TUTTAPPOSCHT A FIABILANDIA: Economia italiana salvata dalle troie
Istat: il pil illegale sale con droga e prostituzione
L’economia illegale nel 2022 – rileva l’Istat – ha generato un valore aggiunto pari a 19,8 miliardi di euro, con un impatto dell’1,1%
al 2021, il valore aggiunto dell’economia illegale è cresciuto di 1,2
miliardi, “accelerando la dinamica positiva già riscontrata l’anno
precedente (+6,7% contro il +5,6%)”.
I consumi finali di beni e servizi illegali sono cresciuti di 1,6
miliardi di euro, a 22,8 miliardi, corrispondenti all’1,9% del valore
complessivo della spesa per consumi finali.
“L’aumento è stato
determinato per lo più dall’aggiornamento dell’indagine Ipsad (Italian
Population Survey on Alcohol and other Drugs, di fonte CNR) che, per il
2022, ha segnalato un aumento delle prevalenze di utilizzo di eroina”.
“Con riferimento al periodo 2019-2022, le attività illegali hanno
mostrato un aumento di 0,2 miliardi in termini di valore aggiunto e di
0,6 miliardi in termini di spesa per consumi finali, con una crescita
media annua, rispettivamente, dello 0,3% e dello 0,8%, portando nel 2022
il valore complessivo dell’economia illegale al di sopra dei livelli
La crescita delle attività illegali nel 2022 – indica ancora l’istituto di statistica – “è stata determinata per larga parte dalla dinamica del traffico di stupefacenti: il valore aggiunto ha raggiunto 15,1 miliardi (+1 miliardo rispetto al 2021), mentre la spesa per consumi finali si è attestata a 17,2 miliardi di euro (+1,3 miliardi).
Nello stesso periodo si è registrata anche una crescita
dei servizi di prostituzione: nel 2022 il valore aggiunto e i consumi
finali sono aumentati, rispettivamente, del 4,3% e del 4,0%, portandosi a
4,0 e 4,7 miliardi”.
“L’attività di contrabbando di sigarette nel 2022 rimane marginale,
rappresentando una quota – sul complesso delle attività illegali – del
3,4% del valore aggiunto (0,7 miliardi di euro) e del 3,6% dei consumi
delle famiglie (0,8 miliardi di euro). Nel periodo 2019-2022, l’indotto
connesso alle attività illegali, principalmente riconducibile al settore
dei trasporti e del magazzinaggio, è passato da un valore aggiunto di
1,4 miliardi a 1,6 miliardi”. ANSA
TUTTAPPOSCHT A FIABILANDIA: Istat: in Italia 5,7 milioni di persone in povertà assoluta
Istat: in Italia 5,7 milioni di persone in povertà assoluta
Un’Italia stabile nella sua povertà è quella fotografata dall’ultimo rapporto ISTAT che ha raccolto i dati del 2023. Sono 2,2 milioni le famiglie in povertà assoluta, l’8,4% del totale. E un terzo di queste ha almeno un componente straniero. L’incidenza invece diminuisce al 6,3% quando i componenti della famiglie sono soltanto italiani. Il fenomeno colpisce duramente 5,7 milioni di individui, pari al 9,7% del totale dei residenti in Italia.
Stabile al 10,6% la cosiddetta “povertà relativa familiare”. Stabile rispetto al 2022 anche la condizione dei minori a livello nazionale, con il valore più elevato dal 2014, ma si colgono segnali di peggioramento per i bambini da 7 a 13 anni del Centro (l’incidenza arriva dal 10,7% al 13,9%). L’intensità della povertà delle famiglie con minori, pari al 20,1%, è più elevata di quella del complesso delle famiglie povere (18,2%), a ulteriore testimonianza di una condizione di più marcato disagio. Inoltre si contano oltre 1,7 milioni di stranieri in povertà assoluta, con un’incidenza individuale pari al 35,1%, oltre quattro volte e mezzo superiore a quella degli italiani (7,4%).
