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VDL humiliated as six EU rebels force bloc to change Russia sanctions plan

URSULA VON DER LEYEN has been humiliated with the EU forced to amend its proposed plan to cut Russian oil after backlash from six rebel members.

Ursula von der Leyen lays out further sanctions on Russia

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The European Commission has had to suggest changes to the planned embargo of Russian oil after Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic unleashed their fury at the plans. Greece, Malta and Cyprus also had concerns. It comes after Commission President Ms Von der Leyen announced this week plans to completely ban all Russian oil from Europe as Vladimir Putin continues to unleash havoc in Ukraine.

She said in the proposal to European Parliament this week: “This will be a complete ban on all Russian oil, seaborn and pipeline, crude and refined.

“We will make sure that we phase out Russian oil in an orderly fashion so in a way that allows us and our partners to secure alternative supply routes and at the same time be very careful that we minimise the impact on the global market.”

But the proposal was torn apart by the rebel states which argued that more time was needed for their economies to cope with the embargo.

According the EU sources, Euractiv reports that an amended proposal would give the rebel nations more help to upgrade their oil infrastructure.

It came after Slovakia tore apart the EU’s original plan as it stressed it needed more time to search for alternative fuel, despite being given a year longer, along with Hungary, than the rest of the bloc to adapt to the ban.

Von der leyen

Von der Leyen has been forced to amend her plans to sanction Russian oil (Image: Getty )


The EU wants to ban all Russian oil from Europe (Image: Getty )

Slovakian Deputy Economy Minister Karol Galek told Politico: "This is unfortunately not enough.

“We are expecting at least three years."

Hungary also rejected the proposal on similar grounds.

Budapest has argued that the oil sanctions do not provide any guarantees for its energy security and has demanded that the plan be changed.

The Czech Republic also called for a longer phase period or exemption like that Hungary and Slovakia were permitted.

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Galek said Slovakia does not back the EU plan (Image: Getty )

The amendment to the EU plans would allow a three-month transition before banning EU ships from moving Russian oil, marking a change from the one month that was initially proposed.

This comes after the original plan sparked concerns among Greece, Malta and Cyprus over their shipping companies

All three nations expressed fears about this proposal to ban oil tankers under the EU flag or under EU control from carrying Russian oil as they were worried that ships from other countries will take over.

But the large bulk of EU members appeared to agree that a ban on Russian oil tankers will be able to batter Vladimir Putin’s economy as the EU hands a staggering amount to Russia for oil imports.

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Hungary unleashed fury at the EU plan (Image: Getty )


The EU handed Russia billions for oil imports last year (Image: Express)

Last year, the EU imported €48.5billion (£38billion) of crude oil in 2021, and €22.5billion (£19billion) of petroleum oils other than crude.

And it currently still relies on Russia for 26 percent of its oil imports.

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Ukrainian energy advisor Pavlo Kutvah told Express.co.uk that Ms von der Leyen’s plan will deal a “huge blow” to Putin.

He said: “The Russian economic model is that of a gas station essentially. They are selling oil and gas and that is their main revenue, and this is what funds both their corrupt elite and their war effort.

“So, of course, any kind of hit to that is a huge blow to the Russian economy and a huge step towards pacifying Russia.”






Il giovane Macron, il Napoleone della politica Francese, non se la passa proprio molto bene. Calo della popolarità, progetti europei in panne, politica italiana che non è più direttamente comandata dai detentori delle Legion d’Onore (anche se troppi Alti Funzionari sono andati a festeggiare la nazionale francese a Palazzo Farnese, che ha orecchi per intendere intenda), e casi di corruszione nel neonato partito, ed è quasi un record. Sarebbe interessante fare una ricerca mondiale su quanti partiti nati da poco più di due anni abbiano già i cali che oggi presenta LREM, La Republique En MArche, il partito Macroniano.

Anche se non lo avete sentito, nè lo sentirete, in nessun media italiano, soprattutto su Repubblica -Espresso, uno scandalo scuote LREM. Thierry Solére, deputato del partito di Macron proveniente dal centrodestra di Sarkozy è stato messo in stato di arresto per una serie di accuse su reati piuttosto pesanti: Corruzione, Abuso d’ufficio su beni sociali, finanziamento illecito della campagna elettorale, frode fiscale, violazione degli obblighi di dichiarazione, traffico d’influenze. I fatti risalirebbero al 2012 e sono sotto l’occhio del Office central de lutte contre la corruption et les infractions financières et fiscales (OCLCIFF) una sigla non certo semplice ma di peso nel quadro giudizioario d’Oltralpe. Il deputato aveva perso l’immunità già l’11 luglio. Gli hanno fatto passare a casa la festa della Repubblica.

Tra l’altro questo non è l’unico filone d’indagine perchè uno parallelo, non ancora giunto al termine viene a seguire le attività di consulenza volte dalla sua compagna. Eppure Solére ha il perfetto pedigree macroniano: dirigente industriale della società Alanpur, che si occupa del riciclaggio ecologico dei pneumatici, ma anche capataz degli ex gollisti del suo distretto, era il personaggio perfetto per il nuovo partito del giovane Bonaparte. Lo scandalo poi coinvolge l’ex ministro della giustizia, questa volta socialista, Jean Jacques Urvoas, accusato di violazione dei segreti d’ufficio per averlo avvisato delle inchieste a suo carico già a giugno.

Insomma un quadretto eprfetto in cui ex gollisti ed ex socialisti collaborano in modo fraterno, per l’avanzamento della Francia.