Il motivo per cui gli italiani continuano ad emigrare? E' che idioti della levatura di di Maio possono diventare ministri degli esteri. Mi pare ovvio.


  • 100.000 italiani emigrati all'estero solo nel 2015. Il 12% in più rispetto all'anno precedente. È scomparsa in un anno una città come Bolzano.
    La mancanza di lavoro è il motivo principale di questo esodo: di quei 100.000, circa 50.000 sono giovani.
    Festeggeremo il primo maggio quando torneranno in patria. Per ora possiamo solo dirgli di non mollare.

    Commenti: 932

  • Caterinamichela Appollonio
    diciamoci la verità i nostri che vanno fuori fanno come quelli che vengono da noi,cioè vanno all'estero per fare anche lavori umilissimi solo che in Italia il governo con la sua usura travestita da tasse costringe al lavoro nero negli altri stati convi…

  • Paco San
    Inizialmente, è la mancanza di lavoro o la poca soddisfazione a spingerti alla partenza. Poi si cominciano ad apprezzare tante altre cose a cui l'Italia non arriverá mai (almeno finchè sarò in vita io). Meritocrazia, mentalitá, rispetto sul lavoro e sa…
    Rosella Perfetti
    Mio figlio è uno di quelli e purtroppo o per fortuna nn so ma credo che in Italia nn tornerà almeno fino a che le cose andranno così ... io da mamma per quanto delusa sono però contenta per lui sta lavorando per merito e tutti i gg viene apprezzato per…
    Massimiliano Castorina
    Il problema non è solo il lavoro, è la mentalità che qui non và, chiusa, bigotta e socialmente distruttiva.
    Una riforma sul lavoro si crea automaticamente se si costruisce una riforma sociale spinta dai media basata sul rispetto del prossimo e sull'uma…

  • Luigi Liccardi
    il vero problema sta nell'espatrio di persone volenterose, invece di quella massa di rammolliti che sanno solo lamentarsi. se ci sono almeno milioni di stranieri che lavorano vuol dire che i lavori si cercano e non si scelgono.

  • Antonio Allegretti
    Grazie, di capire la " vera realta, ' ", dalla Francia....dopo repubblica Ceka e Africa ..... ma non mollo..... io finito questo contratto, ci torno in Italia......... non dobbiamo dargliela vinta a sti maledetti........bisogna categoricamente cambiar…

  • Alex James Redenti
    L ignoranza di di maio è una cosa imbarazzante.
    L ispi è una fondazione neoliberale favorevole alla cessione di …
    Le giustificazioni di Luigi Di Maio sul suo pranzo con il presidente della Trilateral
    Le giustificazioni di Luigi Di Maio sul suo pranzo con il presidente della Trilateral
    Le giustificazioni di Luigi Di Maio sul suo pranzo con il presidente della Trilateral
    Marco Salerno
    Io non mollo ma ardo dal desiderio di ritornare, rivedere la mia famiglia, respirare l'aria della mia città, bagnarmi ancora nel suo mare. Quando sarai il prossimo presidente del consiglio ricordati di noi per favore.
    Andrea Andrew Wyld Macis
    A me viene voglia di andare via per il popolo che siamo diventati .. smidollati e fancazzisti egoisti... il lavoro e un grosso proplema, ma io in una maniera o nell'altra mi sono sempre arrangiato... quel che mi spaventa è il popolo che siamo perché un…

  • Alice Prox
    no Luigi Di Maio non è soltanto un problema di lavoro è anche un problema di dignità la ns libertà è stata conquistata con il sangue dei ns padri ed ora ci ritroviamo schiavi di una manica di manigoldi che ci governano. I o non ho fortunatamente oggi p…
    • 5 a
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    Sara Bruni
    Gli italiani emigrano e gli immigrati hanno invaso la nostra Italia. Diritti solo per loro e doveri per gli italiani che scappano all'Estero!!!
    Il reato di clandestinità è stato votato anche dal Movimento 5 Stelle. Le pensioni che gli immigrati con …
    • 5 a
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  • Teresa Matini
    Grazie Luigi! È dura stare all'estero, ma è sempre meglio che vivere in un Paese dove la meritocrazia è una parola inclusa solamente nel vocabolario, di cui pochissimi sanno il significato!

  • Ambride Pugnaghi
    Però va riconosciuta alla politica italiana un'abilità senza eguali, è riuscita nel tempo a sostituire i contratti a "tempo indeterminato" con il "precariato a tempo indeterminato". Va detto anche che nonostante questo sacro santo principio costituzion…

  • Ady Spacca
    carissimo luigi, anche io a 52 anni sto emigrando nonostante abbia un lavoro retribuito oltre la media, ma perche quel reddito non mi consente di dare un minimo di futuro hai miei tre figli.

