Youth Gangs are Taking Over Naples, Leaving a Trail of Dead Teenagers

“The 'Camorra model' has conquered the young people, the city must be disarmed.”

Youth Gangs are Taking Over Naples, Leaving a Trail of Dead TeenagersImage Credit: dan_chippendale / Getty

The ease of acquiring a gun in Naples and the popularity of mafia-style gang culture are fueling the deaths of young people, reports Magyar Nemzet

Police Commander Maurizio Agricola told reporters this after a raid on Sunday following the shooting of yet another teenager, 18-year-old Arcangelo Correra, was shot in the head on the streets of Forcella. The bullet hit him at close range, indicating an execution. 

More than 100 policemen, gendarmes, and tax inspectors took part in the action in the Vicaria-Mercato and Forcella districts. Weapons, ammunition and drugs were seized from homes with the help of drug-detecting dogs. Some 17 vehicles were also seized; most of the drivers did not have a driver’s license, traffic permit or insurance.

Elsewhere, shops were inspected, with penalties imposed for breaches of trade and health regulations.

The police were sending a message to restore order and security, and to reassure the population by emphasizing their presence, said Agricola. Three hundred people took part in a protest against the Camorra crime gang in Naples on Saturday.

As to the latest victim, a friend rushed him early Saturday morning to the nearby Pellegrini Hospital, known as the “hospital for those who have been shot” because hardly a day goes by without a gunshot victim coming in.

Arcangelo Correra has no criminal record, but several of his relatives and acquaintances are connected to the Camorra. The perpetrator, a 19-year-old young man, voluntarily reported himself to the police, claiming that he had accidentally shot Arcangelo while testing the weapon.

In 2020, the perpetrator’s 17-year-old brother was shot by a policeman during a robbery. 

Shootings among young people have become common in Naples, and Arcangelo was the third young victim to be shot on the street in the past two weeks. In March 2023, Francesco Pio Maimone was shot dead by a 19-year-old in the open street apparently because he had dirty shoes.

In August 2023, 24-year-old Giovan Battista Cutoló came to the defense of his friend in a street dispute over the parking of a motorcycle, before a 16-year-old boy fired three shots at him. And in October of this year, 15-year-old Emanuele Tufano was killed with a gun. According to the official report, he and his companions participated in a motorcycle robbery in the territory of another gang, who then opened fire on them. 

Then on Nov. 2, 19-year-old Santo Romano was shot by a 17-year-old boy because of a dirty shoe. According to the Naples police chief, access to weapons is too easy and official action alone is not enough.

“It is a social problem, all institutions, schools and families need to unite, otherwise we are fighting a weak battle, we cannot put a policeman on every square meter,” Agricola stated. 

He added that neither the lives of others nor their own are of any value to young people; they drive around with guns on their belts and shoot others for any trivial matter, which clearly indicates the mentality of local organized crime. 

“The “Camorra model” has conquered the young people, the city must be disarmed,” said the writer Roberto Saviano, who knows the criminal organization well, as he wrote “Gomorrah,” which presents the world of the Camorra to the general public, and has been living under protection since 2006.

In Sunday’s edition of Corriere della Sera, Saviano wrote that murder and possible prison terms are seen by youth gang members as a stepping stone to becoming men and real criminals. For young people imitating the adult members of the Camorra with brand-name clothes, expensive lifestyles, and weapons, even a “dirty shoe” by a stranger is enough to prove that they can do anything. 

According to Roberto Saviano, the Meloni government’s policy against organized crime has failed.

RFK Jr. Could Pose Existential Threat to Big Pharma

RFK Jr. Could Pose Existential Threat to Big Pharma If He Joins Trump's Cabinet: Here's Why

