When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon: The Assassination of Shinzo Abe


When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon: The Assassination of Shinzo Abe


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July 8 was a muggy day in the ancient capital of Japan. Shinzo Abe, the most powerful figure in Japanese politics, was delivering a stump speech for a local Liberal Democratic Party candidate in front of the Nara Kintetsu railway station when suddenly a loud bang rang out, followed by an odd cloud of smoke.

The response was incredible. Among those in the unusually large crowd gathered, not a single person ran for cover, or hit the ground in terror.

Abe’s body guards, who stood unusually far away from him during the speech, looked on impassively, making no effort to shield him, or to pull him to a safe location.

A few seconds later, Abe crumpled and collapsed to the ground, lying there impassive in his standard blue jacket, white shirt, now speckled with blood, and trademark blue badge of solidarity with Japanese abductees in North Korea. Most likely he was killed instantaneously.

Only then did the body guards seize the suspect, Yamagami Toruya, who was standing behind Abe. The tussle with Yamagami took the form of a choreographed dance for the television audience, not a professional takedown.

Yamagami was immediately identified by the media as a 41-year-old former member of the Maritime Self-Defense Force who had personal grievances with Abe.

Yamagami told everything to the police without hesitation. He did not even try to run from the scene and was still holding the silly hand-made gun when the bodyguards grabbed him.

Even after Abe was lying on the pavement, not a single person in the crowd ran for shelter, or even looked around to determine where the shots came from. Everyone seemed to know, magically, that the shooting was over.

Then the comedy began. Rather than putting Abe in a limousine and whisking him away, those standing around him merely called out to passersby, asking if anyone was a doctor.

The media immediately embraced the “lone gunman” conclusion for this attack, repeating entertaining tale of how Yamagami was associated with Toitsu Kyokai, a new religion started by the charismatic shaman Kawase Kayo, and why he blamed Abe, who had exchanges with that group, for his mother’s troubles.

Because Toitsu Kyokai has followers from the Unification Church founded by Reverend Moon Sun Myung, journalist Michael Penn jumped to the conclusion that the conspiracy leading to Abe’s death was the result of his collaboration with the Moonies.

Although the mainstream media accepted this fantastic story, the Japanese police and security apparatus did not manage to squash alternative interpretations. Blogger Takashi Kitagawa posted materials on July 10 that suggested Abe was shot from the front, not from the back where Yamagami stood, and that the shots must have been fired at an angle from the top of one, or both, of the tall buildings on either side of the intersection across from the railway station plaza.

Takahashi Kitakawa’s postings:

Kitagawa’s analysis of the paths of the bullets was more scientific than anything offered by the media that had claimed, without basis, that Abe had only been shot once until the surgeon announced that evening that there had been two bullets.

The chances that a man holding an awkward home-made gun, standing more than five meters away in a crowd, would be able to hit Abe twice are low. The TV personality Kozono Hiromi, who is a gun expert himself, remarked on his show “Sukkiri” (on July 12) that such a feat would be incredible.

A careful viewing of the videos suggests that multiple shots were fired by a rifle with a silencer from atop a neighboring building.

安倍晋三元総理大臣暗殺について 言明します from Emanuel Pastreich on Vimeo.


The message to the world

For a figure like Shinzo Abe, the most powerful political player in Japan and the person to whom Japanese politicians and bureaucrats rallied in response to the unprecedented uncertainty born of the current geopolitical crisis, to be shot dead with no serious security detail nearby makes no sense.

Perhaps the message was lost on viewers at home, but it was crystal clear for other Japanese politicians. For that matter, the message was clear for Boris Johnson, who was forced out of power at almost exactly the same moment that Abe was shot, or for Emmanuel Macron, who was suddenly charged with influence peddling scandal for Uber, and faces demands for his removal from office, on July 11—after months of massive protests had failed to sway him in any way.

The message was written all over Abe’s white shirt in red: buying into the globalist system and promoting the COVID-19 regime is not enough to assure safety, even for the leader of a G7 nation.

Abe was highest ranking victim so far of the hidden cancer eating away at governance in nation states around the world, an institutional sickness that moves decision making away from national governments to a network of privately-held supercomputer banks, private equity groups, for-hire intelligence firms in Tel Aviv, London and Reston, and the strategic thinkers employed by the billionaires at the World Economic Forum, NATO, the World Bank and other such awesome institutions.

The fourth industrial revolution was the excuse employed to transfer the control of all information in, and all information out, for central governments to Facebook, Amazon, Oracle, Google, SAP and others in the name of efficiency. As J. P. Morgan remarked, “Everything has two reasons: a good reason and a real reason.”

With the assassination of Abe, these technology tyrants, and their masters, have crossed the Rubicon, declaring that those dressed in the trappings of state authority can be mowed down with impunity if they do not follow orders.

The Problem with Japan

Japan is heralded as the only Asian nation advanced enough to join the “West,” to be a member of the exclusive G7 club, and to be qualified to enter into collaboration with (and possible membership in) the top intelligence sharing program, the “Five Eyes.” Nevertheless, Japan has continued to defy the expectations, and the demands, of global financiers, and the planners within the beltway and on Wall Street for the New World Order.

Although it was South Korea in Asia that has constantly been berated in Washington as an ally not quite up to the level of Japan, the truth is that the super-rich busy taking over the Pentagon, and the entire global economy, were starting to harbor doubts about the dependability of Japan.

The globalist system at the World Bank, Goldman Sachs, or the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University has a set track for the best and the brightest from “advanced nations.”

Elites from Australia, France, Germany, Norway or Italy, learn to speak fluent English, spend time in Washington, London, or Geneva at a think tank or university, secure a safe sinecure at a bank, a government institution, or a research institute that assures them a good income, and adopt the common sense, pro-finance, perspective offered by the Economist Magazine as the gospel.

Japan, however, although it has an advanced banking system of its own, although its command of advanced technologies makes it the sole rival of Germany in machine tools, and although it has a sophisticated educational system capable of producing numerous Nobel Prize winners, does not produce leaders who follow this model for the “developed” nation.

