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Diritto di accesso - Trattamento di dati personali lecitamente acquisiti da una 'centrale rischi privata' - 31 gennaio 2002 [29960]

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Diritto di accesso - Trattamento di dati personali lecitamente acquisiti da una "centrale rischi privata"

L´interessato ha il diritto di ottenere la cancellazione dei soli dati trattati in violazione di legge. E´ quindi infondato, e deve essere respinto dal Garante, il ricorso proposto per ottenere la cancellazione dei dati relativi ai ritardi verificatisi nei pagamenti delle rate di un finanziamento, qualora risulti che il titolare del trattamento (nel caso di specie una "centrale rischi privata") abbia lecitamente acquisito e trattato i dati dell´interessato nel quadro dei rapporti esistenti con vari soggetti operanti nel mondo creditizio e finanziario e i dati stessi risultino corrispondenti a verità.


Nella riunione odierna, in presenza del prof. Stefano Rodotà, presidente, del prof. Giuseppe Santaniello, vice presidente, del prof. Gaetano Rasi e del dott. Mauro Paissan, componenti e del dott. Giovanni Buttarelli, segretario generale;

ESAMINATO il ricorso presentato dal sig. Mario Carlini

nei confronti di

CRIF S.p.A.;

VISTA la documentazione in atti;

VISTI gli articoli 13 e 29 della legge 31 dicembre 1996, n. 675 e gli articoli 18, 19 e 20 del d.P.R. 31 marzo 1998, n. 501;

VISTE le osservazioni dell’Ufficio formulate dal segretario generale ai sensi dell’art. 15 del regolamento del Garante n. 1/2000;

RELATORE il prof. Giuseppe Santaniello;


1. Il ricorrente lamenta che CRIF S.p.A. non abbia fornito positivo riscontro ad una richiesta avanzata ai sensi dell’art. 13 della legge n. 675/1996, con la quale aveva chiesto la cancellazione di alcuni dati asseritamente trattati in modo illegittimo. Ciò con particolare riferimento all’annotazione riportata nella banca dati di CRIF S.p.A. contenente una "segnalazione di rate non pagate già regolarizzate, pagamento con acconti".

Nel ricorso presentato a questa Autorità ai sensi dell’art. 29 della legge n. 675/1996, il ricorrente ha ribadito le proprie richieste sottolineando come nel proprio conto corrente aperto presso Banca di Roma S.p.A. vi fossero, in realtà, "fondi a sufficienza per il pagamento…delle rate", relative ad un prestito corrisposto dal medesimo istituto di credito.

A seguito dell’invito ad aderire formulato da questa Autorità in data 20 dicembre 2001, CRIF S.p.A., con nota anticipata via fax il 24 dicembre scorso, ha sostenuto:

  • di ritenere infondate le richieste del ricorrente in quanto la citata segnalazione (n. 1) non evidenzierebbe allo stato attuale alcuna situazione di morosità imputabile al ricorrente medesimo essendo altresì menzionata la regolarizzazione dalla situazione di transitoria insolvenza;
  • che "le modalità di segnalazione della singola posizione contestata non possono ritenersi pregiudizievoli all’interessato o comunque non veritiere…";
  • di aver acquisito, in relazione ai profili concernenti il pagamento delle rate da parte dell’interessato, una conferma da parte di Banca di Roma S.p.A. in data 18 dicembre 2001;
  • che il ricorrente non avrebbe inoltre fornito adeguati elementi di riscontro in merito all’integrale pagamento delle rate;
  • di non poter accogliere l’ulteriore richiesta di eliminazione della segnalazione di altri finanziamenti rifiutati (segnalazioni nn. 3 e 4) "poiché non spetta alla società resistente entrare nel merito dei criteri decisionali che hanno spinto le singole banche a negare i diversi finanziamenti";
  • che le spese relative all’odierno procedimento dovrebbero essere poste a carico del ricorrente.

Con nota in data 4 gennaio 2002 questa Autorità, preso atto dell’assenso manifestato dalle parti, comunicava che, ai sensi dell’art. 20, comma 8, del d.P.R. n. 501/1998, il termine per la decisione del ricorso era prorogato di 20 giorni.