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., prepares to speak during a campaign rally with Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, in Duluth, Ga.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 09.11.2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is primed for a possible senior job in Trump’s White House, promising to "Make America Healthy Again" by reining in big pharma's enormous influence on US health policy, and by improving food standards. Here's why the pharmaceutical lobby is going to have a hard time accepting that.
“He’s going to have a big role in health care, a very big role. He knows it better than anybody,” Donald Trump said last week when asked about RFK Jr.'s possible future in his administration. "He's got some views that I happen to agree with very strongly and I have for a long time."
Sources told media Saturday that Kennedy has already been asked to make recommendations to the Trump team on appointments to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration.
Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies have already prepared for the worst, with some execs reportedly hoping Trump and and RFK Jr. have a falling out before Kennedy can do any damage to their respective bottom lines.
“We need to have somebody who is going to be grounded by science and evidence and not somebody who rejects it,” John Maraganore, former CEO of Boston-based biotech firm Alnylam, told FT in a story published Friday, commenting on Kennedy’s prospects.
Kennedy involvement in Trump’s health policy “would be awful on a lot of levels,” a senior unnamed health exec said. "RFK is going to blow up. He's marching around saying what he wants the administration to do before Trump's had a chance to take a breath. Eventually Trump will sour on him," another suggested.
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks before Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally, Monday, Nov. 4, 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 08.11.2024
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Kennedy's poor reputation with pharmaceutical companies is understandable, given the attention he's gotten on the campaign trail during his 2024 presidential run, and before that - for his work as an environmental lawyer, Children's Health Defense chairman and author of the 2021 book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, which spent twenty weeks on NYT's bestseller list.
Kennedy used the national attention he got over the past three years to promote his favorite causes - vaccine safety and public health. His stinging remarks on these issues, and ability to now have the president-elect's ear, explain why big pharma finds him so dangerous. Here's a selection:


Smeared, throttled and censored by legacy media as an “anti-vaxxer” in virtually every article that mentions him, Kennedy has said repeatedly that he’s “never been anti-vaccine.”
“I fought against mercury in fish for 40 years. Nobody called me anti-fish. I like the idea that we have seatbelts in cars. Nobody calls me anti-automobile. I want vaccines that are safe just like every other medication and that are adequately tested. It doesn’t mean I’m anti-vaccine. It just means that I’m sensible and have common sense,” Kennedy said in a tense PBS interview in 2023.
Former President Donald Trump, center, appears in court Monday, Oct 2, 2023, in New York. (Brendan McDermid/Pool Photo via AP) - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.12.2023
'That’s Not a Real Democracy': RFK Jr. Says Voters Should Choose Trump’s Fate, Not Courts

'Criminal' Drug Companies

“The pharmaceutical industry is – I don’t want to say because this is going to seem extreme – a criminal enterprise, but if you look at the history, that is an applicable characterization. For example, the four biggest vaccine makers, Sanofi, Merck, Pfizer and Glaxo make all of the 72 vaccines that are now effectively mandated for American children. Collectively, those companies have paid $35 billion in criminal penalties and damages in the last decade,” he told Lex Fridman in 2023.
“And the problem is that they’re serial felons," Kennedy said, citing the example of Merck's non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx. "They killed people by falsifying science. And they did it. They lied to the public. They said, ‘this is a headache medication and an arthritis painkiller’. But they didn’t tell people that it also gave you heart attacks…We found when we sued them the memos from their bean counters saying ‘we’re going to kill this many people, but we’re still going to make money,” Kennedy said.
“The way that the system is set up, the way that it’s sold to doctors, the way that nobody ever goes to jail so there’s really no penalty [and] it all becomes part of the cost of doing business,” Kennedy said.
Biohazard - Sputnik International, 1920, 30.03.2024
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Big Pharma's Role in Hooking Americans on Opioids

The opioid epidemic is a perfect example of big pharma’s corrupting influence, Kennedy believes, recalling the latter’s’ lobbying the FDA to tell doctors oxycodone isn’t addictive, and getting “a whole generation addicted to oxycodone. And when they got caught, and we made it harder to get oxycodone, now all those addicted kids are going to fentanyl and dying."
"This year it killed 106,000. That's twice as many people who were killed during the 20-year Vietnam War. But in one year, twice as many American kids. They knew it was going to happen and they did it to make money. So I don't know what you call that other than saying that's a criminal enterprise,"” Kennedy said.

