Foto: Wolfgang Schäuble (über dts Nachrichtenagentur)
Eilt: Wolfgang Schäuble ist tot
Wolfgang Schäuble ist tot. Er starb in der Nacht zu Mittwoch im Alter von 81 Jahren im Kreise seiner Familie, wie mehrere Medien übereinstimmend berichteten. Bis zuletzt war Schäuble als dienstältester Abgeordneter für die CDU im Bundestag, dem er seit 1972 ununterbrochen angehörte.
Im Jahr 1990 war er maßgeblich an der Aushandlung des Einigungsvertrags beteiligt, seit einem Attentat auf ihn im gleichen Jahr war er querschnittgelähmt und saß im Rollstuhl. Über die Jahre bekleidete Schäuble diverse Ämter, unter anderem war er CDU-Parteichef, Unionsfraktionsvorsitzender, Chef des Bundeskanzleramtes, Innenminister und Finanzminister. Von 2017 bis 2021 war er der Bundestagspräsident.
Das politische Berlin trauert nun natürlich aufrichtig, oder weniger aufrichtig um den verstorbenen ehemaligen Bundestagspräsidenten Wolfgang Schäuble. “Mit dem Tod von Wolfgang Schäuble geht eine beeindruckende und sehr lange Politikerkarriere zu Ende”, sagte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD). “Sein Intellekt, seine Freude an der demokratischen Auseinandersetzung, sein konservatives Weltbild und seine rhetorische Schärfe zeichneten ihn in all dieser Zeit ganz besonders aus”, so Scholz.
“Ich verliere mit Wolfgang Schäuble meinen engsten Freund und Ratgeber, den ich in der Politik je hatte”, sagte CDU-Chef Friedrich Merz. Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) hob Schäubles Rolle bei der deutschen und europäischen Einigung hervor. Kaum ein Politiker habe die jüngste deutsche Geschichte und demokratische Kultur so geprägt wie er, sagte sie.
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Trump shouldn’t be immune from prosecution – Biden
The former president has been criminally charged for allegedly provoking the Capitol Hill riot
President Joe Biden has said that he “can’t think of one” former
president who should be immune from criminal prosecution. His comment
came after the Supreme Court declined to hear a case that would have
decided whether former President Donald Trump could be tried for
instigating the 2021 Capitol Hill riot.
Asked by a reporter whether “any president at all” should be shielded from criminal charges, Biden replied on Saturday that he “can’t think of one.”
day earlier, the US Supreme Court rejected a petition by government
prosecutor Jack Smith to fast-track a decision on whether Trump could be
tried over a speech he gave to his supporters before the January 6,
2021 riot on Capitol Hill. Prior to the incident, Trump told his
followers to “fight like hell” against Biden’s electoral victory, which Congress was certifying that day.
Smith alleges that Trump’s speech – during which the then-president also encouraged his supporters to demonstrate “peacefully and patriotically”
– provoked the riot. Smith charged Trump in August with conspiracy to
defraud the US, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and
conspiracy against rights.
Trump’s lawyers argue that such speeches were part of “his official responsibilities as president,” and that he is therefore immune from legal consequences. Trump himself has dismissed Smith’s case as a “pathetic
attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of
Justice to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election.”
the Supreme Court’s decision, the immunity issue will now be decided by
a Washington, DC appeals court in January, with the losing side certain
to take the case back up to the Supreme Court. This process will almost
certainly delay Trump’s trial past its projected March 4 start date,
potentially stalling it until after next year’s presidential election.
the US economy flagging and Biden’s approval ratings stubbornly low,
Biden has tried to portray Trump as an existential threat to democracy
ahead of the two rivals’ looming electoral rematch. In a memo circulated
earlier this week, Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez,
accused Trump of “election denialism,” adding that “We are treating this election like it will determine the fate of American democracy – because it will.”
Trump’s campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, shot back that “Crooked Joe Biden is an existential threat to democracy by weaponizing lawfare and disenfranchising voters on a wide scale.”
well as leading the January 6 case, Smith is also overseeing the
prosecution of Trump over his alleged mishandling of classified
documents, while the former president is facing state-level charges in
Georgia and New York, as well as numerous civil lawsuits.
is currently the subject of an impeachment inquiry led by congressional
Republicans, with the probe centered around his alleged
influence-peddling and involvement in his son’s foreign business
It is safe to say that nobody can hold a light to Socrates. Nobody has forecast war three years in advance as you did in 2011. Nobody has predicted a Middle East War in advance as you did two years ago. Even your posts on Turkey and its conflict with NATO, our bases there, and Erodan’s dream of restoring the Ottoman Empire. Everywhere I look, I see your forecast coming to life before my eyes. I can see World War III unfolding in a calamity of self-interests clashing with stupidity.