Più diffusa la povertà assoluta tra le famiglie che vivono in affitto. Nel 2023, il 18,1% delle famiglie residenti in Italia paga un affitto per l’abitazione in cui vive; il 72,8% invece ha un’abitazione di proprietà. Sono circa un milione le famiglie povere in affitto, il 46,5% di tutte le famiglie povere, con un’incidenza di povertà assoluta del 21,6% contro il 4,7% di quelle che vivono in abitazioni di proprietà (quasi 907mila famiglie). Per queste famiglie l’incidenza più elevata si registra nel Mezzogiorno (23,8%), seguono le famiglie del Nord e del Centro (rispettivamente 21% e 19,9%).
Per le famiglie proprietarie dell’immobile in cui vivono, l’incidenza si attesta su valori più bassi, con il massimo nel Mezzogiorno (6,7%) e il minimo nel Centro (3,6%).Tra le famiglie in affitto, sono più povere le famiglie con persona di riferimento fra i 35 e i 44 anni (pari al 24,9%), mentre quelle con persona di riferimento anziana, di 65 anni e oltre sono il 17,3%. rainews.it
TUTTAPPOSCHT A FIABILANDIA: Manovra: 3,5 miliardi dalle banche. Ma è solo un prestito da restituire
Manovra: 3,5 miliardi dalle banche. Ma è solo un prestito da restituire
Manovra, così gli extraprofitti delle banche si sono trasformati in un prestito allo Stato da 3,5 miliardi
Il governo Meloni ha approvato in Consiglio dei Ministri il testo definitivo della prossima manovra finanziaria. Si tratta di una misura complessiva da 30mld, cifra superiore rispetto a quanto si ipotizzava di 5-6mld. Il totale complessivo è frutto anche della decisione di fare tagli lineari ai ministeri del 5% e del contributo delle banche. Nel documento scritto nella tarda notte di ieri compare un capitolo dedicato proprio alle banche.
Si parla di un contributo degli istituti di credito quantificato tra i 3 e i 3,5 mld in due anni. Ma non si tratta della tanto discussa tassa sugli extraprofitti ma solo di un prestito. Questo – riporta Il Sole 24 Ore – è il punto di equilibrio raggiunto nella tarda mattinata di ieri tra gli esponenti del settore del credito, rappresentati dall’Abi, e i tecnici del ministero per l’Economia. In realtà a metà giornata i numeri ancora non erano definiti e le cifre ballavano di qualche centinaio di milioni, ma l’ordine di grandezza era chiaro.
Il contributo delle banche che, va ricordato, si configura come un anticipo di cassa e quindi dovrà essere recuperato, prevede il rinvio delle deduzioni su svalutazioni di crediti, avviamenti e svalutazioni legate all’introduzione dei principi Ifrs9. Rinvio – prosegue Il Sole – che sarà fatto per due annualità: il 2025 e il 2026.
Il confronto tra esponenti dell’Abi e quelli del ministero per l’Economia è stato avviato nelle scorse settimane e lunedì ha avuto un’improvvisa accelerazione, perché il governo ha deciso di portare all’approvazione del consiglio dei ministri il testo della manovra, diversamente rispetto a quanto previsto in un primo momento. Questa accelerazione ha costretto i rappresentanti delle banche a lavorare fino a notte inoltrata per affinare i calcoli e arrivare ai conteggi finali. Il contributo trattenuto con il rinvio delle deduzioni verrà recuperato gradualmente dalle banche nell’arco del triennio successivo alle due annualità, dunque tra il 2027 e il 2029. www.affaritaliani.it
TUTTAPPOSCHT A FIABILANDIA: Aumentano gli italiani in povertà alimentare, +500mila nel 2023
Aumentano gli italiani in povertà alimentare, +500mila nel 2023
ROMA, 15 OTT – Torna a crescere in Italia la povertà alimentare: nel 2023 sono 4,9 milioni gli italiani – l’8,4% della popolazione over 16 – che non potuto permettersi un pasto completo ogni due giorni. L’impossibilità di mangiare fuori casa con parenti o amici almeno una volta al mese ha riguardato invece 2,9 milioni di persone, cioè il 5,8% degli italiani sopra i 16 anni. Una crescita di un punto percentuale dei tassi di deprivazione materiale e sociale, pari a 500mila persone per ciascun indice, rispetto al 2022 e un’inversione di tendenza dopo anni di calo.
