Sauter / CSU: 1,250,000 di cresta per mascherine 'anticovid'


Another German conservative politician resigns amid corruption allegations

Alfred Sauter reportedly received as much as €1.2 million for helping to arrange procurement contracts | Ina Fassbender/AFP via Getty Images

A former Bavarian justice minister has become the latest German conservative politician to quit amid allegations of corruption.

On Sunday, Alfred Sauter — a lawmaker in the regional parliament and a senior member of the Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) — resigned from all political positions he holds.

Prosecutors are investigating Sauter as part of a probe into suspected bribery related to the procurement of coronavirus face masks. He has also suspended his membership of the CSU’s Bavarian parliamentary group for the duration of the proceedings.

German media reported this week that Sauter, a lawyer by profession, received as much as €1.2 million for helping to arrange procurement contracts. He denies any wrongdoing and said that any profits had been intended for charitable purposes from the start.

Sauter’s resignation comes amid a wider scandal over alleged corruption and side jobs that has shaken up the CDU/CSU alliance just six months before Germany heads to the polls in a nationwide election. Merkel’s party already suffered two significant losses in regional elections this month and has slipped in opinion polls.

In the same procurement probe, prosecutors are also investigating former CDU/CSU parliamentary deputy leader Georg Nüßlein, who subsequently resigned from the CSU. He denies allegations of corruption and bribery.

Another CSU lawmaker, Tobias Zech, quit over allegations of conflict, having reportedly lobbied for a former prime minister of North Macedonia; CDU lawmaker Nikolas Löbel, who admitted his company had earned €250,000 for brokering contracts for face masks, will leave the Bundestag in August; and Mark Hauptmann, another CDU lawmaker, stepped down over alleged payments from Azerbaijan, though he denies wrongdoing.

L'indice della corruzione globale


FILE - Edda Mueller, chairwoman of Transparency International Germany e.V. poses for the media with the Corruption Perceptions Index 2018, prior to the presentation of the yearly report at a news conference in Berlin, Jan. 29, 2019.
FILE - Edda Mueller, chairwoman of Transparency International Germany e.V. poses for the media with the Corruption Perceptions Index 2018, prior to the presentation of the yearly report at a news conference in Berlin, Jan. 29, 2019.

Most countries have made “little to no progress” in tackling corruption in nearly a decade, a new report by Transparency International says. 

The Berlin-based nonprofit group ranks countries on a scale of zero to 100, with 100 being the least corrupt.

According to its report, more than two-thirds of the 180 countries had a score below 50.

“The data shows that despite some progress, most countries still fail to tackle corruption effectively,” the group said in a statement.

The least corrupt countries are Denmark and New Zealand, with both scoring 88. They were followed by Finland, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland, with scores of 85.

The most corrupt countries were South Sudan and Somalia, with scores of 12 each, followed by Syria with a score of 14, and Yemen and Venezuela with scores of 15. 

The United States scored 67, its lowest since 2012.

Nuesslein / CSU: 660,000 EUR di cresta per mascherine 'anticovid'


Vertrauen beschädigt? Die Nüßlein-Affäre gefährdet die deutsche Corona-Politik

Deutschland ist stolz auf seine dröge, aber ehrliche politische Klasse. Dieses Bild bekommt jetzt Risse – zur Unzeit. Ein Kommentar.

Der CSU-Politiker Georg Nüßlein
Der CSU-Politiker Georg NüßleinFoto: imago images/Metodi Popow

Der Fall Georg Nüßlein könnte zu einem Wendepunkt in der deutschen Corona-Politik werden. Auf dem Spiel steht nicht nur das Ansehen Nüßleins, sondern das Vertrauen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger in die politische Klasse insgesamt, ausgerechnet jetzt.

In der ziemlich skandalfreien deutschen Politik sticht der Fall heraus und ist gerade deshalb so gefährlich. Gegen den CSU-Politiker und stellvertretenden Fraktionsvorsitzenden der Union wird wegen des Anfangsverdachts der Bestechlichkeit und der Bestechung ermittelt. Er soll eine Provision von 660.000 Euro dafür berechnet haben, im Frühjahr 2020 Geschäfte über Corona-Schutzmasken mit Behörden vermittelt zu haben.

