The Western Way of Genocide

IN FOCUS, 3 Feb 2025

The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service

Explore Gaza – by Mr. Fish

The genocide in Gaza portends the emergence of a dystopian world where the industrialized violence of the Global North is used to sustain its hoarding of diminishing resources and wealth.

1 Feb 2025 – Gaza is a wasteland of 50 million tons of rubble and debris. Rats and dogs scavenge amid the ruins and fetid pools of raw sewage. The putrid stench and contamination of decaying corpses rises from beneath the mountains of shattered concrete. There is no clean water. Little food. A severe shortage of medical services and hardly any habitable shelters. Palestinians risk death from unexploded ordnance, left behind after over 15 months of air strikes, artillery barrages, missile strikes and blasts from tank shells, and a variety of toxic substances, including pools of raw sewage and asbestos.

Hepatitis A, caused by drinking contaminated water, is rampant, as are respiratory ailments, scabies, malnutrition, starvation and the widespread nausea and vomiting caused by eating rancid food. The vulnerable, including infants and the elderly, along with the sick, face a death sentence. Some 1.9 million people have been displaced, amounting to 90 percent of the population. They live in makeshift tents, encamped amid slabs of concrete or the open air. Many have been forced to move over a dozen times. Nine in 10 homes have been destroyed or damaged. Apartment blocks, schools, hospitals, bakeries, mosques, universities — Israel blew up Israa University in Gaza City in a controlled demolition — cemeteries, shops and offices have been obliterated. The unemployment rate is 80 percent and the gross domestic product has been reduced by almost 85 percent, according to an October 2024 report issued by the International Labor Organization.

Israel’s banning of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East — which estimates that clearing Gaza of the rubble left behind will take 15 years — ensures that Palestinians in Gaza will never have access to basic humanitarian supplies, adequate food and services.

The United Nations Development Programme estimates that it will cost between $40 billion and $50 billion to rebuild Gaza and will take, if the funds are made available, until 2040. It would be the largest post-war reconstruction effort since the end of World War Two.

Israel, supplied with billions of dollars of weapons from the U.S. Germany, Italy and the U.K., created this hell. It intends to maintain it. Gaza is to remain under siege. After an initial burst of aid deliveries at the start of the ceasefire, Israel has once again severely cut back the trucked-in assistance. Gaza’s infrastructure will not be restored. Its basic services, including water treatment plants, electricity and sewer lines, will not be repaired. Its destroyed roads, bridges and farms will not be rebuilt. Desperate Palestinians will be forced to choose between living like cave dwellers, camped out amid jagged chunks of concrete, dying from disease, famine, bombs and bullets, or permanent exile. These are the only options Israel offers.

Israel is convinced, probably correctly, that eventually life in the coastal strip will become so onerous and difficult, especially as Israel finds excuses to violate the ceasefire and resume armed assaults on the Palestinian population, a mass exodus will be inevitable. It has refused, even with the ceasefire in place, to permit foreign press into Gaza, a ban designed to blunt coverage of the horrendous suffering and death.

Stage Two of Israel’s genocide and the expansion of “Greater Israel” — which includes the seizing of more Syrian territory in the Golan Heights (as well as calls for expansion to Damascus), southern Lebanon, Gaza and the occupied West Bank — is being cemented into place. Israeli organizations, including the far right Nachala organization, have held conferences to prepare for Jewish colonization of Gaza once Palestinians are ethnically-cleansed. Jewish-only colonies existed in Gaza for 38 years until they were dismantled in 2005.

Washington and its allies in Europe do nothing to halt the live-streamed mass slaughter. They will do nothing to halt the wasting away of Palestinians in Gaza from hunger and disease and their eventual depopulation. They are partners in this genocide. They will remain partners until the genocide reaches its grim conclusion.

But the genocide in Gaza is only the start. The world is breaking down under the onslaught of the climate crisis, which is triggering mass migrations, failed states and catastrophic wildfires, hurricanes, storms, flooding and droughts. As global stability unravels, the terrifying machine of industrial violence, which is decimating the Palestinians, will become ubiquitous. These assaults will be committed, as they are in Gaza, in the name of progress, Western civilization and our supposed “virtues” to crush the aspirations of those, mostly poor people of color, who have been dehumanized and dismissed as human animals.

Israel’s annihilation of Gaza marks the death of a global order guided by internationally agreed upon laws and rules, one often violated by the U.S. in its imperial wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, but one that was at least acknowledged as a utopian vision. The U.S. and its Western allies not only supply the weaponry to sustain the genocide, but obstruct the demand by most nations for an adherence to humanitarian law.