A salire del 40% sono anche gli aiuti alimentari distribuiti negli ultimi 5 anni. Sono i dati inediti contenuti nel quinto rapporto sulla povertà alimentare di ActionAid: “I numeri della povertà alimentare in Italia a partire dalle statistiche ufficiali”.
La deprivazione alimentare materiale significa l’impossibilità di fare un pasto completo con carne, pollo, pesce o equivalente vegetariano almeno una volta ogni due giorni; quella sociale è il non potersi permettere di mangiare fuori casa con amici o parenti almeno una volta al mese.
In Italia, tra il 2019 e il 2022, la deprivazione alimentare materiale era scesa dal 9,9% al 7,5%, mentre quella sociale dal 6,9% al 4,8%, un risultato a cui hanno contribuito le misure come il Reddito di cittadinanza. Tuttavia, nel 2023, la loro diffusione è aumentata di circa 1 punto percentuale, raggiungendo l’8,4% – 4,9 milioni di persone sopra i 16 anni – per la deprivazione materiale e per quella sociale il 5,8% – 2,9 milioni di italiani.
Ciascuna voce sale di circa 500mila unità: nel 2022 erano stati infatti 4,37 milioni (il 7,5% della popolazione con almeno 16 anni di età) per la deprivazione materiale, mentre erano 2,4 milioni (4,8%) per quella sociale. Tra il 2019 e il 2023, il numero di chi riceve aiuti alimentari Fead (Fondo di Aiuti Europei agli Indigenti) tramite enti del terzo settore dislocati in tutta Italia è aumentato del 40%, passando da 2,08 milioni a quasi 2,91 milioni di beneficiari (dati del ministero delle Politiche Sociali e del Lavoro). L’incremento ha riguardato tutte le Regioni ad eccezione del Friuli-Venezia Giulia dove il dato è stabile. (ANSA)
TUTTAPPOSCHT A FIABILANDIA: Istat, in Italia il 14% dei minori vive in povertà assoluta
Istat, in Italia il 14% dei minori vive in povertà assoluta
Cresce, in Italia, la povertà educativa con il 70,5% dei bambini e dei ragazzi tra i 3 e 19 anni che non è mai andato in biblioteca nel 2023, mentre il 39,2% non ha praticato sport nel corso dell’anno. Allarme anche per il dato che registra come il 14% dei minori in Italia viva in condizioni di assoluta povertà, da tutti i punti di vista. È quanto emerge dai dati Istat presentati alla ventiquattresima edizione delle Giornate di Bertinoro per l’Economia Civile, il tradizionale appuntamento di Aiccon- Centro Studi dell’Università di Bologna, in corso a Bertinoro, nel Forlivese.
Secondo i nuovi dati – presentati da Monica Pratesi dell’Università di Pisa e Direttrice del Dipartimento per la produzione statistica Istat – nel 2023 il 10,5% dei giovani tra i 18 e i 24 anni ha interrotto il percorso formativo con la licenza media, e l’8,4% degli studenti del quinto anno della secondaria di secondo grado ha un basso livello di competenze in italiano, matematica e inglese. In base ai dati resi noti all’appuntamento di Bertinoro, ancora, il 16,8% dei giovani compresi tra i 6 e i 19 anni, non ha fruito di spettacoli fuori casa, ossia non è mai andato al cinema, a teatro, in un museo, a mostre, siti archeologici, monumenti, concerti.
Il 13,5% dei minori di 16 anni in Italia (1,13 milioni) si trova in una condizione di deprivazione materiale e sociale specifica, e nel 2023 il 14% dei minori risulta vivere in povertà assoluta. Questi numeri, viene evidenziato, mostrano come siano stati raggiunti livelli di povertà assoluta tra i minori mai toccati dal 2014. tgcom24.mediaset.it
Sanità, mancano 60mila infermieri: Schillaci li assume in India
In Italia non si trovano gli infermieri, secondo le associazioni di categoria ne mancano 60mila
Il ministro della Salute, Orazio Schillaci, in più occasioni aveva spiegato che in attesa di favorire la formazione e l’assunzione di nuove generazioni di operatori, il sistema sanitario pubblico ne avrebbe presi migliaia dall’estero. Ieri, al margine della riunione del G7 Salute ad Ancona, l’annuncio ufficiale del ministro: «Abbiamo definito i dettagli operativi per arrivare il protocollo finalizzato a far arrivare in Italia infermieri indiani». Nel corso del G7 Schillaci ha incontrato la ministra indiana.