Japanese elite do not study abroad for the most part and Japan has sophisticated intellectual circles that do not rely on information brought in from overseas academic or journalistic sources.

Unlike other nations, Japanese write sophisticated journal articles entirely in Japanese, citing only Japanese experts. In fact, in fields like botany and cellular biology, Japan has world-class journals written entirely in Japanese.

Similarly, Japan has a sophisticated domestic economy that is not easily penetrated by multinational corporations—try as they do.

The massive concentration of wealth over the last decade has allowed the super-rich to create invisible networks for secret global governance, best represented by the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program and the Schwarzman Scholars program. These rising figures in policy infiltrate the governments, the industries, and research institutions of nations to make sure that the globalist agenda goes forth unimpeded.

Japan has been impacted by this sly form of global governance. And yet, Japanese who speak English well, or who study at Harvard, are not necessarily on the fast track in Japanese society.

There is stubborn independence in Japan’s diplomacy and economics, something that raised concerns among the Davos crowd during the COVID-19 campaigns.

Although the Abe administration (and the subsequent Kishida administration) went along with the directives of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization for vaccines and social distancing, the Japanese government was less intrusive in the lives of citizens than most nations, and was less successful in forcing organizations to require vaccination.

The use of QR codes to block service to the unvaccinated was limited in its implementation in Japan in comparison with other “advanced” nations.

Moreover, the Japanese government refuses to fully implement the digitalization agenda demanded, thus denying multinational technology giants the control over Japan that they exercise elsewhere. This lag in Japan’s digitalization led the Wilson Center in Washington D.C. to invite Karen Makishima, minister of Japan’s Digital Agency (launched under pressure from global finance in September, 2021) so that she could explain why Japan has been so slow to digitalize (July 13).

Japanese are increasingly aware that their resistance to digitalization, to the wholescale outsourcing of the functions of government and university to multinational tech giants, and the privatization of information, is not in their interest.

Japan continues to operate Japanese-language institutions that follow old customs, including the use of written records. Japanese still read books and they are not so enamored with AI as Koreans and Chinese.

Japan’s resistance can be traced back to Meiji restoration of 1867. Japan set out to create governmental system wherein Western ideas were translated into Japanese, combined with Japanese concepts, to create a complex domestic discourse. The governance system set up in Meiji restoration remains in place to a large degree, using models for governance based on pre-modern principles from Japan and China’s past, and drawn from 19th century Prussia and England.

The result is feudalistic approach to governance wherein ministers oversee fiefdoms of bureaucrats who carefully guard their own budgets and who maintain their own internal chains of command.

The Problem with Abe

Shinzo Abe was one of the most sophisticated politicians of our age, always open to make a deal with the United States, or other global institutions, but always cagy when it came to making Japan the subject of globalist dictates.

Abe harbored the dream of restoring Japan to its status as an empire, and imagined himself to be the reincarnation of the Meiji Emperor.

Abe was different from Johnson or Macron in that he was not as interested in appearing on TV as he was in controlling the actual decision making process within Japan.

There is no need to glorify Abe’s reign, as some have tried to do. He was a corrupt insider who pushed for the dangerous privatization of government, the hollowing out of education, and who backed a massive shift of assets from the middle class to the wealthy.

His use of the ultra-right Nihon Kaigi forum to promote an ultranationalist agenda, and to glorify the most offensive aspects of Japan’s imperial past, was deeply disturbing. Abe gave his unflinching support for all military expenditures, no matter how foolish, and he was willing to support just about any American boondoggle.

That said, as the grandson of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, and the son of foreign minister Shintaro Abe, Shinzo Abe showed himself to be an astute politician from childhood. He was creative in his use of a wide range of political tools to advance his agenda, and he could call on corporate and government leaders from around the world with an ease that no other Asian politician could.

I remember vividly the impression I received from Abe on the two occasions that I met him in person. Whatever cynical politics he may have promoted, he radiated to his audience a purity and simplicity, what the Japanese call “sunao,” that was captivating. His manner suggested a receptiveness and openness that inspired loyalty among his followers and that could overwhelm those who were hostile to his policies.

In sum, Abe was sophisticated political figure who was capable of playing one side against the other within the Liberal Democratic Party, and within the international community, while appearing to be a considerate and benevolent leader.

For this reason, Japanese hostile to Abe’s ethnic nationalism were still willing to support him because he was the only politician they thought capable of restoring global political leadership to Japan.

Japanese diplomats and military officers fret endlessly about the Japan’s lack of vision. Although Japan has all the qualifications to be a great power, they reason, it is run by a series of unimpressive, University of Tokyo graduates; men who are good at taking tests, but are unwilling to take risks.

Japan produces none like Putin or Xi, and not even a Macron or a Johnson.

Abe wanted to be a leader and he had the connections, the talent, and the ruthlessness required to play that role on the global stage. He was already the longest serving prime minister in Japanese history, and had plans for a third bid as prime minister, when he was struck down.

Needless to say, the powers behind the World Economic Forum do not want national leaders like Abe, even if they conform with the global agenda, because they are capable of organizing resistance within the nation state.

What went wrong?

Abe was able to handle, using the traditional tools of statecraft, the impossible dilemma faced by Japan over the last decade as its economic ties with China and Russia increased, but its political and security integration with the United States, Israel and the NATO block proceeded apace.

It was impossible for Japan to be that close to the United States and its allies while maintaining friendly relations with Russia and China. Yet Abe almost succeeded.

Abe remained focused and cool. He made use of all his skills and connections as he set out to carve a unique space for Japan. Along the way, Abe turned to the sophisticated diplomacy of his strategic thinker Shotaro Yachi of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assure that Japan found its place under the sun.

Abe and Yachi used contradictory, but effective, geopolitical strategies to engage both East and West, making ample use of secret diplomacy to seal long-term deals that put Japan back in the great powers game.