Kennedy vs. Mutilation of Children

RFK Jr. has stepped out against ‘gender-affirming care’ and hormone therapy for children, referring to the former as “surgical mutilation” and the latter as “castration drugs.”
“Minors cannot drive, vote, join the army, get a tattoo, smoke, or drink, because we know that children do not fully understand the consequences of decisions with life-long ramifications…People with gender dysphoria or who want to change their gender deserve compassion and respect, but these terribly consequential procedures should be deferred till adulthood. We must protect our children,” he tweeted in May.
That’s more bad news for the pharmaceutical industry, which has walked lock-step in support of the trans rights movement, and profited immensely from hormone therapy drugs and surgical procedures from the late 2000s onward.
Surgical instruments in the operating room - Sputnik International, 1920, 29.07.2023
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RFK Jr. on Chronic Disease

Kennedy has also vowed to “end the chronic disease epidemic” facing America, another potential blow to big pharma, this one possibly the most serious.
“There is nothing more profitable in our society today than a sick child,” RFK Jr. told Tucker Carlson in August.

“Because all of these entities are making money on him – the insurance companies, the hospitals, the medical cartel, the pharmaceutical companies have lifetime annuities…They want [them] sick for the rest of their lives…When my uncle was president, 6% of Americans had chronic disease. Today it’s 60%. When my uncle was president, do you know what the annual cost of treating chronic disease was in this country? Zero. There weren’t even any drugs invented for it. Zero. Today it’s about $4.3 trln,” Kennedy said.

This Oct. 16, 2012 file photo shows the Johnson & Johnson logo on a package of Band-Aids, in St. Petersburg, Fla.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 05.04.2023
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RFK Jr.'s Solution? Sweeping Reforms

RFK Jr. has pointed to statistics suggesting that effectively half of the FDA’s budget comes from the pharma companies they’re supposed to be regulating, and said this needs to stop. He's also said that "entire departments" at the federal agency should be "cleared out," and that many of the problems caused by big pharma could be "fixed" with effective regulation, tougher penalties for harmful products, taking a page from the regulatory and health care environments of other countries, and a change in the overall culture of the US health care system. 



 - Sputnik International, 1920
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Kurakhovo: Why Russia's Liberation of This City Spells Disaster for Ukraine?

Russian troops establish control over Selidovo, a city in the Donetsk People's Republic formerly occupied by Ukrainian forces - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.11.2024
Russian forces in the Ukrainian conflict zone are moving toward scoring yet another victory over Kiev as they bear down upon the city of Kurakhovo in the Donetsk People’s Republic.
Kurakhovo is the lynchpin of Ukrainian defenses in the region, with its fall opening the way for the Russian troops to Krasnoarmeysk (Pokrovsk), a key logistical hub for Kiev, says Ret. Col. Anatoly Matviychuk, a Russian military expert and veteran of combat operations in Afghanistan and Syria.
He points out that Kurakhovo is important for Kiev from the economic standpoint as well, since the local coal mining area is currently the only place under Ukrainian control where coking coal is produced.
“Ukraine’s metallurgy would simply stop operating with the loss of this coal mining area, because they would have to buy that coal elsewhere,” he remarks, noting that probably the only place Kiev could buy coking coal would be, ironically, Russia.
Matviychuk praises the expertise of Russian troops who now advance on Kurakhovo from multiple directions, forcing an unpleasant choice upon the Ukrainian forces there: dig in and be destroyed or flee for their lives, because they simply have no hope of holding the city.
“Our troops are advancing at an insane speed, making three to four kilometers a day, and the front from Selidovo to Velikaya Novoselka extends for 65 kilometers. Never before during the special military operation have we seen a front so wide and a blow so powerful,” Matviychuk says. “This means we march into battle with decisive goals to finalize the enemy’s defeat and restore territorial integrity of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”
The liberation of Kurakhovo would also result in a large contingent of Russian troops being freed up to strike deep past the Ukrainian defensive lines, he points out.
Russian servicemen take part in combat training at an undisclosed location in the course of Russia's military operation. - Sputnik International, 1920, 07.11.2024
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“If we look at the map, to the right there are roads and railways leading all the way to Kramatorsk,” Matviychuk elaborates. “But we also can – and Zelensky is very afraid of it – turn left. To the left lies Dnepropetrovsk, a city they (Ukrainians) call Dnepr. A peaceful city would become a frontline city with all the consequences such change entails: constant attacks, damage to the infrastructure. And most importantly, it would be a logistical center that no longer helps Ukrainian military recoup its economic and financial losses.”

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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