Besides market forecasts, your approach in creating Socrates to cope with the entire spectrum from politics to war has been a profound step forward in analysis. You deserve more than a Nobel Prize. You have achieved something significant for mankind.
REPLY:Thank you. You have hit the nail on the head a – “calamity of self-interests clashing with stupidity.” I see the world as the Biblical story of Joseph telling the Pharoah there will be 7 years of plenty and 7 years of drought. This story attempts to tell us that there is a business cycle, and we better live with it. Marx, Keynes, and Central Banks all attempted to either manipulate the business cycle or terminate it.
This was from Geneva 10 years ago. War comes when there is economic distress, set in motion with COVID-19 locking everyone down. Businesses closed, people lost their jobs, and the elite thought this was no big deal. You cannot raise interest rates to solve a shortage of food or to make it rain.
2011 WEC Philadelphia
On December 3rd, 2013, I posted that Socrates had pinpointed where this would all begin as Ukraine. On February 5th, 2014, I also warned that anti-semitism and pro-Nazism would rise again. I want to stress that these forecasts are NOT my personal opinion. The sooner people wake up and understand that everything has a cycle, the sooner we can reach a new paradigm in our political economy.
We are headed into World War III, as the computer has forecast, starting here in 2023 because all the old tensions in the world between people and nations will tear the world apart. We are witnessing anti-semitism rising around the world in Russia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. This is extremely dangerous because it crosses all borders and raises old myths that have emerged from Jews and their connection to banking. For you see, Christians and Muslims had the sin of usury, so they could not engage in banking. That is what was really behind the Protestant Reformation that was usurped and funded by the “billionaires” of those days who wanted to engage in banking but would be excommunicated if they did. The Protestant Reformation was funded and eliminated the sin of usury so Christians could enter the banking field.
Jews were typically targeted when there was an economic downturn. Spain targeted Jews and Muslims and confiscated their assets. Edward I of England borrowed from the Jews to fund his war with France, and when he could not repay, he suddenly discovered they were Jews and expelled them from England, but defaulted on his loans and confiscated all their property.
It has been the religion of the Jews that has been the excuse to target the Jews when it traces back to economics. Both Hitler and Mussolini rose to power following the depression post-World War I, which was revenge led by France against Germany for past wars. Turn down the economy, and you get civil unrest and war. Even my dogs watch everything I do and connect the dogs to anticipate where I will go next or what I will do. It seems like nobody wants to look at history to connect the dots, as even my dogs do.
In 139 BC, Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Hispanus expelled all Jews from the city of Rome. Then, in 63 BC, as a result of Pompey’s conquest of the East12,000 Jews were killed, and many more were sent into the diaspora, which was the biblical dispersion of Israelites or Jews out of their ancient ancestral homeland. In 59 BC, Cicero criticized Jews for being too influential in public assemblies. He also refers to Jews and Syrians as “races born to be slaves.” Then we come to 19AD, during the reign of Roman Emperor Tiberius (14-37AD), who also expelled the Jews from Rome. Most of the prejudice of the Jews in Rome was similar to that of the Christians – both refused to worship the gods of Rome.
Anti-semitism will continue to rise, and this will divide nations and peoples within nations because of old myths that they have no idea why they even exist.
As I have said, the old tensions and disagreements will fester and split the world apart. It is irrelevant if they ever had any basis in truth. The old hatred will rise again. Even Crimea has been fought over for millennia. It was part of the Pontus Kingdom, which stretched around most of the Black Sea. There is a vast historical database that Socrates refers to to determine where and when such events will unfold. That is why the CIA wanted the source code.
The Fed Chairman, when Bretton Woods collapsed, took the view that the business cycle always won. I spoke with Paul Volcker, and he agreed that the business cycle was about 8 years. He also concluded post-1975 in what he called the Rediscovery of the Business Cycle.
What I hope to leave behind is that there is the existence of cycles. If we understand humanity and connect the dots, we can create a world that is much better for all of us, and we will not have to freeze to death with no fossil fuels and eat bugs.