On the one hand, Abe presented to Obama and Trump a Japan that was willing to go further than South Korea, Australia or other India in backing Washington’s position. Abe was willing to suffer tremendous domestic criticism for his push for a remilitarization that fit the US plans for East Asia.

At the same time that he impressed Washington politicians with his gung-ho pro-American rhetoric, matched by the purchase of weapons systems, Abe also engaged China and Russia at the highest levels. That was no small feat, and involved sophisticated lobbying within the beltway, and in Beijing and Moscow.

In the case of Russia, Abe successfully negotiated a complex peace treaty with Russia in 2019 that would have normalized relations and solved the dispute concerning the Northern Territories (the Kuril Islands in Russian). He was able to secure energy contracts for Japanese firms and to find investment opportunities in Russia even as Washington ramped up the pressure on Tokyo for sanctions.

The journalist Tanaka Sakai notes that Abe was not banned from entering Russia after the Russian government banned all other representatives of the Japanese government from entry.

Abe also engaged China seriously, solidifying long-term institutional ties, and pursuing free trade agreement negotiations that reached a breakthrough in the fifteenth round of talks (April 9-12, 2019). Abe had ready access to leading Chinese politicians and he was considered by them to be reliable and predictable, even though his rhetoric was harshly anti-Chinese.

The critical event that likely triggered the process leading to Abe’s assassination was the NATO summit in Madrid (June 28-30).

The NATO summit was a moment when the hidden players behind the scenes laid down the law for the new global order. NATO is on a fast track to evolve beyond an alliance to defend Europe and to become an unaccountable military power, working with the Global Economic Forum, the billionaires and the bankers around the world, as a “world army,” functioning much as the British East India Company did in another era.

The decision to invite to the NATO summit the leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand was a critical part of this NATO transformation.

These four nations were invited to join in an unprecedented level of integration in security, including intelligence sharing (outsourcing to big tech multinationals), the use of advanced weapons systems (that must be administrated by the personnel of multinationals like Lockheed Martin), joint exercises (that set a precedent for an oppressive decision-making process), and other “collaborative” approaches that undermine the chain of command within the nation state.

When Kishida returned to Tokyo on July first, there can be no doubt that one of his first meetings was with Abe. Kishida explained to Abe the impossible conditions that the Biden administration had demanded of Japan.

The White House, by the way, is now entirely the tool of globalists like Victoria Nuland (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs) and others trained by the Bush clan.

The demands made of Japan were suicidal in nature. Japan was to increase economic sanctions on Russia, to prepare for possible war with Russia, and to prepare for a war with China. Japan’s military, intelligence and diplomatic functions were to be transferred to the emerging blob of private contractors gathering for the feast around NATO.

We do not know what Abe did during the week before his death. Most likely he launched into a sophisticated political play, using of all his assets in Washington D.C., Beijing, and Moscow—as well as in Jerusalem, Berlin, and London, to come up with a multi-tiered response that would give the world the impression that Japan was behind Biden all the way, while Japan sought out a détente with China and Russia through the back door.

The problem with this response was that since other nations had been shut down, such a sophisticated play by Japan made it the only major nation with a semi-functional executive branch.

Abe’s death parallels closely that of Seoul’s mayor Park Won Sun, who went missing on July 9th, 2020, exactly two years before Abe’s assassination. Park took steps in Seoul City Hall to push back on the COVID-19 social distancing policies that were being imposed by the central government. His body was found the next day and the death was immediately ruled a suicide resulting from his distress over charges of sexual harassment by a colleague.

What to do now?

The danger of the current situation should not be underestimated. If an increasing number of Japanese come to perceive, as the journalist Tanaka Sakai suggests, that the United States destroyed their best hope for leadership, and that the globalists want Japan to make do with an unending series of weak-minded prime ministers who are dependent on Washington and other hidden players of the parasite class, such a development could bring about a complete break between Japan and the United States, leading to a political or military conflict.

It is telling that Michael Green, the top Japan hand in Washington D.C., did not write the initial tribute to Abe that was published on the homepage of CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), his home institute.

Green, veteran of the Bush National Security Council and Henry A. Kissinger Chair of the Asia Program at CSIS, is the author of Line of Advantage: Japan’s Grand Strategy in the Era of Abe Shinzo. Green was a close associate of Abe, perhaps the closest of any American.  

The tribute to Abe was drafted by Christopher Johnstone (the Japan chair at CSIS and former CIA officer). The weird choice suggests that the assassination is so sensitive that Green instinctively wished to avoid writing the initial response, leaving it to a professional operative.

For responsible intellectuals and citizens in Washington, Tokyo, or elsewhere, there is only one viable response to this murky assassination: a demand for an international scientific investigation.

Painful as that process might be, it will force us to face the reality of how our governments have been taken over by invisible powers.

If we fail to identify the true players behind the scenes, however, we may be led into a conflict in which the blame is projected onto heads of state and countries are forced into conflicts so as to hide the crimes of global finance.

The loss of control of the Japanese government over the military the last time can be attributed in part to the assassinations of prime minister Inukai Tsuyoshi on May 15, 1932 and of prime minister Saito Makoto on February 26, 1936.

But for the international community, the more relevant case is how the manipulations of an integrated global economy by the Rothschild, Warburg, and other banking interests created an environment wherein the tensions produced by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary on June 28, 1914 were funneled towards world war.


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Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

‘Hunting Elites’: Armenian Citizens Rise Up Against WEF-Controlled Government


‘Hunting Elites’: Armenian Citizens Rise Up Against WEF-Controlled Government

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Armenians citizens are rising up in their millions against a ruling class determined to take away their rights. There is chaos in the streets as Armenians, frustrated with the government and its close links to the World Economic Forum, have begun protesting against the authoritarian agenda.

The World Economic Forum has been bragging about “shaping the future of democracy in Armenia” since 2019, one year after the Velvet Revolution in Armenia and the ascension of Nikol Pashinyan, a close Schwab ally, who emerged from political obscurity to be installed as Prime Minister in 2018.