Das bayerische Gesundheitsministerium bestellte Masken eines Unternehmens, für das er sich einsetzte. Auch an das Bundesgesundheitsministerium hat Nüßlein ein Angebot übermittelt, das Geschäft kam zustande. Der Skandal könnte sich ausweiten. Mindestens eine weitere Lobbyistin aus CSU-Kreisen soll Kontakte in das Bundesgesundheitsministerium und in die Länder genutzt haben, um für Maskenverkäufer zu werben. Das berichtet der „Spiegel“.

[Wenn Sie alle aktuellen Entwicklungen zur Coronavirus-Pandemie live auf Ihr Handy haben wollen, empfehlen wir Ihnen unsere App, die Sie hier für Apple- und Android-Geräte herunterladen können.]

Die Nachrichten kommen zur Unzeit. Die weitgehende Skandalfreiheit der deutschen politischen Klasse ist die Grundlage für das im internationalen Vergleich hohe Vertrauen der Deutschen in die Politik. Gerade in Zeiten von Corona ist dieses Vertrauen ein zentraler Faktor für die Erfolge in der Pandemiebekämpfung – und derzeit sinkt die Zustimmung zu den Maßnahmen ohnehin.

Politiker beschworen das "Wir" und lebten es

Um die Bürger zum Mitmachen zu bewegen, haben Politikerinnen immer wieder drastische Vergleiche bemüht. Angela Merkel sagte, dies sei die schwerste Krise seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, Jens Spahn sprach von einem „Jahrhundertereignis“. Um dem zu begegnen wurde ein großes „Wir“ beschworen. Und die Bürger machten mit – nicht zuletzt, weil die meisten Politiker dieses „Wir“ selbst leben.

[Jeden Donnerstag die wichtigsten Entwicklungen aus Amerika direkt ins Postfach – mit dem Newsletter "Washington Weekly" unserer USA-Korrespondentin Juliane Schäuble. Hier geht es zur kostenlosen Anmeldung.]

Mehrere Kabinettsmitglieder und auch die Kanzlerin begaben sich in Quarantäne, als Personen in ihrem Umfeld positiv getestet wurden. Das große politische Business wurde in Videokonferenzen verlegt.

Während in den USA Donald Trump auf dem Höhepunkt der Pandemie Tausende Anhänger zu einem Indoor-Wahlkampfevent versammelte und in Großbritannien Dominic Cummings, ein Top-Berater des Premierministers, in den Urlaub fuhr, obwohl die Bürger Reisen unterlassen sollten, saßen deutsche Politiker mit wuscheligen Corona-Frisuren in Talkshows. Deutschland war wieder einmal stolz auf seine dröge, aber ehrliche politische Klasse. Dieses Bild droht nun Risse zu bekommen.

Jens Spahn und das Spenden-Dinner

Auch jenseits der womöglich strafrechtlich relevanten Vorgänge um Lobbyarbeit für Maskenverkäufer waren manche offenbar weniger „Wir“ als andere, nämlich der Gesundheitsminister. Wie jetzt bekannt wurde, hat Spahn noch am 20. Oktober an einem Dinner teilgenommen, das ein Bekannter in Leipzig für den Minister ausgerichtet hat. Ein Dutzend Unternehmer sollen anwesend gewesen sein, sie sollen aufgefordert worden sein, an Spahns Wahlkreis-CDU zu spenden.

Aus rechtlicher Sicht hat das mit dem Fall Nüßlein nichts gemein, Spahn beging damit nicht einmal eine Ordnungswidrigkeit, verschärfte Kontaktbeschränkungen wurden erst wieder am 28. Oktober beschlossen. Für die Glaubwürdigkeit der Politik ist es dennoch fatal, denn im Oktober stiegen die Zahlen stark an, Verschärfungen wurden längst diskutiert.