L’interessato ha ribadito le proprie richieste con memoria anticipata via fax il 18 gennaio 2002 e nel corso dell’audizione svoltasi il successivo 22 gennaio. In tali occasioni il ricorrente ha ribadito che le informazioni trasmesse da Banca di Roma S.p.A. e conservate nell’archivio di CRIF S.p.A. non corrisponderebbero all’"andamento pagamenti ed allo stato operazioni". Tali segnalazioni, ritenute inesatte, avrebbero comportato rilevanti pregiudizi, determinando una serie di rifiuti di finanziamenti da parte di banche e società finanziarie. L’interessato ha infine chiesto di attribuire le spese del procedimento a carico del titolare del trattamento.


2. Il ricorso concerne la conservazione nella banca dati di una centrale rischi privata di alcuni dati personali dell’interessato, relativi ad una operazione di finanziamento in essere, rispetto alla quale, nel corso del rapporto, sono insorti problemi con la banca finanziatrice.

Il ricorso non è fondato.

L’art. 13 della legge n. 675/1996 riconosce all’interessato il diritto di ottenere la cancellazione dei soli dati trattati in violazione di legge.

Dalla documentazione acquisita nel caso di specie non si ricavano elementi tali da evidenziare una specifica violazione di legge e da giustificare, quindi, la richiesta di cancellazione avanzata nei confronti di CRIF S.p.A.

I dati registrati nell’archivio della citata centrale rischi sono stati raccolti lecitamente e trattati da CRIF S.p.A. nel quadro dei rapporti esistenti con vari soggetti operanti nel mondo creditizio e finanziario.

Le informazioni relative alla segnalazione n. 1 si riferiscono ad un finanziamento nel quale, dopo il mancato pagamento di alcune rate per ragioni che sono oggetto di controversia tra il ricorrente e la Banca di Roma, è intervenuta in epoca assai recente una regolarizzazione. Vi è poi da tenere presente che il rapporto risulta tuttora in atto.

Anche in relazione a tale ultima circostanza non appare allo stato giustificata la richiesta di cancellazione anche di altri dati relativi a recenti rifiuti di finanziamento documentati ai punti nn. 3 e 4 del riscontro CRIF del 31 ottobre 2001, per i quali non è stato prodotto alcun elemento certo che comprovi l’inesattezza dei dati trasmessi alla centrale rischi.

Resta peraltro impregiudicato il diritto del ricorrente di proseguire la controversia giudiziaria già instaurata nei confronti della Banca di Roma dinanzi al Tribunale di Frosinone (nella quale è stata chiesta anche una consulenza tecnica), in ordine alle contestate modalità con le quali l’istituto ha attuato il rapporto di finanziamento.

Considerata la complessità della vicenda esaminata, sussistono infine giusti motivi per compensare le spese tra le parti.


a) il ricorso infondato nei termini di cui in motivazione;

b) compensate le spese tra le parti.

Roma, 31 gennaio 2002




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L'unica idea giusta mai pensata da Donald Trump in vita sua: tentare di regolamentarli e' totalmente inutile e controproducente. I social media devono essere SOLO nazionali ed essere di proprieta' personale dei Cittadini.

‘Close Them Down’: Trump Threatens To Shut Down Social Media Platforms

Jack Brewster
Updated May 27, 2020, 12:38pm EDT


President Trump threatened action against social media companies one day after Twitter, for the first time, fact-checked one of his tweets on mail-in voting.President Trump Delivers Remarks On Protecting Seniors With Diabetes


"Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices,” the president tweeted Wednesday without providing evidence, adding that the companies should either be “strongly” regulated or shut down. 

On Tuesday, Twitter hit Trump with a fact-check for the first time ever, for tweets the president wrote claiming that mail-in ballots are rife with fraud: “Get the facts about mail-in ballots,” the note below Trump’s tweet said.

Hours later, the president responded by accusing the company of “interfering” in the 2020 election, stifling free speech and using “fact-checking by Fake News CNN and the Amazon Washington Post.”

Republicans have long rallied behind the idea that social media platforms stifle conservative free speech online, though experts say there’s no evidence bearing out the idea Silicon Valley is working behind the scenes to deliberately limit the reach of conservatives. 

On the flip side, social media platforms have also faced backlash for their hands-off approach to combating misinformation; Twitter’s dramatic pivot on Tuesday to fact-check the president comes after years of mounting criticism as the company slowly tightened its policies on misleading information online.

In May, the company began applying a new label to tweets “containing synthetic and manipulated media” and in March it introduced warnings on Covid-19-related misinformation.

