Vaccine Passports Banned in Wyoming

“Vaccine passport programs have the potential to politicize a decision that should not be politicized”

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The Governor of Wyoming has banned vaccine passports, issuing a directive that states no person should be denied access to any places or services based on their vaccination status.

Republican Mark Gordon’s directive outlines that “Vaccine passport programs have the potential to politicize a decision that should not be politicized.”

“They would divide our citizens at a time when unity in fighting the virus is essential, and harm those who are medically unable to receive the vaccine,” Gordon noted.

Gordon also urged that getting a vaccine “is a personal choice based upon personal circumstances.”

Gordon was also an early proponent of scrapping the mask mandate back in March, and allowing businesses to reopen.

Wyoming joins other states including Alabama, Minnesota, South Carolina, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Montana, Texas and South Dakota that have all either passed legislation or issued orders to prevent mandatory vaccinations or COVID passport schemes.

New York, However is still heading down the vaccine passports route.

After trialling such schemes, there are now expectations that proof of vaccination will be needed to attend events, and even to enter bars and restaurants.


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