In den vergangenen Jahren wurden teilweise zu hohe moralische Standards an Politiker angelegt, Christian Wulff musste wegen eines geschenkten Bobbycars zurücktreten. In der Pandemie aber sind hohe Standards richtig. Das gilt für Lobbyismus, aber auch für persönliches Verhalten. Der Alltag der Bürger wurde radikal politisiert – das Verhalten jedes Einzelnen gilt als entscheidend für den Erfolg. Umso wichtiger ist jetzt Aufklärung. In der Pandemie ist Vertrauen das wichtigste politische Kapital.

A new liars paradox: professional liars tell professional liars they lie


It’s no surprise the Covid lab leak theory persists in the US, given its history of biological weapons

Tom Fowdy
Tom Fowdy

is a British writer and analyst of politics and international relations with a primary focus on East Asia.

It’s no surprise the Covid lab leak theory persists in the US, given its history of biological weapons
The suggestion in America that Covid-19 came from a Chinese lab just won’t go away. The thought that a state could act malevolently in this way has taken hold for a reason: the US has its own chequered past in biological research.

On Wednesday evening, after new claims surfaced in the Wall Street Journal, President Joe Biden issued an executive order requiring US intelligence to investigate Covid’s origins – and the specific consideration that it was a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology – giving it 90 days to do so.

Also on The Covid-19 lab leak theory is back, but it’s a poor man’s ‘Iraq anthrax vial’ for China at best

The news has come at the same time as the World Health Assembly, where the US has continued to politicize Covid-19 and demand transparency – a stance that is causing irritation in Beijing.

But there are still many questions to be asked. Why are some voices in the US so obsessed with the idea of a lab leak? And where did these claims, besides gaining traction as a talking point for Donald Trump, actually surface? What is their vindication in the American public imagination? 

While China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian hit back at the US claims in early 2020 with the dubious suggestion that the virus had originated in a US lab instead, could the Wuhan lab theory be a product of American ‘projection’? Is it feasible that it’s a move to scapegoat China for alleged biological warfare research when it’s been doing the same thing for decades?

To date, all the Covid-19 lab-related theories lack serious evidence. The claims, and their overwhelmingly political character, have been extremely disruptive towards scientists’ bid to establish facts about the pandemic. 

However, it’s fair to point out that, when it comes to ‘biological warfare’, America has no right to point a finger at other countries, especially China. In 1942, the US commenced its own biological warfare programme. On the instructions of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and armed with a $60 million budget and 4,000 employees, it was a small undertaking compared to the nuclear-focused Manhattan Project of the same period, yet it was one that would prove consequential. 

It was first alleged to have been utilised in the Korean War, ironically against the Chinese. In 1952, reports began to emerge of Chinese soldiers from different cities dying with what appeared to be Anthrax and from uncommon conditions such as encephalitis. As an account shared in the New York Times notes, “Medical workers were mobilized to investigate a flood of sudden deaths,” both in China and Korea.

Also on A leak from a Wuhan lab or a US military one? As the US and China trade barbs over Covid’s origin, the world waits for answers

A paper by Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman of Canada’s York University also observed, “For half a century, one of the most closely guarded state secrets of the United States government has been its large-scale field experiments with biological weapons during the Korean War.

Of course, this was then followed by the Vietnam War, where a number of chemical and biological weapons were also used, with grave implications for the population. Noam Chomsky has also claimed that biological agents were used against Cuba, too.

In 1969, Richard Nixon purportedly brought a close to the US biological warfare program and subsequently paved the way for the Geneva Protocol to be ratified, and, by 1975, the Biological Weapons Convention. 

However, the program was merely rebranded as the ‘United States biological defense program’ instead, and while the US does not claim to produce such weapons anymore, according to Jez Littlewood’s book ‘The Biological Weapons Convention: A Failed Revolution’ there remains a considerable grey area that still allows biological weapons research to continue. They just aren’t used in open battle.

This brings us to the controversy surrounding Fort Detrick, a site in Maryland that has long been the heart of US biological weapons research. China’s impetus for focusing on this facility was the closing down of its germ research operations in August 2019, after two bio safety breaches involving dangerous pathogens. 