Key background

Last year, Twitter TWTR +1.6% announced it would ban all political ads from its platform. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said then he believed that the spread of political messages “should be earned, not bought.” But the platform has struggled to come to terms with whether it should police misleading tweets from world leaders. Last year, Twitter responded to a request from Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) to suspend Trump’s account for violating the platform’s guidelines by maintaining world leaders don’t always have to follow its rules. In recent months, Twitter  TWTR +1.6% has ramped up its fact-checking operation in response to the coronavirus pandemic—but only after repeated calls to do so—flagging tweets that contain claims of a conspiracy behind the virus—like blaming billionaire Bill Gates and 5G technology.


On Tuesday, Twitter was at the center of a separate controversy surrounding Trump’s messages online. The widower of Lori Klausutis, an aide to Joe Scarborough when he was a member of Congress and who died suddenly in 2001, called on the platform to take down the president’s tweets baselessly accusing the MSNBC host of Morning Joe of having murdered her. As recently as this past weekend, Trump has continued to push a conspiracy theory on Twitter that Scarborough had had an affair with Klausutis and then murdered her. In a tweet posted earlier this month, the president called for an investigation of Scarborough and questioned whether he “got away with murder?”

Crucial quote

In a statement responding to the Klausutis letter, a Twitter spokesperson said: “We are deeply sorry about the pain these statements . . . are causing the family.” Changes are in the works to “expand existing product features and policies so we can more effectively address things like this going forward.”



London protesters want to 'arrest Bill Gates'

·1 min read

Protesters in London would like to see Bill Gates behind bars.

The demonstrators gathered outside the headquarters of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in London on Saturday, chanting, "Arrest Bill Gates! Arrest Bill Gates!"

While it is not immediately clear what crime the protesters alleged Gates committed, some of the protesters held flags appearing to show a vaccine syringe with a red circle and a line through it.


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A theory circulated by some holds that Gates has used COVID-19 vaccines to microchip recipients, despite insistence from public health officials that the vaccines are safe.

Gates has been an active proponent of mobilizing global resources to distribute the vaccines, and the Gates Foundation website stated the organization’s $250 million commitment to assist with COVID-19 drugs and vaccines brought its "total contribution towards fighting the pandemic to $1.75 billion."

Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, announced their intent to divorce May 3 "after a great deal of thought and a lot of work on [their] relationship." The divorce proceedings are expected to be among the costliest in history.


More than 30 million people in the United Kingdom are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, representing 46.85% of the country's population, according to the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus tracker.

Representatives for the Gates Foundation did not immediately respond to the Washington Examiner's request for comment.

Washington Examiner Videos

Tags: News, Vaccination, Bill Gates, Protests, London

Original Author: Carly Roman

Original Location: London protesters want to 'arrest Bill Gates'



Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates?

The latest backlash against the Gates Foundation in India is the result of years’ worth of concerns raised by human rights activists and civil society.

Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates?
Credit: Depositphotos

Last month, Bill Gates’ divorce and allegations of sexual misconduct made headlines in Western media. But in India, the billionaire philanthropist and his foundation have been under criticism for months for completely different reasons. Indians have called for Gates’ arrest over alleged violations of medical ethics and laws by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) in the country. #ArrestBillGates trended on Indian Twitter in May, part of a campaign calling Indian authorities to charge the BMGF and Gates for conducting illegal medical trials on vulnerable groups in two Indian states.

This is not the first time the BMGF or Bill Gates has been at the receiving end of public anger in India. This latest outburst is part of constantly growing anger against Gates and his foundation in India. As early as April 2021, Gates received flak for expressing his reluctance about sharing COVID-19 vaccine technologies with developing countries like India. After severe public criticism in India and abroad, BMGF Chief Executive Officer Mark Suzman officially supported a temporary waiver on vaccine IP.

Gates has also been criticized by Indian farmer groups, who have been protesting on the border of the national capital New Delhi for six months. The farmers are protesting against controversial laws promoting privatization of agriculture passed by the Hindu nationalist government, and they see Gates as a supporter of such efforts. Dainik Jagran, one of the largest Hindi newspapers in the country, reported on June 8 that farmers burned an effigy of Bill Gates at one of the protest sites due to his support for the privatization of agriculture in India.