The message this sends is clear:

You, and the rules that you thought might protect you, do not matter. We have everything. If you try and take it away from us we will kill you.

The militarized drones, helicopter gunships, walls and barriers, checkpoints, coils of concertina wire, watch towers, detention centers, deportations, brutality and torture, denial of entry visas, apartheid existence that comes with being undocumented, loss of individual rights and electronic surveillance are as familiar to the desperate migrants along the Mexican border or attempting to enter Europe as they are to the Palestinians.

Israel, which as Ronen Bergman notes in “Rise and Kill First” has “assassinated more people than any other country in the Western world,” uses the Nazi Holocaust to sanctify its hereditary victimhood and justify its settler-colonial state, apartheid, campaigns of mass murder and Zionist version of Lebensraum.

Primo Levi, who survived Auschwitz, saw the Shoah, for this reason, as “an inexhaustible source of evil” which “is perpetrated as hatred in the survivors, and springs up in a thousand ways, against the very will of all, as a thirst for revenge, as moral breakdown, as negation, as weariness, as resignation.”

Genocide and mass extermination are not the exclusive domain of fascist Germany. Adolf Hitler, as Aimé Césaire writes in “Discourse on Colonialism”, appeared exceptionally cruel only because he presided over “the humiliation of the white man.” But the Nazis, he writes, had simply applied “colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the coolies of India, and the blacks of Africa.”

The German slaughter of the Herero and Namaqua, the Armenian genocide, the Bengal famine of 1943 — then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill airily dismissed the deaths of three million Hindus in the famine by calling them “a beastly people with a beastly religion” — along with the dropping of nuclear bombs on the civilian targets of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, illustrate something fundamental about “western civilization.” As Hannah Arendt understood, antisemitism alone did not lead to the Shoah. It needed the innate genocidal potential of the modern bureaucratic state.

“In America,” the poet Langston Huges said, “Negros do not have to be told what fascism is in action. We know. Its theories of Nordic supremacy and economic suppression have long been realities to us.”

We dominate the globe not because of our superior virtues, but because we are the most efficient killers on the planet. The millions of victims of racist imperial projects in countries such as Mexico, China, India, the CongoKenya and Vietnam are deaf to the fatuous claims by Jews that their victimhood is unique. So are Black, Brown and Native Americans. They also suffered holocausts, but these holocausts remain minimised or unacknowledged by their western perpetrators.

“These events which took place in living memory undermined the basic assumption of both religious traditions and the secular Enlightenment: that human beings have a fundamentally ‘moral’ nature,” Pankaj Mishra writes in his book “The World After Gaza.” “The corrosive suspicion that they don’t is now widespread. Many more people have closely witnessed death and mutilation, under regimes of callousness, timidity and censorship; they recognise with a shock that everything is possible, remembering past atrocities is no guarantee against repeating them in the present, and the foundations of international law and morality are not secure at all.”

Mass slaughter is as integral to western imperialism as the Shoah. They are fed by the same disease of white supremacy and the conviction that a better world is built upon the subjugation and eradication of the “lower” races.

Israel embodies the ethnonationalist state the far-right in the U.S. and Europe dreams of creating for themselves, one that rejects political and cultural pluralism, as well as legal, diplomatic and ethical norms. Israel is admired by these proto-fascists, including Christian nationalists, because it has turned its back on humanitarian law to use indiscriminate lethal force to “cleanse” its society of those condemned as human contaminants.

Israel and its western allies, James Baldwin saw, is headed towards the “terrible probability” that the dominant nations “struggling to hold on to what they have stolen from their captives, and unable to look into their mirror, will precipitate a chaos throughout the world which, if it does not bring life on this planet to an end, will bring about a racial war such as the world has never seen.”

What is lacking is not knowledge — our perfidy and Israel’s is part of the historical record — but the courage to name our darkness and repent. This willful blindness and historical amnesia, this refusal to be accountable to the rule of law, this belief that we have a right to use industrial violence to exert our will marks the start, not the end, of campaigns of mass slaughter by the Global North against the world’s growing legions of the poor and the vulnerable.


Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He used to be the host of the Emmy Award-nominated RT America show On Contact.

