Migranti, Mattarella: “l’impegno sull’accoglienza sia permanente”

Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella

ROMA, 14 OTT – “L’impegno per la coesione sociale, l’accoglienza, il progresso, l’integrazione, il divenire della cittadinanza, è attività permanente”. Lo ha detto il presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, parlando da Milano. “Oggi gli immigrati – ha osservato parlando a un evento del ‘Centro Orientamento Immigrati – Fondazione Franco Verga’ – sono altri, come ha illustrato il presidente Duilio.

‘Nuovi sguardi, altre voci’, li avete chiamati. Non vengono più dal Mezzogiorno d’Italia, ma da più lontano, da Paesi europei come l’Ucraina, aggredita da una guerra insensata, dai Balcani. Da altri continenti, gravati anch’essi da condizioni insostenibili. Altri sono anche gli attori di un lavoro prezioso che tende a inverare gli obiettivi di solidarietà che la Carta costituzionale ha posto alle basi della nostra convivenza”.

“La storia italiana e’ fatta di emigrazione e di immigrazione. Trenta milioni gli italiani partiti per l’estero tra l’unita’ d’Italia e il secolo scorso. Sei milioni, ora, quelli che vivono stabilmente all’estero. Oltre un milione e trecentomila gli italiani che si trasferirono dal Sud al Nord negli anni ’60.
In dieci anni – dal 1951 al 1961 – trecentomila nella sola Milano”.(ANSA)



Covid, in molte regioni torna l’obbligo di mascherina per entrare in ospedale

mascherine in ospedale

I direttori di alcuni ospedali, come previsto dall’ultima circolare Covid, possono scegliere di reintrodurre l’obbligo della mascherina per l’ingresso o per alcuni reparti sensibili

E’ la scelta fatta da dall’ospedale di Brescia che – visto il rialzo dei casi Covid nella zona – ha deciso di ripristinare l’obbligo di indossare i dispositivi di protezione Ffp2 per utenti, visitatori, accompagnatori e caregiver in tutti i reparti. Ma non è l’unico. “In queste settimane in molte regioni del Paese, come ad esempio in Campania, sono state diramate indicazioni per gli ospedali per l’utilizzo dei dispositivi di protezione soprattutto per i reparti a rischio. L’aspetto epidemiologico è importante ma di più lo è la consapevolezza dei cittadini nello scegliere comportamenti adeguati”, afferma all’Adnkronos Salute Federsanità Anci.

Il primo luglio scorso era caduto proprio l’ultimo obbligo delle ‘vecchie’ misure anti-Covid, quello delle mascherine nei reparti con fragili. La circolare del ministero della Salute apriva però alla discrezionalità dei direttori sanitari che possono “valutare l’opportunità di disporre l’uso dei dispositivi di protezione delle vie respiratorie nei diversi contesti della propria struttura, tenendo conto della diffusione dei virus a trasmissione aerea, delle caratteristiche degli ambienti nonché della tipologia di pazienti, lavoratori o visitatori che li frequentano, in funzione del livello di rischio di infezione e/o trasmissione”. E così sta accadendo in alcune realtà che preferiscono ‘prevenire’ eventuali problemi. Adnkronos



007 tedeschi: Putin vuole costruire un nuovo ordine mondiale

Putin malattia

La Russia sarà in grado di attaccare il territorio della Nato entro il 2030. Lo ha sostenuto il capo dei servizi segreti esteri della Germania Bruno Kahl intervenendo in Parlamento a Berlino

”Le forze armate russe saranno in grado di sferrare un attacco alla Nato al più tardi entro la fine di questo decennio”, ha detto in audizione al Bundestag. ”Il Cremlino considera l’Occidente, Germania compresa, come un nemico”, ha aggiunto Kahl citato dalla Dpa. L’obiettivo del presidente russo Vladimir Putin, ha aggiunto, non è diretto solo alla conquista dell’Ucraina, ma alla “costruzione di un nuovo ordine mondiale”. Sottolineando che ”i servizi segreti russi agiscono senza scrupoli”, Kahl ha detto che ”un peggioramento della situazione è tutt’altro che improbabile”.