Armenia listened to the World Economic Forum, adopted their agenda, and the nation time traveled to 2030. It looks like ordinary Armenians don’t like living in Agenda 2030. Who could have predicted that?

REVOLUTION begins IN ARMENIA as the people HUNT down GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS pic.twitter.com/8jy8L5rznR

— Vivian (@ViviNMtl) July 12, 2022

Now there is anarchy on the streets of capital city Yerevan, and the mainstream media continues to collude with the establishment to cover up the scale of events and suppress the movement.

Pashinyan was the editor of Armenia’s best-selling daily liberal newspaper, The Armenian Times, which has always been highly critical of conservative governments.

Pashinyan’s new liberal government wasted no time partnering with the World Economic Forum and has served a testing ground for some of Schwab’s more adventurous plans for humanity, including a ban on cash.

Eurasia.net reported on Armenia’s move to ban cash in June:

Under a new law all big purchases will have to be made electronically, either through a mobile payment app or via a wire transfer at a bank.

And for now, at least, that will come with a steep fee: Banks charge between 1.5 and 3 percent for the transactions.

The new law, passed by parliament on June 9, affects business transactions of more than 300,000 drams (about $720) and transactions between individuals of more than 500,000 drams ($1,200). That limit for individuals will be reduced to 300,000 drams in July 2023.

The law also prohibits local and central government bodies from making or taking any payments in cash. Some institutions like hospitals, universities, and notaries will go completely cashless. Pensions and salaries will have to be paid via banks – even pawnshop loans, as well. And transactions made illicitly in cash can be annulled.

“Let no one think that we want to complicate people’s lives, on the contrary, we want to simplify people’s lives,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in a June 2 cabinet meeting where the bill was discussed. “There are also fiscal and anti-corruption effects here.”

Meanwhile, there have been rolling protests in Yerevan to warn the government against concessions to neighboring Azerbaijan over the long-disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Opposition parties have accused the Prime Minister of treason, accusing him of planning to give away all of Karabakh to Azerbaijan after he told lawmakers last month that the “international community calls on Armenia to scale down demands on Karabakh”.

What are the odds that the “international community” referred to by Pashinyan is actually Klaus Schwab and the WEF?


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Baxter Dmitry is a writer at News Punch. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.
Email: baxter@newspunch.com

David Martin PhD brings the heat! - Global Covid Summit




NS-Politik in Griechenland:Max Merten, ein Jurist ohne Gewissen

Lesezeit: 6 min

NS-Politik in Griechenland: Vor Gericht in Athen: Max Merten im Jahr 1959. Er wurde zu 25 Jahren Haft verurteilt, auch wegen seiner Beteiligung an der Ermordung der Juden von Saloniki. Bald darauf war er wieder ein freier Mann.

Vor Gericht in Athen: Max Merten im Jahr 1959. Er wurde zu 25 Jahren Haft verurteilt, auch wegen seiner Beteiligung an der Ermordung der Juden von Saloniki. Bald darauf war er wieder ein freier Mann.

(Foto: AFP)

Er war in Griechenland an Kriegsverbrechen beteiligt, sah aber nie eine Schuld bei sich. Auch wegen alter Seilschaften kam Merten bald aus dem Gefängnis frei. Ein Lehrstück über die frühe BRD und ihre Weigerung, Verantwortung für die NS-Zeit zu übernehmen.

Von René Wildangel

The Joe Hoft Show April 29, 2022 with Dr Li-meng Yan




Di Maio lancia l'anatema: “Conte ‘azzera’, ma le elezioni 5S andranno malissimo”. Le altre reazioni

Mercoledì, ha spiegato Di Maio, «non sarà solo una prova di responsabilità, quel giorno si decideranno anche i futuri assetti politici e alleanza fra i partiti» e «ciò dimostra che il vero obiettivo di Conte è andare a elezioni per azzerare il gruppo parlamentare e non ricandidare il 99% dei deputati e dei senatori uscenti. Tanto più che alle elezioni andranno malissimo": lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri, Luigi Di Maio, in un’intervista a Il Messaggero.
Per il titolare della Farnesina «non ci sono certezze che vi sia una regia russa dietro la crisi di governo in corso in Italia, ma di certo il presidente Vladimir Putin sta lavorando per destabilizzare il nostro Paese e l’Europa..». «Sono sicuro», ha aggiunto, che Conte «stia compiendo una vendetta politica buttando giù» Draghi perchè «ancora non si dà pace per non essere riuscito a restare a Palazzo Chigi. Ma ciò conferma che il partito di Conte non è il M5s».
Per Di Maio, l’unico modo per rafforzare Draghi è la «ricostituzione della maggioranza di unità nazionale», con la consapevolezza del fatto che una crisi creerebbe «un danno incalcolabile all’Italia e agli italiani».

Renzi se la gioca... nei minuti di recupero

"Dobbiamo provarci e crederci fino all’ultimo. Anche nei minuti di recupero. La partita non è semplice, ma è in mano a Draghi. Deve decidere se venire in Parlamento e comunicare all’Italia cosa vuole ancora fare o mollare. Credo però che Draghi abbia un senso delle istituzioni straordinario e quindi c'è ancora margine perché resti". Queste le parole di Matteo Renzi, intervenutosu Radio Leopolda. "La petizione ha raggiunto quasi 70mila firme di persone che non vogliono le dimissioni di Draghi. Dobbiamo arrivare a 100 mila entro mercoledì. Ma se dovremo andare alle elezioni ci andremo con l’orgoglio di chi ha portato Draghi a palazzo Chigi e mandato a casa Conte" ha concluso Renzi.

