OSHA suspends Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate after court challenge


OSHA suspends Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate after court challenge

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has suspended enforcement of the Biden administration’s sweeping COVID-19 vaccine mandate for large companies after a federal appeals court upheld a decision to pause it last week.

“While OSHA remains confident in its authority to protect workers in emergencies, OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS [Emergency Temporary Standard] pending future developments in the litigation,” OSHA said in a statement on its website.

Biden announced the mandate in September and asked OSHA to draft up workplace rules that implement the order, which would mandate that every company with 100 or more employees either require they get the COVID-19 vaccine or get tested weekly and wear face masks.

Companies that failed to comply would face a $14,000 fine for every infraction, according to the OSHA rules, which were set to take effect on Jan. 4 before the courts got involved.

Last week, a three-member panel of the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans cited “grave statutory and constitutional” concerns in upholding the stay on implementation of the mandate.

The appeals court initially issued an emergency stay on enforcement of the rules on Nov. 6 before affirming that decision last week.

Joe Biden.
President Biden announced the vaccine mandate in September and asked OSHA to draft up workplace rules that implement the order.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The requirement, which would affect over 84 million workers, prompted legal challenges from over two dozen state attorneys general, as well as from religious and business groups, who argue it is unconstitutional.

While Republican politicians have vocally opposed the mandate, even some Democrats, such as Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly, have objected to Biden’s directive.

The Biden administration has argued the mandate is necessary to put an end to the pandemic and reopen the economy, and that halting its implementation could lead to dozens or even hundreds of deaths.

OSHA statement.
“OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS [Emergency Temporary Standard],” the organization announced in a statement about the mandate.

“The mandate is a one-size-fits-all sledgehammer that makes hardly any attempt to account for differences in workplaces (and workers),” Circuit Judge Kurt Engelhardt wrote for the panel in its opinion.

“The public interest is also served by maintaining our constitutional structure and maintaining the liberty of individuals to make intensely personal decisions according to their own convictions – even, or perhaps particularly, when those decisions frustrate government officials,” Engelhardt wrote in the decision.

Despite the legal challenge, the Biden administration has asked companies to voluntarily enforce a vaccine mandate, arguing that it will ultimately save them money and help operations.

Anti-vaccine protesters.
The Biden administration has argued that halting the vaccine mandate could lead to dozens or even hundreds of deaths.
Rebecca Blackwell/AP

“We think people should not wait. We say do not wait to take actions that will keep your workplace safe. It is important and critical to do and waiting to get more people vaccinated will lead to more outbreaks and sickness,” White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said last week at a White House press briefing.

“This is about keeping people in the workplace safe. And so what we’re seeing is more businesses and school closures and more lost jobs that keep us stuck in a pandemic that we’re trying to end.”

She added: “We’re trying to get past this pandemic and we know a way to do that is to get people vaccinated. So people should not wait. They should continue to go move forward and make sure that they’re getting their workplace vaccinated.”

Additional reporting by Steven Nelson


Conte si arrende: niente Proroga a fine anno! L’Emergenza finirà il 31 luglio!

Trump ha fermato Giuseppi e il “Deep State” italiano?

Usa, Trump: “Ci aspettano due settimane molto dure. Attesi fino a ...

Nessuna proroga dello stato di emergenza fino al 31 dicembre, nessuna proroga dello stato di emergenza fino al 31 ottobre, ma proroga fino al 31 luglio!

Facciamo un passo indietro per capire cosa è successo. Qualche giorno fa Conte aveva parlato di volere prorogare lo stato emergenziale, che gli avrebbe permesso di gestire il Paese con i suoi assurdi dpcm fino a fine anno. Subito si è sollevata la protesta, soprattutto di autorevoli scienziati, come il prof. Zangrillo, che hanno smascherato il Conte dittatore: come fai a prorogare l’emergenza se l’emergenza (da intendersi come un virus in grado di riempire gli ospedali) è finita quasi tre mesi fa e lo stesso virus è mutato in una forma più debole? Allora lo fai solo per questioni di potere”. 

Con le spalle al muro, Conte ha cercato di resistere affermando che la richiesta gli era pervenuta dai virologi del suo clan di scienziati (ma non ha fornito i nomi dei richiedenti) e poi ha giocato la carta del compromesso: proroga fino al 31 ottobre. Ma non è servito perchè nel frattempo sembra che Trump… sì, il presidente Usa si sia mosso per impedire che si consumasse in Italia un secondo colpo di stato.

