Почему учредительные собрания должны стать постоянными?

 Cato Maior Asiaticus, [22.08.2012, 12:38]


Почему учредительные собрания должны стать постоянными?

Вы набиваете свой рот громкими словами: демократия, свобода, справедливость, а затем подвергаете цензуре именно те «социальные сети», которые вы так много критикуете. Вы действительно думаете, что ЗАСЛУЖИВАЕТЕ быть "избранным" на какую-либо общественную должность?

Нет, мы не собираемся создавать или идти на какой-то остров и делать его тоталитарным: этот остров уже существует — и вы создали его своими руками и своим умом.

Где демократия, свобода и справедливость с 1947 года по сегодняшний день в Италии? Нигде?

О чем речь: о программных регулирующих намерениях, морганных феях или оптических иллюзиях?

Как могло случиться, что в псевдогосударстве, которое верило, что живет в условиях демократии, свободы и справедливости, секта психопатов смогла за несколько недель создать МАТЕРИАЛЬНУЮ конституцию, совершенно отличную от формальной, ПОЛНОСТЬЮ материальную конституцию, когда формальная, который хотел бы быть жестким, был ли он предназначен для предотвращения и борьбы с возвращением любой формы тоталитаризма? (левый или правый не имеет значения).

Парламентаризм — детище элит: когда они говорят вам о правительстве лучших, они имеют в виду то государство «лучших», которое создало альбертовское государство в Италии, это они, Томмазео, сказали, что они были лучше всего - пока им не пришлось послать Баву Беккариса, чтобы убедить всех остальных.

Фундаментальная причина краха конституционных гарантий в Италии только одна: НАРОД БЕЗ МЯЧЕЙ.

Я не буду здесь перечислять фундаментальные характеристики итальянства, быть итальянцем сегодня: я ограничиваюсь указанием пальцем, например, на итальянского народного депутата Луиджи ди Майо - образ объясняет гораздо больше, чем миллионы слов.

Как вы оказались в этой ситуации?

Несовершенная демократия, фальшивая демократия? Но как должна быть демократия, которая не порочна, не фальшива?

Просьба о созыве Постоянного Учредительного собрания итальянского народа не надуманная просьба: это логическое решение самой древней из дилемм теории политики, которая, как мы знаем, стара как мир, как мы знал это через Платона: КТО ДОЛЖЕН УПРАВЛЯТЬ РЕГУЛЯТОРАМИ?

Платон, как известно, говорил: никто, они должны быть только совершенно беспристрастными и совершенно бедными «хранителями», но мы не знаем, как он представлял себе их «сотворить», воспитать и, главное, сохранить. как таковой. Он отверг идею о том, что контроллеры должны контролироваться другими контроллерами, поскольку это привело бы к логическому парадоксу бесконечной иерархии контроллеров.

Решение этого парадокса актуально не только для теории парламентской демократии, но и для президентской, любой существующей политической системы.

Существует простое решение: именно контролируемые должны контролировать контролеров, и они могут делать это с помощью институционализированных процедур в Учредительном собрании, которое, однако, не должно быть «распущено» внешней по отношению к нему силой, т. е. то есть он должен быть постоянным.

Как мы знаем из средневековой истории, парламенты изначально не были ни постоянными, ни «творили» законы, они созывались по мере возможности феодальными властителями и состояли из «обычных» судей, которые могли и «открывать» и «создавать» право. .

Cato Maior Asiaticus, [22.08.2012, 12:39]
Учредительное собрание по своей природе является человеческим политическим органом, потенциально более способным быть «беспристрастным», поскольку перед ним стоит задача решить, как народ хочет управлять собой, независимо от гвельфов и гибеллинов, правых и левых, белых и черных. и так далее.

Делая его ПОСТОЯННЫМ, практика осуществления народного суверенитета становится институционализируемой: это высшая власть, превосходящая власть парламента, исполнительной власти и даже сегодняшних псевдосудебных гарантийных органов, то есть конституционного суда, государственного совета и кассационной инстанции. .

Остров тоталитаризма?

Конечно, это зависит от того, как и кто этим управляет. Я представляю его не как остров, а как постоянный учредительный турнир, то есть пространство, в котором все граждане могут свободно входить, чтобы предлагать идеи о том, как они хотят, чтобы ими управляли, и как они не хотят, чтобы ими управляли, и в каком , посредством законодательных процедур, подчиненных народному праву, будь то инициативы или референдумы, достигаются коллективные решения.

Постоянное Учредительное Собрание не есть «объективный порядок», т. е. оно не имеет рецептов и не дает рецептов.

Оно лишь способствует материализации представлений о «наилучшем способе» управления посредством социально справедливых конкурентных процедур (постоянных учредительных турниров);

- резервирует некоторые политические и экономические полномочия за народом в абсолютном выражении, отбирая их у парламентов, исполнительной власти и судов для меня осуществление законодательной системы с оговоркой народного права;

- НЕПОСРЕДСТВЕННО ОСУЩЕСТВЛЯЕТ ПОЛНОМОЧИЯ КОНТРОЛЯ НАД ЛЮБЫМИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫМИ ДОЛЖНОСТНЫМИ ЛИЦАМИ, независимо от их порядка и степени, подвергая их всех процедурам ротации, жеребьевки, прямого снятия путем «отзыва»;

- обеспечивает беспристрастность и эффективность администраций с помощью административных и уголовных инструментов, не допуская их «захвата» финансово-экономическими властелинами и, следовательно, злоупотребления правами и злоупотребления властью;

- обеспечивает с помощью административных и уголовных инструментов адекватное наказание за действия, наносящие ущерб беспристрастности государственных учреждений.

Список не претендует на полноту.

В двух словах: она ставит Народ как главу, арбитра, законодателя, администратора и судью выше всех остальных, чьи полномочия ФАКТИЧЕСКИ ограничены и контролируются, прежде всего для предотвращения злоупотреблений законом, злоупотреблений политической властью, злоупотреблений экономической и финансовой власть и подавлять их с помощью адекватных административных и уголовных инструментов.

Почему существуют НМП и Великая перезагрузка?

Потому что нет реальной силы, способной избежать конституционной подрывной деятельности этих полуподпольных организаций.


Демократия, свобода, справедливость: партии фанказистов, неспособных понять и хотеть, как раньше, и больше, чем раньше, — и все готовы подвергать все цензуре.

Вы себя квалифицируете, мне не нужно квалифицировать вас.

У того, кто хочет вырваться из лап этих лидеров государственного переворота, психопатов-убийц, претендующих на создание «всеобщего правительства», есть только один вариант: СОЗДАТЬ НОВОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВО, поскольку борьба с НМП и ВЕЛИКОЙ ПЕРЕЗАГРУЗКОЙ требует решений государства. , а не террористы, а уж тем более голые кролики.