I requisiti
Aggiunge Schillaci: «Gli infermieri indiani dovranno imparare l’italiano e per questo si stanno predisponendo delle piattaforme online. Siamo ai dettagli finali. Abbiamo scelto gli infermieri dall’India perchè hanno dei diplomi di qualità che possono essere riconosciuti dal nostro sistema. Dunque, in breve avremo un protocollo operativo che ci permetterà di tamponare l’attuale carenza di infermieri. Tuttavia, al contempo, ha concluso, stiamo lavorando per fare in modo che la professione infermieristica in Italia diventi più attrattiva».
Le assunzioni
fronte delle assunzioni il ministro dice: «Nella prossima manovra
avremo un piano triennale di assunzioni per medici e infermieri. Ciò
consentirà di mettere fine anche al fenomeno dei medici gettonisti».
Labor Rights: Support the Strikes Against the Global Trade Monopoly and the “Merchants of Death”
Labor Rights: Support the Strikes Against the Global Trade Monopoly and the “Merchants of Death”. Emanuel Pastreich
Why we back the ILA and the Boeing Workers in their strikes
We see for the first time since the general strikes of 1937 the potential for labor action in the United States to take on directly the means of production and transportation that are dominated by global finance and that form the cancer at the heart of our diseased economy.
Such strikes could potentially become the focal points for a mass movement against the grotesque merger of global finance, class warfare, and militarism that has created, over the last thirty years, a complete dictatorship of trusts and private equity.
Although the focus of the individual workers involved in the strikes falls on the preservation of their jobs, nevertheless, many workers have made statements in recent days that indicate a growing awareness of how their actions serve as a vanguard in the resistance to techno-tyranny, the rule of corporations, the militarization of our society, and the drive for world war.
If for no other reason, we should stand with them for this cause. Their brave efforts offer a way forward beyond the complaining and identity politics that have crippled critiques of the current system.
1934 ILA strike that revolutionized labor in the US
The strike began on October 1, when 45,000 dockworkers of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) walked off the job. The scale of this strike was so large that it became the first large-scale organized resistance to the techno-fascist fusion of corporations, banks, and government that runs the country, and that impoverishes us every time we buy milk at the supermarket, every time we pay a phone bill, and every time our internet services are mysteriously altered.
The strike spread to thirty-five ports on the East and Gulf coasts, including New York-New Jersey, Houston, Savannah and Charleston. Efforts to support the strike by dockworkers in Canada and Mexico were also underway. How far the struggle will go depends on many factors, not the least of which is the commitment of all citizens to economic justice.
The dockworkers joined forces with strikers at Boeing factories who are taking on the largest of the merchants of death. 33,000 Boeing workers have been on strike for three weeks after refusing a crippling a contract agreed to by their pro-corporate leadership. The workers at Boeing have been joined by striking workers at other military contractors such as Textron Aviation and Eaton Aerospace.
Boeing is the leading proponent of endless war and its lobbyists and agents have their fingerprints all over the current drive for world war and nuclear war in Ukraine and Lebanon. It was unthinkable, even a few months ago, that this all-powerful bemouth could be challenged from within.
These two strikes took on global trade and military production simultaneously thus offering the possibility of a fundamental shift in American politics—one driven by the realization that we face the real possibility of world war abroad and totalitarian rule at home.
Any workers who defy the ruthless system of global trade, logistics, distribution, and retail that is controlled by a handful of multinational corporations and who, the same time take, on the weapons manufacturers who push for war, deserve our full support.
The ILA launched into a full-throttled strike on October 1, and it gained support in Mexico and Canada, and even started discussions about sympathy strikes elsewhere in the United States that could lead to the first massive strike impacting vital infrastructure since the 1930s, and they were prepared to do so at precisely the moment that world war looms, at precisely the moment that labor is supposed to bow down to the fake political process dominated by private equity. Then, out of the blue, yesterday, October 3, the ILA released a bland and laconic public statement that a “tentative agreement on wages” has been reached and that all have “agreed to extend the Master Contract until January 15, 2025.”