Nei giorni scorsi vi avevamo anticipato di malumori di Washington sulle ultime cazzate di Giuseppi, tra cui i continui avvicinamenti al governo cinese di Xi. Trump aveva fatto intendere di essere contrario alla proroga, fino al punto di essere pronto, se necessario, a difendere il popolo italiano (gli Usa hanno in Italia oltre 20.000 soldati, forze speciali, carri armati, aerei, ecc.) contro un governo lontano anni luce dai bisogni del popolo.

E alla fine Conte si è dovuto arrendere, anche perchè in Europa le cose gli stanno andando molto male con figuracce continue tra MES, Recovery Fund e diktat di tedeschi e olandesi. Anzichè presentarsi lui, ha preferito mandare il suo ministro della salute, il “fanatico dei vaccini”, Roberto Speranza, che, con tono molto incazzato, ha affermato che il nuovo dpcm prorogherà l’emergenza solo fino al 31 luglio.

In realtà, lo stato di emergenza era stato già fissato con scadenza al 31 luglio, ma pochi ci hanno fatto caso, poichè alcune delle misure emergenziali specifiche terminavano di avere effetto il 14 luglio. Speranza ha dovuto alzare bandiera bianca. Chissà se ha letto le ultime notizie sul suo vaccino.

Quelli di AstraZeneca hanno affermato che il loro vaccino non blocca il contagio, che ci sarebbe bisogno di più tempo… e che è meglio distribuirlo senza sperimentarlo… Non è da escludere che Trump abbia chiamato Mattarella per ricordargli che l’Italia è “cosa americana” e che è arrivato il momento di finirla con Giuseppi e le sue ambizioni da dittatore dei poveri.

Trump pronto ad intervenire per impedire la Svolta autoritaria di Conte!

L’Italia e gli Usa sono soprattutto “alleati militari” e una svolta autoritaria in Italia non sarebbe mai accettata dalla CIA. Questo è bene metterlo subito in chiaro onde sgombrare il campo da equivoci di fondo. Ma quello che fa imbestialire The Donald, è lo stretto rapporto che il governo Conte 2 ha imbastito con la Cina nell’ultimo anno.

Se ne parla in questo video, tutto da ascoltare, di Dentro La Notizia.

A Trump non piace nemmeno il MES e l’idea che l’Italia lo accolga determinerebbe una reazione che in questo momento non si può preventivare. Egli è consapevole che le politiche del governo Conte 2 mirano a impoverire la popolazione e renderla favorevole ad una soluzione autoritaria, ma per ragioni strategiche gli Usa non possono perdere l’Italia, dove hanno basi importanti e 20.000 soldati, pronti ad entrare in azione quando l’ordine sarà impartitoTrump, inoltre, desidera che l’Italia esca dall’UE, come avvenuto con la Gran Bretagna (è stato lui a indurre Johnson a mollare i tedeschi e il pericolso 5G dei cinesi).

Accordi Italia-Cina firmati oggi dal presidente Xi Jinping ...

E l’uomo di punta dei cinesi in Italia per il 5G è Davide Casaleggio, lobbysta numero uno che, proprio il 7 luglio, si è incontrato con Conte. Pochi istanti dopo, quella riunione è stata denunciata da una deputata repubblicana vicina a Trump, DeAnna Lorraine, che si è detta preoccupatissima. Si parla anche di una telefonata che Trump potrebbe fare a Mattarella per chiedergli (anzi, ordinargli) di fermare al più presto Conte e la sua deriva dittatoriale cinese, prima che lo faccia lui con altri metodi.

Il video si conclude con uno scenario inquietante. Trump non interverrà se prima non noterà una scintilla da parte del popolo. O cercherà di non farlo. Se scattasse una situazione particolare, invece sì. Del resto, non è un segreto che gli americani abbiano piani per muoversi e subito prendere il controllo della situazione con una manovra a tenaglia, che vedrebbe congiungersi le forze dislocate in Sicilia e al sud con quelle schierate nel nord-est. Se ciò si rendesse necessario…

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How Fauci Fooled America


How Fauci Fooled America

 0 2

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When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump‘s chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.

Here are the key issues:

Natural immunity. By pushing vaccine mandates, Dr. Fauci ignores naturally acquired immunity among the COVID-recovered, of which there are more than 45 million in the United States. Mounting evidence indicates that natural immunity is stronger and longer lasting than vaccine-induced immunity. In a study from Israel, the vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get symptomatic COVID than the unvaccinated who had recovered from a prior infection.