1. Военное освобождение Италии: СОЗДАНИЕ СВОБОДНОГО ГОСУДАРСТВА ИТАЛЬЯНСКОГО НАРОДА ВОКРУГ ПОСТОЯННОГО УЧРЕДИТЕЛЬНОГО СОБРАНИЯ того же самого и Освободительной Армии как государства-убежища для всех преследуемых сектой НМП / ВЕЛИКОГО ПЕРЕЗАГРУЗКИ;

2. Международное сдерживание НМП/Великая перезагрузка до его исчезновения;

3. Сдерживание политического злоупотребления экономической и финансовой властью любого типа компаний, государственных и/или частных, с помощью административных и уголовных инструментов.

Perche' le assemblee costituenti devono diventare permanenti?

Cato Maior Asiaticus, [8/2/22 12:38 PM]


Perche' le assemblee costituenti devono diventare permanenti?

Vi riempite la bocca di paroloni: democrazia, liberta', giustiza - e poi censurate esattamente sui "social media" che dite tanto di criticare. Credete veramente di MERITARE di essere "eletti" a una qualsiasi funzione pubblica?

No, non intendiamo creare o andare su nessuna isola e renderla totalitaria: quell'isola esiste gia' - e l'avete creata voi con le stesse vostre mani e con le stesse vostre menti.

Dove stanno democrazia, liberta' e giustizia dal 1947 ad oggi in Italia? Da nessuna parte?

Di cosa parliamo: di intenti normativi programmatici, di fate morgane o di illusioni ottiche?

Come e' stato possibile che in uno pseudo-stato, che riteneva di vivere in democrazia, liberta' e giustizia, una setta di psicopatici potesse creare nell'arco di settimane una costituzione MATERIALE totalmente differente da quella formale, una costituzione materiale TOTALITARIA, quando quella formale, che avrebbe voluto essere rigida, si era preposta di prevenire e di combattere il ritorno di qualsiasi forma di totalitarismo? (Di destra o di sinistra non importa).

Il parlamentarismo e' una creatura delle elite: quando vi parlano del governo dei migliori, fanno riferimento a quello stato dei "migliori" che ha creato lo stato albertino in Italia, sono stati loro, i Tommaseo, a dirsi addosso di essere i migliori - fino a quando non hanno dovuto mandare Bava Beccaris a convincere tutti gli altri.

La ragione fondamentale per il crollo delle garanzie costituzionali in Italia e' uno solo: UN POPOLO SENZA PALLE.

Non faro' qui l'elenco delle caratteristiche fondamentali dell'Italianita', dell'essere italiani oggi: mi limito a puntare un dito, per esempio sul deputato del popolo italiano Luigi di Maio - l'immagine spiega molto di piu' di milioni di parole.

Come ci siete andati a finire in questa situazione?

Una democrazia bacata, una democrazia falsa? Ma come dovrebbe funzionare una democrazia non bacata, non falsa?

La richiesta di un'Assemblea Costituente Permanente del Popolo Italiano non e' una richiesta campata in aria: e' la soluzione logica al piu' antico dei dilemmi della teoria della politica, che sappiamo essere antico quanto il mondo, in quanto lo abbiamo conosciuto attraverso Platone: CHI DEVE CONTROLLARE I CONTROLLORI?

Platone, come noto, ha detto: nessuno, devono solo essere dei "guardiani" assolutamente imparziali e assolutamente poveri, ma non sappiamo come immaginasse di "crearli", di educarli e, soprattutto, di mantenerli tali. Rifiutava l'idea che i controllori dovessero essere controllati da altri controllori, in quanto questo avrebbe condotto al paradosso logico di una gerarchia infinita di controllori.

La soluzione di questo paradosso e' rilevante non solo per la teoria della democrazia parlamentare, ma anche di quella presidenziale, di qualsiasi sistema politico esistente.

Una soluzione semplice esiste: sono i controllati a dover controllare i controllori e lo possono fare per mezzo di procedure istituzionalizzate in un'Assemblea Costituente, che pero' non deve poter essere "dissolta" da un potere esterno ad essa, cioe' deve essere permanente.

Come sappiamo dalla storia medievale, i parlamenti originariamente non erano ne' permanenti ne' "facevano" le leggi, venivano convocati secondo opportunita' dai potentati feudali ed erano composti da giudici "comuni", che potevano sia "scoprire" sia "creare" legge.

Cato Maior Asiaticus, [8/2/22 12:39 PM]
L'Assemblea Costituente, per sua natura, e' l'organo politico umano potenzialmente piu' capace di essere "imparziale", in quanto ha il compito di decidere come un popolo voglia governare se' stesso, indipendentemente da guelfi e ghibellini, destra e sinistra, bianchi e negri e via dicendo.

Rendendola PERMANENTE, la prassi dell'esercizio della sovranita' popolare diventa istituzionalizzabile: E' un potere supremo, superiore a quello del parlamento, dell'esecutivo e anche degli pseudo-organi di garanzia giudiziaria di oggi, ovvero corte costituzionale, consiglio di stato e cassazione.

Un'isola di totalitarismo?

Dipende da come e da chi la gestisce, ovviamente. Io non la concepisco come isola, ma come un torneo costituente permanente, ovvero uno spazio in cui tutti i Cittadini possono accedere liberamente per proporre idee su come vogliano essere governati e su come non vogliano essere governati e in cui, per mezzo di procedimenti legislativi a riserva di legge popolare, siano essi iniziative o referendum, si pervenga a decisioni collettive.

L'Assemblea Costituente Permanente non e' un "ordinamento oggettivo", ovvero: non ha ricette e non da' ricette.

Facilita solamente la materializzazione di idee sul "miglior modo" di essere governati per mezzo di procedure competitive socialmente giuste (tornei costituenti permanenti);

- riserva al popolo in via assoluta alcune competenze politiche ed economiche sottraendole a parlamenti, esecutivi e tribunali per mezzo dell'esercizio di un sistema legislativo sottoposto a riserva di legge popolare;

- ESERCITA DIRETTAMENTE UN POTERE DI CONTROLLO SU QUALSIASI FUNZIONARIO PUBBLICO, non importa di che ordine e grado, sottoponendoli tutti a procedure di rotazione, estrazioni a sorte, rimozioni dirette per mezzo di "recall";

- assicura per mezzo di strumenti amministrativi e penali l'imparzialita' e l'efficienza delle amministrazioni impedendo che possano essere "catturate" da potentati economico-finanziari e quindi piegate all'abuso del diritto e all'abuso di potere;

- assicura per mezzo di strumenti amministrativi e penali la punizione adeguata di comportamenti lesivi dell'imparzialita' delle istituzioni pubbliche.

L'elenco non intende essere completo.