  • Maurizio Uri
    Caro Luigi Di Maio ... purtroppo NON c'è più tempo!! Credo che l'unica soluzione immediata sia uno sciopero degli Italiani ... NON lavorare più per 15 giorni .... 1 mese .... bloccare il paese per negoziare condizioni di vita accettabili ....Decidere 1…
    • 5 a
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    Alberto Verro
    Una vergogna tutta italiana.. Nel nostro paese si spendono milioni di Euro per dare poi.. una indecente accoglienza agli immigrati che stanno arrivando. Indecente perché in realtà.. questi milioni di euro stanno solamente arricchendo le tasche di tutt…
    • 5 a
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  • Sergio Silano
    Oltre all'assenza di lavoro, le retribuzioni sono basse, tranne che per i soliti paraculati che per dinastia debbono ricoprire i migliori incarichi, anche se magari non hanno capacità, come se ci fosse un'investitura divina. Per i lobbisti le cose vann…
    Mario Sanna
    non è estato , sono , anzi siamo molti di più dato che non risultiamo all'estero per lavoro , ma di fatto si , siamo tantissimi che siamo costretti ad andare all'estero e non solo in Europa , ma anche in posti lontani , dato che in Italia molti imprend…

  • Sergio Andreola
    Informatevi prima di dire stupidaggini , il m5s di proposte ne ha fatte tante , sia x il lavoro , sia economiche , ma se la maggior parte del parlamento e' contrario c'è poco da fare , se non mandarli fuori dalle balle .....perché oltre ai giovani ci s…

  • Roberto Galuppi
    Io andrei più volentieri alla "festa" dei disoccupati, degli esodati e di tutte quelle imprese che sono perseguitate dal quel verme intestinale che è equitalia. Servirebbe una "festa" per tutto questo. E andrebbe fatta il 2 di giugno. Nel giorno della …
    Fabio Serpini
    Agli immigrati assistenza, una struttura e 3€ al giorno in tasca, in più lavorano (a nero) per persone a 10€ al giorno!!! Italiani in difficoltà con moglie e figli, casomai, dormono in macchina (per chi ce l'ha).. I nostri laureati devono emigrare per …
    • 5 a
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  • Fabrizio Dall'Omo
    Bisogna seguire il tuo esempio Giggi! Non laurearsi (possibilmente restare fuoricorso), concentrarsi per fare un bel video di presentazione da mettere sul blog e poi vedrete che Beppe nostro un posto da Vice-Presidente della Camera lo trova.

  • Alessandra Tuveri
    Come si fa? Gli anni passano, qui non cambia niente e la gente deve mettere il pane in tavola. Per il governo il lavoro non é una priorità. Per noi sì. Arrivederci Italia. Sperando sia solo un arrivederci per tanti e non un addio. 🙁
    Ciro de Filippo
    Due italiani su tre ritengono inutile, oggi, affrontare progetti impegnativi, perché il futuro è troppo incerto e rischioso
    Lavoro e ripresa, il 70% non ci crede. E senza posto fisso il futuro è un rebus…

  • Claudio Albera
    Lasciamo festeggiare il I maggio a chi è contento della situazione. Se ci fosse senso di giustizia e vera solidarietà (non quella ipocrita, vessillo della sinistra), oggi chi ha la fortuna di avere un lavoro dovrebbe lavorare, e non riposare!

  • Antonio Ballarini
    Però in compenso ne sono arrivari molti ma molti ma molti ma molti più immigrati!! Se continiamo di questo passo tra dieci anni in Italia non ci sarà più neanche un Italiano..... ma a pensarci bene forse il progetto dei nostri governanti è proprio ques…
    Stefano Fedriga
    Io sarò uno di quelli !! La mia competenza qua Nn viene pagata abbastanza !! E poi anche se pagata con stipendi superiori a standard italiani Nn mi consentono di fare una vita serena !! Perciò appena possibile uscirò dall'Italia per sempre cancellando …

  • Simona de Spiccins
    "Festeggeremo il primo maggio quando torneranno in patria." strizzare un occhio a Casa Pound. "Per ora possiamo solo dirgli di non mollare." strizzare l'altro ai centri sociali. DIMA, lo stai facendo sbagliato.

  • Lia Alongi
    In compenso se le città si svuotano di italiani si riempiono di extracomunitari. ...a cui tutto è dovuto .... io italiana 54 anni precaria mio marito 57 anni in cassa integrazione mio figlio 37 anni disoccupato! !!!a chi devo dire grazie? ?????
    Marino Di Pascale
    E' un lavaggio continuo del cervello con il quale ci cercano di convincere che in italia non c'è futuro e che lo si trova solo all'estero. i migliori retano, gli altri ritornano ancor più demotivati, di fronte a chi va ad inaugurare un viadotto mai c…
    • 5 a
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  • Vincenzo Limosani
    Caro Di Maio, ogni giorno che passa il sogno di tornare in Italia lo vedo sempre più lontano. Purtroppo. Sono figlio unico, di padre operaio e madre casalinga. L'unica mia speranza è che almeno mio padre possa avere la pensione. Saluti da Cambridge