India’s civil society organizations revealed last month that Microsoft India will unfairly benefit from Sections 4-2, 5, 7 and 17-2a of the controversial Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act of 2020, one of the laws farmers have been protesting against. Farmer organizations and internet privacy advocacy groups showed that a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Microsoft India and India’s Ministry of Agriculture could potentially give Gates’ company access to a database of 50 million Indian farmers and their land records maintained by the government. It is important to flag here that BMGF is also involved in several agricultural programs across the country.

Bill Gates and the BMGF’s close relationship with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi is no secret. In September 2019, the BMGF conferred the “Global Goalkeeper Award” to Modi for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBM or Clean India Mission), a flagship program that built 110 million toilets in five years. While SBM has improved overall health indicators in India, the program came under criticism in 2017 by Leo Heller, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation. “Open defecation free mustn’t be human rights free,” wrote Heller as a part of his end of mission statement in India.

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The move by the BMGF was also criticized by several human rights groups in India and abroad, which pointed to Modi’s crackdown on civil liberties and dissent in India. Despite severe criticism and protests, the BMGF went ahead with conferring Modi with the award.

When Gates visited India in November 2019, he met Modi and several other government officials. This also marked the re-entry of the BMGF in India’s Health Ministry through the Modi government’s approval of a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) between the Department of Health & Family Welfare (DOHFW), the government of India, and the BMGF on cooperation in the field of health. India’s then-Home Minister Rajnath Singh, one of the most powerful members of Modi’s cabinet, also urged Gates to adopt 1,000 villages in central India affected by left-wing extremism back in 2017 during a meeting in New Delhi.

In his exclusive interview to the Press Trust of India (PTI) during his visit in November 2019, Gates praised three vaccine manufacturers in India – the Serum Institute of India (SII), Bharat Biotech, and Biological-E. All three private and for-profit vaccine manufacturers have been beneficiaries of world’s largest COVID-19 vaccination program by the government of India. SII has been receiving BMGF grants since November 2012. It received an additional grant amount of $4 million in October 2020. Bharat Biotech received funding of $19 million from the BMGF in November 2019. Biological-E Limited has been Ba MGF grantee since 2013. It received funding of #37 million dollars in April 2021 from BMGF.

The vaccination program dependent on these BMGF grantees has been criticized in India due to its inaccessibility, profiteering, and encouragement of free market policies for life-saving vaccines. Despite funding from the foundation and even by the Indian government, the private vaccine manufacturers are making high profit margins in India’s vaccine market. India’s opposition party, the Indian National Congress (INC), has accused vaccine manufacturers of amassing profits of $17 billion from COVID-19 vaccines. After criticism from India’s Supreme Court, civil society, and politicians, Modi has reversed multiple clauses from country’s vaccination policy and capped the price of the vaccine to prevent profiteering. However, many problematic aspects remain in the COVID-19 vaccine policy.

It is not just civil society, farmers groups, and human rights activists who have flagged concerns and expressed anger about the BMGF and Gates in India. The opposition has even come from Modi’s political allies. In April 2018, Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) –  an affiliate of the Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangha (RSS) – urged Modi to remove then-BMGF India representative Nachiket Mor from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) board, citing a conflict of interest. Alleging that the BMGF was working to further interests for foreign multinational companies, SJM urged the government of India’s agriculture, health, planning, child welfare and finance ministries to keep “such outfits at bay.” SJM also requested Modi to reconsider accepting the award he was given by the BMGF in September 2019 for same reason.

The BMGF had been also put under the scanner by the previous central government led by the INC. In 2013, India’s Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare, comprising of members across political lines, held the BMGF-funded Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) guilty of violating regulatory and ethical norms laid down by the Indian and U.S. governments for clinical trials. The committee investigated the role of the BMGF and PATH in the trial of HPV vaccines on children in Khammam district of Andhra Pradesh and Vadodra district of Gujarat, during which seven children died. Although the government did not find any connection to the vaccines in the deaths, it did uncover ethical failings in the subsequent investigation. The government of India responded by restricting the BMGF from country’s immunization program. But years later, the BMGF continued to work with India’s Health Ministry through its Immunization Technical Support Unit (ITSU).

In 2021, the BMGF and its grantees are active all over India, working in sanitation, health, agriculture, and family planning. Since Modi came to power, the foundation has approved 363 grants across government departments, NGOs, think tanks, private companies, universities, and research institutions in India. As anger against the Modi government grows for its mishandling of the pandemic and economic crisis, trends suggest the backlash against the government-allied BMGF will also increase proportionately.