In poche parole: mette il Popolo come capo, arbitro, legislatore, amministratore e giudice sopra tutti gli altri, i cui poteri vengono EFFETTIVAMENTE limitati e controllati, soprattutto onde prevenire abusi del diritto, abusi di potere politico, abusi di potere economico e finanziario e di reprimerli per mezzo di strumenti amministrativi e penali adeguati.

Perche' esistono l'NWO e il Great Reset?

Perche' non esiste alcun potere reale in grado di evitare la sovversione costituzionale operata da queste organizzazioni semiclandestine.

E allora?

Democrazia, liberta', giustizia: partiti di fancazzisti incapaci di intendere e di volere come prima e piu' di prima - e tutti giu' a censurare tutto.

Vi qualificate da voi, non c'e' bisogno che vi qualichi io.

Chi vuole uscire dalle grinfie di questi golpisti di stato, psicopatici omicidi, che pretendono di creare un "governo universale", ha solo un'opzione: CREARE UN NUOVO STATO, in quanto combattere contro l'NWO e contro il GREAT RESET richiede decisioni di stato, non di terroristi, e tantomeno di conigli da seggio elettorale.

1. Liberazione militare dell'Italia: CREAZIONE DEL LIBERO STATO DEL POPOLO ITALIANO, INTORNO ALL'ASSEMBLEA COSTITUENTE PERMANENTE dello stesso e dell'ESERCITO DI LIBERAZIONE come stato santuario per tutti i perseguitati dalla setta dell'NWO/GREAT RESET;

2. Contenimento internazionale dell'NWO/Great Reset fino alla sua estinzione;

3. Contenimento dell'abuso politico del potere economico e finanziario da parte di qualsiasi tipo di impresa, pubblica e/o privata, per mezzo di strumenti amministrativi e penali.

¿Qué es el Grandreset? Es un plan de despojo universal análogo a los "recintos" que precedieron a la "revolución industrial" en Inglaterra y otros lugares en el siglo XVII. Es un plan de esclavización universal, que se vende por "moderno", de hecho es tan antiguo como la institución de la esclavitud misma: tiene sus raíces en la noche de los tiempos. Como la democracia, entendida como el "reino de los derechos humanos" (Zaccaria Giacometti): ésta también tiene sus raíces en la noche de los tiempos. Y es desde el principio de los tiempos que han estado luchando entre sí por el dominio. Mientras existan seres humanos en este planeta, la lucha continuará. Ciertamente no terminará cuando los ciberseñores abandonen la tierra por el espacio, para construir su zoológico de utopía mixta y colonias militarizadas bajo su mando: como durante el feudalismo, los barones, que ya se están matando a sí mismos ahora, también se escanearán en el espacio. . ¿Qué quedará? Estudia la historia política de las élites de Isla de Pascua y comprende qué quedará de estas utopías "reales".

ما هو

 Grandreset؟ إنها خطة نزع ملكية عالمية شبيهة بـ "العبوات" التي سبقت "الثورة الصناعية" في إنجلترا وأماكن أخرى في القرن السابع عشر. إنها خطة للاستعباد الشامل ، يتم بيعها من أجل "الحديث" ، وهي في الواقع قديمة قدم مؤسسة العبودية نفسها: فهي تضرب بجذورها في ضباب الزمن. تمامًا مثل الديمقراطية ، التي تُفهم على أنها "مملكة حقوق الإنسان" (زاكاريا جياكوميتي): هذه أيضًا لها جذورها في ضباب الزمن. ومنذ فجر التاريخ تقاتل كل منهما الآخر من أجل الهيمنة. طالما بقي البشر على هذا الكوكب ، سيستمر النضال. بالتأكيد لن ينتهي الأمر عندما يتخلى اللوردات السيبرانيون عن الأرض عن الفضاء ، لبناء حديقة حيوانات يوتوبيا مختلطة ومستعمرات عسكرية تحت قيادتهم: كما هو الحال أثناء الإقطاع ، فإن البارونات ، الذين يذبحون أنفسهم الآن بالفعل ، سوف يقومون أيضًا بمسح أنفسهم في الفضاء. . ماذا سيبقى؟ ادرس التاريخ السياسي لنخب جزيرة إيستر وافهم ما سيبقى من هذه اليوتوبيا "الحقيقية".

Что такое Грандресет? Это универсальный план лишения собственности, аналогичный «огораживаниям», предшествовавшим «промышленной революции» в Англии и других местах в 17 веке. Это план всеобщего порабощения, который продается за «современность», на самом деле он так же стар, как и сам институт рабства: он уходит своими корнями в глубины веков. Так же, как и демократия, понимаемая как «царство прав человека» (Заккария Джакометти): она тоже уходит своими корнями в глубины веков. И с незапамятных времен они борются друг с другом за господство. Пока люди существуют на этой планете, борьба будет продолжаться. Это уж точно не кончится, когда землю бросят киберлорды ради космоса, чтобы построить под своим командованием свой смешанный зоопарк-утопию и военизированные колонии: как при феодализме бароны, которые уже сейчас сами себя забивают, тоже будут сканировать себя в космосе . Что останется? Изучите политическую историю элит острова Пасхи и поймите, что останется от этих «настоящих» утопий.

什么是大重置?这是一个普遍的剥夺计划,类似于 17 世纪英国和其他地方的“工业革命”之前的“圈地”。这是一个普遍奴役的计划,以“现代”的名义出售,实际上它与奴隶制本身一样古老:它植根于时间的迷雾。就像民主,被理解为“人权王国”(Zaccaria Giacometti):这也源于时间的迷雾。正是从时间的曙光开始,他们就一直在争夺统治地位。只要这个星球上还有人类存在,斗争就会继续。当地球被网络领主遗弃到太空时,它肯定不会结束,在他们的指挥下建造他们混合的乌托邦动物园和军事化殖民地:就像在封建主义时期,现在已经在屠杀自己的男爵也会在太空中扫描自己.会留下什么?研究复活节岛精英的政治历史,了解这些“真正的”乌托邦会留下什么。

Esta es otra lucha de las sociedades civiles contra los estados, los estados entendidos como instituciones inhumanas: como los estados del antiguo régimen. Incluso este contra el que estamos llamados a luchar, desde nuestra conciencia y desde lo que Dios implantó en nuestra conciencia, es un régimen antiguo, muy antiguo, el mismo régimen que hemos visto en el antiguo Egipto, en Sumer, en La China antigua, entre los mayas, en el reino comunista de los jesuitas del Perú, en las plantaciones de esclavos en América del Norte y del Sur, en los regímenes serviles europeos, en el reino del Mal del fascismo y el nazismo: el antiguo régimen nunca ha terminado, siempre ha vuelto con una nueva máscara, para engañar a las sociedades civiles que han intentado en vano transformarlo en una institución humana.