Tajani e i “dilettanti allo sbaraglio”

Forza Italia «è favorevole a che il governo continui a lavorare fino al termine della legislatura, come Berlusconi ha sempre sostenuto per senso di responsabilità verso il Paese. Ma il M5S di Conte non può più farne parte». Lo dice in un’intervista al Corriere della Sera il coordinatore di Forza Italia Antonio Tajani. «Tornare con il M5S significa cedere ai ricatti di chi ha bruciato in un colpo solo 18 miliardi degli italiani e affossato l’immagine dell’Italia in Europa e nel mondo. Abbiamo bisogno di serietà ed affidabilità. Basta con i dilettanti allo sbaraglio». In queste ore sono tantissimi gli appelli a Draghi perché resti, "è la conferma di quello che diciamo noi - commenta - aprire questa crisi è stata una follia». Ora «aspettiamo cosa deciderà di fare il capo dello Stato e cosa ci dirà Draghi. Abbiamo votato la fiducia tre giorni fa, non è che adesso possiamo allegramente mandare Draghi a casa. A casa devono andarci i 5 Stelle». Questo «non è un momento normale: la crisi mondiale morde, c'è una guerra in Europa, c'è l’inflazione, l’aumento dei prezzi, il rischio che i più deboli siano quelli più danneggiati da una crisi. Non è un gioco, siamo una forza responsabile». Fdi che preme per le elezioni è sempre stato «all’opposizione, è una posizione diversa. Noi ci siamo assunti una responsabilità da patrioti per il bene dell’Italia». Se «si andrà al voto, per colpa solo del M5S -ci riuniremo come centrodestra e faremo un programma serio - sottolinea - senza partire dal tema della leadership, che non è quello che importa oggi agli italiani».

I sindaci siciliani lanciano l'appello

Un nuovo appello a Mario Draghi per andare avanti «perché serve stabilità». Arriva questa volta da cinquantacinque sindaci siciliani di ogni colore politico che hanno condiviso la lettera aperta partita dai sindaci delle principali città italiane. Un appello «bipartisan» dei primi cittadini della Sicilia che esprimono preoccupazione per la crisi di Governo «generata da comportamenti irresponsabili di una parte della maggioranza». I sindaci siciliani chiedono a Mario Draghi di andare avanti perché c'è bisogno di «stabilità, certezze e coerenza per continuare la trasformazione delle nostre città perché senza la rinascita di queste non rinascerà neanche l’Italia».



Quanto vale davvero il «partito» di Di Maio dopo la scissione dei Cinque Stelle

Pubblicato su Il Sole 24 Ore il 26 giugno

Il sondaggio Winpoll-Sole24Ore che pubblichiamo è l’occasione per fare il punto sulla evoluzione del quadro politico dopo elezioni amministrative e la scissione del M5s. Ed è un quadro che registra novità significative che dovranno essere confermate da altri sondaggi nelle prossime settimane. In tema di intenzioni di voto i due dati più rilevanti riguardano M5s e Fdi e sono la conferma di tendenze in atto da molti mesi: il declino dei Cinque Stelle e la crescita di Fratelli d’Italia. Nel caso del partito di Conte c’era da aspettarsi che la recente scissione dell’ala di Di Maio avrebbe provocato danni accelerando la tendenza negativa e così è.

Per stimare l’”effetto Di Maio” agli intervistati è stato chiesto sia come avrebbero votato nel caso in cui non fosse presente il partito del ministro degli Esteri sia nel caso in cui ci fosse il suo partito, “Insieme per il Futuro”. Nel primo scenario il Movimento è stimato al 9,9 %. Il dato è inferiore di 2,4 punti percentuali rispetto alla media dei sondaggi della settimana 12-18 Giugno (Termometro Politico). Nel secondo scenario scende al 6,9%, mentre il partito di Di Maio è stimato al 4,7%. Occorre molta prudenza nel valutare entrambi questi dati, soprattutto quello di Insieme per il Futuro. Abbiamo visto in passato cosa è successo nel caso delle scissioni di Alfano, di Bersani e di Renzi. Le stime iniziali erano promettenti ma in tutti questi casi il favore degli elettori è durato poco. Il partito di Alfano è sparito e quelli di Bersani e di Renzi viaggiano sotto il 3%, la soglia minima per ottenere seggi.

Sondaggio realizzato da Winpoll per Il Sole 24 Ore, con 1.000 interviste Cati/Cami (3.256 i rifiuti) condotte il 24 -25 giugno 2022. Popolazione di riferimento: popolazione italiana maschi e femmine dai 18 anni in su, segmentato per sesso, età, regioni, proporzionalmente all’universo della popolazione italiana. Campione stratificato per regioni, casuale ponderato per genere, fasce di età, titolo di studio ed intenzioni di voto alle ultime europee. Margine di errore con intervallo di confidenza al 99%: 2,2%
Creato con Datawrapper

Quanto al M5s quello che sta succedendo non può sorprendere. Indipendentemente dalla scissione, le incertezze che ne caratterizzano la linea politica e la leadership spiegano da sole l’accentuazione della tendenza negativa. Il problema però è di fondo e non legato solo a Conte e Di Maio. Lo si vede bene nelle risposte alle domande sull’operato del governo Draghi e sulla politica nei confronti della guerra in Ucraina. Insieme a quelli della Lega gli elettori del Movimento sono quelli più critici sulle sanzioni e sull’invio di armi.

Il dato pubblicato qui è stimato sulla base dello scenario senza la presenza del partito di Di Maio per cui è lecito ipotizzare che dopo la scissione la percentuale dei pentastellati critici, sia nei confronti del governo che in tema di politica estera, sia ancora più elevata. L’ipotesi è plausibile visto che il raffronto fra gli scenari con e senza il partito di Maio indica che i voti per Insieme per il Futuro vengono prevalentemente dagli attuali elettori del Movimento. Se così è, dopo la scissione , Conte si ritrova in mano un partito sempre meno favorevole a restare al governo o quanto o meno a sostenerne la politica estera. È paradossale che il 44% degli elettori di Fratelli d’Italia, che sta all’opposizione, dia un giudizio favorevole del governo contro il 25% di quelli del Movimento che invece lo sostiene. E la stessa osservazione si può fare a proposito della Lega, visto che solo il 43% giudica molto bene o più bene che male l’operato di Draghi.