Il Cremlino ha intanto avvertito che le esercitazioni nucleari della Nato nel Regno Unito e nel Mare del Nord porteranno solo ad “un’ulteriore escalation di tensione”, in una fase già molto delicata nei rapporti diplomatici tra Mosca e il blocco atlantico. “Nel contesto della ‘guerra calda’ che si sta combattendo nel quadro del conflitto ucraino, queste esercitazioni, ovviamente, non portano ad altro che a un’ulteriore escalation della tensione”, ha detto il portavoce del Cremlino Dmitry Peskov ai giornalisti, secondo l’agenzia di stampa russa Tass.

Il nuovo segretario generale della Nato, Mark Rutte, ha annunciato alla fine della scorsa settimana che le manovre annuali – note come Steadfast Noon – sarebbero iniziate da oggi con la partecipazione di 60 aerei e circa 2.000 militari. “In un mondo incerto, è fondamentale mettere alla prova la nostra difesa”, ha affermato.  Adnkronos



Sentenza storica contro l’avviso di addebito degli over 50 per rifiuto vaccinazione


A pubblicare la sentenza è stato lo stesso avvocato Fusi che ha lavorato su questa vicenda.
“ILLEGITTIMO L’OBBLIGO VACCINALE, TRISTE PAGINA DI UN PERIODO DI STORIA OSCURANTISTA”, lo dice un Giudice di Pace di Firenze che ha quindi annullato la multa comminata a una donna  over 50 non vaccinata.

L’Agenzia delle Entrate della regione Toscana è stata condannata a risarcire le spese di lite per compensi professionali e rimborsi per le spese generali.

Giudice di pace Firenze

Giudice di pace Firenze



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Google’s Empire Cracks

For almost a decade, the Silicon Valley behemoth known for charming us with colorful doodles and once-innocuous search engines has been under the microscope, and yet, up until recently, it seemed completely untouchable.

Google, the eternal golden child of tech, acted as if Congressional hearings were mere distractions—a great way to exercise the legal team and brush up on public-speaking skills. Sure, the occasional Senator would fumble around, barely able to operate the very devices they were accused of being tools of evil monopolistic practices, but serious consequences? Google was untouchable. The very idea of the giant having to answer for antitrust violations was laughable—until it wasn't.

We explore this today.

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Rumble CEO Calls Out Google for Burying Dan Bongino Show in Search Results

Chris Pavlovski, CEO of Rumble, a video-sharing platform, has escalated his company's ongoing battle with Google, alleging unfair treatment in search results. In a series of posts on X, Pavlovski criticized Google for not listing Rumble in searches related to "Dan Bongino" or "Dan Bongino Show," despite the show's exclusive live stream on Rumble and Bongino being one of the top podcasters in the US.

Rumble only appears in Google's search results when paid for as a sponsored listing, despite ranking as the #2 result on other search engines like DuckDuckGo and Bing and on the first page of Google Search competitor Brave.
The accusation adds fuel to an already fiery legal dispute between Rumble and Google. Rumble filed a lawsuit earlier this year against the tech giant for alleged antitrust violations, focusing on Google’s digital advertising products and practices that Rumble claims harm competition and consumer choice.

Rumble's lawsuit, filed in May, 2024, accuses Google of monopolistic and anticompetitive behavior, specifically within its "ad tech stack." The lawsuit claims that Google has manipulated the system by owning companies along the ad chain, representing both ad buyers and sellers, and controlling the exchange that connects these parties. This, Rumble argues, is akin to insider trading, as it allows Google to unfairly dominate the space and impose excessive fees, costing Rumble over $1 billion in damages.

This legal action follows a 2021 lawsuit in which Rumble accused Google of favoring its own service, YouTube, in search results. According to Rumble, this pattern stifles competition and innovation in the tech and media landscapes.

A judge has already ruled that Google engages in monopolistic practices against competitors and has considered breaking up the Big Tech giant as a remedy.

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FBI Whistleblower's Testimony Sparks YouTube Block: House Judiciary Expands Big Tech Probe

The US House Judiciary Committee's investigation into suspected collusion between the government and Big Tech to censor speech has been expanded to include the case involving an FBI whistleblower.

