The US lost the war against Russia. The US lost the war against Afghanistan. The US are not invincible. And neither is the UK. It is a good time: It is the time for freeing Europe of all its parasites militarily. The WHO will not be able to help the US to continue to keep the Europeans down with its digital ID frauds and its paper monsters in order to maintain the EU superstate fraud. The time has come: We need to take this chance for freeing the continent from the American, British, French, German and Swiss parasitic elites, both surface and deep. Nuremberg 2 must be conducted under the aegis of a PERMANENT constitutional convention of the European peoples: it cannot be anything else but spring cleansing of all governments, military, security and health apparatuses of the continent. The Europe of the governments will disappear and will be substituted by the Europe of the European peoples. The US will break up.


The US lost the war against Russia. The US lost the war against Afghanistan. The US are not invincible. And neither is the UK. It is a good time: It is the right time for freeing Europe of all its parasites militarily. The WHO will not be able to help the US to continue to keep the Europeans down with its digital ID frauds and its paper monsters in order to maintain the EU superstate fraud. The time has come: We need to take this chance for freeing the continent from the American, British, French, German and Swiss parasitic elites, both surface and deep. 

Nuremberg 2 must be conducted under the aegis of a PERMANENT constitutional convention of the European Peoples, from which the constituted powers must be excluded: it cannot be anything else but spring cleansing of all governments, military, security and health apparatuses of the continent. The Europe of the governments will disappear and will be substituted by the Europe of the european Peoples. The US will break up.


Mrs. Nuland, the vocalist leader of the gangband of American neofascist war mongerers, last seen in Nigeria a few months ago looking for uranium ores, disappeared from the surface of the earth. One of the first disaparecidas of the first direct conflict between the US and Russia. It's a whole life she is looking for revenge: she will find her way back, at least she will try to. The O'Biden administration took the chance to lead its war against Russia on european land and, in a ridiculously grand arrogant attempt to win it easy, drowned in it the whole continent, the member countries of its vassal fiefs and itself, together with its most precious toy, NATO. The defeat of Ucraine is the military defeat of NATO and the defeat of each and every of its member states (to the exclusion of Turkey). Russia could not have done it better, if it would have had the chance to do it. The US did everything by itself, no external help was necessary in this case: It was a mix of leadership incompetence and of other factors, to set up the US for its second Afghanistan (or its third Vietnam, or its second Iraq, or its second Syria, or its second Lybia). The US  can win wars only against developing countries, and only in the short run. The most important other factors are: 1. incompetence; 2. incompetence; 3. incompetence; 4. criminal energy.

In its ridiculously grand arrogance, the O'Biden administration not only drowned itself, but put on the stake the only valuable asset it still was left with, the manufacturing power remains of Chimerica, slowly repatriating from their vacation in the People's Republic, which they learned to admire so much.

The plan to maintain the boots of the fattest kid on the block on the bellies of all the others in order to remain the undisputed and the undisputable hyperpower of the planet, alias "Covid pandemic", failed miserably, and, with it, the legitimacy of the claims of the hyperpower to be able to lead the world into some "new world order" of sort. The only thing that can be seen now everywhere in Europe, in the developing periphery, not to speak of the US itself, and even in Asia, are ruins. Wherever they put their hand, US governments leave scorched earth behind themselves. SEATO is evoked from its tomb, a vane exercise. The 6th of January inside job inscenated by the US security state, deep and surface, came to be known for what it is: the n-th exercise in political arrogance, abuse of power and abuse of right, the only activities in which the US government elite apparatuses still excel relative to their worldwide counterparts.

The undisputed leaders of incompetence in the new world order are supposed to be and to remain the political elite leaders of the five eyes. It's really a pity that those eyes are that myopic.

Yes, the intentions were good: it was for breaking up Russia (an ancient brezinskian utopia). It was for extending the shelf life of the rule-based international order. For extending the lifetime of democracy as the US knows it. For showing off to the rest of the world human rights as the US know them. It was for creating a less capitalistic capitalism than the American one. It was for containing the steadying of the diffusion of economic and political power of China, a state capitalist developing country, which according to the Washington Consensus books of economic religion should have never happened, because it was impossible to happen. According to neoliberal economics, only neoliberal economics can be eternal, everything else is not and cannot be - in any case it should never be allowed to compete with eternity. China is a crazy genetic mutant of really existing socialism, that by the books should not exist and eventually must also be stopped from existing, it must be broken up, like Russia.