Le persone
I partiti

A proposito di Fratelli d’Italia ripetiamo quanto già detto in apertura: questo sondaggio ne conferma la tendenza positiva. Per essere precisi, quello che appare qui è una ripresa della sua crescita dopo un periodo di stasi. Il 25,5% stimato oggi rappresenta un picco. La media dei sondaggi della settimana scorsa dava il partito della Meloni al 22,7%. Quasi tre punti in più non sono pochi. D’Altronde in un periodo in cui crescono le paure e i risentimenti legati alla situazione economica e alle prospettive future essere l’unico partito alla opposizione è un vantaggio non da poco. Va da sé che per la Lega di Salvini, ferma intorno al 15%, è una brutta situazione tanto più alla luce delle posizioni di tanti suoi elettori su governo, sanzioni e armi.

Quanto agli altri partiti, il Pd si conferma il secondo partito del sistema con una percentuale di poco inferiore alla media delle ultime settimane. Riesce a stare sopra il 20% ma non mostra alcuna capacità espansiva. I suoi elettori sono costantemente i più favorevoli al governo e alla sua politica estera, ma questo non gli può bastare per competere efficacemente alle prossime politiche. Adesso dovrà fare i conti con un campo sempre più largo dopo la scissione di Di Maio. Metterlo insieme non sarà facile, viste anche le posizioni critiche degli elettori del M5s. Infatti, come si vede dai dati, su governo Draghi e politica estera i due elettorati sono agli antipodi. I Cinque Stelle sono più vicini alla Lega che al Pd.

Le persone
I partiti

Chiudiamo su Forza Italia. Il partito di Berlusconi esce bene da questo sondaggio. È da tempo che non si avvicinava al 10%. È un pacchetto di voti prezioso perché sarà decisivo alle prossime elezioni. Sommato ai voti stimati di Fdi e Lega porta la coalizione di centro destra oltre il 50%. Con questa percentuale la maggioranza assoluta dei seggi alle prossime politiche è certa. Ma siamo lontani dal voto e la situazione politica resta molto fragile. Per non parlare di quella economica e finanziaria. I dati presentati qui non sono una novità assoluta. Però, insieme all’esito dei ballottaggi di oggi, potrebbero essere utilizzati per destabilizzare il governo. Speriamo che prevalga il buon senso al di sopra delle convenienze di breve periodo.

Roberto D’Alimonte (1947) è professore ordinario nella Facoltà di Scienze Politiche della LUISS Guido Carli dove insegna Sistema Politico Italiano. Dal 1974 fino al 2009 ha insegnato presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “Cesare Alfieri” della Università degli Studi di Firenze. Ha insegnato come visiting professor nelle Università di Yale e Stanford. Collabora con il centro della New York University a Firenze. I suoi interessi di ricerca più recenti riguardano i sistemi elettorali, elezioni e comportamento di voto in Italia. A partire dal 1993 ha coordinato con Stefano Bartolini e Alessandro Chiaramonte un gruppo di ricerca su elezioni e trasformazione del sistema partitico italiano. I risultati sono stati pubblicati in una collana di volumi editi da Il Mulino: Maggioritario ma non troppo. Le elezioni del 1994; Maggioritario per caso. Le elezioni del 1996; Maggioritario finalmente? Le elezioni del 2001; Proporzionale ma non solo. Le elezioni del 2006; Proporzionale se vi pare. Le elezioni del 2008. Tra le sue pubblicazioni ci sono articoli apparsi su West European Politics, Party Politics, oltre che sulle principali riviste scientifiche italiane. E’ membro di ITANES (Italian National Election Studies). E’ editorialista de IlSole24Ore. Clicca qui per accedere al profilo su IRIS.

NIH, FDA & CDC Employees Quitting In Droves Over Infant Covid Vaccines


NIH, FDA & CDC Employees Quitting In Droves Over Infant Covid Vaccines

by Kelen McBreen

Doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC are leaving their positions in the federal government over the recent approval of Covid shots for infants and boosters for kids.

An article published Thursday by Johns Hopkins professor Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. and consultant epidemiologist with Florida Department of Health Tracy Beth Høeg M.D., Ph.D. detailed the concerns of the health experts.

A senior FDA official told the doctors, “It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch and I can’t close my eyes. People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.”

The “bad advice” the FDA doctor referred to is the lack of clinical data supporting the use of Covid jabs in Americans aged 6 months to five years old.

The FDA doctor was also upset the agency bypassed external experts in authorizing booster shots for kids.

The article continued to note top officials at the NIH’s Vaccine Research Center have quit over the past year, including the director, deputy director and chief medical officer.

An NIH scientist told Makary and Høeg, “There’s an enormous number of jobs opening up at the highest level positions.”

A pair of CDC officials said their agency is also suffering from low morale and that employees are tired of the politicization of their work.

“There’s been a large amount of turnover. Morale is low,” a high-level CDC official noted. “Things have become so political, so what are we there for?” 

A CDC scientist told the doctors, “I used to be proud to tell people I work at the CDC. Now I’m embarrassed.”

Explaining why the experts would be “embarrassed,” the article stated, “The heads of their agencies are using weak or flawed data to make critically important public health decisions.”

One of the CDC scientists who talked with the doctors said the agency “failed to balance the risks of Covid with other risks that come from closing schools. Learning loss, mental health exacerbations were obvious early on and those worsened as the guidance insisted on keeping schools virtual. CDC guidance worsened racial equity for generations to come. It failed this generation of children.”

The top issue voiced by the whistleblowers inside the federal government was the weak data used to support vaccinating kids and infants with the experimental Covid shots.

“You can inject them with it or squirt it in their face, and you’ll get the same benefit,” a top CDC employee joked when discussing the efficacy of the Pfizer shot.

“It seems criminal that we put out the recommendation to give mRNA Covid vaccines to babies without good data. We really don’t know what the risks are yet. So why push it so hard?” a CDC physician asked the doctors.

A high-level FDA official made a similar comment, telling Makary and Høeg, “The public has no idea how bad this data really is. It would not pass muster for any other authorization.”