  • Antonio Pannella Riccardo
    C'è bisogno di cambiare lo stato siamo tutti impegnati per cambiare l'ordinamento istituzionale e soprattutto informare le persone.... occorre ricordarsi che nessuno è esente da colpe ...partecipare al cambiamento partendo da se stessi e da tutto ciò c…

  • Nelly Pellizzaro
    Ascolta di Maio,qui in Italia ormai la vita è insostenibile per tante persone, non possiamo aspettare oltre ,le cose non cambiano anzi peggiorano di giorno in giorno ,noi siamo impotenti, cosa fare ??? ne vanno tutti dall'Italia, giovani e anziani …

  • Cristian Scalvini
    Altri se ne andranno quest'anno, anch'io sto pensando di andarmene dall'Italia, Un Paese senza lavoro = Paese senza futuro per le nuove generazioni. Troppe tasse, per stipendi sotto la media europea, La domanda: è cosi difficile per chi governa capire …

  • Carmine Esposito
    caro di maio e di che dovremmo preoccuparci noi del sud italia?adesso te ne accorgi per caso che gli italiani emigrano?i ragazzi del sud italia sono stati abituati dai governi di destra e sinistra ad emigrare ormai da 150 anni...forse ce ne accorgiamo …

  • Federica Magli
    Oltre all'assenza del lavoro e lo schifo di questo paese dove chi ruba, chi lavora da schifo viene premiato e gli altri i competenti e onesti devono accontentarsi delle briciole. In questo momento, c'è un grosso enorme problema di etica e moral…
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  • Fabio Formicola
    Caro Di Luigi Di Maio, io sono il prossimo a lasciare questo paese di merda...dove per noi giovani non c'è futuro..dato che questo spetta solo ai mafiosi, ai clandestini ed ai politici...ed in tutta sincerità preferisco l'addio all'arrivederci..almeno …
    Luca Graziano Valenti
    Il danno è che : le elezioni sono sempre più vicine e questa vicinanza porta i nostri telegiornali a dire che in Italia la disoccupazione giovanile è ai minimi storici e penso che nei giorni vicino alle elezioni l'occupazione giovanile in Italia sarà p…

  • Nicholas Esposito
    Caro Di Maio e quanti immigrati abbiamo "accolto" a 34€ al giorno, di cui la maggioranza non ha i requisiti per restare in questo paese?
    I nostri giovani all'estero per mancanza di lavoro (ma senza sussidi dalle nazioni in cui approdano) e noi abbiamo…
    Umberto Battaglioli
    Io non sono un cervello in fuga ma me ne sono andato lo stesso,tra poco anche la famiglia,e poi non voglio neanche più vederlo sto stato di merda,oltre che prenderò nel culo 20anni di contributi,ma lo devo fare per i miei figli,intando che voi decidete…

  • Alessandro Trinca Arnould
    Di Maio, perdona ma qualcosa non sta tornando nel tuo comportamento apparentemente "politically correct", non è per caso che sei funzionale al sistema che dici di combattere? Grillo che dice del tuo incontro con il presidente italiano della Trilateral…

  • Daniele DT
    Luigi ci provo da mesi a scrivere sia a te che ad Ale. Dovete abolire o quantomeno provare a farlo, i contratti a progetto e di collaborazione.. i famosi contratti con tetto di 7500euro al di sotto del quale non viene pagata alcuna tassa..
    Siamo tutti…

  • Tonino Lula
    Caro Luigi lai già detto il peggior nemico da combattere è l' gente non reagisce finché avranno i soldi per tenere le vecchie generazioni con le loro care pensioni sarà difficile cambiare.

  • Antonio Quaranta
    La verità, in questo bigotto paese, oltre alle questioni economiche che hanno comunque una rilevanza marginale, è quella mentalità obsoleta e arcaica che ancora vige nel nostro paese. I giovani della mia età negli altri Paesi sono ritenuti idonei a svo…

  • Giacomo Incammicia
    Il Paese sta reggendo, grazie al welfare delle famiglie di vecchie generazioni e, con questa politica attuale, finite le vecchie Generazioni, non ci sarà piu' un Italia e ne Italiani. Una intera generazione di giovani è stata distrutta.
    Fabrizio Zamboni
    Luigi, ci vogliamo riappropriare della sovranità monetaria?? Come mai è un tema che non trattate più? Se cortesemente avessi un secondo per rispondere a questa mia domanda, te ne sarei grato. GRAZIE.. 🙂

  • Giovanni Barbieri
    già non mollare la mettiamo cosi e va bene.......intanto dopo il referendum inglese ne riparleremo dato che il consolato di Londra è il primo per numero di iscritti. forse ritorneremo a parlare di euro e di Europa anche noi perchè mi pare che abbiamo m…