It is a pity that all those good intentions are all fake, all false, they are only the miserable dust with which the wannabe elites cover up their true intentions and the unending sequel of crimes they commit alonng their way.

The war against Russia is lost: this is a fact, not an opinion. An opinion is ruminating about the question if that war has ever been winnable by the US. The elites must pay: they claimed command, knowledge and obedience. They got them. They failed: now they must pay. Military commanders are not allowed to walk away impunely, they must stand as men. All elites must pay for it. All elites everythere, not just in the US. Also their planetary minions must pay for it. They wanted this war, they lost it: now they must pay for it.

The middle and far east rumbles, even the empty threats of nuclear war, their blackmailing gigs to submit you to Bill Gates own digital ID and to digital vouchers, are only noises produced with an aim, a precise aim: that of distracting you, the People, from making, affirming and asserting this claim and righteously and lawfully following up on it. The elites are so used to get away with their misdeeds and grandiose failures that they are taking for granted also this time that they will get away with them, like in 2007-2008 with the backfiring of their wonderfully engineered Washington Consensus paradise crumbling in front of their eyes. It was not their fault, they said, it was the Mexican's fault who did not pay their mortgages. It was not the fault of their financial engineers, who created the weapons of financial mass destruction that they had demanded for satisfying their uncontrolled and uncontrollable greed, their insatiable drive towards appropriation of what is not theirs and cannot be theirs. It was not their fault that you refused to believe in their magically concocted potion, it was your fault. Their constitutional convention in Davos says that it is not their profits which are eating up the planet, it is your fault if the planet is, allegedly, dying: you are at fault because you exist on this planet and you have a life, your life, without their arbitrarily revocable permission.

There is still a small window frame in between the fact and the unconditional surrender of the Ucraine army separating them from being confronted with your claim. They have a feeling of it, it the understanding of it that is lacking, at least at this moment. They can only attempt to blackmail you into submission to the WHO and its financiers: that is all that is left to them. After the unconditional surrender of the Ucraine everything will be visible to everyone, there cannot be excuses of any kind anymore. Everyone will see the truth and the truth will set you free - which you were already before.

It is your task now to take advantage of their weakness and to hit them as strongly as you can.

No, this will not be the end of everything, it will not be the end anything, the end of humanity, we are not there yet: this will be only THEIR end. Their end does not imply your end. They have imposed on you "social distance", right? I.e. they have declared you not entitled to be full members of your civil society and of your state anymore, if not on their terms, right? You are full fledged Citizens because you are independent from them. You produce their taxes, their profits, you made them the monsters that they became now. The light coming from the end of the tunnel is there, there is something else there, something different and nonetheless identical to itself since eternity. It is a new allegiance, the new allegiance that the Creator is offering to you, if you can recognize it. The promise of the reign of heaven is not in vain, has never been in vain, but it is up to you to recognize and to act upon it or not. No, it has never been an endgame, it has only been another test, one of the many tests that humanity on this planet has passed without these elites in a biological history reaching back millions of years. The light in the tunnel becomes more and more intensive by the day, if you can recognize it: it is the light of the full fledged humanity with which you are created. If you will arrive at the end of that tunnel or not not will depend on your own choices, not on theirs. It is not free, the Creator is offering it to you, but it is you who have to move your legs in the tunnel and achieve it: you have to make the effort to achieve it. The Creator is everything and owns everything, nonetheless he respects what you own and what you achieve by yourself: the life that you own, the creature that you are.

It is not sufficient to say no, not to comply and to move on. It is not your conscience speaking here, these are their treacherous, filthy words, their propaganda, which aim at your own self-destruction. They can efficiently blackmail and psychologically torture you, vexate you, but they fear you, they fear your innate righteousness, your innate sense of justice and injustice, your innate skills as well as your innate limitations, they fear to be identified and pointed by your fingers for what they really are: liars, fraudsters, deceivers, ill formed and malformed consciences, economic parasites. As this happened many times during the many crises of humanity and of individual peoples in their history on this planet, and each time each crisis was resolved with the re-establishment of the reign of human rights, you must be able to impose upon them your choices and conditions also this time, restate them, affirm them, impose them: the conditions of a respublica christiana, in which all human beings have the same equal right to existence, a compound republic in which the human being is bound in her/his limitations and in her/his connection with the Creator. A republic in which technology is humane and not an excuse for depriving the human being of humanity. I could have said respublica humana, but it does not really render accurately enough the task, as the task is a relation. This is how humanity can have a chance to a livable planet, to a form of government which is conscious of its imperfection, and nonetheless can live with it without having to subdue and to oppress human beings.