这是公民社会反对国家的另一场斗争,国家被理解为不人道的制度:就像旧政权的国家一样。 即使是我们被呼召与之抗争的那个,出于我们的良心和上帝植入我们良心的东西,也是一个古老的、非常古老的政权,我们在古埃及、苏美尔、在古代中国,在玛雅人中间,在秘鲁耶稣会的共产主义王国,在北美和南美的奴隶种植园,在欧洲农奴制度,在法西斯主义和纳粹主义的邪恶王国:古代政权从未结束,它总是带着新的面具回来,欺骗那些试图将其转变为人类机构的公民社会,但徒劳无功。

Это другая борьба гражданских обществ против государств, государств, понимаемых как бесчеловечные институты: как государства старого режима. Даже тот, против которого мы призваны бороться, исходя из нашей совести и из того, что вложено в нашу совесть богом, есть древний, очень древний режим, тот самый режим, который мы видели в действии в древнем Египте, в Шумере, в Древний Китай, среди майя, в коммунистическом королевстве иезуитов Перу, на плантациях рабов в Северной и Южной Америке, в европейских крепостнических режимах, в царстве Зла фашизма и нацизма: древний режим никогда не кончался, она всегда возвращалась с новой маской, чтобы обмануть гражданское общество, тщетно пытавшееся превратить ее в человеческий институт.

هذا صراع آخر للمجتمعات المدنية ضد الدول ، الدول التي تُفهم على أنها مؤسسات غير إنسانية: مثل دول النظام القديم. حتى هذا النظام الذي نحن مدعوون للقتال ضده ، من ضميرنا ومن ما زرعه الله في ضميرنا ، هو نظام قديم ، قديم جدًا ، نفس النظام الذي رأيناه في العمل في مصر القديمة ، في سومر ، في الصين القديمة ، بين المايا ، في المملكة الشيوعية لليسوعيين في بيرو ، في مزارع العبيد في أمريكا الشمالية والجنوبية ، في أنظمة العبيد الأوروبية ، في مملكة شر الفاشية والنازية: النظام القديم لم ينتهِ أبدًا ، لقد عاد دائما بقناع جديد لخداع المجتمعات المدنية التي حاولت عبثا تحويلها إلى مؤسسة بشرية.

Questa è un'altra lotta delle società civili contro gli stati, stati intesi come istituzioni disumane: come gli stati del vecchio regime. Anche questo sistema contro il quale siamo chiamati a combattere, dalla nostra coscienza e da ciò che Dio ha piantato nella nostra coscienza, è un sistema antico, antichissimo, lo stesso sistema che abbiamo visto all'opera nell'antico Egitto, in Sumer, nell'antica Cina , tra i Maya, nel regno comunista dei Gesuiti in Perù, nelle piantagioni di schiavi del Nord e Sud America, nei regimi schiavisti europei, nel regno del Male del fascismo e del nazismo: il vecchio ordine non è mai finito, è sempre tornato con una nuova maschera per ingannare le società civili che hanno cercato invano di trasformarla in un'istituzione umana.

Esta es otra lucha de las sociedades civiles contra los estados, los estados entendidos como instituciones inhumanas: como los estados del antiguo régimen. Incluso este contra el que estamos llamados a luchar, desde nuestra conciencia y desde lo que Dios implantó en nuestra conciencia, es un régimen antiguo, muy antiguo, el mismo régimen que hemos visto en el antiguo Egipto, en Sumer, en La China antigua, entre los mayas, en el reino comunista de los jesuitas del Perú, en las plantaciones de esclavos en América del Norte y del Sur, en los regímenes serviles europeos, en el reino del Mal del fascismo y el nazismo: el antiguo régimen nunca ha terminado, siempre ha vuelto con una nueva máscara, para engañar a las sociedades civiles que han intentado en vano transformarlo en una institución humana.

这是公民社会反对国家的另一场斗争,国家被理解为不人道的制度:就像旧政权的国家一样。 即使是我们被呼召与之抗争的那个,出于我们的良心和上帝植入我们良心的东西,也是一个古老的、非常古老的政权,我们在古埃及、苏美尔、在古代中国,在玛雅人中间,在秘鲁耶稣会的共产主义王国,在北美和南美的奴隶种植园,在欧洲农奴制度,在法西斯主义和纳粹主义的邪恶王国:古代政权从未结束,它总是带着新的面具回来,欺骗那些试图将其转变为人类机构的公民社会,但徒劳无功。

Это другая борьба гражданских обществ против государств, государств, понимаемых как бесчеловечные институты: как государства старого режима. Даже тот, против которого мы призваны бороться, исходя из нашей совести и из того, что вложено в нашу совесть богом, есть древний, очень древний режим, тот самый режим, который мы видели в действии в древнем Египте, в Шумере, в Древний Китай, среди майя, в коммунистическом королевстве иезуитов Перу, на плантациях рабов в Северной и Южной Америке, в европейских крепостнических режимах, в царстве Зла фашизма и нацизма: древний режим никогда не кончался, она всегда возвращалась с новой маской, чтобы обмануть гражданское общество, тщетно пытавшееся превратить ее в человеческий институт.

هذا صراع آخر للمجتمعات المدنية ضد الدول ، الدول التي تُفهم على أنها مؤسسات غير إنسانية: مثل دول النظام القديم. حتى هذا النظام الذي نحن مدعوون للقتال ضده ، من ضميرنا ومن ما زرعه الله في ضميرنا ، هو نظام قديم ، قديم جدًا ، نفس النظام الذي رأيناه في العمل في مصر القديمة ، في سومر ، في الصين القديمة ، بين المايا ، في المملكة الشيوعية لليسوعيين في بيرو ، في مزارع العبيد في أمريكا الشمالية والجنوبية ، في أنظمة العبيد الأوروبية ، في مملكة شر الفاشية والنازية: النظام القديم لم ينتهِ أبدًا ، لقد عاد دائما بقناع جديد لخداع المجتمعات المدنية التي حاولت عبثا تحويلها إلى مؤسسة بشرية.

Questa è un'altra lotta delle società civili contro gli stati, stati intesi come istituzioni disumane: come gli stati del vecchio regime. Anche questo sistema contro il quale siamo chiamati a combattere, dalla nostra coscienza e da ciò che Dio ha piantato nella nostra coscienza, è un sistema antico, antichissimo, lo stesso sistema che abbiamo visto all'opera nell'antico Egitto, in Sumer, nell'antica Cina , tra i Maya, nel regno comunista dei Gesuiti in Perù, nelle piantagioni di schiavi del Nord e Sud America, nei regimi schiavisti europei, nel regno del Male del fascismo e del nazismo: il vecchio ordine non è mai finito, è sempre tornato con una nuova maschera per ingannare le società civili che hanno cercato invano di trasformarla in un'istituzione umana.

