World Economic Forum Deletes Sri Lankan PM Article Boasting Of Plan to Make Country ‘Rich by 2025’


World Economic Forum Deletes Sri Lankan PM Article Boasting Of Plan to Make Country ‘Rich by 2025’

Comes after Sri Lankan people overthrew government for collapsing country by trying to implement WEF's environmental social governance agenda.

Image Credits: Pradeep Dambarage/NurPhoto via Getty Images.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has removed a 2018 article by the Sri Lankan Prime Minister on Tuesday touting a plan to make the country “rich by 2025” following the total collapse of the country.

In the now-deleted article titled, “This is how I will make my country rich by 2025,” Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe laid out his vision to “strategically position Sri Lanka as the hub of the Indian Ocean” in part by imposing WEF-sponsored environmental initiatives to address “climate change.”

Wickremesinghe cited the WEF as an organization that will help him achieve his goals.

“The 27th World Economic Forum on ASEAN in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, provides me with the opportunity to showcase the landmark changes in Sri Lanka and our growing economic interconnection with the ASEAN region and beyond,” he concluded. “It will build upon the foundations of the historical and cultural ties that have existed for many centuries, and which bind our people irrevocably.”

Notably, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa also promised in 2019 to transition the country’s farmers to organic agriculture over 10 years, following up in April 2021 by imposing a nationwide ban on fertilizers and pesticides and ordering the country’s 2 million farmers to go organic.

Just a few years later, Sri Lanka’s president fled the country and PM Wickremesinghe resigned last week after the people revolted and stormed their residences.

Before its people stormed the presidential palace and overthrew the government, Sri Lanka had one of the highest ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) scores in the world. The ESG score is a new metric concocted by the corporate establishment to measure how “sustainable” and socially “equitable” nations and companies are.

But the price for appeasing the globalists’ “green” initiatives was the total collapse of the country.

“A food, energy, and financial crisis have brought down Sri Lanka’s government. But the underlying cause is the fact that the nation’s political leaders had fallen under the spell of green elites peddling ‘ESG’ and banning modern fertilizers,” wrote environmental activist Michael Shellenberger.

These ESG initiatives like banning fertilizer caused the nation’s rice crop to fall by 20% in the first six months, crop productions to drop by 40-50%, and inflation to explode to 54%, which led 500,000 Sri Lankans into poverty.

“The decision to overnight shift away from synthetic fertilizers was an absolute disaster,” economist Peter Earle noted last week. “To the extent that any part of this organic agriculture decision was made based upon some version of green or green from the ideologies, this is just the first of many unintended consequences we’ve seen from these kinds of policies.”

Which country will fall next in trying to implement damaging WEF-led policies?

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SHOCKING VIDEO: INSURRECTION In Sri Lanka! – President FORCED TO FLEE As Country Goes Bankrupt!

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