Copyright 2024 Chris Hedges



Weak and worthless: Western Europe’s elites have sent it into historic decline

A region which once ruled the world has now become a geopolitical black hole
Weak and worthless: Western Europe’s elites have sent it into historic decline

There are two major fears for Western European elites when dealing with the new American administration. Surprisingly, the most serious challenge isn’t the potential decision by the Trump administration to pursue a military confrontation with Russia through Ukraine while cutting financial spending. The root of their anxiety lies elsewhere.

It is naïve to believe that the inauguration of a new American president signifies a revolutionary shift in Washington’s domestic or foreign policies. Most of the loudly proclaimed goals will either prove unattainable or be spun as victories despite their failures. Nevertheless, even the stated objectives of President Donald Trump’s team are enough to provoke strong emotions in Western Europe, the region most humiliatingly dependent on America and, at the same time, the most parasitic actor in contemporary global politics.

For decades, ‘the old world’ has been stuck in a state of strategic ambiguity. Its military and political backbone was shattered during the Second World War. First, the crushing victory of Russian arms destroyed the last vestiges of continental militarism. Second, the consistent post-war American policy ensured that Western Europe was systematically stripped of its ability to determine its own place in global affairs. Britain, the only major Western European power that avoided defeat, retained some fighting spirit, but its material resources have long been too limited to act independently, leaving it tethered to American power.

For countries such as Germany and Italy, the process was straightforward: they were defeated and placed under direct external control by the US. In other states, Washington relied on fostering political and economic elites that would serve its interests. Over time, this policy has reached its logical extreme: Western European leaders today are little more than middle managers in America’s system of global influence. There are no genuine statesmen left in power across the region. 

In exchange for this subservience, local elites and societies gained privileged access to the benefits of globalization. They acquired everything they needed without significant struggle or competition. This arrangement has created a unique paradox: while America’s global dominance is rooted in strength, Western Europe’s position in the world is defined by its weakness.

The region’s politicians frequently talk about overcoming this weakness, with French President Emmanuel Macron leading the charge. However, the reality is that these aspirations are little more than empty rhetoric. The Trump administration’s demands for them to increase defense spending only serve to expose this dynamic.

For years, Western European leaders have proclaimed their commitment to strengthening their militaries and preparing for a potential confrontation with Russia. Germany, France, and the UK have all declared their intention to ramp up military spending and bolster infrastructure in Eastern Europe. Against this backdrop, it’s puzzling to see these elites express concern over Washington’s calls to allocate 5% of GDP to defense. If they are truly committed to confronting Russia, shouldn’t they welcome these demands? Or are their declarations of intent simply hollow?

Moreover, these same people often criticize the US for disregarding international law and undermining global institutions. Yet history reveals Western Europe’s own selective adherence to these principles. In 1999, European powers played a leading role in NATO’s illegal aggression against sovereign Yugoslavia. French forces alone carried out more bombing sorties against Serbia than their American counterparts. In 2011, Western European nations blatantly violated a UN Security Council resolution on Libya to ensure the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi. And let’s not forget their enthusiastic participation in sanctions against Russia, which lack any basis in international law.

In light of this, complaints about Washington’s actions ring hollow. Whether it’s a disregard for international agreements or the issue of human rights, Western European powers have consistently acted in their own interests while lecturing others.

So what do these elites truly fear when it comes to their relationship with Washington? First and foremost, they fear losing their privileged position. Their greatest anxiety is that America might one day withdraw entirely from Europe, leaving them to face their own challenges without external support. This scenario has been actively discussed in political and expert circles. Yet even this fear seems baseless. Without an American presence, who exactly threatens them? Certainly not Russia, which has no interest in military offensives against major Western European states. And for countries such as Germany, France, and Britain, the fate of the Baltic nations is of little concern.

The truth is, this elite dependence on the United States has become a source of stagnation. After centuries of dynamic and turbulent history, Western Europe has turned into a passive player on the world stage, a ‘black hole’ of international politics. Its leaders fear any change to their accustomed way of life, as it would require actual responsibility and decision-making – qualities they have long abandoned in favor of dependency on Washington. 

Two potential scenarios could disrupt this status quo. The first is the continuation of a US-led military confrontation with Russia in Ukraine at all costs. American political resources are likely sufficient to compel European nations to further deplete their financial and military reserves in support of Kiev. However, this scenario could eventually force direct negotiations between Russia and the US, potentially leading to a lasting peace agreement that secures Russia’s interests.

The second and more profound issue is Western Europe’s unwillingness to change. Its elites cling to their parasitic relationship with Washington, resisting any meaningful reforms or strategic shifts. This paralysis leaves the region trapped in its current state, unable to define its own future or play a meaningful role in global affairs.