Thus, in early March 2020, just as Arkansas’ Republican senator Tom Cotton began to perpetuate the lab leak theory, Zhao Lijian tweeted an article that sought to pin the blame on the Fort Detrick leak and, unconvincingly, to attempt to tie it to Wuhan. 

This attracted outrage in the US, of course, and China was accused of misinformation, which subsequently led to Trump’s ‘China virus’ meme and the wholesale politicization of the pandemic. 

Fast-forward to just over a year later, and certain voices in the US are still pushing the lab theory. But do they have the moral high ground to accuse China? If anything, their claim is based on a projection of the fact that, to various degrees, the US itself has heavily invested in and used biological warfare. 

The theory seeks to represent China as secretive and dangerous, and malevolently plotting against the world by creating pathogens, when, in reality, the US has always done this. The idea of a lab leak, be it in Wuhan or in Maryland, is unsubstantiated and arguably nonsensical. But the thought that a state could act in such a way is on America’s national conscience for a reason.

The empire's last shot


South China Sea: UK sends 'powerful statement' to Beijing with new 'persistent presence'

THE UK has sent a "hugely powerful statement" to the South China Sea in the hope Britain will have a "more persistent presence" in the disputed waters.

NATO Secretary General visits HMS Queen Elizabeth

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The maiden voyage of a new British aircraft carrier will seek to show allies that post-Brexit Britain is ready to defend Western interests and eager to see China respect international rules, the vessel's commander said. HMS Queen Elizabeth took part in NATO exercises in the Mediterranean this week, ahead of the eight-month voyage that will cross through the South China Sea in a signal to Beijing that sea lanes must remain open. The carrier is "a hugely powerful statement," Commodore Steve Moorhouse, the ship's commanding officer and captain told Reuters on deck off the Portuguese coast as F-35B fighter jets took off around him.

He said: "It shows that we are a global navy and wanting to be back out there.

"The aim for us is that this deployment will be part of a more persistent presence for the United Kingdom in that region."

Britain was the main battlefield ally of the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan and, alongside France, the principal military power in the European Union.

But its 2016 vote to leave the EU had raised questions about its global role.

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South China Sea news

The UK is eager to see China respect international rules (Image: GETTY)

HMS Queen Elizabeth

HMS Queen Elizabeth set off for its maiden voyage this week (Image: GETTY)

Partly in response to those concerns, London announced its biggest military spending increase since the Cold War late last year and has been touting the clout of the carrier, built at a cost of more than three billion pounds ($4.26 billion).

HMS Queen Elizabeth will exercise with naval vessels from the United States, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea, along the route, Moorhouse said on Thursday.

Britain, like China, now has two aircraft carriers, both countries dwarfed by the United States' 11.

The new 65,000-tonne vessel carries eight British F-35Bs and 10 U.S. F-35s as well as 250 U.S. marines as part of its 1,700-strong crew.

South China Sea: Expert on China's standoff with Philippines

It will lead two destroyers, two frigates, a submarine and two support ships on its journey of 26,000 nautical miles, joined by a US destroyer and a frigate from the Dutch navy.

Asked about British efforts to step up influence in the Indo-Pacific region to counter China's rising power - a strategy also followed by the European Union and supported by NATO - Moorhouse said: "We want to uphold international norms, our presence out there is absolutely key."

China claims 90 percent of the potentially energy-rich South China Sea, but Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also lay claim to parts of it.

The United States has long opposed China's expansive territorial claims there, sending warships regularly through the waterway to demonstrate freedom of navigation. About $3 trillion worth of trade passes through it each year.

Never say Australia


US gears up for war with China as Biden sends more weapons to army bases in Australia

US President Joe Biden authorised the dispatch of extra weapons to Australia in preparation for the worst as Chinese aggression rockets.

US-China tensions: Australian Minister discusses US alliance

The United States is planning to base more of its weapons in Australia as tensions soar with China. Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and around the world is pushing US-Australian military alliances closer together. The news comes as on Wednesday the Australian government confirmed reports it was taking delivery of more weapons to defend itself against Xi Jinping's east Asian powerhouse as China flexes its muscles in the region and expands its military capability prompting concerns of all-out war.