The whistleblower, Marcus Allen, was interviewed by the nonprofit Catholics for Catholics in a video uploaded to YouTube last month - only to swiftly get blocked.

Now the Committee's Chairman Jim Jordan wants YouTube owner Alphabet (Google) and its CEO Sundar Pichai to explain what exactly happened, and why. In a letter, Jordan also noted that Allen was one of the witnesses before the Committee's Select Subcommittee looking into the alleged collusion.

We obtained a copy of the letter for you here.

Allen testified before Congress and managed to get the FBI to restore his security clearance, which was thought to have been revoked by the agency as a retaliatory measure.

According to Jordan, Allen, a Marine, is not only a whistleblower who "detailed serious misconduct at the FBI" but also a devout (Catholic) Christian, and one who has expressed that.

For that reason - and the fact a Catholic organization interviewed Allen - the Judiciary Committee chief sees YouTube's decision to block the video as a combination of censorship of both political and religious speech, and one that he views as "deeply troubling."

Jordan has been steadfastly trying to unravel the web of suspected collaboration of some private sector actors with the government to stifle online speech (like Google, seemingly willingly), but also that which came under pressure (in the case of former Twitter, and, even Meta).

In the letter, Jordan made a point of this new instance of YouTube censorship being of particular concern "in light of YouTube's previous collusion with the Biden-Harris Administration and Alphabet's pattern of anti-conservative political bias."

Jordan's letter details the contents of the video that YouTube users currently can't see since it's been censored. In it, Allen spoke of his ordeal as an FBI whistleblower, and how his faith helped him through. As he spoke, Allen prayed a rosary.

The block was "almost immediate," Jordan noted.

A January 2023 leaked field office memo showed that the FBI even included the Catholic faith as a subject of interest. The memo's title was, "Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities."

But more documents showed that the memo may not have been a one-off as far as the FBI is concerned.

As Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton noted, "These documents disprove the FBI’s narrative that the spy operation against Catholics and churches was limited to one field office. In fact, the operation seems to have been approved by top lawyers in the FBI."

Tim Walz Ducks Free Speech Debate in Evasive Interview Over Misinformation Crackdown

In an interview with Fox News Sunday’s Shannon Bream, Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Walz found himself in the hot seat over his stance on free speech, particularly regarding so-called "misinformation" and "hate speech." Walz, who has previously expressed a desire to limit certain forms of expression, gave an evasive and meandering response when asked to clarify his position.

Walz’s comments have been the subject of concern, especially following his assertion that “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech” if he and Kamala Harris win the upcoming election.

Related: Walz's War on Words: A Blatant Distortion of the First Amendment

When Bream pressed him on who would ultimately have the power to define "misinformation," Walz sidestepped the question. Instead, he launched into a lengthy discussion about book bans and violent threats, avoiding the central issue of free speech restrictions.

Bream's attempt to distinguish between threats and misinformation resulted in yet another detour from Walz, who again brought up book banning without offering any substantive answer on misinformation. His unwillingness to engage directly on the topic of free speech raised further concerns that under a Harris-Walz administration, the government itself could become the arbiter of what constitutes "misinformation."

The implications of Walz’s remarks are troubling for advocates of free speech. In his convoluted responses, Walz seemed to blur the lines between genuine threats and dissenting opinions, a tactic that has left many questioning the true intent behind his push to regulate speech. By conflating hate speech with misinformation, Walz opens the door to potential government overreach that could infringe on the First Amendment rights of Americans.

While Walz insists that he supports the First Amendment, his reluctance to differentiate between dangerous threats and controversial speech raises red flags about the future of open discourse in America.

Thunderbird Email Client Arrives on Android

Only those who remember - or are aware of the browser and related tools landscape in the first half of the 2000's, with Microsoft's embarrassing IE still ruling the usage statistics the way Google's Chrome does now - can appreciate what we had when Mozilla Firefox came on the scene.

And then, the magnitude of what has been lost in the meantime.