Coronavirus: Vier Millionen Impfdosen binnen sechs Monaten vernichtet

Coronavirus: Vier Millionen Impfdosen binnen sechs Monaten vernichtet

Zwischen Dezember 2021 und Juni 2022 ist die Haltbarkeit mehrerer Millionen Dosen von Corona-Impfstoff abgelaufen. Es handelt sich um Impfstoff des Unternehmens Moderna.
Artikel hören
Coronavirus: Vernichtet wurden ausschließlich Impfdosen des US-Pharmakonzerns Moderna.
Vernichtet wurden ausschließlich Impfdosen des US-Pharmakonzerns Moderna. © Robert Michael/​dpa

In Deutschland ist mehr Impfstoff wegen überschrittener Haltbarkeitsfristen vernichtet worden als bisher angenommen. Das geht aus einer Antwort des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums auf eine parlamentarische Anfrage des Bundestagsabgeordneten Stephan Pilsinger (CSU) hervor, aus der das RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland zitiert.  

Demnach verfielen zwischen Dezember 2021 und Ende Juni 2022 insgesamt 3,9 Millionen Dosen – "auf unterschiedlichen Stufen der logistischen Lieferkette", schreibt Gesundheitsstaatssekretär Edgar Franke (SPD). Betroffen war den Angaben zufolge ausschließlich Impfstoff des US-Pharmakonzerns Moderna. Im April war das Gesundheitsministerium noch davon ausgegangen, dass bis Ende Juni drei Millionen Dosen vernichtet werden müssten.

Von den 134,3 Millionen Impfdosen, die zwischen Dezember 2021 und Ende Juni 2022 bestellt und teilweise ausgeliefert wurden, wurden nach Regierungsangaben keine gespendet. Die internationale Impfstoffallianz Gavi hatte mitgeteilt, derzeit keine Spenden mehr anzunehmen, da es keinen Bedarf gebe.

Stand: 18. Juli
+7 %
heute gemeldet
29,7 Mio.
seit Beginn
  1. <50
  2. 50+
  3. 100+
  4. 200+
  5. 500+
  6. 1.000+
  7. 2.000+
1.500 Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz1.000 500

  • Zum Beispiel: Leipzig, Bayern, USA

  • Il dopo Draghi. Il cerino acceso in mano e i militari evocati da Sorgi già un anno fa


    Se oggi finisce il draghismo (ma finisce davvero?) si possono fare due considerazioni. La meno cupa è la prima, relativa alle terribili condizioni in cui questo Governo lascia l’Italia. Chi vorrà prendere in mano il cerino rischia seriamente di scottarsi.

    Tornano inoltre in mente  – ed è la seconda considerazione – autorevoli ipotesi o magari  avvertimenti di un anno fa, quando tirava aria di crisi estiva: se cade Draghi, potremmo avere un governo militare. E la guerra, allora, non c’era neppure.

    Una cosa per volta. Il Governo guidato da Draghi ha ridotto l’Italia in uno stato tale che lo stesso Draghi vuole rimanere in carica solo con una maggioranza così ampia da diluire le responsabilità e farle diventare sfumate e fondamentalmente impersonali.

    Crisi economica, crisi energetica con la prospettiva di razionamenti a partire dall’autunno, inflazione all’8% (come dicono i dati ufficiali) solo per chi non gestisce le bollette e non va a fare la spesa, aumento delle spese militari, armi inviate all’Ucraina rendendo l’Italia praticamente sua co-belligerante contro la Russia in una guerra che gli italiani non vogliono.

    Poi il Covid gestito a suon di green pass e vaccini (ormai quarta dose) acquistati e pagati con modalità faraoniche mentre la sanità è allo sfascio. E ancora: le forche caudine rappresentate dalle terribili condizioni del PNRR, perfino la prospettiva del razionamento idrico…

    E’ per annegare le responsabilità in mezzo a quelle di tutti gli altri, probabilmente, che Draghi non vuole restare a Palazzo Chigi se si sfila il M5S. Eppure avrebbe i numeri per rimanere. Potrebbe trovarli persino se lo salutasse anche la Lega. Basterebbe qualche ulteriore transfugo dal M5S verso Di Maio, qualche “responsabile” magari reperito attraverso il “buon rapporto” con la Meloni.

    Invece no. Se le condizioni in cui si trova l’Italia non sono addebitabili praticamente a tutte le forze politiche, l’uomo del “Si fa come dico io” se ne va, lasciando il cerino acceso nelle mani di qualcun altro.

    Ma se Draghi se ne va, chi al suo posto? Un anno fa, quando c’era odore di crisi di governo estiva, Marcello Sorgi – firma di punta della Stampa e dunque iscritto al Draghi fan club – vergò un editoriale che è giusto riesumare. Si concludeva dicendo che, in caso di dimissioni di Draghi,

    al Presidente della Repubblica non resterebbe che mettere su un governo elettorale, forse perfino militare, com’è accaduto con il generale Figliuolo per le vaccinazioni. A mali estremi, estremi rimedi

    Più elmetti per tutti – Sorgi oltretutto lo ha scritto quando la guerra non era neanche all’orizzonte – e una prospettiva di ordine e disciplina perché altrimenti l’Italia, così gonfia di crisi, non può che scoppiare. “Non è affatto detto” che si arriverà al governo militare, aggiungeva allora Sorgi. Ma intanto  l’ha detto.




    Welcome to Your Police State Future: You Will EAT CRICKETS & DRINK PEE on a Floating Prison Barge

    by Mike Adams | Natural News
    They are in many ways equivalent to CIA “black sites” where prisoners are routinely subjected to torture and enhanced interrogation techniques, despite the illegality of such acts.
    Image Credit:


    A massive prison barge is currently floating in the East River of South Bronx, near NYC. The barge holds 800 prisoners who are being subjected to chemical assaults, vaccine medical experiments, “enhanced restraints” and other forms of illegal torture and incarceration.

    The floating barge was likely built as a way for authorities to evade oversight and local laws by claiming to be in “waterways” rather than on land. This barge, shown in this YouTube video, is the perfect representation of the future of humanity under globalist police state control.

    These barges are also known as “FEMA prison barges” and are believed to be used at GITMO. They are in many ways equivalent to CIA “black sites” where prisoners are routinely subjected to torture and enhanced interrogation techniques, despite the illegality of such acts.

    You will eat crickets and drink pee

    Meanwhile, the corrupt governments of the world are meticulously destroying domestic food supplies while cranking up cricket factories to mass produce billions of pounds of ground cricket meal to be used as “health food” for humans and pets. As reported by WestphalianTimes.com, the Canadian government is excited about a project to, “grow billions of crickets… producing a nutrient-rich protein for premium health food and pet markets.”