The real reason for this extraordinary turn of events is not hard to find. The ILA released a statement on October 2, the day before, that detailed how President Harold Daggett, and other senior union leaders, had been subject to numerous death threats, and how the New York Post attacked Daggett while offering his home address and photographs of his home to anyone wishing to do violence.
We citizens must quickly grasp the revolutionary implications of these strikes and we must realize the full potential of such resistance before the hatchmen of the billionaires pull us apart using identity politics, false-flag operations, threats, and the corrosive narcissism of self-centered consumption. The fact that the powers that be have ruthlessly shut down the ILA strike is not a reason to be discouraged, but rather a casus belli to extend the struggle further.
I give my full support to these strikes, these efforts to oppose totalitarian corporate rule, and I call on all citizens to support the strikers, and other resistance in the United States, to the unconstitutional, immoral, and illegal rule of the plutocrats.
I do not claim to represent the striking workers in what I am about to say. I realize that many of them are naturally focused on trying to save their jobs and feed their children, and therefore are hesitant to grab the parasitic monsters who prey on them by the horns. But our focus, my focus, must be perforce on identifying the underlying causes and proposing a comprehensive solution.
There are different strands to the war against the citizens of the United States which are intertwined in the conditions that brought on these strikes. Those strands must be separated out and discussed so that we can understand what the workers, and all of us, are up against.
The Deadly Reign of Free Trade
The strikes at loading docks across the United States are linked to the destruction of the means of production for goods and food by multinational corporations, the imposition of a money economy that is controlled by multinational banks, and the enforcement of a dictatorship for trade, logistics, distribution, commercial sales, and advertising that has been carried out brutally under the banner of “free trade.” “Free trade” is the modern equivalent of “freedom is slavery” and “war is peace.” “Free trade” is a totalitarian economic system for controlling the transportation of goods around the world that destroys local economies here and there and forces dependency on supply chains that are owned by the rich.
Shipping firms like Mærsk, COSCO Shipping, Hapag-Lloyd AG, and Nippon Yusen take a pound of flesh from every transaction, from everything that we buy. They compel us to buy products that multinationals produce by destroying local communities on the other side of the world. These firms work in cahoots with distribution companies like Kuehne + Nagel, DHL, and SYX to make sure that multinationals control all production around the world. They also collaborate with massive retailers like Walmart, Amazon, Costco, and Walgreens to make sure that nothing is for sale from which multinational corporations do get their pound of flesh. They tax us indirectly even more than does the Federal government.
The front line of the battle undertaken by the dockworkers in their negotiations with USMX (United States Maritime Alliance) is the rejection of the complete automation of the systems for transporting and processing containers so as to create an economic system for production and distribution that contains no workers. This scheme is part of a greater drive to create a nightmare world wherein all labor is reduced to “useless eaters” that can be slowly contained, impoverished, and then eliminated.
The false praise of automation, and of technology as a whole, as means to improve the lives of all when in fact it is a weapon for the rich that is explicitly focused on destroying the lives of workers, is one of the most pernicious lies propagated by the elite.
The automation of logistics is linked to the drive to implement radical digitalization of the economy and to transfer all commands and governance to the black box tyranny known as “AI,” a false god under whose capricious rule every decision that is made to destroy the lives of citizens is attributed to the rational calculations of supercomputers.
The use technology to replace workers, or to drive down their salaries, is justified by treasonous intellectuals as being the result some inevitable “fourth industrial revolution.”
The resistance against automation and the digitalization of the workplace made by dockworkers today will be our battle tomorrow. Our battle against this technological and economic assault on our lives, our work, and our bodies is at least as serious in import as the battle against chattel slavery in the 1850s and 1860s.
Wages and Living
The push to reduce workers’ wages and benefits, while the multinational corporations that control trade, distribution, and retail sales are able to make vast fortunes for stockholders, is the reason that workers in the United States face such a bleak future.
The calculation of the health of the economy in terms of the profits of corporations, rather than in terms of the long-term well-being of citizens is an equally pernicious defense of the destruction of our livelihoods.
A Military Economy and the Export of Weapons
Although the strikes at the docks where weapons are loaded onto ships to be transported to Israel and Ukraine, the strikes at the Boeing factories that manufacture the weapons, and the growing anti-war movement led by citizens who wish to stop the drive for world war are not integrated as a single movement for peace and an egalitarian society yet—they could easily merge in precisely such a manner.