The scientific and political perfection of transhumanism and eugenicism, are, at best, illusions, that are already destroying the planet irrimediably, irreversibly and ultimately will destroy transhumanism itself. Transhumanism is only an ideology of destruction of anything humane and it can only end with its own destruction. The wisdom of the elites has already proven itself repeatedly everywhere on this planet: see Easter Island, the Inca empire, or, for this matter, the USSR - or for the same matter, the US government in its present state. There is no escape from that destiny for the transhumanist and eugenicist elites: they will destroy themselves without any help from you, no intervention will ever be necessary to defeat them. If you leave to them the whole territory unprotected, this planet will look like Easter Island in a flash, nothing of the "reservation" character foretold by Schwab, Gates, Bezos and Musk will ever happen. They and their minions will only have free way to appropriate completely the planet and destroy any form of life that they deem "useless" for their stated and/or secret purposes and policies. Every form of anorganic matter and of organic life exists for reasons that escape the limited human mind, also that of the wannabe scientific elites. It is only your choices that can determine if you will get over this n-th attack against humanity by political psychopaths or not, and, if yes, how.

Did they not tell you that the "pandemic", provoked by themselves, was a war? Did they not tell you that it was a war for ousting out of society any sentient being unconvinced of their pathological lies? If it was a war and that war is still going on, then these elites must be charged in front of martial courts, but not the present ones, not the old ones, the new ones, those under the aegis of the PERMANENT constitutional conventions of the peoples of the Earth. The charge will not be medical fraud: it will be war crimes against humanity, abuse of right and abuse of power, provoked by them for lowly motives: a subversive plan to deprive humanity of its rights and to subject it to impune, irrevocable death sentences decided by employers, politicians, media czars and international organizations, executed by the medical psychopaths branches of the medical corporation.

No, there cannot be any "peaceful revolution" like in Eastern Europe this time, as we are not dealing with failed communist parties: we are dealing with the most powerful economic organizations of the planet, who are claiming a right to subdue unconditionally the whole planet since a century, or even longer. In the case of the central banks it is without doubt more than a century. The word according to which you cannot use violence to defend yourself and your family from their attack is the fruit of the filthy, treacherous propaganda driving whole nations to their self-destruction, appealing to the innate moral conscience of the Citizens who you are, but abusively, only to continue to manipulate and to oppress you, the designated victims of their mass murderous plans. Some blood will flow on both sides, it will be inevitable. It will be inevitable to fill the concentration camps designated for the extermination of what they consider useless lives with themselves: CEOs and managers of vaccinocratic companies and corporations, psychopathic medical personnel, officers of international organizations and of private foundations, psychopathic officers of governmental institutions, military and police officers, secret services officers tainted with these crimes must all be taken out from human commerce. It is us who must exclude them from human society, from public office, from commerce and from work: we cannot afford to be governed by this ticking bomb of psychopaths on a planet where there exist arsenals of nuclear weapons sufficient to destroy it repeatedly several times. Jesus Christ did not teach to offer the other cheek to assassins and to murderers, only to erring sinners who sincerily repent for their misdeeds.

The so-called international organizations must be cleaned up for first, starting from the EU, then the IMF and the IBRD, making ALL offices of international organizations directly elective and imposing on each international organization officer, from the cleaner to the president, a direct mandate and accountability to the Peoples of the member states without restrictions, making them accountable and liable in local national ordinary courts, including martial courts for deeds which are equivalent to acts of war against the Peoples of the member states: no international organization tribunals anymore. The officers of international organizations must be made accountable in local national courts, be it under municipal or under universal jurisdiction. The generation of international organization officers from the Obama era must be charged in front of martial courts for the direct and the indirect participation in war crimes against humanity, for participating directly and indirectly in a conspiracy to wage biological war against humanity. All international organization officers must be taken out, without distinction, as there is no den more distant from accountable government than them. I do not favor and I do not demand death sentences, IMHO death penalty is not a penalty, but a liberation from responsibility and liability. I favor lifelong sentences, which will have the main benefit of having them to see with their own eyes the planet develop in a new phase of peace, justice and in plenty for the whole of humanity.

International organizations do not become obsolete, they are fundamental for internalizing the external effects of nation state institutions, however, they need to be re-created and re-designed according to reinforced legislative principles of democratic constitutional government - or stay closed: from the UN, the EU and the ASEAN to the IMO, the ITU and the WHO, there cannot be any exceptions.