In addition to being highly concerned about the rollout of the mRNA shots for babies and children, agency officials, scientists and doctors are worried they’ll be punished for speaking out.

“There’s a silence, an unwillingness for agency scientists to say anything. Even though they know that some of what’s being said out of the agency is absurd,” an NIH scientist said.

A workplace environment where employees are afraid to speak about things like natural immunity or weak clinical data does not reflect an organization that follows science.

On Friday, Dr. Peter McCullough posted a clip of Fox News host Tucker Carlson exposing the CDC, FDA, NIH failures throughout the Covid pandemic.




Are you ready to fight for ending the NWO/Great Reset forever?

Would you like to see all the actors of this global coup d'etat behind bars?

Would you like to make sure that your children grow up in a free economy with fair opportunities given to them?

Would you like to live in a world where the banks and the financial sector do not have the power to blackmail you and to rob you of all fruits of your labor?

Then join the Liberation Army from the NWO/Great Reset now!

Handa ka na bang lumaban para wakasan ang NWO/Great Reset nang tuluyan?

Gusto mo bang makita ang lahat ng mga aktor ng pandaigdigang coup d'etat sa likod ng mga bar?

Gusto mo bang tiyakin na ang iyong mga anak ay lumaki sa isang libreng ekonomiya na may patas na pagkakataong ibinibigay sa kanila?

Gusto mo bang mamuhay sa isang mundo kung saan ang mga bangko at sektor ng pananalapi ay walang kapangyarihang i-blackmail ka at agawin ang lahat ng bunga ng iyong trabaho?

Pagkatapos ay sumali sa Liberation Army mula sa NWO/Great Reset ngayon!

Sei pronto a combattere per porre fine al NWO/Great Reset per sempre?

Ti piacerebbe vedere tutti gli attori di questo colpo di stato globale dietro le sbarre?

Ti piacerebbe assicurarti che i tuoi figli crescano in un'economia libera con eque opportunità offerte loro?

Ti piacerebbe vivere in un mondo in cui le banche e il settore finanziario non hanno il potere di ricattarti e di derubarti di tutti i frutti del tuo lavoro?

Allora unisciti subito all'Esercito di Liberazione dal NWO/Great Reset!

您准备好为永远结束 NWO/Great Reset 而战了吗?




那么现在就从 NWO/Great Reset 加入解放军吧!

Готовы ли вы бороться за прекращение НМП/Великой перезагрузки навсегда?

Хотели бы вы увидеть всех участников этого мирового переворота за решеткой?

Хотели бы вы, чтобы ваши дети росли в условиях свободной экономики с предоставленными им равными возможностями?

Хотели бы вы жить в мире, где банки и финансовый сектор не имеют возможности шантажировать вас и лишить вас всех плодов вашего труда?

Тогда присоединяйтесь к Освободительной армии из НМП/Великой перезагрузки прямо сейчас!

Да ли сте спремни да се борите за окончање НВО/Греат Ресет заувек?

Да ли бисте волели да видите све актере овог глобалног државног удара иза решетака?

Да ли бисте желели да будете сигурни да ваша деца одрастају у слободној економији са правичним могућностима које им се пружају?

Да ли бисте желели да живите у свету у коме банке и финансијски сектор немају моћ да вас уцењују и да вам отму све плодове вашег рада?

Онда се придружите ослободилачкој војсци из Новог светског поретка/Великог ресетовања одмах!

هل أنت مستعد للقتال من أجل إنهاء NWO / Great Reset إلى الأبد؟

هل ترغب في رؤية جميع الجهات الفاعلة في هذا الانقلاب العالمي خلف القضبان؟

هل ترغب في التأكد من أن أطفالك يكبرون في ظل اقتصاد حر مع إتاحة فرص عادلة لهم؟

هل ترغب في العيش في عالم لا تملك فيه البنوك والقطاع المالي القدرة على ابتزازك وسلب كل ثمار عملك؟
ثم انضم إلى جيش التحرير من NWO / Great Reset الآن!

Bist du bereit dafür zu kämpfen, den NWO/Great Reset für immer zu beenden?

Möchten Sie alle Akteure dieses globalen Staatsstreichs hinter Gittern sehen?

Sie möchten sicherstellen, dass Ihre Kinder in einer freien Wirtschaft mit fairen Chancen aufwachsen?

Möchten Sie in einer Welt leben, in der die Banken und der Finanzsektor nicht die Macht haben, Sie zu erpressen und Ihnen alle Früchte Ihrer Arbeit zu rauben?

Dann treten Sie jetzt der Befreiungsarmee der NWO/Great Reset bei!

¿Estás listo para luchar por acabar con el Nuevo Orden Mundial/Gran Reinicio para siempre?

¿Te gustaría ver tras las rejas a todos los actores de este golpe de estado mundial?

¿Le gustaría asegurarse de que sus hijos crezcan en una economía libre con oportunidades justas para ellos?

¿Te gustaría vivir en un mundo donde los bancos y el sector financiero no tengan el poder de chantajearte y robarte todos los frutos de tu trabajo?

¡Entonces únete al Ejército de Liberación del Nuevo Orden Mundial/Gran Reinicio ahora!

Êtes-vous prêt à vous battre pour mettre fin à jamais au NWO/Great Reset ?

Aimeriez-vous voir tous les acteurs de ce coup d'État mondial derrière les barreaux ?

Souhaitez-vous vous assurer que vos enfants grandissent dans une économie libre avec des opportunités équitables qui leur sont offertes ?

Aimeriez-vous vivre dans un monde où les banques et le secteur financier n'ont pas le pouvoir de vous faire chanter et de vous priver de tous les fruits de votre travail ?

Alors rejoignez l'Armée de libération du NWO/Great Reset maintenant !