Guest Author

Akshay Tarfe

Akshay Tarfe is a campaigner based in New Delhi. The views expressed here are personal.




Bill Gates is America's biggest farmer with 269000 acres farmland which is visible from space

Bill and Melinda Gates have their own land in at least 18 American states.

Bill Gates farmer


Written By

Edited By

Karishma Jain


DNA webdesk

Updated: Jun 14, 2021, 12:04 PM IST

Did you know that Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates is the largest private farmland owner in the US? Recently, NBC News reported that Bill Gates along with his estranged wife Melinda Gates had acquired more than 269,000 acres of farm in the United States in the past 10 years.

As per the report, the Gates have their own land in at least 18 American states.

In Washington, the duo owns more than 14,000 acres of farmland that includes potato fields so massive that they are visible from space and some of which are processed into french fries for McDonald's. Apart from potatoes, carrots and onions are also grown in large quantities for grocery stores in his farm.

I diritti di persone giuridiche (=enti immaginari) contano di piu' dei diritti violati di persone reali


Federal judge BLOCKS Florida’s anti-censorship law, says it violates Big Tech free speech rights

Federal judge BLOCKS Florida’s anti-censorship law, says it violates Big Tech free speech rights
A Florida anti-censorship law threatening to fine social media platforms if they censor political candidates or discriminate on a viewpoint basis was blocked by a federal judge, who said it would threaten their editorial judgment.

Florida SB 7072, signed into law by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis in May, was scheduled to go into effect on July 1. On Wednesday evening, however, US District Court Judge Robert Hinkle issued an injunction blocking it.

Hinkle was responding to a lawsuit by two Silicon Valley trade associations, NetChoice LLC and Computer & Communications Industry Association, who argued that the law violated their First Amendment rights by “interfering with the providers’ editorial judgment, compelling speech, and prohibiting speech,” among other things.

“Balancing the exchange of ideas among private speakers is not a legitimate governmental interest,” Hinkle argued in the 31-page ruling, nor is “leveling the playing field” by promoting speech on one side of the issue or another.

He also agreed with the plaintiffs that the “actual motivation” for the law was hostility towards Big Tech’s “perceived liberal viewpoint,” citing public statements DeSantis made about the bill.

The judge went even further, arguing that social media platforms need to exercise “editorial judgment” much like the traditional media in order to curate their content, without which their sites would become “unacceptable” and “useless” to most users.

Platforms sometimes block users for “engaging in fraud, spreading a foreign government’s disinformation, inciting a riot or insurrection, providing false medical or public-health information, or attempting to entice minors for sexual encounters,” Hinkle wrote, listing the grounds Silicon Valley has invoked to ban thousands of people over the past several years – including then-President Donald Trump in January.

Also on New law enables residents de-platformed by Big Tech to sue for up to $100,000 in Florida

Social media companies have used Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to claim blanket immunity from content liability lawsuits, on grounds of being platforms and not publishers – a distinction Hinkle’s explanation seems to erase.

While DeSantis himself has not commented on the case – apparently focusing on the ongoing search and rescue operations at the collapsed condominium in Surfside – his office told the Daily Caller they are “disappointed” by the ruling and plan to “immediately” appeal the case to the Eleventh Circuit.

The appeals court has sided with DeSantis over Hinkle once before, in a 2020 case where the judge appointed by President Bill Clinton had ruled a law requiring convicted felons to pay fines, fees and restitution before getting their voting rights back was unconstitutional.

Die Herrenrasse


Here’s the Story Behind That Bizarre Painting of Bill Clinton in a Blue Dress Seen at Jeffrey Epstein’s Home

The painting has launched 1,000 conspiracy theories. But the artist says she had no idea Epstein owned it.

Petrina Ryan-Kleid, Parsing Bill (2012). Image via the New York Academy of Arts.
Petrina Ryan-Kleid, Parsing Bill (2012). Image via the New York Academy of Art.

Given the hurricane-force storm of media attention swirling around the case of Jeffrey Epstein, the news that he owned a particularly strange work of art perhaps doesn’t seem like the biggest of deals. After all, the aggressively unsettling decor of Epstein’s homes, which includes displays of prosthetic eyeballs, a female mannequin hanging from a chandelier, and a chessboard whose pieces featured the likenesses of his staff clad only in underwear, was already well established.

This particular work of art, however, features an image of former president Bill Clinton clad in a blue dress and high heels, gesturing to the viewer. Given that Bill Clinton’s name has been prominently connected to Epstein, word of the painting sent the internet conspiracy machine wild.