We have known about natural immunity from disease at least since the Athenian Plague in 430 BC. Pilots, truckers and longshoremen know about it, and nurses know it better than anyone. Under Fauci’s mandates, hospitals are firing heroic nurses who recovered from COVID they contracted while caring for patients. With their superior immunity, they can safely care for the oldest and frailest patients with even lower transmission risk than the vaccinated.

Protecting the elderly. While anyone can get infected, there is more than a thousand-fold difference in mortality risk between the old and the young. After more than 700,000 reported COVID deaths in America, we now know that lockdowns failed to protect high-risk older people. When confronted with the idea of focused protection of the vulnerable, Dr. Fauci admitted he had no idea how to accomplish it, arguing that it would be impossible. That may be understandable for a lab scientist, but public health scientists have presented many concrete suggestions that would have helped, had Fauci and other officials not ignored them.

What can we do now to minimize COVID mortality? Current vaccination efforts should focus on reaching people over 60 who are neither COVID-recovered nor vaccinated, including hard-to-reach, less-affluent people in rural areas and inner cities. Instead, Dr. Fauci has pushed vaccine mandates for children, students and working-age adults who are already immune—all low-risk populations—causing tremendous disruption to labor markets and hampering the operation of many hospitals.

School closures. Schools are major transmission points for influenza, but not for COVID. While children do get infected, their risk for COVID death is minuscule, lower than their already low risk of dying from the flu. Throughout the 2020 spring wave, Sweden kept daycare and schools open for all its 1.8 million children ages 1 to 15, with no masks, testing or social distancing. The result? Zero COVID deaths among children and a COVID risk to teachers lower than the average of other professions. In fall 2020, most European countries followed suit, with similar results. Considering the devastating effects of school closures on children, Dr. Fauci’s advocacy for school closures may be the single biggest mistake of his career.

Masks. The gold standard of medical research is randomized trials, and there have now been two on COVID masks for adults. For children, there is no solid scientific evidence that masks work. A Danish study found no statistically significant difference between masking and not masking when it came to coronavirus infection. In a study in Bangladesh, the 95 percent confidence interval showed that masks reduced transmission between 0 percent and 18 percent. Hence, masks are either of zero or limited benefit. There are many more critical pandemic measures that Dr. Fauci could have emphasized, such as better ventilation in schools and hiring nursing home staff with natural immunity.

Contact tracing. For some infectious diseases, such as Ebola and syphilis, contact tracing is critically important. For a commonly circulating viral infection such as COVID, it was a hopeless waste of valuable public health resources that did not stop the disease.

Collateral public health damage. A fundamental public health principle is that health is multidimensional; the control of a single infectious disease is not synonymous with health. As an immunologist, Dr. Fauci failed to properly consider and weigh the disastrous effects lockdowns would have on cancer detection and treatment, cardiovascular disease outcomes, diabetes care, childhood vaccination rates, mental health and opioid overdoses, to name a few. Americans will live with—and die from—this collateral damage for many years to come.

In private conversations, most of our scientific colleagues agree with us on these points. While a few have spoken up, why are not more doing so? Well, some tried but failed. Others kept silent when they saw colleagues slandered and smeared in the media or censored by Big Tech. Some are government employees who are barred from contradicting official policy. Many are afraid of losing positions or research grants, aware that Dr. Fauci sits on top of the largest pile of infectious disease research money in the world. Most scientists are not experts on infectious disease outbreaks. Were we, say, oncologists, physicists or botanists, we would probably also have trusted Dr. Fauci.

The evidence is in. Governors, journalists, scientists, university presidents, hospital administrators and business leaders can continue to follow Dr. Anthony Fauci or open their eyes. After 700,000-plus COVID deaths and the devastating effects of lockdowns, it is time to return to basic principles of public health.


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Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., is an epidemiologist, biostatistician, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Jay Bhattacharya, MD, Ph.D., is a Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine. Both are Senior Scholars at the newly formed Brownstone Institute.

The Misanthropic Bankers Behind COP26 and the Green New Deal


The Misanthropic Bankers Behind COP26 and the Green New Deal

The issue has always been population control

In-depth Report: 
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A vast sweeping change towards a “green economy” is now being pushed by forces that may make an educated citizen rather uncomfortable.