Karen Andrews, Australia's Home Affairs Minister, said: “It’s sending a very strong message that we are alert, we are not alarmed.

“But we are doing all that we can to be prepared.”

She went on to thank the USA for support during mounting fears of all-out war with China.

Ms Andrews said: “The United States is a very strong ally of Australia and we will continue to work with them.”

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Karen Andrews

Australia's Home Affairs Minister said USA is a vital partner of Australia (Image: 9 News)

Chinese army

Chinese propaganda shows Chinese troops in training (Image: 9 News)

But Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt issued a warning to his country over the new plans to stock up on weapons from the USA.

The MP said: "There is a real risk that if Australia just does whatever the US wants that we are leading ourselves closer to a war.

“That would be devastating.”

China's aggression is pushing US-Australian military alliances closer together after Australia are growing increasingly concerned about China's power in the region.  

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China: Xi Jinping ‘is a tough guy’ says expert

US military power

US military power outweighs China (Image:

The uptick in weapons comes as the Biden administration insists on supporting efforts to counter a growing and aggressive China, with officials repeatedly listing competition with Beijing among their greatest strategic challenges.

Recent months have seen a massive escalation in China flexing its military and diplomatic power across the world from the South China Sea to Taiwan, to cyberattacks on western nations and genocide against Uyghur Muslims in the west of the country.

Recent weeks have seen huge threats from China towards Taiwan as concerns rise over China's plans to possibly invade Taiwan and takeover.

China has also planted itself in countries through its Belt and Road scheme which sees poor countries such as Angola allow China to construct major infrastructure projects like roads in return for raw material mining and other extraction.

Xijinping will help Australia to control its uncontrolled rat reproduction


War fears EXPLODE as China accuses Australia of ‘provocative actions’ in Taiwan

CHINA has lashed out at Australia over its government's remarks regarding the threat of conflict in Taiwan, branding the comments "incredibly irresponsible".

China: Raimondo says US needs to ‘run faster and invest’

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Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton said a clash over Taiwan could not be ruled out. Home Affairs Secretary Michael Pezzullo echoed this, suggesting the “drums of war” were sounding without specifying possible opponents.

Tan Kefei, Beijing’s Defence Ministry spokesman and senior colonel, addressed concerns on Thursday.

He said: “We express strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to the recent provocative actions on Taiwan-related issues by Australia.

“Recently, Australia has taken a series of provocative actions and some people have even incited confrontation and exaggerated the threat of war on Taiwan-related issues.

“Such actions are incredibly irresponsible.”

South China Sea news: China's president Xi Jinping

China's president Xi Jinping (Image: Getty)

Earlier this month, Chinese state media told Australia it would be the "first hit" in any potential clashes over Taiwan if it continues to "meddle" in Chinese affairs.

The remarks follow various war game exercises between Australia, the US, France and Japan in the East China Sea.

The exercises included amphibious assaults, urban warfare, and anti-aircraft defence.

An article in Global Times, a Chinese-state media outlet, warned Australia against hiding as it is within range of a ballistic missile.

South China Sea: China military power

China military power (Image: Express)

It read: "The People's Liberation Army (PLA) doesn't need to make pointed responses to the joint drill since it's insignificant militarily.

"Australia's military is too weak to be a worthy opponent of China, and if it dares to interfere in a military conflict for example in the Taiwan Straits, its forces will be among the first to be hit.

"Australia must not think it can hide from China if it provokes.

"Australia is within range of China's conventional warhead-equipped DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile."

Why not?


China blasts Wuhan lab-leak ‘conspiracy,’ urges probe of ALL early Covid-19 cases & ‘secretive bases’ worldwide

China blasts Wuhan lab-leak ‘conspiracy,’ urges probe of ALL early Covid-19 cases & ‘secretive bases’ worldwide
Beijing has responded to US President Joe Biden’s announcement of a probe into Covid-19 origins by denouncing the “lab-leak” hypothesis as a conspiracy theory and urging an investigation into secret US bio-labs around the world.