  • Lalla Romano
    Chi, invece come me , perde il lavoro dopo 30 anni? Cosa dovrebbe fare? La visita di Renzi in Sicilia una vera porcata!!! SCUSA il francesismo!!! La visita del nostro Presidente del Consiglio... Raccontata in dialetto siculo.... molto carina!!…

  • Anna Maria D'ultri Chioma
    Caro Di Maio, per il principio dei vasi comunicanti..., tanti nostri ragazzi espatriano e tanti clandestini prendiamo! Con la differenza che i nostri ragazzi fanno di tutto per guadagnarsi un lavoro quale che sia, mentre i clandestini noi li manteniamo…

  • Raffaele Mancone
    Caro Luigi per il Governo è un modo per abbassare il tasso di disoccupazione in Italia ed un motivo per cui farsi vanto, purtroppo. Voi e noi che vi votiamo siamo rimasti l'unica speranza per far diventare la nostra Patria una Nazione civile.

Facebook cerca di intimidire chi pubblica notizie sulla pedofilia


Facebook threatens to sue Daily Mail over paedophile story

Social networking site unhappy with being named in story about a paedophile gang operating in Devon
Daily Mail
Friday's Daily Mail splashed with the headline 'How many more victims of Facebook sex gang?'. Photograph: PA
Tue 22 Feb 2011 17.54 GMT

Facebook is threatening legal action against the Daily Mail amid a dispute over the headline of a front page story that named the social networking website in the context of a story about a paedophile gang operating in Devon.

Friday's Mail splashed with the headline "How many more victims of Facebook sex gang?", after parents of 16,000 pupils in Torbay were warned of an ongoing "complex child abuse investigation" that may involve 20 or more victims in the area.

That prompted an angry reaction from Facebook, which said there was no evidence to support the allegation that the social networking site was used to facilitate the sexual exploitation of children in this case.

Facebook complained to the Daily Mail, and the newspaper changed the wording of the headline online pending a further investigation. The website – which is trying to adopt a tough stance against the Mail – also demanded an apology in print.

However, the Mail believes it has no reason to apologise and insiders said the newspaper had good reason to believe the mention of Facebook in the headline was appropriate. A spokesman for the Mail said: "We stand by our story."

Unhappy with the standoff, Facebook had decided to enlist its lawyers, Osborne Clarke, to examine whether the social networking company can sue the newspaper or whether it should submit a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission.

In response to questions from, a spokeswoman for Facebook said there was "no evidence" that the website was used to "facilitate these crimes". She added: "While the inaccurate headline was quickly changed online, the damage of being wrongly tied to this story on the front page is worthy of an apology – to both Daily Mail readers and Facebook – of equal prominence."

The Mail's headline was partly based on a statement made by detective inspector Simon Snell, who said that grooming of children in the area "may have occurred on the internet" and that officers were "keeping an open mind with regards to Facebook, Bebo and other sites".

But Devon & Cornwall police, handling the investigation, this week indicated in private that in this case sites such as Facebook were not used as grooming tools, but for potential witnesses and victims to communicate with each other.

One man, Jake Ormerod, 19, has been charged with two sex offences as a result of the investigation by Devon & Cornwall police. Saturday's Mail and the Mail Online website featured pictures of Ormerod taken, it is understood, from his Facebook page.

Friday's front page story as printed is no longer available on Mail Online. A heavily rewritten version appears instead with the pictures of Ormerod, which includes a reference to children being groomed on websites "including Facebook".

It is not the first time Facebook has locked horns with the Mail. In March the social network extracted an apology from the Mail after the newspaper said that a man posing as a 14-year-old girl who had created a profile on Facebook had been approached "within seconds" by older men who wanted her to perform a "sex act" in front of them. The author of the piece had in fact logged on to another, unnamed, "well-known" social networking site.

Facebook argues that while it may be possible to groom child victims on the site – it is also possible to do so through a very wide range of techniques, technologies and websites. The company also argues it cannot be held responsible for the illegal actions of people who may have Facebook pages and that all child abuse ultimately takes place offline.

Facebook said it had "not ruled out legal action" as it waited to see how or if the newspaper would respond.

  • Che Facebook e Google siano scampati alla FTC non significa ancora che scampino anche le autorita' per la concorrenza europee


    Facebook’s use of ad data triggers antitrust probes in UK and EU

    #CDUdigital Conference In Berlin

    Image Credits: Adam Berry / Getty Images

    Facebook is facing a fresh pair of antitrust probes in Europe.

    The U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the EU’s Competition Commission both announced formal investigations into the social media giant’s operations today — with what’s likely to have been coordinated timing.

    The competition regulators will scrutinize how Facebook uses data from advertising customers and users of its single sign-on tool — specifically looking at whether it uses this data as an unfair lever against competitors in markets such as classified ads.

    The pair also said they will seek to work closely together as their independent investigations progress.

    With the U.K. outside the European trading bloc (post-Brexit), the national competition watchdog has a freer rein to pursue investigations that may be similar to or overlap with antitrust probes the EU is also undertaking.

