The Solution

There is only way to make everyone, 
directly or indirectly involved in these crimes, accountable, and it is infallible:

instituting PERMANENT constitutional assemblies (PCA) as  legal heirs of the current ''governments' with the following main tasks

creation of new constitutional courts with popular juries with the power and the financial means for discovery

creation of an administrative police force accountable to the people capable of enforcing and truly protecting constitutional order directly under the supervision of proper organs of the PCA

endowment of the PCA with powers of direct control over constituted powers and also with ordinary legislative and treaty making powers subject to  obligatory referendum, among others the power to outlaw totalitarian political forces such as the WEF and the abolishing of secret services

law introducing criminal civil and tort liability for violation of constitutional and civil rights under universal jurisdiction

law introducing army solely as milita under the direct command of the PCA

all public offices are on a rotation basis ONLY

every citizen, with the exception of those convicted of certain crimes, is member of the PCA by right of birth


this is not the right place to display a constitutional reconstruction plan. just the concept should be clear: 


DEMOCRACY CANNOT BE ABOLISHED, neither legally nor illegally

abuse of power, abuse of right, frauds of the constitution, circumvention of the constitution and conspiracies to do so by  private economic entities can be repressed effectively

I call this government with a human face. Still it will be imperfect like anything human on this planet, but it will be less imperfect than what we have today.

In order to survive the NWO-GR we need a hyperultramega GR of democracy and we should not shy of anything, up to secession. If it would be true that their NWO-GR could work without us useless eaters they would already have killed us all. They did not. They aim at something else.

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Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano

ZZZ, 04.07.2020 C.A. deputato Luigi di Maio sia nella sua funzione di deputato sia nella sua funzione di ministro degli esteri ...