Moreover, recent statements by workers on strike suggest that such a convergence is close at hand in light of the horrific drive for world war by bankrupt politicians who serve their financial masters. In any case, it is clear that the strikes are driven by the workers themselves, and not their leadership, and that they workers manifest an increasing self-awareness and historical awareness.
To be honest, the specifics of the contracts for the longshoremen are less critical for us than the potential for a highly organized and effective mass movement against both war and plutocracy, one that unifies hundreds of thousands of people and makes clear for the working woman and working man the relationship between the concentration of wealth, the drive for war, the control of the means of production and distribution, and economic suffering of workers.
No boutique anti-war gatherings on the Upper West Side will ever have such impact.
We must join forces with the striking workers to create an anti-war, anti-technocracy, and anti-plutocracy movement that will transform our society in a fundamental sense, and will establish peace, human agency and liberty, and egalitarianism as the primary goal of our nation. Corporate profits and the assets of billionaires should not be the concern of our government, of our newspapers, or of our civil society in determining our direction forward.
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Birds Not Bombs: Let’s Fight for a World of Peace, Not War
This article was originally published on the author’s Substack.
Dr. Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.
He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
Featured image is by Richard Burkhart, Savannah Morning News Via USA TODAY Network
Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt of Covid-19 Vaccine. The Vaccine Affects Millions of Americans. It Should be the Object of Debate Prior to the 2024 Elections: MR PRESIDENT TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!!!
Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt of Covid-19 Vaccine. The Vaccine Affects Millions of Americans. It Should be the Object of Debate Prior to the 2024 Elections
The Covid 19 “Vaccine” narrative is being question n several countries, confirming what we have outlined and document since the vaccine rollout in mid-December 2020.
We recall the recent courageous statement of Japan’s Former Minister of Internal Affairs Kazuhiro Haraguchi:
“‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones”
“They are trying to block our freedom, our resistance, our power. But we will never lose.”
And now Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo questions the legitimacy of the mRNA Vaccine, prior to the November 5, Presidential Elections:
The decision of the Surgeon General is carefully documented. The Florida Department of Health issued the following advisory
Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Any provider concerned about the health risks associated with COVID-19 for patients over the age of 65 or with underlying health conditions should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.
Safety and Efficacy Concerns
Providers and patients should be aware of outstanding mRNA COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy concerns:
- The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines present a risk of subclinical and clinical myocarditis and other cardiovascular conditions among otherwise healthy individuals.
- The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with an increased risk of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
- The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with an increased risk of autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis.
- Throughout the pandemic, studies across geographic regions found that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are associated with negative effectiveness after four to six months. As efficacy waned, studies showed that COVID-19 vaccinated individuals developed an increased risk for infection.
- Elevated levels of mRNA and spike protein from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine persist among some individuals for an indefinite period, which may carry health risks.
- Potential DNA integration from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients.
- There is unknown risk of potential adverse impacts with each additional dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; currently individuals may have received five to seven doses (and counting) of this vaccine over a 3-year period.
Improving habits and overall health help manage and reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, risk factors for serious illness from COVID-19.
The State Surgeon General and the Department continue to encourage Floridians to prioritize their overall health by:
Staying physically active,
- Minimizing processed foods,
- Prioritizing vegetables and healthy fats, and
- Spending time outdoors to support necessary vitamin D levels.
Bombshell: Fox New Reports the following: “Severely Pissed Off”
“MSM now admits the shots are toxic “Discovery billions fragments of DNA in every dose” – Florida Surgeon General
The masses are going to be severely pi$$ed off when they finally find out what they’ve injected themselves with numerous times”
VIDEO Click Here or Screen to access Fox News Report
People across America
The State of Florida has called for a halt of the use of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines, setting a precedent for the implementation of similar decisions not only across the United States, but Worldwide.
The evidence is overwhelming.
Read the powerful message of Florida State Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo who has come to the rescue of 22 million people in Florida.
We call upon people across the United States to pressure State officials to cancel the mRNA Covid-19 once and for all.
The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming.
