Russians ‘undesirable’ at death camp commemoration events in Germany – Moscow

Berlin’s “provocative attack” is an attempt to distort the history of World War II, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said
Russians ‘undesirable’ at death camp commemoration events in Germany – Moscow

Russia’s diplomatic mission in Berlin has received a notice that the presence of Russian officials at events in Germany marking the liberation of Nazi concentration camps is “undesirable,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

The letter was sent earlier this month by the administrations of several memorial complexes at the sites of former death camps, Zakharova explained. It came ahead of International Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps Day, observed annually on April 11 to commemorate the freeing of prisoners from Buchenwald – one of the largest Nazi death camps of World War II.

“Our embassy in Berlin received a notice that it is undesirable for Russian officials to participate in commemorative events marking the 79th anniversary of the liberation of death camp prisoners,” Zakharova said during a briefing. She noted that the letter targeted people who have dedicated their lives to preserving the memory of World War II.

Zakharova stressed that Moscow regards the move as a “provocative attack” and yet another attempt to portray the war in a politicized “anti-Russian vein.” 

“We believe that this is the destruction of historical memory and the truth about the Second World War by Berlin,” the spokeswoman said

Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union is estimated to have caused the deaths of over 26 million people, including some 13.6 million civilians. Despite the catastrophic losses, the Red Army played a pivotal role in defeating Nazi Germany and pushed its forces out of Eastern Europe, liberating many concentration camps, including the infamous Auschwitz.

Zakharova also criticized Germany for continuing to ignore Russia’s demands to recognize Nazi crimes against the USSR as genocide, stressing that Berlin “will not be able to remain silent and avoid answering.”

In January, on the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad during World War II, Berlin said it was “committed to ensuring that the memory of the atrocities of German War crimes in the Second World War” and acknowledged “its historical responsibility for the crimes committed in Leningrad by the German Wehrmacht.”

Russian diplomats, however, have argued that Berlin’s statements do not go far enough, and expressed dismay that Germany is seemingly hesitant to recognize the Leningrad blockade and other Nazi crimes against the people of the USSR as acts of genocide.


Dmitry Trenin: The US is crawling away from Ukraine

Talk about victory for Kiev has disappeared as Washington becomes a ‘back seat driver’
Dmitry Trenin: The US is crawling away from Ukraine

The Istanbul agreements – a tentative peace plan agreed between Russia and Ukraine in the spring of 2022  – are being discussed again. However, as they were written at the time they are no longer relevant and are unlikely to be of any use in the future. The realities on the ground and in the hearts and minds of many key people, have changed completely.

Nevertheless, it’s no coincidence that talk of negotiations began in Switzerland just as it became clear, to Westerners, that the Ukrainians are unable to make any progress. I am not talking about victory, but about any meaningful success on the battlefield. And thus it has become necessary to somehow limit Russia’s potential for success, to prevent it from winning. 

This is not coming from Ukraine itself, but rather the enemy with whom we are now really at war. The desire to prevent a Russian victory is behind all these diplomatic machinations.

What we are really talking about now is a propaganda campaign.  Of course nobody in the West is in a mood for serious negotiations right now.

Let me explain what it means. From our point of view, genuine talks are ones that would solve the problem that led to the military operation. If we do not solve it, we will all face a new war in the future, and perhaps a more terrible one, with more serious consequences. Thus, as they say, if you take up arms, you must go to the end, to achieve a solution to the problem that made you take take such a measure in the first place. 

The West, and they say this quite openly, is trying to prevent a victory for Moscow. And they are trying to do this in two ways. One is by pumping arms and money into Ukraine. And the other is diplomatic, by creating the appearance of some kind of negotiations. 

This is diplomatic propaganda. The idea is to get dozens upon dozens of countries together, to take a group photo, and put psychological pressure on the Russian leadership. But I am convinced that they are all well aware unless Moscow achieves the stated goals of the current military operation, everything is largely irrelevant.

Otherwise, the sacrifices that Russia has made, ranging from battlefield casualties to numerous other constraints, will be in vain.

At the same time, the Americans are crawling away from the front line. They are still in charge but, as Obama used to say, they are now a “backseat driver.” Basically, they are doing everything they can to ensure that they do not suffer in the event of a collision. They want the people in the front of the vehicle to suffer. And, of course, the Americans are not so much tired of Kiev as they are tired of having to spread their resources, which are not unlimited, in different directions. 

Yes, they are huge, but, I repeat, they are no longer unlimited. Today, the Middle East is strategically much more important than Ukraine.

You may notice that I am not even talking about the issue of China, which the Americans see as existential in terms of their role in world affairs. Will they continue to be number one or will they become number two and so on? For many there, such as scenario is a death knell.

Now we have the opportunity to play the long game, to calmly observe and properly assess the ongoing machinations in the West. That is why it is interesting to see what is being said today about the negotiations and how they are being conducted, rather than the obligatory blather about Russia’s defeat on the battlefield. This kind of talk in itself is a plus for us.

We know that they also understand that they cannot defeat us and are trying to move to the next point of retreat. However the rhetoric is still about the impossibility of allowing our victory. But for us, partial victory will be equivalent to defeat. The West will be able to influence the situation in our country in every possible way if we fail to achieve the stated goals of military operation.