    Got that? Cricket protein meal is “premium health food.” Soon, you will see it touted as a replacement for whey protein and beef.

    (Hope you enjoy your Cricket McNuggets.)

    They also claim that producing crickets instead of beef will result in, “emitting significantly less greenhouse gas emissions during the production stage.” (Pardon their horrible grammar, the government goons running this aren’t very intelligent.)

    Thus, you will be told to eat crickets in order to save the planet from carbon dioxide.

    As the water runs out in Lake Mead and most of the Western United States, wastewater recycling will leap into a whole new phase where people are forced to drink recycled urine if they hope to have drinking water. The water that’s removed from biosludge processing — teeming with viruses, birth control chemicals, pesticides and medications — will be filtered and repackaged as “drinking water” for the masses.

    Anyone who defies the globalist agenda to exterminate humanity will be arrested, rounded up and either exterminated in a soylent green plant or incarcerated by the corrupt regime. Thus, you will eat crickets and drink pee while living on a floating prison barge.

    You will own nothing and “be happy.” Or else…

    Buy an electric car to save the planet, but don’t charge it or you’ll crash the power grid

    Meanwhile, Tesla owners in Texas are receiving in-car alerts that tell them to avoid charging their cars because the Texas power grid is on the verge of failure due to a lack of energy from wind turbines that aren’t turning because the wind isn’t blowing.

    As ERCOT has publicly announced, wind power in Texas is currently producing just 8% of its total capacity. Solar is producing 81%, but of course only during the day when the sun is shining.

    Green energy, in other words, is failing yet again.

    So now we have a situation where we’re all supposed to buy “green” cars to save the planet, but the green cars can’t be charged when the “green” energy isn’t working because the wind isn’t blowing. So your “green” car is useless because green energy isn’t reliable. But globalists tell everyone to move to more green energy and more green vehicles, which will only make the entire system more prone to collapse. Is this some sort of insane climate joke?

    Truthfully, there isn’t enough capacity in the power grid right now to reliably charge the electric cars already in existence. What happens when millions more people buy electric vehicles and plug them in? That answer is obvious: The power grid ceases to function and you end up with rolling blackouts.

    In other words, the “green” agenda will push America into a third world existence.

    It’s one more important reason to get a solar generator for backup power, by the way. The brand I currently recommend is EcoFlow, and they are available at SAT123.com, one of our sponsor’s websites (scroll down to see the EcoFlow solar generators and power storage devices).

    The real solution to all this is to use fossil fuels and drag ourselves out of starvation and global financial collapse. But the anti-human luciferians in charge of the world right now want to exterminate billions of human beings, so they are pursuing the policies that are designed to cause maximum human casualties.

    I cover all this and much more in today’s Situation Update podcast, which also starts off with me singing a happy song called, “I love a black man with a gun.”



    Martial Law Red Alert: Democrat Leadership Introduces Bill To Give Biden The Powers of a Dictator & Use Military Against The ‘Right-Wing’ With No Congressional Oversight

    The Alex Jones Show
    Meanwhile, globalist leaders have officially announced new worldwide lockdowns coming in the fall, including in the U.S.
    Image Credit:
    Chris Kelponis-Pool/Getty Images
    Alex Jones breaks down the massive new NDAA bill introduced by Democrat leadership that effectively gives their puppet Joe Biden dictatorial powers. Meanwhile, the world is rejecting the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda as farmers across Europe take to the streets in mass demonstrations.

    Read the National Defense Authorization Act 2022 (H.R. 4350):

    High-quality storable food back in stock ready to ship now! Get it while you still can!



    Democrats Plan To Make Biden a Dictator, Remove Checks & Balances and Congressional Oversight of Executive and Military Activity — Sunday Night Live

    Sunday Night Live
    The globalist plan to install Biden as dictator underway with new NDAA 2022 bill -- tune in and share this link!
    Image Credit:
    Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
    Owen Shroyer breaks down the Democrat power grab to make puppet president Joe Biden a dictator to impose their bidding. Sports radio host Nate Lucas joins the broadcast to give his take about the state of the country as inflation, war, crime, and food shortages plague the nation.

    CLICK HERE to watch our live feed that’s now streaming 24/7 on GETTR! Also, be sure to follow Alex Jones and Banned.video on GETTR for breaking news and exclusive information!





    Tens of thousands of farmers are rising up against the government to protest the deliberate food shortages they say are being manufactured by the elite.

    As usual, the mainstream media is attempting to distort the truth about the protests with headlines like “Dutch farmers protest emissions targets.”

    Although the government policy is a 25 BILLION Euro investment in “reducing levels of nitrogen pollution,” its plan to achieve this is by “paying some Dutch livestock farmers to exit the industry”.

    This means drastically culling the number of farms around the country.

    Though the scheme is about reportedly about limiting nitrogen and ammonia emissions from urine and manure, the real agenda is far more sinister when you see the deliberate destruction of food industries worldwide.

    The Netherlands is one of the largest exporters of meat in the world. Reducing its output by a third will devastate the food supply in the West.

    The “pay farmers not to farm” scheme isn’t just being enforce in the Netherlands, both the UK and US have similar schemes in place with the stated intention to reduce meat production.



    The World Economic Forum Vows to Buy Up Dutch Farmers’ Lands

    Fact checked
    The World Economic Forum WEF to buy up Dutch farmers' land

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed plans to buy up land left by Dutch farmers who are being put out of business by the global elite.



    Documents reveal Dutch government is colluding with WEF to collapse the food supply and unleash the Great Reset

    This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

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    Image: Documents reveal Dutch government is colluding with WEF to collapse the food supply and unleash the Great Reset

    (Natural News) Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information request submitted by a member of the Dutch House of Representatives revealed that the Dutch government is colluding with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to implement the Great Reset.

    Pepijn van Houwelingen, a member of the Dutch House of Representatives, asked 42 questions that led to the release of the documents. The documents, which circulated on Twitter, indicated that the Dutch government was involved in discussions focused on shaping policies post-COVID-19 under the theme “the Great Reset.”

    These documents also expressed that the Dutch government’s “contribution to the work of the Great Reset is especially critical at the annual meeting.”

    Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Tom De Bruijn provided answers to van Houwelingen’s questions 10 and 12.

    De Bruijn’s response included seven sets of attachments consisting of WEF correspondence with: Prime Minister Mark Rutte (2016-2021); Foreign Affairs Minister Koenders, Minister Zijlstra and Minister Blok (2017 – 2018); Minister Ploumen, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Minister Kaag and Minister De Bruijn (2016-2021); Public Health, Welfare and Sport Minister Schippers and Medical Care and Sport Minister Bruins (2016-2021); Economic Affairs and Climate Minister Wiebes and Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Minister Schouten (2019-2021); Finance Minister Hoekstra (2017-2021); and Infrastructure and Water Management Minister Van Nieuwenhuizen, State Secretary Van Veldhoven and State Secretary Van Weyenberg (2019-2021).