Without going into the details of how the Mozilla Foundation badly fumbled the ball over the years, attempting to stretch itself in all manner of directions (remember, there was a phone once, not to mention wasting money and energy on politically correct "causes") - there has been at least one "Firefox offshoot" that made sense.

It's the Mozilla Thunderbird email clients - but, cynics will say, of course since it made sense to develop, it eventually became the proverbial red-headed stepchild of a foundation (company, really) "high" on that Google Search money, and the "woke wave."

But after quite a few stop-and-go's regarding the status and future of the free and open source email client (at one point it was thought that Mozilla had given up entirely and was looking for other "custodians" to take care of it - now it's apparently a "community-driven subsidiary") - the lucky few who still want Thunderbird on their Android phones can test a new beta.

It comes two years after the latest "signs of life" from the project - that's when Mozilla Thunderbird "joined forces" with another Android email client, K-9.
Recently there was the announcement of a beta Thunderbird Android app, with the stable version scheduled to be rolled out during this month.

In late September, the Thunderbird blog called on faithful users to help test the final development version before the release, going from beta to RC (release candidate), and then in late October, the final version is supposed to be available for Android.

The latest versions are meanwhile available on GitHub, while the beta release is also on Google Play.
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US government considers a breakup of Google

The Google logo is displayed in front of company headquarters.
CNN  — 

For the first time since AT&T was dismantled into Baby Bells four decades ago, the US government is weighing the breakup of one of the world’s largest and most consequential monopolies: Google.

The US Department of Justice in a court filing Tuesday night said it may recommend dismantling Google’s core businesses, separating Google’s search business from Android, Chrome and the Google Play app store.

“That would prevent Google from using products such as Chrome, Play, and Android to advantage Google search and Google search-related products and features — including emerging search access points and features, such as artificial intelligence — over rivals or new entrants,” the government said in its court filing.

The Justice Department’s recommendation comes after a federal judge ruled in August that Google had violated US antitrust law with its search business. The ruling, in which the judge called Google a “monopolist,” set the stage for changes to Google’s oldest and most important business and for how millions of Americans get information online.

Google, in a blog post, called the government’s potential plan “radical,” arguing it could make the customer experience worse: Google said it could “break” Android and Chrome, hamper AI innovation and force the company to share personal information with competitors, undermining people’s privacy.

“This case is about a set of search distribution contracts,” the company said in its blog post. “Rather than focus on that, the government seems to be pursuing a sweeping agenda that will impact numerous industries and products, with significant unintended consequences for consumers, businesses, and American competitiveness.”

Shares of Google (GOOG) dipped 1.9% in the opening minutes of trading on Wednesday before recovering slightly, even as major indexes edged higher.

The US government argued in the case that Google had used multiple interlocking tactics and products under its control to shut out competitors in search, leaving consumers with few choices and a less innovative market for search engines.

The case centered on the exclusive contracts that Google has spent billions of dollars to form with other tech companies, including Apple, to make it the default search provider on smartphones and web browsers. US District Judge Amit Mehta ruled that those deals were anticompetitive.

Now that the court has determined Google broke the law, the next stage of the fight involves figuring out what penalties the company will face for its wrongdoing. That phase of the case is proceeding even as Google has vowed to appeal Mehta’s underlying decision. Together with the appeal, the entire process could take months or even years to play out.

Some of the specific penalties the Justice Department may seek are a possible ban on Google’s exclusivity deals, the government filing said on Tuesday. That could lead to seismic changes for smartphone users, ending the years-long agreement with Apple, for example.

The DOJ added it might ask the judge to require a “choice screen” on electronic devices that would allow consumers to pick their preferred search engine from the start, rather than letting Apple or Google set the default for them. Such choice screens are the norm in other markets such as the European Union.

The US government may also seek to prevent Google from promoting its search engine in other products it owns. For example, it could call for a rule barring Chrome from routing searches through Google by default. This type of behavior, known as self-preferencing, has increasingly come under scrutiny by US policymakers and competition enforcers.

The DOJ also showed it is thinking ahead to how Google’s current power in search may lead to an insurmountable advantage in artificial intelligence, given the amount of data it takes to train sophisticated AI models. The government said it is weighing a proposed penalty for Google that would let websites opt out of having their content collected for Google’s AI training purposes or appearing in AI-generated summaries of search results. And prosecutors added that they could even seek to force Google to provide rivals with the software models used in Google’s AI-assisted search features.