I think time is working in our favor. Let’s see what happens in the United States before the election, what happens during it, what happens afterwards. But at the same time, while our enemy is preoccupied with its internal problems, while its strategic vision for the Middle East, East Asia and Ukraine is in turmoil, we ourselves must make progress. 

Real, serious successes on the battlefield, which I understand the Russian army is now carrying out.



Exclusive — Peter Navarro’s In Trump Time: Goal Is to Put ‘Sociopath’ Fauci ‘in an Orange Jumpsuit’

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 27: White House Trade and Manufacturing Policy Director Peter Navar
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a “sociopath” and “narcissist” who deserves to be in jail based on his “lie of omission” in January 2020 alone, Peter Navarro told Breitbart News Saturday, outlining one of the central goals of his book In Trump Time, one of which is to “get Fauci fired and in jail.”

Navarro, who served as director of Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy (OTMP) under former President Trump, walked through his experience with the White House Chief medical adviser, as detailed in his book, which should be on the New York Times’ bestseller list but will not be, despite having plentiful book sales — enough appear No. 3 on the list.

“The mission of the book is to get Fauci fired and in jail, hold communist China accountable for the weapon that they inflicted on the American people, and get to the bottom of what happened on both the November 3 and January 6,” he said, explaining it is based on his daily journal.

Navarro spoke a bit about his experience with Fauci, noting that he told Trump to fire him twice. He identified former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney as a “huge coward” who opposed the move, because he did not want to deal with “blowback” from firing him.

“My money back guarantee for the In Trump Time book is … if you don’t think Fauci belongs in jail, I’ll give you double your money back,” he said, noting that a number of confrontations are outlined in the book and adding that he was the only one in the administration to have the “cajones” to stand up to Fauci, whom he described as a “sociopath.”


One of the biggest infractions committed by Fauci, Navarro said, was his lie of commission in January 2020. While it was problematic he opposed Trump’s China travel ban, the bigger issue was the lie of omission, withholding what he knew at the time, the author explained.

“He knew that the virus came from Wuhan. He knew it that it popped up literally within yards of a Wuhan bioweapons lab.  Therefore it was likely from the lab. He knew that the had funded that lab “both directly and indirectly,” Navarro said, adding that Fauci also knew that in 2017, he worked to “overturn the gain-of-function ban.”

“The logical, ethical, moral and nationalistic thing to do” would have been to go to the president and task force and lay all of that out, Navarro said, explaining that the virus may be genetically engineered, weaponized, and from the lab. 

That, Navarro explained, would have immediately put the U.S. on a “war time footing.” Additionally, with that information, Navarro said the U.S. would have pressured communist China to reveal the original genome of the virus, allowing the U.S. to manufacture a more complex “true vaccine rather than experimental technology we have now.”

“So Fauci, just on that lie of omission, belongs in jail,” Navarro said. “The blood of millions of people worldwide are on his hands.”

As detailed in the book, Navarro also fought Fauci on therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine. If they flooded the zone with such treatments at the time, Navarro said, over 300,000 Americans would be alive today, noting that is “more blood on Fauci.” 

“The Fauci theme runs throughout the book,” Navarro continued, adding that he is “coming at him head on.”

“We’ve got Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s new book The Real Anthony Fauci that is just come out. I’m working with Bobby on this. We want to take Fauci down and put him in an orange jumpsuit,” Navarro said.

“Clearly, he tried to cover this up,” he said of Fauci, pointing to everything he knew in January 2020 — namely, the information he withheld. 

“I can’t read into the mind of a sociopath like Fauci, but it may well be he was hoping that somehow, this virus wouldn’t be as bad and simply go away.”

While he said he tried to take down Fauci, he added, “I didn’t prevail, and now you’ve got Fauci wanting to jab 6-year-olds and talking about the importance of control over the American people.”

People now “physically loathe this little control freak,” Navarro added.

“And he needs to be not just fired but in jail. He need to be in jail. Hey lied to Congress. He lied to Rand Paul. He lied to the American people,” he said, calling him a sociopath and narcissist.

Navarro’s book In Trump Time is available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble.

Top UK Newspaper Says USA Civil War ‘Increasingly Plausible’ & ‘More’ Insurrections Likely: ARE YOU READY???

Top UK Newspaper Says USA Civil War ‘Increasingly Plausible’ & ‘More’ Insurrections Likely

by Kelen McBreen

Establishment media continues pushing divisive rhetoric as the ruling class loses influence over the masses

The Metro, Britain’s most circulated freesheet tabloid newspaper, ran an article on Thursday claiming the United States could soon go through a second civil war.

“Second US civil war becoming ‘increasingly plausible’ as more insurrections likely,” reads the headline.

The article claimed slavery was the key cause of the Civil War before jumping to modern times and labeling the January 6th setup a deadly “insurrection.”

The piece focused on a study by a California State University San Bernardino team of researchers comparing the “social psychology of the United States of the 1850s to today.”

The team claimed there are “striking similarities” between pre-Civil War America and the modern social climate.