In the end, Western Europe’s decline is not the result of external threats but of internal weakness and complacency. It is this reality that transforms the place into a geopolitical ‘black hole,’ incapable of independent action and resigned to irrelevance on the world stage.

This article was first published by Vzglyad newspaper and was translated and edited by the RT team.



Musk claims USAID funded bioweapon research

The billionaire has branded the US Agency for International Development a “criminal organization”
Musk claims USAID funded bioweapon research

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has accused the US Agency for International Development (USAID) of financing bioweapon research, including projects that allegedly led to the emergence of Covid-19, branding the agency a “criminal organization.”

Musk’s comment came in response to a post from user KanekoaTheGreat on Sunday, which claimed that USAID had funneled $53 million to EcoHealth Alliance. The post alleged that the funds were used to support gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, potentially leading to the creation of Covid-19.

“Did you know that USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people?” Musk wrote.

Musk did not elaborate on the allegations, but the post he was responding to said, “the CIA’s deception regarding COVID-19 origins becomes much clearer when considering USAID’s long history of serving as a CIA front organization.”

“USAID is a criminal organization,” Musk wrote in another post, replying to a video about alleged USAID involvement in internet censorship and “rogue CIA work.” 

EcoHealth Alliance, a US-based nonprofit organization, has been at the center of controversy due to its work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The organization has denied that its work involved gain-of-function research, but in May 2024, the US Department of Health and Human Services suspended all federal funding to EcoHealth Alliance, citing concerns over the organization’s oversight of high-risk experiments and failure to report research activities promptly.

The CIA believes it is “more likely” that Covid-19 originated from a lab leak rather than a natural source, the agency’s spokesman said last month after the confirmation of John Ratcliffe as CIA director.

Ratcliffe, President Donald Trump’s nominee for director, has been a vocal supporter of the lab-leak theory, calling it “the only theory supported by science, intelligence, and common sense.” Following the confirmation, Ratcliffe also said the CIA’s assessment of Covid’s origins would be a “day-one thing for me.”

USAID has a history of funding global health initiatives, including the PREDICT program, which aimed to identify viruses with pandemic potential and ran from 2009 to 2020 in partnership with EcoHealth Alliance. In 2021, USAID launched a $125 million follow-up program known as the Discovery & Exploration of Emerging Pathogens – Viral Zoonoses – but it was shut down prematurely in 2023.

Russia has raised concerns about biological research laboratories supported by the Pentagon and other US agencies around the world, particularly in Ukraine and other countries near its borders, alleging that these facilities are involved in bioweapon research.

Reporting about US biolab activities was one of the main priorities of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the Russian military’s top official on the hazards posed by weapons of mass destruction. He was murdered along with his assistant in Moscow in December in a bombing attack allegedly ordered by Kiev.

In recent reports, the Russian Defense Ministry has drawn attention to the transfer of unfinished Ukrainian projects to post-Soviet states and Southeast Asia, and said that Africa has become a focal point of interest for the US government, which views the region as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous pathogens and a testing ground for experimental medical treatments.

The US Defense Department has acknowledged providing support to laboratories in Ukraine, but insisted that these efforts were focused on preventing the outbreak of infectious diseases and developing vaccines, and that the laboratories are owned and operated by their respective countries, not by the US. Western officials have consistently dismissed Moscow’s investigations as disinformation aimed at discrediting “legitimate” public health initiatives. 

Moscow and Beijing have nevertheless demanded greater transparency from the US regarding its military biological activities. Last year, the two countries agreed to unite against biological security threats and strengthen the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention.




Bato Is Back! Dela Rosa Dances In New Catchy Campaign Ad

January 9, 2025

The dancing senator is at it again.

Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa dropped his latest political ad ahead of the May elections. The new catchy ad shows the senator promising to ensure public safety while showing off his dance moves.



The former police chief is seeking another term in the Senate in the upcoming polls.

“Sumabay ang lahat, sumabay kasama si Bato. Siya ang magtatanggol, iingatan tayo,” the ad says. “Kailangan natin siya. Mabait na tao. Walang maaapi pag nandyan si Bato.”

The senator’s Facebook post read: “Basta usaping pang-seguridad at kaligtasan, panatag tayo kay Sen. Bato Dela Rosa! 👊🏼🇵🇭”

Bato dela Rosa’s ‘APT’ dance break: Pantanggal ng stress

Robin Padilla, Bato dela Rosa, Bong Go join ‘Brother Louie’ dance trend—and it’s a riot

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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