How the US are governing the Philippines.


ALL of these entities and organizations are cover operations of “The Company” (this is how the agents call the CIA) and of the DHS.

They are the presentable face of what is known as “deep state”, in this case in the Philippines.

This is how the US have taken by its balls the Philippines govt, inclusive “pres. “ Duterte and its administration.

They are not blackmailed by “ugly foreigners” deserving tokhang, but by Filipinos themselves, CERTAIN Filipinos, who have no scruple in aiding and abetting “foreigners” in committing crimes in the Philippines and in subverting its present material constitution.

Others sit in the Philippines call centers, BPOs, KPOs, “investor companies”, “sister corporations” like SANOFI Philippines, Nestle etc. etc. etc.

Intindihan mo?

Do you understand now why the Philippines look like a dump since 100 years???

How the US govern Italy


Center Manager

4.3 out of 5
Napoli, Campania


Napoli, Campania

Estratto dalla descrizione completa della posizione

  • Rimborso tasse scolastiche

Descrizione completa della posizione

***U.S. Citizenship Required***

Why join our team?

With a mission that spans the globe, the USO provides a rewarding and fulfilling work environment. Our team is exceptional, and we offer generous paid time off, including volunteer days and military leave. We have a remarkable 401k match, comprehensive benefits, and opportunities for training and education reimbursement. Our team members are passionate about putting the mission first, and we have a lot of fun while doing it. Working for the USO isn't just a job – it's a calling, and we believe in doing what you love and loving what you do.

Don’t take our word for it. The external “Great Place To Work” survey found that:

  • The USO is a Certified Great Place to Work 2023-2024
  • 93% feel good about the ways we contribute to the community.
  • 93% are proud to tell others they work here.
  • 88% feel their work has special meaning: this is not "just a job."
  • 89% feel that when you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.
  • 91% feel people here are treated fairly regardless of their race.
  • 87% feel people here are treated fairly regardless of their gender.

The Center Operations Manager position is responsible for overseeing one or more USO Center’s operations, and overseeing programs, events and activities at locations surrounding the Center(s). This position also manages subordinate operational staff and volunteers. It also assists in evaluating and modifying existing programs, events and activities, and plans and implements new or improved programs, events and activities.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities (*Essential Duties)

  • Overall responsibility for providing visitor and guests with a Center that is effective, inviting, safe, clean, well-maintained and ready-for-use. Also responsible for ensuring that equipment is clean and well-functioning and for enforcing adherence to sanitary guidelines and food-handling regulations.*
  • Lead the planning, quality, and delivery of programs on and off of U.S. military installations. Deliver services, equipment and events within budget limits. Identify and implement operational and program improvements that achieve USO standards of excellence. Act as a resource for USO Center staff and volunteers in the planning and execution of special and/or holiday events.*
  • Review program and service needs. Research and recommend new programs and services based on research. Implement and oversee suggested and/or required changes.*
  • Coach and mentor USO Center staff and oversee volunteers’ schedule, activities, recruitment, training and recognition. Develop, improve and maintain working relationships with USO vendors and local contractors.*
  • Create, maintain, communicate, and enforce adherence to Standard Operating Procedures to inform Centers’ procedures and activities, and the Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP). Ensure that staff, volunteers, and vendors comply with the EPP, report damage, destruction or injury to the Center and its assets. Conduct employee accountability checks.*
  • As directed by leadership, perform and monitor financial activities, including creating and executing operating budget, sales and/or other income, banking transactions. Operates within budgetary guidelines. Manage cash on hand and maintain inventory of supplies and assets.
  • Prepare, review and present reports, including financial, operational and statistical reports. Create and/or maintain records required for local procedures and activities.
  • Responsible for communicating to internal and external parties, Centers’ operations, programs, and activities. Compile and prepare announcements, stories, and photos for publication and distribution across multiple media and social media channels.*
  • In cooperation with key internal and external stakeholders, develop, improve and maintain working relationships with U.S. Military, local community leadership, partners and donors, and media representatives to enhance awareness, generate financial/in-kind support of the USO mission and support successful program and service delivery.*
  • May be required to operate a USO or personal motor vehicle.
  • Perform assigned duties in the absence of leadership, and other duties as assigned.