    The Netherlands is funding food innovation hubs

    Meanwhile, leading European food innovation hub Foodvalley said in an article that the Netherlands is proud to host the Global Coordination Secretariat (GCS) for the worldwide network of food innovation hubs.

    “It was great to have support for the initiative by Foodvalley members Mengniu Dairy, DSM and Unilever this week at the online WEF Davos panel session on the transformation of food systems,” said Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in January.

    More than 20 organizations are already working together as Food Innovation Hubs in Colombia, India, Europe, Southeast Asia and several other countries in Africa. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has also provided multiyear support for the development of a food innovation hub in India. Several private and public sector partners have committed in-kind resources to support the development of the hubs in different regions.

    What Foodvalley did not mention, however, is that the Netherlands is planning to fund the said hubs. (Related: Livestock producers now just DAYS away from running out of animal feed due to supply chain disruptions.)

    It also failed to mention that the initiative has “special attention for development and implementation of key enabling technologies.” This included digitalization, artificial intelligence, internet of things, biotechnology and micro- and nanotechnology in the agri-food sector.

    The Dutch government also wrote a letter to WEF “on behalf of the Dutch Ministers of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and Agriculture, Nature and Food quality together with the Regional Food Agency Oost NL” before the official signing of the letter of intent.

    “We strongly believe that establishing the GCS in the Netherlands will be mutually beneficial and proof of great benefit to the efficacy and impact of the global network of food innovation hubs,” the letter stated.

    This letter of intent was signed by Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Eric Weibes back in December 2020, and by WEF on January 5, 2021.

    Other things cited in the letter include the Dutch innovation and agricultural policy, which are very much in line with the topics considered crucial by the WEF for food system transformation.

    The letter of intent also stated that the outcome for both participants would include the establishment of the WEF GCS in the Netherlands. In May 2021, Wiebes granted WEF funding of EUR 651,000 ($652,419) to establish and develop the GCS in the Netherlands.

    Dutch farmers to suffer because of Netherlands-WEF collusion

    By following the recommendations of WEF and going through with the proposed nitrogen policy to meet greenhouse gas emission targets, the Netherlands will have to slash livestock numbers by 30 percent, hitting farmers hard in some provinces.

    With nitrogen being labeled as a pollutant, it is used as a decoy by the WEF to put farmers out of business and take control of the food supply. (Related: Fertilizer price hikes prompt soaring food prices and global shortages.)

    With the Dutch government following the recommendations of the WEF, farmers and truckers realize that the globalists are trying to take their land and control food supply. And those that control the food supply control the population completely, said Michael Yon, a war correspondent currently on-ground in the Netherlands to cover farmer protests.

    Dutch farmers know that if they lose, they will also lose their livelihood, and the consequences of their losses will be felt for many generations.

    “The farmers are rising up. They know they’re going to be put out of business … which would put all of Europe on its knees,” Yon said.

    Visit FoodSupply.news for more information on how the WEF plans to control the food supply.

    Watch the video below to know more about the WEF Great Reset agenda and how Dutch farmers are being affected by it.

    This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

    More related stories:

    Farmers across EU rise up against tyrannical “green” mandates that threaten food supply.

    European farmers protest spread to Poland and Italy in huge backlash against the globalists’ depopulation and starvation schemes.

    Tensions escalate as Dutch farmers protest after police discharged firearms over “threatening situation.”

    Dutch farmers protest government’s plan to ban cattle emissions.



    Sri Lanka’s Rajapaksa quits; ‘We are the real power’ says protester

    DEMONSTRATORS celebrate after entering the president’s house during a protest in Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 9. — REUTERS

    COLOMBO — The speaker of Sri Lanka’s parliament formally accepted President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation on Friday after he fled to Singapore to escape a popular uprising brought about by his country’s worst economic crisis in seven decades.

    “From this point, we will move to constitutionally appoint a new president,” the speaker, Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, told reporters. “It will happen quickly and successfully. I request everyone to support this process.”

    Mr. Rajapaksa landed in Singapore on Thursday, having fled to the Maldives early on Wednesday on a military jet along with his wife and two security guards. Protesters stormed his residence and office last Saturday.

    “We are so happy today that he resigned and we feel that when we, the people, come together, we can do everything,” said Arunanandan, 34, a school teacher who had been camping at the main protest site opposite the presidential secretariat for the past three months.

    “We are the real power in this country.”

    The news of Mr. Rajapaksa’s resignation, first sent by an e-mail to the speaker before a hard copy was delivered, triggered jubilation in Sri Lanka’s main city Colombo late on Thursday.

    Crowds set off firecrackers, shouted slogans and danced ecstatically at the Gota Go Gama protest site, named mockingly after Mr. Rajapaksa’s first name.

    Speaker Abeywardena said he hoped to complete the process of selecting a new president in seven days and that parliament will reconvene on Saturday. The agenda for the weekend meeting will be decided on Friday, and voting for the next president in parliament was scheduled for July 20.

    Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe will act as the interim president and he is also the first choice of the ruling party to take over full time, though no decision has been taken. The opposition’s nominee is Sajith Premadasa, while the potential dark horse is senior lawmaker Dullas Alahapperuma.

    Street protests against Sri Lanka’s economic crisis have simmered for months and came to a head last weekend when hundreds of thousands of people took over government buildings in Colombo, blaming the Rajapaksa family and allies for runaway inflation, shortages of basic goods, and corruption.

    Serpentine queues outside fuel pumps have become common, while the government has closed schools and enforced work-from-home for office workers to conserve fuel. The country of 22 million has nearly run out of dollars for imports and defaulted on foreign loans.

    Headline inflation hit 54.6% last month and the central bank has warned that it could rise to 70% in coming months.

    Sri Lanka had begun preliminary discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) about a potential bailout loan, but these have been interrupted by the latest government chaos.

    IMF spokesman Gerry Rice told reporters on Thursday that Fund staff were still in contact with technical-level government officials but hoped to resume high-level dialogue “as soon as possible.” — ReutersA



    Gsk: i cittadini si convincano che hanno bisogno di vaccini

    Gsk GlaxoSmithKline

    (Adnkronos) – “La vaccinazione degli adulti è generalmente scarsa, se si confrontano i tassi di copertura con quelli dei bambini e i tassi di vaccinazione degli adulti sono diminuiti significativamente durante il Covid. Credo che dovremo fare un cambiamento di paradigma per migliorare davvero l’adozione e la copertura della vaccinazione degli adulti come parte dei nostri piani di immunizzazione nazionali.
    Per far sì che ciò accada, abbiamo bisogno di tre azioni: i vaccini per adulti devono essere disponibili e finanziati dal sistema sanitario; in secondo luogo, questi vaccini devono essere facilmente accessibili e, infine, abbiamo bisogno che i nostri cittadini si convincano che hanno bisogno di questi vaccini, che si ricordino di farli e che siano disposti ad assumerli: non è facile, lo sappiamo, ma ci siamo riusciti durante la Covid possiamo farlo di nuovo”.