The wannabe elites wanted the pandemic war, now they have to pay for it too, not just for the lost war against Russia.

Cato Maior Asiaticus

Salveto, Alma Mater Regina et Pater Josephus!







Le armi che portate, gli stipendi che prendete, tutto cio' che ricevete, lo ottenete dal contribuente.


Aprite finalmente gli arsenali ai Cittadini Italiani che vogliono liberare l'Italia da questi oppressori, che non sono nuovi, anzi tutt'altro: li conoscete benissimo.


Fate la cosa giusta: per i vostri figli e per i figli di tutti gli altri italiani, inclusi gli italiani emigrati e oriundi in tutto il mondo.


Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 






Le armi che portate, gli stipendi che prendete, tutto cio' che ricevete, lo ottenete dal contribuente.


Aprite finalmente gli arsenali ai Cittadini Italiani che vogliono liberare l'Italia da questi oppressori, che non sono nuovi, anzi tutt'altro: li conoscete benissimo.


Fate la cosa giusta: per i vostri figli e per i figli di tutti gli altri italiani, inclusi gli italiani emigrati e oriundi in tutto il mondo.


Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 






Le armi che portate, gli stipendi che prendete, tutto cio' che ricevete, lo ottenete dal contribuente.


Aprite finalmente gli arsenali ai Cittadini Italiani che vogliono liberare l'Italia da questi oppressori, che non sono nuovi, anzi tutt'altro: li conoscete benissimo.


Fate la cosa giusta: per i vostri figli e per i figli di tutti gli altri italiani, inclusi gli italiani emigrati e oriundi in tutto il mondo.


Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR

Esercito di liberazione dall'NWO/GR 




NATO plans to oust Zelensky – Russian intel

The US-led military bloc sees the Ukrainian leader as an obstacle to peace talks, the SVR has claimed
NATO plans to oust Zelensky – Russian intel

NATO is considering trying to facilitate the removal of Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky from power by discrediting him ahead of potential elections next fall, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) claimed in a statement on Monday. The agency believes that Western officials see Zelensky as a key obstacle to peace talks with Moscow.

Zelensky remains in office despite his term having officially expired last May. He has refused to step down and postponed presidential elections, citing the martial law imposed in 2022 following the escalation of the conflict with Russia.

Western leaders are looking to “freeze” the conflict by pushing both Moscow and Kiev toward negotiations, but Zelensky is seen as a barrier, the SVR said.

“Washington and Brussels agree that the main obstacle to the implementation of such a scenario is Zelensky, who is referred to in Western circles as nothing more than ‘expendable material,’” the agency said in the statement, adding that “even NATO understands that Zelensky’s time is up.”

To address this, the bloc is reportedly preparing a campaign to discredit Zelensky ahead of Ukraine’s next presidential elections, which the agency said could take place next fall. The SVR claimed that Western officials plan to release information linking Zelensky and his team to the embezzlement of over $1.5 billion in funds intended for purchasing military equipment.

Additionally, the report alleged that Zelensky’s administration was involved in schemes to divert the salaries of 130,000 deceased Ukrainian soldiers who remain listed as active service members. The SVR also claimed that Zelensky was implicated in the illegal sale of Western-supplied weapons to armed groups in Africa.

The SVR suggested that the return of Donald Trump to the White House has created uncertainty over future Western support for Ukraine, which could accelerate efforts to replace Zelensky. According to the agency, NATO’s broader goal is to maintain Ukraine as an anti-Russian foothold, regardless of the situation on the battlefield.

Neither NATO nor Ukrainian officials have responded to the SVR’s claims so far.

In an interview with the Associated Press on Saturday, Zelensky accused Russia of avoiding peace talks and reiterated his calls for Western security guarantees as a precondition for negotiations. He argued that Ukraine’s membership in NATO would be the “cheapest” option for the West to ensure such guarantees.

Moscow has repeatedly stated its willingness to engage in peace talks but has pointed out that it is unable to do so because of the prohibition on negotiations with Russia announced by Zelensky in 2022. The Russian leadership has also stated that freezing the conflict is unacceptable and that Ukraine’s accession to NATO cannot be allowed. Russian officials have maintained that Ukraine’s neutrality, its withdrawal from Russian territories, and legal protections for Russian-speaking populations are necessary conditions for any settlement.