    And the two Facebook investigations do appear similar on the surface — with both broadly focused on how Facebook uses advertising data. (Though outcomes could of course differ.)

    The danger for Facebook, here, is that a higher dimension of scrutiny will be applied to its business as a result of dual regulatory action — with the opportunity for joint working and cross-referencing of its responses (not to mention a little investigative competition between the U.K. and the EU’s agencies).

    The CMA said it’s looking at whether Facebook has gained an unfair advantage over competitors in providing services for online classified ads and online dating through how it gathers and uses certain data.

    Specifically, the U.K.’s regulator said it’s concerned that Facebook might have gained an unfair advantage over competitors providing services for online classified ads and online dating.

    Facebook plays in both spaces of course, via Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Dating, respectively.

    In a statement on its action, CMA CEO Andrea Coscelli said: “We intend to thoroughly investigate Facebook’s use of data to assess whether its business practices are giving it an unfair advantage in the online dating and classified ad sectors. Any such advantage can make it harder for competing firms to succeed, including new and smaller businesses, and may reduce customer choice.”

    The European Commission’s investigation will — similarly — focus on whether Facebook violated the EU’s competition rules by using advertising data gathered from advertisers in order to compete with them in markets where it is active.

    Although it only cites classified ads as its example of the neighbouring market of particular concern for its probe.

    The EU’s probe has another element, though, as it said it’s also looking at whether Facebook ties its online classified ads service to its social network in breach of the bloc’s competition rules.

    In a separate (national) action, Germany’s competition authority opened a similar probe into Facebook tying Oculus to use of a Facebook account at the end of last year. So Facebook now has multiple antitrust probes on its plate in Europe, adding to its woes from the massive states antitrust lawsuit filed against it on home turf, also back in December 2020.

    “When advertising their services on Facebook, companies, which also compete directly with Facebook, may provide it commercially valuable data. Facebook might then use this data in order to compete against the companies which provided it,” the Commission noted in a press release.

    “This applies in particular to online classified ads providers, the platforms on which many European consumers buy and sell products. Online classified ads providers advertise their services on Facebook’s social network. At the same time, they compete with Facebook’s own online classified ads service, ‘Facebook Marketplace’.”

    The Commission added that a preliminary investigation it already undertook has raised concerns Facebook is distorting the market for online classified ads services. It will now take an in-depth look in order to make a full judgement on whether the social media behemoth is breaking EU competition rules.

    Commenting in a statement, EVP Margrethe Vestager, who also heads up competition policy for the bloc, added: “Facebook is used by almost 3 billion people on a monthly basis and almost 7 million firms advertise on Facebook in total. Facebook collects vast troves of data on the activities of users of its social network and beyond, enabling it to target specific customer groups. We will look in detail at whether this data gives Facebook an undue competitive advantage in particular on the online classified ads sector, where people buy and sell goods every day, and where Facebook also competes with companies from which it collects data. In today’s digital economy, data should not be used in ways that distort competition.”

    Reached for comment on the latest European antitrust probes, Facebook sent us this statement:

    We are always developing new and better services to meet evolving demand from people who use Facebook. Marketplace and Dating offer people more choices and both products operate in a highly competitive environment with many large incumbents. We will continue to cooperate fully with the investigations to demonstrate that they are without merit.

    Up til now, Facebook has been a bit of a blind spot for the Commission’s competition authority — with multiple investigations and enforcements chalked up by the bloc against other tech giants, such as (most notably) Google and Amazon.

    But Vestager’s Facebook “dry patch” has now formally come to an end. (The EU’s informal investigation into Facebook Marketplace had been ongoing since March 2019.)

    The CMA, meanwhile, is working on wider pro-competition regulatory reforms aimed squarely at tech giants like Facebook and Google under a U.K. plan to clip the wings of the adtech duopoly.

    Facebook, Google ed loro tribunali di canguri illegali


    Whether it finds Trump innocent or guilty, Facebook’s risible kangaroo court is not fit for purpose

    Chris Sweeney
    Chris Sweeney

    Chris Sweeney is an author and columnist who has written for newspapers such as The Times, Daily Express, The Sun and Daily Record, along with several international-selling magazines. Follow him on Twitter @Writes_Sweeney

    Whether it finds Trump innocent or guilty, Facebook’s risible kangaroo court is not fit for purpose
    The Facebook Oversight Board is set to decide on whether Donald Trump’s ban from the platform should be upheld. The verdict will have a dramatic effect on what leaders can say on social media, but is the board up to the task?

    Donald Trump has been impeached twice, but arguably his most far-reaching trial is about to deliver its verdict. On May 5, the Facebook Oversight Board will publish its decision on whether to uphold its ban on the former president, following the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

    It’s by far the biggest ever case involving social media, and will impact the future of all online debate. Let’s not forget, Trump was the most high- profile politician in the world when his account was suspended from Facebook and Instagram.

    The Oversight Board was created for cases like this, to adjudicate over important decisions made by Facebook. The social media giant has to abide by the board’s decision.