The original source of the gossip is the not-exactly-reliable Daily Mail, which quotes an unnamed source who snapped a photo of the unsettling Clinton painting through a doorway at Epstein’s $56 million home in 2012. (The Mail claimed it had seen metadata verifying the location and date of the photo.) The New York Post, picking up the story, quoted another anonymous source saying of the painting, “It was hanging up there prominently—as soon as you walked in—in a room to the right. Everybody who saw it laughed and smirked.”

The front of Jeffrey Epstein's residence at 9 East 71st Street in the borough of Manhattan, New York on July 18, 2019 in New York City. Photo by Scott Heins/Getty Images.

The front of Jeffrey Epstein’s residence at 9 East 71st Street in the borough of Manhattan, New York on July 18, 2019 in New York City. Photo by Scott Heins/Getty Images.

The painting has been identified as Parsing Bill by New York-based Australian artist Petrina Ryan-Kleid. (A print version is available on Saatchi Art starting at $40.) The more feverish corners of the internet immediately began to decode the imagery for clues—but the truth is that it was part of a body of student work produced quite independently of Epstein.

The Clinton painting comes from a pair of works by Ryan-Kleid that lightly satirized political figures. Its companion, a painting of George W. Bush called War Games, features the former president sitting on the floor of the White House playing with paper airplanes and two fallen Jenga towers, referencing his manipulation of the attacks of 9/11 to justify war in Iraq, the defining scandal of Bush’s White House tenure. As for Parsing Bill, the blue dress seems a likely reference to the blue dress that served as evidence in the former president’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, the scandal that marked Clinton’s time in office.

Petrina Ryan-Kleid, War Games (2012). Image via the New York Academy of Arts.

Petrina Ryan-Kleid, War Games (2012). Image via the New York Academy of Art.

Parsing Bill and War Games were shown at the 2012 Tribeca Ball, a fundraiser for Ryan-Kleid’s alma mater, the New York Academy of Art. Photos from A Guest of a Guest, a party blog, show the artist posing in front of the two works at the star-studded event.

Earlier today, Ryan-Kleid said in a statement to artnet News that she had no idea where the painting had ended up until she saw it light up the news yestereday:

In 2012, as a grad student at the New York Academy of Art, I painted pictures of Presidents Bill Clinton and Bush as part of my Master’s thesis. When the school put on a fundraiser at the Tribeca Ball that year, they sold my painting to one of the attendees. I had no idea who the buyer was at the time. As with most of my paintings, I had completely lost track of this piece when it was sold seven years ago. So it was a complete surprise to me to learn yesterday that it wound up in Epstein’s home.

[UPDATE: Petrina Ryan-Kleid spoke to artnet in more detail about the origin and meaning of the paintings: “The Artist Behind Jeffrey Epstein’s Portrait of Bill Clinton in a Dress Tells Us Why She Made It, and What It Means.]

After graduating from the New York Academy of Art, Ryan-Kleid worked as a studio assistant for Jeff Koons in 2015 and 2016 and now does social media marketing for artists in New York.

Aside from general titillation, it is unclear how, exactly, the Clinton painting might fit into the many conspiracy theories swirling around the apparent suicide by the 66-year-old convicted pedophile, which have included president Donald Trump retweeting a theory that the Clintons had Epstein killed. Bill Clinton is documented to have flown on Epstein’s plane in 2002 and 2003, and says that he visited Epstein’s home in 2002, but issued a statement noting that he was accompanied by staff and his security detail at all times.

(Donald Trump, for his part, is also known to have spent time with Epstein, and infamously remarked to New York magazine that the financier was “terrific” and “likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”)

It is certainly possible to read the painting as a reminder by Epstein to himself and to guests that he had dirt on powerful people. But then again, the common denominator of all of Epstein’s known decor, so far, is simply that he had a taste for the cartoonishly sadistic.



Microsoft founder Bill Gates hosted NAKED pool parties, 'got drunk easily', insiders shocking claims

Reports state that Microsoft founder Bill Gates liked to keep his romantic options open while he was dating his now-estranged wife Melinda Gates.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates hosted NAKED pool parties, 'got drunk easily', insiders shocking claims

This file photo shows Microsoft Founder Bill Gates. (Reuters)


Written By

Edited By

Riddhima Kanetkar


DNA webdesk

Updated: Jul 3, 2021, 12:58 PM IST

Amid Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Melinda Gates' divorce, reports have now surfaced claiming that in the early days of Microsoft in the late '80s and early '90s, Bill Gates was inclined to party, insiders said.