Job Specifications

  • High School Diploma or equivalent. Bachelor’s Degree preferred.
  • 5+ years work experience in a business operations role, event management or marketing role, including 1+ years in a supervisory capacity. Relevant experience in a non-profit, military, multicultural and/or global organization preferred.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead high-performing teams. Ability to achieve desired results while working collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Proficiency using computers and electronics equipment. Working knowledge of various software, applications, and programs including but not limited to Microsoft Office Suite. General knowledge of various software, applications, and programs including but not limited to volunteer management software and social media platforms. Experience with Digital Cheetah preferred.
  • Fluency in English. Ability to speak, read and write in the language of the host country at the native level preferred.
  • Strong interpersonal, customer service and problem-solving skills. Ability to interact with USO Leadership, the general public and military audiences at a variety of levels with integrity and professionalism.
  • Demonstrated ability to exercise sound judgment related to controversial and/or culturally sensitive subjects. Ability to handle confidential information with tact and poise.
  • Working knowledge of basic business and accounting functions including project management and budgeting.
  • Ability to perform basic math and follow proper cash/donation handling and reporting procedures, business/accounting functions including project management and budget reconciliation.
  • Demonstrated initiative/self-motivation, with the ability to quickly and easily adapt to changing organizational needs.
  • Demonstrated ability to pay attention to detail with the ability to manage multiple projects with competing priorities.
  • Ability to obtain and maintain proper credentials necessary to access USO Center locations and facilities including security, credit and/or background screening, SOFA status, valid driver’s license.
  • Ability to obtain and maintain a valid United States passport and valid foreign driver’s license* (in applicable locations/regions)
  • Must be a strong advocate of the USO’s mission.


  • This position is located in Naples, Italy. Preference will be given to local candidates within commuting distance to the location.
  • U.S. Citizenship Required
  • USO locations will adhere to local area and DOD guidelines regarding COVID vaccination/testing requirements. Employees may be required to be vaccinated or tested regularly per local requirements.
  • Resume and cover letter are required for full consideration.
  • Background check – education, criminal and driving required.
  • The statements contained herein describe the scope of the responsibility and essential functions of this position but should not be considered to be an all-inclusive listing of work requirements. Individuals may perform other duties as assigned including work in other areas to cover absences or relief to equalize peak work periods or otherwise balance the workload.

If that’s not enough to convince you, here are some direct quotes from employees:

  • The organization truly cares about the people who work here.
  • I have been with the USO for 4 years and have consistently been able to grow in my knowledge and position. It is a fun place to work and my work/life balance is manageable. The way the organization has handled COVID has been top notch - I never felt fearful that I would lose my job or be put in a situation where I did not feel safe. The benefits are great - PTO and 401k matching are top level.
  • There is great consideration given and extended in the following areas: organizational core values for all, work-life balance, impact we can actually see (and even experience as a staff member- the feeling of making an impact is priceless), autonomy with respect to current position within the organization.
  • Everyone is friendly and easy to talk to. We collaborate well together and share ideas and interests to create fun activities for our overall goal in the community. I couldn't think of a better organization to work for.
  • The mission alone provides a positive and meaningful purpose, where people should want to work and be a part of. Most of the people who work for the USO and volunteer for the USO have giving hearts and want to make a difference. This also makes the organization a place where people would want to work.
  • The mission and opportunities to make a Difference are amazing. There is no doubt that the USO is one of the most forward-facing, frontline serving nonprofits that I know of.


Apply today. Join the mission. Join Team USO.

***U.S. Citizenship Required***

Come Google ti costringe "gentilmente" a chiudere il tuo account o te lo chiude se non lo fai tu non mandandoti i codici di verifica SMS per ragioni "inspiegabili". Chi vivra' vedra'. Non sara' mica ora di confiscare e smembrare anche Google dopo aver confiscato e smembrato Microsoft???


Google ti osserva - e ti condiziona, ti minaccia e ti ricatta


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Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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