    The board is comprised of 20 people currently. They are managed via a trust, and it is billed as using “its independent judgment to support people's right to free expression and ensure that those rights are being adequately respected”.

    On the surface, this looks like a well-managed system. It gives the general public faith that everything is being handled in a professional and impartial manner. But once you delve a little deeper, things don’t quite seem as transparent.

    Also on Facebook’s Oversight Board will be Zuckerberg’s patsy censors, giving him cover as he aims to control all global information

    The first thing to consider is that the board was created and is funded by Facebook. So Facebook, in effect, pays the salaries of the people who are holding it to account.

    The blueprint for the board states that it will comprise 40 members. And yet it currently only has half that, despite the Oversight Board Trust – which finances the whole operation – being formed in October 2019.

    It seems unlikely there would be a dearth of candidates for such a prestigious position, considering it has been around for 18 months. Is it because the ‘right’ people haven’t applied or don’t want the job?

    Given the board will be passing judgement on Trump, its makeup is obviously of interest, too. He’s probably relieved Professor Pamela Karlan is no longer on it. She left to take up a job with the administration of Joe Biden, who of course had a bitter battle with Trump to win the White House.

    But the remaining members also raise a few eyebrows. Helle Thorning-Schmidt is a former Danish prime minister whose understanding of social media is clearly questionable, as she stirred international outrage online by encouraging Barack Obama and David Cameron to pose for a selfie during a memorial service for Nelson Mandela in 2013.

    She has also publicly criticised Trump, particularly over a speech at the World Economic Forum on climate change.

    Another board member is Alan Rusbridger, who is best known for being editor of The Guardian from 1995 to 2015. The liberal newspaper’s political leanings are no secret, but under his stewardship it ran some highly critical articles about Trump, including one that said he brought “half-baked thoughts” to the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2014.

    Also on The purges begin! Under new ‘independent’ oversight board, Facebook & Instagram ban QAnon & ‘Militarized Social Movements’

    These articles were not authored by Rusbridger and he may not even agree with them, but the fact is they ran under his stewardship. Surely any case involving Trump’s right to a Facebook account would be tricky for him to be part of?

    Earlier this year, for example, Rusbridger also resigned from a commission to examine the future of media in Ireland because during his tenure at The Guardian, he employed someone who supported the IRA who wrote for their publication under a pseudonym.

    Then there’s Emi Palmor, the former chief of the Israeli Ministry of Justice from 2014 to 2019.

    The large amount of criticism Israel has received for its treatment of Palestinians is well documented. The Association for Progressive Communications published an article which stated that “under Emi Palmor’s direction, the Israeli Ministry of Justice petitioned Facebook to censor legitimate speech of human rights defenders and journalists because it was deemed politically undesirable.”

    Throw in the close relationship of Trump’s administration and family with Israel’s elite, and she also doesn’t look like a beacon of impartiality.

    Others include constitutional legal expert Jamal K. Greene of Columbia Law School (where, coincidentally, Joe Biden’s granddaughter recently graduated from) and the ex-editor of The Jakarta Post, Endy Bayuni.

    Tawakkol Karman is an impressive individual, having become the first Arab female to win a Nobel Peace Prize. She was the public face of the Yemeni front of the Arab Spring, was dubbed ‘Mother of the Revolution’ and also campaigns for press freedom.

    But how do the achievements of all these people tally with Facebook? It’s a platform that controls not only its own site, but also Instagram and WhatsApp, collectively giving it 3.45 billion monthly users.

    Also on By banning Trump and his supporters, Google and Twitter are turning the US into a facsimile of the regimes we once condemned

    The level of tech involved in controlling all of that is mind boggling. The algorithms are complex and are way beyond the scope of the lay person. That’s why it was hugely significant when in 2019, Edward Snowden referred to Facebook as “just as untrustworthy as the NSA [National Security Agency]”. He was trained by the CIA and was so effective as a whistleblower because he grasps what the technology allows.

    Lawyers, activists, politicians and newspaper editors, no matter how impressive their CVs, don’t have that level of understanding of tech. So, when they are asked to pass judgement, how can they really understand how information is disseminated, with fake accounts spreading information and the manipulation of social media?

    Governments and powerful organisations have farms of bots and trolls, literally thousands of people coding and typing to drive a narrative for the world’s population to devour. Donald Trump’s content will be used in this way, but not the average person’s. The point is that the current board is not equipped to grasp how technology is the key here, not what is written on a single account, even if the individual and their position are all-important.

    The other key aspect is, why is Facebook allowed to create its own regulator? In Britain, all broadcasting rules are policed by Ofcom, which investigates complaints and decides what action to take. Over in America, the Federal Communications Commission does a similar thing, while Australia has its Communications and Media Authority.

    The Oversight Board is trying too hard to masquerade as a peer of these institutions. In January, it tweeted “The Oversight Board has announced its first five decisions, overturning Facebook's judgment in four cases.” But that was virtue-signalling.