The official data (mortality and morbidity) as well as numerous scientific studies confirm the nature of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine which is being imposed on all humanity.
Contact your representative at the US Congress. The decision of the State of Florida must be the object of debate and analysis across the land. AND THIS SHOULD TAKE PLACE BEFORE THE NOVEMBER 5 ELECTIONS.
The media has remained mum on the dangers of the vaccine in the course of the last three years.
We invite the media to emulate Fox News, to provide coverage pertaining to the “failures” of the Covid-19 Vaccine and its implications, nationally and internationally.
In less than four weeks from now it’s Election 2024. Let us actively debate the issue of the vaccine which has affected millions of Americans.
It is essential that the candidates for the Presidency of the United States take a stance regarding the Covid 19 mRNA vaccine which has been carefully documented by Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladopo.
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, October 12, 2024
Below is a short review of the impacts of the Covid-19 Vaccine on Excess Mortality
There are numerous studies on vaccine related excess mortality. Below is a summary of an incisive study pertaining to Cancer Related Excess Mortality in England and Wales resulting from the mRNA Vaccine conducted by the team of Edward Dowd
The data for excess mortality in 2020 (the year prior to the vaccine) are negative with the exception of “malignant neoplasm without specification of site”.
The COVID-19 vaccine was rolled-out in several phases in England and Wales starting on December 8, 2020 and extending into March-April 2021.
The upward movement in excess mortality (%) commences in 2021. The increase in excess mortality related to malignant neoplasm is tabulated for the two first years of the vaccine.
England and Wales: Excess Mortality
Below is a similar table pertaining to Excess Mortality in Germany, which points to the Deviation of Observed Mortality from Expected Mortality (by age group) in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
Notice the upward shift in excess mortality in 2021 and 2022 following the rollout of the Covid Vaccine in December 2020
Germany: Excess Mortality
Germany: Excess Mortality by Age Group (%)
Excess Mortality in Red by age group, Total Excess Mortality in Gray
Japan: Excess Mortality
Japan. Excess Mortality (2020-2022): Jump in Excess mortality in 2021 and 2022 (January-October 2022)
United States:
The above are excerpts from my Article on the Corona Virus Pandemic
Starts At 6’47”: The Worldwide Corona Crisis
Our thanks to Vaccine Choice Canada
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, October 12, 2024
Sri Lanka Will Apply for Membership in BRICS, New Development Bank - Foreign Minister
US emergency workers ‘hunted by militia’ – WaPo
Federal employees responding to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in Rutherford County, North Carolina, were threatened last week by militias and had to temporarily pull out, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.
An email sent on Saturday by an official with the US Forest Service, which assists the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), advised federal responders to “stand down and evacuate the county immediately,” the newspaper said. The warning came after members of the National Guard claimed to have come across what they called “trucks of armed militia saying there [sic] were out hunting FEMA.”
The Post reported two federal officials confirmed to it that the message was authentic. The newspaper stressed that it was not clear how serious the threat was assessed to be.
One of the sources said employees were moved to a “safe area,” which resulted in recovery work being put on hold in the area. Personnel were back in place by Sunday afternoon, the officials, who spoke to the newspaper on condition of anonymity, added.
Journalist Brianna Sacks, who bylined the story, later published on her X account a message claiming that a firefighter crew had been instructed to avoid certain areas on the border between North Carolina and Tennessee “due to communities being governed by armed militias” there.
The Post described the incident in Rutherford County as the latest example of security issues in western North Carolina. In the two weeks since Hurricane Helene ravaged parts of the state, “misinformation and rumors have made the recovery more difficult,” the reports stated, claiming that some locals were refusing to cooperate with federal officials.
“It’s terrible because a lot of these folks who need assistance are refusing it because they believe the stuff people are saying about FEMA and the government,” Riva Duncan, a former Forest Service official, told the news outlet. “And it’s sad because they are probably the ones who need the help the most.”
The Appalachian region of the US, which includes western North Carolina, tends to be less affluent and has come to be seen by many as having been left behind by coastal political elites. It also has a long history of anti-federal sentiment.
On Friday, President Joe Biden denounced “reckless, irresponsible, and relentless disinformation and outright lies” for the death threats allegedly received by emergency response workers in remarks about the government’s hurricane response efforts.
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