After painting the picture that America is headed for another domestic fight, the authors offered a gloomy prediction for the future, writing, “We argue the likelihood of protracted social and political conflicts lasting decades – if not generations – are essentially inevitable and will engulf public administration as well.”

Overall, the publication concluded that if an all-out civil war doesn’t take place, other politically motivated social turmoil will almost undoubtedly occur.

The paper even suggested a person or group may refuse to “relinquish power,” perhaps insinuating Donald Trump wants to become a dictator as mainstream media and Democrat politicians have repeatedly claimed.

“At least for the foreseeable future, more likely are trajectories moving toward other types of social unrest short of civil war – ongoing civil strife, additional insurrections, decades-long intraregional political gridlock causing widespread administrative dysfunction, and even a failure to relinquish power,” the researchers wrote.

This was published just after the film “Civil War” was released, in what many people are calling a blatant example of “predictive programming” by the elite.

The social engineers want Americans distracted and divided so they can pillage our resources as we focus our attention on each other instead of the people responsible for destroying the greatest nation in the world.



The Italian state does not trust Italian Citizens anymore: THE TIME HAS COME TO DO THIS "STATE" AWAY


Arriva l’assurda proposta: migranti regolari nell’esercito italiano in cambio della cittadinanza

È una proposta davvero eteroclita e assai discutibile quella di arruolare migranti regolari nelle forze armate italiane in cambio del rilascio della cittadinanza. No, non è pura fantasia. Si tratta dell’idea al vaglio del Ministero della Difesa guidato da Guido Crosetto, secondo quel che in esclusiva riportano alcuni organi di stampa.
Vedremo poi se l’idea effettivamente si affermerà, ma intanto già il fatto che sia stata maturata non deve passare sotto silenzio e deve anzi costituire oggetto di un’analisi critica, com’è quella che ora vi propongo. Nel capitale Marx impiega l’immagine dell’esercito industriale di riserva per spiegare come il sistema capitalistico impieghi disoccupati di ogni genere per fare pressioni concorrenziali al ribasso sulla classe lavoratrice. Detto altrimenti, se tu lavori, ex ipotesi, a 10 euro all’ora, c’è sempre qualcuno là fuori che costituisce un esercito industriale di riserva e che è disposto a tutto per lavorare e dunque esercita una concorrenza al ribasso sulla tua condizione.

Abbiamo impiegato la metafora marxiana dell’esercito industriale di riserva in più occasioni per spiegare il motivo per cui oggi il capitalismo desideri massimamente l’immigrazione di massa. Il capitalismo desidera oggi l’immigrazione di massa appunto per avere un esercito industriale di riserva, cioè per avere braccia a basso costo disponibili da sfruttare e con le quali oltretutto abbassare i costi della forza lavoro in generale mediante la richiamata leva della concorrenza ribasso. Ebbene sembra che ora l’esercito industriale di riserva dei migranti esca dall’ambito meramente metaforico a cui lo relegava Marx e diventi esercito reale.
Non sfugga neppure il ricatto della cittadinanza concessa solo a coloro i quali imbracceranno le armi. Si potrebbe allora forse parlare di cittadinanza per ius belli? Dopo lo ius soli sta davvero arrivando lo ius belli? Che il capitalismo dominante consideri e tratti i migranti come semplice manovalanza a basso costo e ora anche eventualmente come semplice carne da macello da mandare al fronte, la dice lunga sulla stucchevole pappa del cuore delle retoriche dell’accoglienza, dell’integrazione e dell’imperdibile incontro culturale. Lo sappiamo molto bene, dietro le retoriche dell’immigrazione come accoglienza e integrazione si nasconde sempre, nemmeno troppo bene a dire il vero, la vecchia faccia dello sfruttamento capitalistico.

Come sempre, dietro l’arcobaleno si occulta il grigio della spietata civiltà frammentata del turbocapitalismo, che usa tutto e tutti come semplici strumenti da cui ricavare plus lavoro. Ebbene, in questo contesto la vicenda discussa mi pare che sia davvero emblematica e dovrebbe indurre alla riflessione quanti in questi anni hanno celebrato l’immigrazione di massa come se fosse realmente in gioco l’accoglienza o come se fosse realmente in gioco l’integrazione. Nulla di tutto questo, come ricordavo.
E ora la vicenda di cui stiamo discutendo credo giovi a una più attenta comprensione dei reali rapporti di forza e, come si è detto, di quel che autenticamente si nasconde dietro le pratiche dell’immigrazione di massa. I migranti non sono desiderati in quanto occasione di incontro multiculturale o in quanto destinati a pagarci la pensione, come un certo discorso va dicendo. Al contrario, vengono utilizzati per essere sfruttati, per abbassare i costi della forza lavoro e non in ultimo, forse, per essere mandati al fronte a morire per la NATO e per il suo imperialismo. Questo mi permette di ribadire una cosa ovvia, ma che ritengo utile riproporre, ovvero che i nostri nemici non sono i migranti, ma coloro i quali usano i migranti per condurre la guerra di classe dell’alto contro il basso.

Radioattività – Lampi del pensiero quotidiano con Diego Fusaro

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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