Dr. Richard M. Fleming: "Evidence shows that this virus is engineered with Gain of Function (GoF) including mechanisms creating an Inflammo Thrombotic Response (ITR) with mRNA Reverse Transcription (RT) into cell DNA with Prion-like structures present in the virus spike protein." - BY WHOM?

Petition for the President of the United States of America

  1. Petition for The President of the United States of America


This is a call for action and accountability by the American people.


We The People are calling for an investigation of those responsible for this Gain-of-Function Bioweapon.


We are calling for accountable of their violations of the trust placed in them as officials representing the people.


We are calling on their being held Criminally Accountable for their Crimes Against Humanity.

We are also calling upon our elected officials to put an end to the interference of the practice of medicine, as well as a cessation of forced vaccination, masking, travel restrictions, and other Constitutional rights of U.S. Citizens.

We are calling on a cessation of Federal Government overreach usurping powers not granted to them by the U.S. Constitution.



Reno 100 Most Influential People.Superhero award for work in Medicine includingB.E.S.T. and FHRWW Imaging. June 27, 2013.
  Learn More  

Richard M.



In 1994, Dr. Fleming presented to the American Heart Association his "theory" that cardiovascular disease was due to inflammation.  What was theory in 1994 has become well known fact for decades and was highlighted in 2004,with a feature on ABC's 20/20 News.

Patent # 9566037 was issued to  Dr. Fleming on February 14, 2017.


The Fleming Method patent (FMTVDM) covers ALL methods and devices able to measure metabolic and regional blood flow differences.  This breakthrough made it possible to differentiate functionality of tissue, tissue types as well as non-tissue, and the measurement of treatment response using all isotopes, enhancing agents and devices capable of detecting and measuring isotopes. 

Developing technology that disrupts the methods of conventional medicine is not always welcomed.  Especially when that technology would half the revenue a $20 billion nuclear isotope industry. When physicians bring innovation to medicine, complaints to medical boards often follow along with court cases, which is why it's called, "Disruptive Technology."


His knowledge and patent enables previously undetectable inflammation to be seen and measured with levels of accuracy not found in most common scanning and technologies or devices.


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