    It wanted to show it had gone against Facebook, as if that is a badge of honour. But isn’t the entire point to be impartial and come to a properly researched conclusion? Facebook’s original decision should have no bearing.

    Trump’s Facebook and Instagram future will be revealed soon. Whatever it is, it’s clear that the Oversight Board is an artificial form of justice and should not be allowed to rule on a matter of such importance that will have a major effect on what leaders can and cannot say in future.

    Lezione da Mark Zuckerberg su come leccare correttamente i culi


    Trump said he might have banned Facebook as president but 'Zuckerberg kept calling' and 'telling me how great I was'

    Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg.Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty
    • Trump made the statement after Nigeria banned Twitter, which deleted a tweet from its president.
    • Trump is permanently banned from Twitter, and from Facebook until January 2023.
    • He also said "2024?" referencing the next election - he has reportedly said he plans to run again.

    Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said more countries should ban Twitter and Facebook, two platforms that booted him over the risk of incitement of violence after the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

    "Congratulations to the country of Nigeria, who just banned Twitter because they banned their President," Trump said. "More COUNTRIES should ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open speech - all voices should be heard."

    Bill Maher critica Facebook e Google per aver soppresso notizie sull'origine artificiale del virus detto Covid


    Bill Maher trashes Facebook, Google for suppressing Wuhan lab-leak theory: 'You were wrong!'

    'This is outrageous that I can't look this information up!'

    "Real Time" host Bill Maher blasted Big Tech companies for their "outrageous" efforts to suppress the Wuhan coronavirus lab-leak theory, which in recent months has been taken more seriously amid major developments. 

    "Facebook banned any post for four months about COVID coming from a lab. Of course now, even the Biden administration is looking into this," Maher said during a panel discussion. "Google -- a Wall Street Journal reporter asked the head of Google's health division -- noticed that they don't do auto-fill searches for ‘coronavirus lab leak’ the way they do for any other question and the guy said, ‘Well, we want to make sure that the search isn’t leading people down pathways that we would find not authoritative information.' 

    "Well, you were wrong, Google and Facebook!" Maher continued. "We don't know! The reason why we want you is because we're checking on this s---!" 


    "He said, ‘We want to ensure that the first thing users see is information from the CDC, the WHO -- that’s who I'm checking on! The WHO has been very corrupt about a lot of s--- and the CDC has been wrong about a lot of s---. This is outrageous that I can't look this information up!" Maher continued. 

    "The WHO has been very corrupt about a lot of s--- and the CDC has been wrong about a lot of s---. This is outrageous that I can't look this information up!" 

    — Bill Maher

    The HBO star then took aim at YouTube for removing Bret Weinstein's podcast that discussed ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID.

    "YouTube should not be telling me what I can see about ivermectin. Ivermectin isn't a registered Republican, it's a drug!" Maher exclaimed. "I don't know if it works or not and a lot of other doctors don't either."

    "YouTube should not be telling me what I can see about ivermectin. Ivermectin isn't a registered Republican, it's a drug!" 

    — Bill Maher

    Earlier in the conversation, Maher slammed the "political dimension" the lab-leak theory was given last year, stressing that there was "nothing political" about wondering how the pandemic started. 


    "China does bad things," Maher said before listing the Chinese Communist Party's actions, such as shutting down a newspaper in Hong Kong and imprisoning Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps. "Liberals don't want to say anything because [the Chinese are] Asian and [the liberals] don't think very clearly about this, so they conflate it with anti-Asian hate crimes here. It has nothing to do -- one has nothing to do with the other."

    Facebook Zuckerberg cercano di intimidire in tribunale i giornalisti che riportano notizie interne alla centrale di gangster digitali


    “Digital gangsters” Facebook are frantically trying to find out who leaked thousands of internal documents

    "Facebook is trying to leverage the court to frighten and try to identify journalism sources"
    If you're tired of cancel culture and censorship subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

    Facebook is trying really hard to plug the holes in its ever more leaky, giant corporate ship.

    Faced with yet another big challenge to the shaken public perception of its integrity as a social media platform serving billions of people, the company has now turned to a US court in a bid to prevent more damning information emerging, after thousands of new documents had been leaked.

    Facebook is now going after the alleged sources of the leaks, two figures from the Six4Three tech firm, asking the court to question and if need be, jail them, Computer Weekly has reported.

    The publications is among several media outlets in Europe and the US with whom British investigative reporter Duncan Campbell has shared the leaked documents that he has been given access to. The same trove of confidential Facebook material was used in the investigation of the UK Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Committee in late 2018, worse report, as Computer Weekly noted, ended up describing Facebook as “digital gangsters.”

    Campbell had gained access to the documents the day DCMS published its report.

    Facebook’s lawyers have told the US court that Six4Three – involved in a previous legal dispute with the social media giant – said the DCMS gained the initial quantity of Facebook files, about 3,500, by legally seizing them from Six4Three founder Ted Kramer – an explanation that Facebook rejects as a possibility.