Free trade isn’t free: A struggling ex-colony fights back, but the EU won’t let go easily

No investments, no balance, broken promises - Algeria is done with the “partnership” trap Brussels has laid
Free trade isn’t free: A struggling ex-colony fights back, but the EU won’t let go easily

In October 2024, shortly after being re-elected for a second term, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune announced plans to revise the 2005 EU-Algeria Association Agreement. He said that this process would be approached “with flexibility and in a friendly spirit without entering into conflict.”

“We maintain normal relations with the states (of the European Union), including France,” he added.

Tebboune attributed the decision to alter the terms of the agreement with the EU to the fact that it “was concluded at a time when Algeria was very different from that of today.” Indeed, in the early 2000s, Algeria was still recovering from a decade-long civil war between the government and Islamist groups. Now, when Algeria’s economy has been strengthened, the conditions of the agreement no longer align with the country’s interests.

However, in June 2024, the EU threatened to demand the establishment of an arbitration panel to settle the matter. This is the second dispute related to the EU-Algeria Association Agreement since 2020.

EU-Algeria Association Agreement

The EU-Algeria Association Agreement was signed in 2002 in Valencia, Spain, and came into effect in September 2005. It aimed to establish a framework for cooperation between the EU and Algeria across various sectors, while liberalizing trade on both sides.

The agreement included provisions for fostering political dialogue and balanced economic and social relations, promoting people-to-people exchanges (especially concerning administrative procedures), and encouraging collaboration in the economic, social, cultural, and financial spheres.

A key aspect of the EU-Algeria Association Agreement was the establishment of a free trade area. Algeria was granted a 12-year transitional period to gradually eliminate tariffs on industrial goods and selectively liberalize agricultural trade. In 2017, both sides agreed to extend this period by three years; however, some products were excluded from these terms, including steel, textiles, electronic devices, and automobiles.

The Association Agreement falls under the framework of the Barcelona Process, initiated by the EU in 1995 to strengthen cooperation with southern Mediterranean countries and ultimately create a so-called”zone of shared prosperity.” Since the late 1990s, the EU has signed three similar agreements with North African nations: Tunisia in 1998, Morocco in 2000, and Egypt in 2004.

Dispute over the Free Trade Zone

On September 1, 2020, the transitional period for eliminating tariffs ended, and there was no official announcement about its extension. However, Algeria was slow to implement the free trade condition, and reports surfaced indicating its intention to revise the agreement.

Just weeks before the transitional period ended, in August 2020, President Tebboune told his trade minister, Kamel Rezig, to “carry out an assessment... of the dossier of the association agreement with the European Union” taking Algeria’s interests into account.


Political and business circles in Algeria strongly criticized the idea of the full implementation of a free trade zone. According to the National Association of Algerian Exporters (ANEXAL), between 2005 and 2019, Algeria imported $320 billion worth of goods from the EU, primarily machinery, transportation equipment, and agricultural products. This figure was more than 20 times greater than Algeria’s non-oil and gas exports to the EU during the same period, which amounted to $15 billion. Ali Bey Nasri, president of ANEXAL, described the notion of a free trade zone with Algeria as “a disaster for the national economy.”

“When the deal was ratified in 2005, the EU had only 15 members, while now it is 27 strong and in a few years the membership will grow,” said Nasri.

At that point, Algeria had repeatedly requested a revision of the agreement, citing the EU’s failure to fulfill commitments regarding the transfer of technology and the movement of people, since many Algerians struggled to obtain EU visas. Algeria also appealed to the EU to encourage European companies to invest in its economy, but these efforts yielded little success.

By 2020, it became clear that the agreement was not favorable for Algeria. The trade imbalance, the near absence of direct EU investment, and insufficient export figures were compounded by losses incurred from duty-free trade. All signs indicated that the agreement had been poorly negotiated from the start, and that Algeria had not been able to adequately assess its pros and cons at the time of signing. Thus, the demand to revise the agreement was well-founded.

The EU’s response to Algeria’s demand to safeguard its interests

In early December 2020, Algeria and the EU initiated discussions to revise the existing association agreement. However, in June 2020, the EU initiated a dispute over trade restrictions implemented by Algeria between 2015 and 2019. Under a mechanism established in all EU trade agreements, this dispute was referred to the EU-Algeria Association Council for consultations, as the first step in the resolution process.

At the time, the European Commission expressed its intention to seek a mutually acceptable solution, warning that if an agreement could not be reached, it would reserve the right to demand the establishment of an arbitration panel.