Of course, news reports flash daily showcasing the brave young movement of “eco-warriors” led by Sweden’s “forever 15 year old” [now 18] Greta Thunberg or America’s 17 year old Jamie Margolin who have become a force across Europe and America leading such movements as the Extinction Rebellion, This is Zero Hour, the Sunrise Movement and Children’s eco-crusade. The young face of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez daily sells the idea that the only way for outdated capitalist forces that have plagued the world for decades to be replaced is by imposing a sweeping Green New Deal that priorities de-carbonization as a goal for humanity rather than continuing to allow the mindless forces of the markets to determine our destiny.

When EU President Ursula von der Leyen had stepped into her office, she lost no time attacking China’s Belt and Road Initiative (which is ironically representing a true 21st century New Deal) by saying “some are buying their influence by investing in dependence from ports and roads”… but “we go the European way”. What is the “European way”? Not the development plans of Charles De Gaulle or Konrad Adenauer who envisioned industrial growth and increasing population as positives, but rather a Green New Deal. Von der Leyen then announced that “I want Europe to become the first CO2 neutral continent in the world by 2050! I will put forward a Green New Deal for Europe in my first 100 days in office…”

Attacking the “mindless forces of the market” and vested power structures of capitalism are not bad things to do… but why must we de-carbonize?

Re-regulating the too-big-to-fail banks is long overdue, but why do so many assume that a “Green New Deal” won’t just empower those same forces that have run havoc upon the world for the past half century and just cause more death and starvation than has already been suffered under Globalization?

One might only think to even ask such questions by first confronting the uncomfortable fact that behind such young cardboard cut outs as Thunberg, Margolin, Cortez or the Green New Deal are figures whom one would not associate with humanitarianism by any measure.

Green Bonds and Oligarchs

When we begin to pull back the curtain we quickly run into figures like Prince Charles, who recently met with the heads of 18 Commonwealth countries to consolidate climate emergency legislation which was promptly passed in the UK and Canadian Parliaments. At the end of the meeting Charles said that we “have 18 months to save the world from climate change” and called for “increasing the amount of private sector finance flowing towards the supporting sustainable development throughout the commonwealth”.

Following the royal decree, the Bank of England and some of the dirtiest banks in the Rothschild-City of London web of finance have promoted “green financial instruments” led by Green Bonds to redirect pension plans and mutual funds towards green projects that no one in their right minds would ever invest in willfully. The Ecological, Social, Governance Index (ESGI) has now been set up across 51% of Germany’s banks including the derivatives-bomb waiting to blow named Deutschebank. Leading bankers supporting the ESGI like Mark Carney of the Bank of England have said that over 6.5 trillion Euros could be mobilized under this new index (which currently accounts for about $160 billion). The creation of these “green bonds” run hand-in-hand with the Bail-in mechanisms which have now been implemented across the trans-Atlantic nations in order to steal trillions of dollars of from pension funds, RRSPs and Mutual funds the next time a bail out is needed to prop up the “too big to fails” which currently sit atop a $1.2 trillion derivatives bubble waiting to blow.

On top of heading the Bank of England, former Goldman Sachs-man Carney has also endorsed the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures which was created in 2015 and was used as a guideline for the UK government’s July 2019 White Paper “Green Finance Strategy: Transforming Finance for a Greener Future”. The White Paper proposed to “consolidate the UK’s position as a global hub for green finance and positioning the UK at the head of green financial innovation and data and analytics… endorsed by institutions representing $118 trillion of assets globally”. The Carney-led Task Force also spawned the Green Finance Initiative in 2016 which is now a primary vehicle designed to divert international capital flows into green tech.

Carney’s former employer at Goldman Sachs has also created a “Green Index for ‘virtuous investing” including two new sustainability indices to promote heavy investment in to green infrastructure called CDP Environment EW and CDP Eurozone EW. The acronym CDP originates from the Climate Disclosure Project – a London-based think tank that generated Goldman Sachs’ program. Goldman Sachs’ Marine Abiad promoted the CDP index saying on July 10 “we are convinced that sustainable finance enables financial markets to play a virtuous role in the economy.”

Just in case you thought the Extinction Rebellion was somehow untouched by the hand of social engineers, a leading figure behind the movement named Alex Evans was a former consultant on the Prince’s International Sustainability Unit, and co-author of the US National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World which became an environmental/foreign policy blueprint for the Obama Administration in 2008. Currently Evans also runs the Collective Psychology Project “where psychology meets politics”.

