RUSSIA UN Ambassador Accuses United States of Military Biological Activities in UKRAINE


RUSSIA UN Ambassador Accuses United States of Military Biological Activities in UKRAINE

By Gary Raynaldo  / ©Diplomatic Times)  Russia First Deputy UN Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyanskiy lays out Moscow’s case to reporters  of alleged military biological activities by  the United States in Ukraine during press briefing outside the  United Nations Security Council  chambers at UN world headquarters in New York April 19, 2022.

By  Gary  Raynado   DIPLOMATIC   TIMES

UNITED  NATIONS  –  NEW  YORK –  Russia’s ambassador to the UN said  Tuesday “the evidence”  of alleged military biological activities carried out by the U.S.   on the territory of Ukraine in violation of BWC is piling up. Russia First Deputy UN Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyanskiy laid out Moscow’s case to reporters  at a press briefing  at the UN of alleged military biological activities by  the United States in Ukraine during press briefing.  

“As you may know, earlier this month Russia hosted an Arria-formula meeting of the Security Council on the US military biological activities in regions across the globe. The briefers presented more factual evidence that is so undeniable and uncomfortable for our US colleagues that they, together with the UK delegation, decided to escape the conversation, which only aggravates our doubts and concerns. If you have nothing to hide, then you need not to be afraid to come clear on what you do. Meanwhile, the evidence of military biological activities carried out on the territory of Ukraine in violation of BWC is piling up. We circulated today relevant new materials as an official document of the Security Council. We feel it our duty to keep wider UN audience updated on this as well. As you all remember, previously we have presented evidence that the US coordinates the network of biological laboratories and research institutes in Ukraine.”

Russia First Deputy UN Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyanskiy

The Russia ambassador told reporters that  Moscow’s Ministry of Defense revealed that one of its key elements is the Ukrainian Science and Technology Centre (STCU), “a non-governmental organization that seemingly has nothing to do with the Pentagon. But the documents discovered by our Ministry of Defense leave no doubt that the STCU’s main activity is to act as a distribution center for grants for research in the interest of the Pentagon, including biological weapons research.”

Washington has spent more than $350 million on STCU projects in recent years  – Russia Ambassador 

“The sponsors of the STCU are the Department of State and the Department of Defense as well as the Environmental Protection Agency, the US Departments of Agriculture, Health and Energy, Ambassador Polyanskiy said. 

 “Last time I have dropped to you some names of the US officials who were involved in the military biological programs in Ukraine. Let me add to this list more names. The position of STCU executive director is held by Bjelajac Curtis Michael, a US citizen who has worked in Ukraine since 1994. The European Union chairman of the STCU board is Maier Eddie Arthur; the US chairman is Phil Dolliff, former State Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Security and WMD Nonproliferation Programs. Documents received by the Russian Ministry of Defense confirm STCU’s ties to the US military Department.”

-Russia UN Ambassador Polyanskiy

“In the course of the special operation in Ukraine, it was established that US scientists from a laboratory in Merefa (Kharkov Region) had tested potentially dangerous biological drugs on patients of the regional clinical psychiatric hospital No 3 in Kharkov between 2019 and 2021. Persons with mental disorders were selected for the experiments on the basis of their age, nationality and immune status.”    UN Ambassador Polyanskiy

“…this is the illustration how the US in reality approaches the human rights issue and how it ranks the people in Ukraine lower than the US citizens turning them into guinea pigs in the Pentagon-led biological experiments.”

“Our Ministry of Defense will continue to analyze the evidence of the US military biological activities on the territory of Ukraine and in wider scope. Stay tuned, we will keep you posted.”

-Russia UN Ambassador 

U.S. Dismisses Russian Claims of Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine

The United States strongly  denies ongoing  Russian accusations that Washington was operating biowarfare labs in Ukraine, calling the claims “laughable”.   The  U.S.  has suggested Moscow may be laying the groundwork to use a chemical or biological weapon.  President Biden last month warned that Russia would pay a “severe price” if it uses chemical weapons. 

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