The EU faced significant risks, however; a break in ties with Algeria could jeopardize its strategy of diversifying energy supplies. Following reduced gas imports from Russia, Algeria had become the second-largest supplier of gas to the bloc. As negotiations faltered, the EU began arbitration proceedings in March 2021, though the results have not been publicly disclosed.

Since 2021, Algeria has imposed several restrictions on European exports and investments in order to protect domestic industries. These measures affected various sectors including agriculture and the automotive industry, and involved a licensing system with the “effect of an import ban,” subsidies contingent on the use of local inputs for car manufacturers, and a cap on foreign ownership for companies importing goods in Algeria.

The European Commission viewed these actions as detrimental to exports to Algeria, while Algerian officials contended they aligned with a national plan to reduce import costs, diversify the economy, reduce reliance on hydrocarbons, and strengthen local production.

“Rest assured, we will defend Algeria’s interests, whatever they may be,” said trade minister Kamel Rezig in a 2020 interview.


By June 2024, tensions resurfaced, leading the European Commission to announce the initiation of another dispute settlement procedure with Algeria; it also noted that if no agreement was reached, the matter could be handed over to an arbitration panel. The latest dispute stemmed from Algeria’s ongoing efforts to bolster its national economy.

Moreover, in June 2022 Algeria announced the suspension of all trade – except for gas – with Madrid. This move was a response to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s endorsement of Morocco’s Western Sahara Autonomy Proposal. Algeria firmly opposes Morocco’s claims to sovereignty over the disputed territory, advocating for its self-determination.

“In light of unsuccessful efforts to resolve the matter amicably, the EU has taken this step to preserve the rights of EU exporters and EU companies operating in Algeria who are adversely affected. The Algerian measures also harm Algerian consumers, due to an unduly restricted choice of products,” the European Commission stated in 2024.

In response, Algerian officials from the ministries of trade, finance, foreign affairs, and industry have drafted a comprehensive document assessing the trade imbalance created by the agreement. Algeria also reminded the EU that the document has not been jointly reviewed since 2002.


In September 2024, Algerian foreign minister Ahmed Attaf commented on the situation. He noted that for many years, trade exchanges with Europe served only the interests of the EU, while Algeria had hoped the agreement would revitalize its economy and create new businesses and jobs. Attaf pointed out that since the agreement took effect in 2005, trade volume with the EU has reached approximately $1 trillion, whereas EU investments in Algeria have not exceeded $13 billion, and most of them were directed into the hydrocarbons sector.

What Algeria means for the EU

Algeria is an important partner for the EU. According to Eurostat, trade between Algeria and the EU reached around €50.2 billion ($53.7 billion) in 2023. Algeria ranks as the EU’s 22nd largest trading partner, accounting for 1% of the bloc’s total external trade. Conversely, the EU is Algeria’s largest trading partner, comprising a significant portion of Algeria’s international trade – around 50% in 2023.

Bilateral trade primarily revolves around Algeria’s exports of oil and gas. Algeria remains a key gas supplier for the whole of Europe, particularly the Mediterranean region. In 2023, it surpassed Russia to become the second-largest supplier of pipeline gas to the EU, after Norway. This has further enhanced Algeria’s role in bolstering European energy security, which has been undermined by the decision to reduce dependence on Russian supplies.


However, Algeria is no longer the war-torn country it was in the early 2000s. In recent years, its comprehensive approach to transforming its economy has yielded impressive results. By 2023, Algeria became one of four countries worldwide to move up in the World Bank rankings from a low-income to an upper-middle-income status. According to President Tebboune, Algeria has nearly eliminated its external debt and does not need loans from external organizations. Additionally, both the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank classify Algeria as the third-largest economy in Africa, after South Africa and Egypt.

“In 2022, Algeria achieved a record non-hydrocarbon export volume of $7 billion for the first time in 40 years, while previously these figures rarely exceeded $1.5 billion,” Tebboune said.

In the effort to move away from a rentier economy, Algeria is actively diversifying non-hydrocarbon production to achieve self-sufficiency in several sectors. The government estimates that by the end of 2025, the country will be able to fully meet its domestic demand for durum wheat.

The decision to renegotiate the association agreement with the EU is strategically important for Algeria. This next phase will require the nation to realign its economic and geopolitical strategies in relations with the EU.

Algeria aims to reduce dependence on European markets, protect emerging industries, manage trade balance, and diversify its economic partnerships by exploring new markets in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Furthermore, if Algeria successfully resolves its dispute with the EU, it could set a precedent for other North African countries that have signed similar agreements.

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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