Biden Threatened Ex-Ukraine Prez Poroshenko With Assassination If He Cooperated with Trump, Leaked Audio Reveals

Biden Threatened Ex-Ukraine Prez Poroshenko With Assassination If He Cooperated with Trump, Leaked Audio Reveals

Leaked phone call from 2016 suggests Biden was terrified that President Trump would uncover U.S.-Ukraine corruption.
Leaked audio from 2016 shows then-Vice President Joe Biden threatening former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko with assassination should he cooperate with the incoming Trump administration.

A One America News Network (OAN) report of a phone call recorded on November 16, 2016 – two weeks after Donald Trump’s shock electoral victory against Hillary Clinton – revealing Biden’s voice warning Poroshenko about working with Trump began circulating social media on Wednesday.

“This is getting very, very close to what I don’t want to have happen. I don’t want Trump to get in a position where he thinks he’s about to buy onto a policy where the financial system is going to collapse and he’s going to be looked to pour more money into Ukraine,” Biden told the former Ukraine president.

“That’s how he’ll think about it before he gets sophisticated enough to know the detail.”

“So, anything you can do to push the PrivatBank to closure so that the IMF loans comes forward, I would respectfully suggest is critically important to your economic as well as physical security,” Biden warned Poroshenko.

OAN summarized the phone call: “In other words, Biden does not want Ukraine asking any more money from Trump. Doing so would cause Trump to look into the details.”

The disturbing phone call begs the question: What exactly about Ukraine was Biden so afraid of Trump finding out about?

Given what’s already known about Joe Biden’s involvement with his son Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings at Burisma Holdings, probably a whole lot.

The Truth About The War In Ukraine Is Being Hidden From The American People Because It Hurts Joe Biden




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Who is calling the shots in EU medicines regulation?


Who is calling the shots in EU medicines regulation?

It could be team-Gates...

Important background information

In a previous update, I commented on how MHRA has relied upon remote inspections of companies developing and manufacturing the mRNA injections, as well as those carrying out clinical trials.

This MHRA Blog, titled Global reflections on international inspection transformation: ICMRA remote inspections, introduces the concept on behalf of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA).

Are you wondering, like me, what the ICMRA is, and what role it plays in regulation of medicines and healthcare products? Have you concluded, like me, it has no role to play?

It appears a self-appointed organisation with no legitimacy when it comes to regulation.

Yet, if you look in here, ICMRA Membership Country/Region and Regulatory Authority' s website, nearly every official regulatory body in the world is a full member or associate member!

What’s more, the Chair of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) is Ms Emer Cooke, who was at the World Health Organization in Geneva between November 2016 and November 2020.

On 25 June, 2020, Ms Cooke was announced as Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA): Emer Cooke takes office as head of EMA.

This announcement also explained that “Emer Cooke also takes over the chairperson position at the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA), which is currently led by EMA.”

Did you get that?

Oh, and the previous Chair of ICMRA was Guido Rasi, Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) (2019 - 2020), and before him, it was Dr Ian Hudson, Chief Executive of the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) (2016 - 2019).

Dr Hudson is now Senior Advisor, Integrated Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Time for a history lesson (ICMRA website)

The proposal to create an ICMRA is an anchored in the recognition that a Heads of Agency (HoA) leadership is needed to address current and emerging human medicine regulatory and safety challenges globally, strategically and in an ongoing, transparent, authoritative and institutional manner. 
In May 2012, before the 65th World Health Assembly in Geneva, more than 30 medicines regulatory authorities participated in a seminar promoted by Brazil aimed at stimulating a debate among health officials and the diplomatic community on how to improve cooperation among medicines regulatory authorities. The discussion highlighted the importance of better promoting and coordinating international cooperation among medicines regulatory authorities in order to strengthen dialogue, facilitate the wider exchange of reliable and comparable information, encourage greater leveraging of the resources/work products of other authorities, and promote better informed risk-based allocation of authorities’ resources. These efforts would strengthen the quality, safety and efficacy of medicinal products globally.
These discussions were pursued at meetings of senior executives of several medicines regulatory authorities held on the margins of the International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) in October 2012 and in Manaus at the 7th Heads of Medicines Regulatory Agencies Summit in December 2012. As a result, a consensus has emerged on the desirability of developing an ICMRA to address common issues, such as (but not limited to):
• Growing complexity in manufacturing and distribution supply chains for medicinal product (multi-faceted and globally integrated);
• Regulator’s ability to ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of medicinal products domestically requires knowledge of and confidence in these supply chains;
• Gaps in global regulatory oversight providing opportunities for the tampering and counterfeiting of medicinal products;
• Growing complexity in medicinal products and their ingredients (e.g. new chemical entities and innovative drugs) generating new scientific and regulatory challenges which call for new regulatory processes;
• Growing number of international regulatory initiatives, lacking integration and strategic oversight;
• Continued pressures to control and reduce regulatory public expenditures; and
• Continued industry and political pressures to harmonise and align regulatory practices and activities.

Well, how did I miss that one!!! Did you know that???

Back to the MHRA Blog

Going back to the MHRA Blog, Reflections on the regulatory experience of remote approaches to GCP and GMP regulatory oversight during the COVID-19 Pandemic concludes in part:

“It should be noted that some regulatory agencies are currently evaluating whether to utilise remote approaches going forward. While some ICMRA working group members do not currently think it will fit within their regulatory framework, a number of regulators have expressed an interest in supplementing an inspection, or in some cases, replacing the need for an on-site inspection with remote and/or hybrid approaches.”

What a load of codswallop”! What happened to “As a result, a consensus has emerged on the desirability of developing an ICMRA to address common issues, such as (but not limited to):” (see list above).

After nearly 10 years, is that the best they can do? A wishy-washy statement of the obvious…

…more importantly, of course, is the fact that there is no substitute for physical inspections of safety-critical facilities developing and producing medicines, by experienced inspectors. Without them, no patient is safe.

What is the takeaway here?

This is the takeaway. Regulatory authority boundaries have been blurred by a shadow, ‘voluntary’ organisation, operating globally, to the extent that decision making is totally opaque.

What is the relationship between the World Health Organization, executive leadership of the European Medicines Agency, ICMRA, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and MHRA? We need to know who is calling the shots.

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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