“Google’s ability to leverage its monopoly power to feed artificial intelligence features is an emerging barrier to competition and risks further entrenching Google’s dominance,” the filing said.

The case had been described as the biggest tech antitrust case since the US government’s antitrust showdown with Microsoft at the turn of the millennium.

In saying in August that it planned to appeal Mehta’s decision, Google repeated an argument it had made in court that its search engine is the most popular among consumers because it is the best.

“As this process continues, we will remain focused on making products that people find helpful and easy to use,” Kent Walker, Google’s president of global affairs, said in a post on X at the time.

Whatever ultimately happens to Google could set the stage for potential remedies in other, ongoing antitrust cases against tech giants. Google faces a separate case brought by DOJ attorneys, along with 17 states, who allege that its advertising business is anticompetitive. Amazon, Apple, Meta and Ticketmaster are also engaged in antitrust legal battles.



Vaccino Covid, Arbitrium PSG affronta la sanita’ dell’Emilia R. sulla questione AIFA

Presentazione CAU di Bentivoglio (BO)
Il vicepresidente di Arbitrium PSG, avv. Manola Bozzelli, affronta il Direttore Generale dell’asl di Bologna, dott. Paolo Bordon e l’assessore alle politiche della salute dell’Emilia Romagna, Raffaele Donini, rendendoli edotti dell’ammissione di AIFA sulla mancata capacità dei vaccini covid-19 di prevenire l’infezione del virus Sars-Cov2.

Poco prima, l’assessore si era rivolto ad una persona del pubblico che lamentava talune problematiche sanitarie dell’E.R. chiedendo, sarcasticamente, se i dati cui si riferiva quel cittadino, fossero stati letti sui Baci Perugina! Queste le reazioni verso chi osa contraddire la magnificenza della sanità Emiliano-Romagnola.



Tajani: “Basta fare la guerra alle banche”


Dopo le ultime polemiche e la posizione della Lega ribadita anche dal vice segretario Andrea Crippa su, il vicepremier e segretario di Forza Italia Antonio Tajani cerca di fare il punto su Manovra e tassa sugli extraprofitti delle banche. “La manovra non sarà facile, ma la dobbiamo scrivere tutti quanti inseme. Non c’è uno che la scrive e gli altri che la approvano. La scriviamo tutti assieme, la approviamo tutti quanti assieme in Consiglio dei ministri, e poi tutti quanti assieme la approveremo in Parlamento”, afferma Tajani al termine della Conferenza nazionale degli Enti locali del partito azzurro a Perugia.

Non possiamo pensare di fare la guerra alle banche. Ripeto che io non ho alcun interesse, nessuno mi ha chiesto di fare qualcosa per le banche. Non ho mai chiesto nulla alle banche, ma penso che siano utili al nostro sistema economico“, aggiunge. “Non possiamo imporre una tassa in base a un principio degli extraprofitti”, ribadisce Tajani. “Devono dare un contributo, concordando col governo, e dire come possono aiutare. Non deve essere per forza una tassa, può anche essere una scelta di favorire per esempio la possibilità di garantire più liquidità”, specifica il vicepremier.

“Dove trovare i soldi per la manovra? Nei ministeri bisogna tagliare le spese inutili. Ci sono troppi rivoli non controllati, su questo siamo tutti d’accordo. Non tagliare le spese utili, ma a volte ci sono degli sprechi, quindi un controllo più attento e rigoroso da parte nostra. Siamo tutti disposti a farlo, ma si può anche per esempio ridurre il numero delle contribuzioni: sono circa 650, non portano grandi benefici, ma riducendoli si possono avere più soldi nelle casse dello Stato. I modi per coprire senza mettere le tasse, come vuole la sinistra, ci sono”, spiega infine Tajani.

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano

ZZZ, 04.07.2020 C.A. deputato Luigi di Maio sia nella sua funzione di deputato sia nella sua funzione di ministro degli esteri ...