Other leading British intelligence figures managing the Extinction Rebellion movement included Farhana Yamin and Sam Gaell of Chatham House (the controlling institution behind the New York Council on Foreign Relations).

Could a ‘Benevolent’ Green Dictatorship be a Good Thing?

The devil’s advocate speaks: Can’t we presume that these central banks, oligarchs and hedge fund managers just care about the environment? So what if they are trying to modify humanity’s behaviour in order to save the environment? After all, humanity itself is a selfish, gluttonous pollution-making machine and isn’t better for everyone if those enlightened elite just transform the world economy so that we consume less, and think more about the future?

If this line of thinking approximates something you’ve felt inside yourself then you’ve been brainwashed.

Of course, the world has turned into a consumerist cult over the past few decades which has sacrificed long term thinking for short term gain and of course we need a re-organization of the system. Thunberg and the Green New Dealers aren’t wrong about that stuff. That’s all fine and dandy.

But if you think that going along with the types of reform that aspires to put dollar values on reducing carbon footprints or spreading low quality (and very expensive) windmills and solar panels across the globe with the expectation that somehow these sources of energy will not cause a vast collapse of industrial capacity of civilization (and an associated loss of capacity to sustain human life), then you are fooling yourself. One kilowatt of windmill energy is only the same as one kilowatt of nuclear power when applied to a mathematical equation but not in real life. When applied to capital-intensive work functions needed to melt industrial steel, run machine tools, power a vast agro-industrial complex, high speed rail system or construct things like Belt and Road Initiative, “green” energy sources do not come even close to cutting the iron.

The issue has always been population control

The oligarchs running the “grand green design” since the Club of Rome’s Sir Alexander King began the Limits to Growth study in 1970 knew that green “low energy flux density” sources of energy would constrict global population and that is exactly what they wanted. Sir King said so much in 1990 when he wrote

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

Sir King was, after all just following the lead of UNESCO founder (and Eugenics president) Sir Julian Huxley who wrote in 1946

“Political unification in some sort of world government will be required… Even though… any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

It was only a few years later that Huxley would co-found the World Wildlife Fund alongside Prince Philip Mountbatten and Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands. All three were present at Bernhardt’s founding meeting of the Bilderberg group to advance this grand conversion of society into a willful self-extermination in 1954 and while Huxley wasn’t present in 1970, the other two oligarchs co-founded the 1001 Nature Trust alongside 999 other wealthy misanthropes to fund the blossoming environmental movement. These forces were also behind the coup d’état in America which put the Trilateral Commission in power under Jimmy Carter and unleashed the “controlled disintegration of the US economy” from 1978-1982 (this will be the topic of another study). This grouping, led by Zbigniew Brzezinski not only played the radical Islam card against the Soviet Union, but also established a program of population reduction through the promotion of green energy sources long before it was popular.

The oligarchs that are currently trying to reform humanity today don’t care about the environment. Prince Philip and Bernhardt have been recorded to have killed more endangered species on safari than most people have killed mosquitos. They just don’t like people. Especially thinking people. Thinking people who question how and why arbitrary rules are applied to justify wars, poverty and oligarchism which destroys lives both now and in the future.

The Belt and Road Initiative and the tendency to grow the human population both quantitatively and qualitatively which such great projects entail is the target of the Green New Deal.

The legacy of scientific and technological progress that launched western civilization out of a dark age and into a renaissance in the 15th century is under attack because it is that lost ethic which the oligarchy KNOWS may yet be awoken and which would bring the west into harmony with the Russia-China program for growth and development under a philosophy of “win-win cooperation” both on Earth and also in space.

The effects of the ideas of the renaissance coincided with the greatest rate of discoveries of universal principles as mankind sought to come to know the mind of god by studying the book of nature with a heart of love and attitude of humility exemplified in the figure of Leonardo Da Vinci. The explosion of new technologies that arose not only revolutionized astronomy, medicine and engineering but gave birth to the modern industrial economy which coincided with the greatest rise of population in history. This exponential rise has been used by Malthusians for centuries as the proof that mankind is “just another cancerous growth” on the “purity of mother Gaia”.

So if you don’t agree with humans=cancer philosophy and want something a bit more optimistic in your life, then support a real New Deal today.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Matthew Ehret’s Insights.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation 

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from Wikimedia Commons

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