    But both Kramer and Scaramellino have denied “any contact” with Duncan Campbell.

    Now Facebook wants Kramer and the company’s lawyer Thomas Scaramellino questioned and/or jailed, to find out how over 3,000 more documents in the meantime found their way to the media.

    Campbell, in turn, has had a few choice words for the tech giant when he said that Facebook was “concealing material information from the court” and “misleading the judge.”

    “Facebook is trying to leverage the court to frighten and try to identify journalism sources,” Campbell said.

    Computer Weekly also cited from Facebook’s filing which stated the company was “receiving with every passing day fresh information from the media that the leaks go broader and deeper.”

    One of the revelations from the same massive document leak which other media outlets have had access to says that Facebook employed sensitive private data of its users to further its business by rewarding allies and punishing enemies – either by providing or withholding access to the user data it had collected.

    Facebook accusato dal parlamento inglese di violare intenzionalmente la legge sulla privacy e sulla concorrenza: Fatto? Niente.


    UK lawmakers: Facebook ‘intentionally’ violated data privacy laws

    UK lawmakers have accused Facebook of violating data privacy and competition laws in a report on social media disinformation that also says CEO Mark Zuckerberg showed “contempt” toward parliament by not appearing before them.

    The UK Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee said in a report published Monday that a trove of internal Facebook emails it reviewed demonstrated that the social media platform had “intentionally and knowingly” violated both data privacy and competition laws.

    The cache of documents reviewed by the committee, some of which include correspondence between Zuckerberg and company executives, stem from a lawsuit filed in California against Facebook. The committee obtained the documents late last year from a small app company called Six4Three that is behind the suit.

    According to the committee, the documents show that Facebook was “willing to override its users’ privacy settings in order to transfer data” to app developers. The lawmakers also claim the documents show the social network was able to “starve” some developers of data and force them out of business.

    “Companies like Facebook should not be allowed to behave like ‘digital gangsters’ in the online world, considering themselves to be ahead of and beyond the law,” the report said.

    In response to the report, Facebook said it had not breached data protection or competition laws. Karim Palant, Facebook’s UK public policy manager, said in a statement that the company “supports effective privacy legislation” and is also open to “meaningful regulation.”

    Facebook said in December that the documents from the Six4Three lawsuit had been “selectively leaked” to tell “only one side of the story.” CNN and other news outlets had asked the California court to make the documents public.

    The allegations are the latest headache for the social media giant, which has come under intense scrutiny from policymakers in the United States and around the world following a series of data scandals including Cambridge Analytica.

    Overhaul needed

    While Facebook was a major focus of the report, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee made several recommendations on how to combat fake news and disinformation.

    The committee said:

    Social media platforms should be subject to a compulsory code of ethics. An independent UK regulator should monitor tech companies, and be able to launch legal proceedings against them. UK antitrust regulators should conduct a “comprehensive audit” of the advertising market on social media. UK regulators should investigate whether Facebook has been involved in anti-competitive practices. The government should examine recent elections for evidence of voter manipulation.

    The committee’s investigation lasted 18 months and featured nearly two dozen oral evidence sessions, including a special hearing in Washington, D.C. and an “international grand committee” attended by representatives of nine countries. The final report ran to over 100 pages.

    “The big tech companies must not be allowed to expand exponentially, without constraint or proper regulatory oversight,” the report stated. “Only governments and the law are powerful enough to contain them.”

    Target: Facebook

    The report harshly criticized Facebook and Zuckerberg, who repeatedly refused to appear before the committee last year despite numerous requests.

    “The management structure of Facebook is opaque to those outside the business and this seemed to be designed to conceal knowledge of and responsibility for specific decisions,” the report said. “Facebook used the strategy of sending witnesses who they said were the most appropriate representatives, yet had not been properly briefed on crucial issues, and could not or chose not to answer many of our questions.”

    The report’s authors said they had “no doubt that this strategy was deliberate.”

    Damian Collins, the committee’s chair, said in a statement that Zuckerberg “continually fails to show the levels of leadership and personal responsibility that should be expected from someone who sits at the top of one of the world’s biggest companies.”

    British authorities ruled last year that Facebook broke UK law by failing to safeguard user data, and by not telling tens of millions of people how Cambridge Analytica harvested their information for use in political campaigns.

    Facebook’s response

    Palant, the Facebook public policy manager, said that the company shares the committee’s “concerns about false news and election integrity” and that it had made “a significant contribution to their investigation” by answering more than 700 questions.

    Palant also highlighted the “substantial changes” to political advertising standards the company has undertaken.

    “No other channel for political advertising is as transparent and offers the tools that we do,” said Palant. “We have tripled the size of the team working to detect and protect users from bad content to 30,000 people and invested heavily in machine learning, artificial intelligence and computer vision technology to help prevent this type of abuse.”

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