    Così Roger Connor, presidente Vaccines and Global Health Gsk (casa farmaceutica GlaxoSmithKline) nel suo intervento in occasione del convegno “InnovaCtion – cosa serve alle idee per diventare salute, impresa, futuro”, evento per confrontarsi sul valore della ricerca e dell’innovazione in sanità promosso e realizzato da GlaxoSmithKline che si è tenuto oggi a Verona in occasione dei suoi 90 anni di presenza in Italia.

    Sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda George Katzourakis, senior vice president Head of Europe Gsk: “La pandemia ha sottolineato l’importanza cruciale della ricerca e dell’innovazione nel campo della salute pubblica – ha detto Katzourakis – e ci ha mostrato come sia possibile raggiungere risultati incredibili quando si collabora per obiettivi condivisi. Tuttavia, il Covid19 ci ha mostrato anche delle aree di miglioramento: l’Europa e i singoli Stati membri hanno bisogno di un ambiente politico che sostenga lo sviluppo e la produzione di nuovi farmaci, ma anche il loro accesso ai pazienti. Questo è fondamentale perché l’industria possa continuare a investire e a produrre innovazione medica”.

    Trump aide claims Covid ‘came out of the box ready to infect’ – claiming virus was being worked on by scientists in a Chinese lab


    Trump aide claims Covid ‘came out of the box ready to infect’ – claiming virus was being worked on by scientists in a Chinese lab

    by Daily Mail

    Former President Donald Trump’s adviser believes Covid-19 could have leaked from a Wuhan lab where scientists were working on vaccines for similar viruses.

    Infectious diseases expert and former presidential Covid adviser Dr Deborah Birx told The Mail on Sunday that coronavirus ‘came out of the box ready to infect’ when it emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2020. 

    The adviser said most viruses take months or years to become highly infectious to humans. But, Dr Birx said, Covid ‘was already more infectious than flu when it first arrived’.

    She said that meant Covid was either an ‘abnormal thing of nature’ or that Chinese scientists were ‘working on coronavirus vaccines’ and became infected.

    ‘It happens, labs aren’t perfect, people aren’t perfect, we make mistakes and there can be contamination,’ she said. 

    She accused China of initially covering up how infectious Covid was. 

    Birx said Covid’s infectiousness was consistent with a virus which had been experimented on in a lab. 

    ‘In laboratories you grow the virus in human cells, allowing it to adapt more. Each time it passes through human cells it becomes more adapted,’ she said.

    Because people can catch Covid asymptomatically – meaning they don’t show symptoms – Dr Birx argues a Wuhan scientist could have easily walked out of the lab with it. 

    ‘Someone working in the lab with one of the strains could’ve caught it and not known they had it,’ she said.

    Regime Change Comes to Uzbekistan. Part of a Broader Agenda of Political Destabilization of the Russian Federation? Lukashenko’s Prediction Comes True


    Regime Change Comes to Uzbekistan. Part of a Broader Agenda of Political Destabilization of the Russian Federation?

    Lukashenko’s Prediction Comes True

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    On Saturday, a month-long state of emergency was declared in the former Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan, to address the violent protests in response to government plans to revoke the autonomy of the north-eastern republic of Karakalpakstan, a decision which Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev would later drop following a visit to the region.

    Despite the current disturbances only starting several days ago, their sudden escalation to extreme violence, as well as the coordinated coverage of the situation by corporate media outlets, including the US government-funded Radio Free Europe, already bears all the hallmarks of a CIA regime change operation.

    Indeed, such a situation was predicted by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in January of this year, when a similar regime change attempt was taking place in Uzbekistan’s larger northern neighbour Kazakhstan.

    This attempt, carried out in line with a May 2020 document published by neoconservative think tank the RAND Corporation, sought to destabilise the central Asian Republic in order for the after-effects to spill over into neighbouring Russia, with the 7,000km land border shared between both nations being the second largest in the world after Canada and the US.

    Following the deployment of the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) to Kazakhstan however, at the request of Nur-Sultan, the Western-backed colour revolution attempt was quelled in the space of two weeks, with the military alliance withdrawing from the central Asian country soon after.

    Belarus itself had experienced a colour revolution attempt in August 2020, when following Lukashenko’s Presidential electoral victory over opposition candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, a Euromaidan-style colour revolution was launched against Minsk, the former Soviet Republic being a long-time target for the regime change lobby owing to it being Moscow’s sole European ally, having highly-nationalised state industries, and the instalment of a pro-Western government resulting in Russia’s entire Western border being composed solely of NATO-members and allies.

    Indeed, the encirclement of Russia was a motivating factor in the aforementioned Euromaidan colour revolution launched in response to then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s November 2013 decision to suspend an EU trade deal in order to pursue closer ties with Moscow.

    Violent protests would rock the eastern European nation in the aftermath, centring on Kiev’s Maidan Square, where neoconservative US Senator John McCain would infamously address demonstrators.

    This violence would eventually culminate in the predominantly ethnic Russian Donbass region in the east of the country breaking away to form the independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in April 2014, the catalyst for which being the anti-Russian far-right sympathisers who would take part in the Maidan movement, and who would also play a key role in the post-coup Western-backed coalition government of Petro Poroshenko.

    An eight-year long war on both Republic s would follow, involving the use of neo-Nazi paramilitaries such as Right Sector and Azov Battalion, and leading to an estimated 14,000 deaths.

    Despite attempts by the Kremlin to diplomatically resolve the situation via the Minsk Agreements, which would see both Republics granted a degree of autonomy whilst still remaining under the rule of Kiev, Moscow’s hand would ultimately be forced in February of this year when a military intervention was launched into Ukraine.

    Almost five months of global condemnation and sanctions towards Russia have since followed, however this has done little to hinder Moscow’s goals of removing the neo-Nazi elements involved in the ethnic cleansing campaign in Donbass, and destroying any Ukrainian military infrastructure that would ultimately have been used by NATO had Kiev gone on to become a member, the alliance having failed to honour a post-Cold War agreement not to expand eastwards.

    Indeed, less than 24 hours after Uzbekistan’s state of emergency announcement, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced that the Luhansk People’s Republic had come fully under Russian control, highly coincidental timing that suggests that the current strife in Uzbekistan has been orchestrated as a means to eventually lead to further destabilisation along Russia’s southern border, just as Lukashenko predicted.


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    Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Support him on Patreon.

    Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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