James Wallace, who wrote two biographies on Gates, said that more than once, during the nights, when Gates was not working his usual 17 hours, he used to invite friends and dancers from local all-nude nightclubs to swim naked at his Laurelhurst bachelor pad facing Lake Washington.

Wallace said, "Gates himself rounded up the girls and brought them over there. I don't know if he physically transported them or if he just told them where to show up," Business Insider quoted. 




Cile: si insedia la Costituente, cambierà la Carta di Pinochet

Una manifestazione a favore della nuova Costituente cilena che si è insediata oggi (reuters)
La Commissione, eletta dal popolo, è formata da 155 deputati, con parità di genere. C'è una rappresentanza delle comunità indigene di 17 seggi, soprattutto delle etnie mapuche e aymara
2 minuti di lettura

SANTIAGO DEL CILE - Si è insediata in Cile la "Convenzione costituente" che permetterà al Paese di sostituire la Carta in vigore dai tempi di Augusto Pinochet. L'assemblea avrà nove mesi di tempo, prorogabili di altri tre, per redigere un nuovo testo da sottoporre successivamente alla ratifica plebiscitaria. Al lavoro 155 costituenti, con parità di genere - una prima assoluta nella storia mondiale di queste istituzioni - e con una rappresentanza delle comunità indigene, 17 seggi. La Costituente è per quasi un terzo composta da cittadini che hanno costruito la candidatura non attraverso un partito ma in rappresentanza di istanze e "sensibilità"  locali. Dei 155 costituenti, ben 48 sono infatti i cosiddetti "indipendenti", un gruppo eterogeneo destinato a divenire determinante nella formazione dei futuri equilibri.

Secondo l'agenzia Nova si tratta di un gruppo direttamente legato alle proteste e pronto a schierarsi per riforme sociali più estreme. Le due grandi coalizioni dell'opposizione di centro-sinistra - Apruebo Dignidad e Lista del Apruebo - hanno ottenuto invece 53 seggi, risultato molto inferiore ai due terzi dell'Aula che alcuni sondaggi della vigilia avevano ipotizzato, tetto necessario per l'approvazione delle singole norme da includere nella nuova Carta costituzionale. Male la coalizione che sostiene il governo conservatore del presidente Sebastián Piñera, Chile Vamos, che ha ottenuto solo 37 rappresentanti.

Il Cile aveva votato a grande maggioranza a favore dell'avvio del processo di riforma dell'attuale Costituzione in uno storico referendum tenutosi il 25 ottobre 2020. L'intervento sul testo è parte di un piano di interventi messi in campo per rispondere alle proteste sociali scatenate nell'autunno del 2019. Agitazioni formalmente scoppiate per il rincaro del prezzo del biglietto del trasporto pubblico, ma che presto rivelavano l'esigenza di una più ampia riforma di un sistema economico giudicato incapace di redistribuire in modo equo i pur buoni incrementi del valore aggiunto a livello nazionale. Il sì alla riforma aveva ottenuto oltre il 78 per cento delle preferenze, mentre nel quesito sul tipo di assemblea incaricata di redigere il testo si era imposto con oltre il 79 per cento per il modello interamente costituente, aperto alle candidature indipendenti e con composizione di genere egualitaria e 17 seggi riservati a rappresentanti delle comunità indigene, in particolare mapuche e aymara.

Molti analisti hanno sottolineato che ci si può attendere un cambiamento radicale dello spirito della futura Costituzione, dato che i membri della Costituente sono per la maggior parte appartenenti a gruppi indipendenti o a movimenti e partiti di sinistra che hanno promosso le manifestazioni popolari svoltesi fra ottobre 2019 e marzo 2020.

L'appuntamento è stato salutato dalla ex presidente cilena Michelle Bachelet, attuale Alto Commissario dell'Onu per i diritti umani, secondo cui "quello che era visto come un sogno lontano ha ora una data". "A partire da quest'anno - ha sottolineato - il 4 luglio sarà la data in cui ricorderemo che ci siamo dati l'opportunità di incontrarci nella nostra diversità".

Cile, le ragazze che hanno perso gli occhi per la nuova Costituzione

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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