“Lately, some people have played the old trick of political hype on the origin tracing of [Covid-19] in the world. Smear campaign and blame shifting are making a comeback, and the conspiracy theory of ‘lab leak’ is resurfacing,” a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC said in a statement on Wednesday evening.

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Without naming names, the spokesman said that “some political forces have been fixated on political manipulation and blame game, while ignoring their people's urgent need to fight the pandemic and the international demand for cooperation on this front,” something that has “caused a tragic loss of many lives.”

China has been calling for international cooperation to trace the origins of Covid-19 “on the basis of respecting facts and science, with a view to better coping with unexpected epidemics in the future,” the statement said. Politicizing the probe will make it “hard to find the origin of the virus” but also “seriously hamper international cooperation on the pandemic.”

Also on ‘Where was your patient zero?’ Chinese official speculates AMERICANS may have infected Wuhan at army games & calls to ‘come clean’

“Out of a sense of responsibility towards the health of mankind,” Beijing supports “a comprehensive study of all early cases of [Covid]-19 found worldwide and a thorough investigation into some secretive bases and biological laboratories all over the world,” the embassy said, which will be “full, transparent and evidence-based, and shall get to the bottom to make everything clear.”

While the conventional wisdom in the US is that the novel coronavirus first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019 – with the only mystery being whether it jumped from animals to humans via the city’s wet market, or accidentally escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab – China has rejected both theories. At a press conference in March 2020, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry instead suspected the US of developing the virus in one of its bioweapon laboratories and sending it to China during the Wuhan military games in October that year.

The Chinese government never disavowed these remarks, saying instead that now was the time to “come together to fight [the virus] instead of leveling accusations and attacks against each other, which is not constructive at all.”

Also on Biden gives intel agencies 90 days to pinpoint Covid origins – after report he torpedoed Trump-era probe of Wuhan lab leak theory

Weapons of mass distraction


‘Fort Detrick base is full of suspicions’: China asks US for explanation of 2019 respiratory disease after Biden’s new Covid probe

‘Fort Detrick base is full of suspicions’: China asks US for explanation of 2019 respiratory disease after Biden’s new Covid probe
Beijing has called on the US to provide an explanation for a respiratory disease in northern Virginia and a large-scale outbreak of e-cigarette disease in Wisconsin after Washington launched a new probe into Covid-19’s origins.

Speaking on Thursday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian asked the US to reflect on its own role in the pandemic and not “dump” responsibility on China alone. Citing the 33 million Covid-19 cases in the US and 600,000 deaths, Zhao asked “How safe is your conscience?”

I also want to emphasize that the Fort Detrick base is full of suspicions. There are more than 200 biological laboratories in the United States spreading around the world. How many secrets are there?

The spokesman said that there was an unexplained respiratory disease in northern Virginia in July 2019 and a large-scale outbreak of e-cigarette disease in Wisconsin. “When will the US release detailed data and information on relevant cases to the international community? The United States owes an explanation to the international community.” 

Also on Biden gives intel agencies 90 days to pinpoint Covid origins – after report he torpedoed Trump-era probe of Wuhan lab leak theory

The Maryland-based US Fort Detrick center hosts a biolab which has become a hot topic on China’s Twitter-like Weibo. In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to issue a “cease and desist order” to halt operations at the germ lab over safety concerns.

Zhao’s comment comes after US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he was giving intelligence agencies 90 days to pinpoint the origins of Covid-19. Biden said his administration would continue to push China to “participate in a full, transparent, evidence-based international investigation and to provide access to all relevant data and evidence.” 

Reinforcing a statement from the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC on Wednesday evening, Zhao called on the US to stop “ignoring facts and science” and refrain from “repeatedly clamoring to reinvestigate China.” 

An earlier report from the World Health Organization after a mission in January suggested that early cases in Wuhan were believed to have been acquired from “a zoonotic source as many reported visiting or working in the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market.” However, pinpointing the source was not possible.

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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