2010)

Here is the video Bill Ryan published in 2010:


Final Thoughts

  • Russia was not part of the plan in 2005. It was only in 2007 that Putin has given his Munich speech, in which Putin criticized what he called the United States' monopolistic dominance in global relations, and its "almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations".

  • I believe the plan objective is a result of a Luciferian / Satanic belief, a defiance of God. I believe the people behind the Anglo-Saxon Mission serve what I describe as evil, a force that act against the principles of morality which are at the heart of God’s 10 commandments, a force that reject oneness. I believe that those who plan the “new world” order want to make sure that only be those who will be conditioned to reject the truth and to serve those who will act as if they are gods survive the upcoming geophysical event.

  • The testimony destroys the belief of many people who believe the world is being controlled by a Zionist mafia, because the only logical conclusion is that if this plan has been in the making for generations it means that the Zionist movement was created as part of that plan with an objective to eliminate the Jewish people in the land of Israel.

  • Why would anyone want to exterminate the Jews in their state? I think it is because those behind the plan think the destruction of the nation which represents the rise in the belief in one God in the land that was promised by God to these people (Israel) as a key part in the rise of Lucifer / Satan.

  • Yes, this testimony provides evidence to what will be a war between good and evil, Armageddon. The fact many of us do not believe it doesn’t mean that those who believe it will happen and serve evil don’t act to bring it upon us.

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