Ex-Freemason reveals the secret religion inside Freemasonry. Bill Gates' ties to Jeffrey Epstein go back before 2001


Ex-Freemason reveals the secret religion inside Freemasonry. Bill Gates' ties to Jeffrey Epstein go back before 2001

Ken Freeland

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From: Peter Myers <peter@...>
Date: Tue, Jun 1, 2021, 1:53 AM
Subject: Ex-Freemason reveals the secret religion inside Freemasonry. Bill Gates' ties to Jeffrey Epstein go back before 2001
To: Peter Myers <peter@...>

Ex-Freemason reveals the secret religion inside Freemasonry. Bill Gates'
ties to Jeffrey Epstein go back before 2001

(1) Ex-Freemason reveals the secret religion inside Freemasonry
(2) Bill Gates' ties to Jeffrey Epstein go back before 2001. Did Epstein
supply girls for him? Is that why Melinda split?

(1) Ex-Freemason reveals the secret religion inside Freemasonry

Christian trappings hide an anti-Christian interior


May 22, 2021

Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World's Oldest Secret Religion and
the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

Total Views : 29,314

Commentary by Brian Shilhavy

Altiyan Childs is a former Australian Rock musician, and a former
Freemason. In 2010 he won The X Factor talent show award, which boosted
his career in music to stardom status.

In a video he released last month, he announced that he has now put his
life on the line to renounce his secret Freemason vows.

His life has recently changed after being awakened in a speeding car
that was heading straight into a brick wall because the driver had
fallen asleep. He says he heard a whisper in his ear that woke him from
a deep sleep, and that he was able to grab the steering wheel and avoid
the crash.

"I shouldn't be here today," he states.

The penalty for renouncing your vows in Freemasonry is death, but he
feels compelled to expose Freemasonry for what it is: the oldest
religion in the world.

According to Childs, almost every notable person running the world
today, from politics to business to entertainment, got there through

And his 5 plus hour video was produced to convince you that this is
true, from an insider perspective, and to warn about what is soon
coming: the implementation of the Luciferian New World Order, which
includes a significant reduction of the world's population.

It took me a few days to watch the entire 5 hours, and when I finished
earlier today, I told my friend who recommended the video to me:

"My life will never be the same after watching this. I will not sleep
tonight until I publish this (on Health Impact News)." ==

The video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ4NTdSK5ac

It might be best to download it, then watch it.

(2) Bill Gates' ties to Jeffrey Epstein go back before 2001. Did Epstein
supply girls for him? Is that why Melinda split?


The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft and Jeffrey Epstein

Analysis by Whitney Webb

June 01, 2021

the truth about gates epstein relationship
While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was
a likely factor in the Gates’ recently announced split, what these same
outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates-Jeffrey
Epstein relationship
The mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in
2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning
decades earlier
The likely reason for the continued cover-up of the true extent of
Epstein’s ties to Gates has much more to do with Gates’ company
Microsoft than with Bill Gates himself
The lack of mainstream media concern over the documented ties of the
Epstein network to other top Microsoft executives of the past, such as
Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone and Steven Sinofsky, makes it clear that,
while it may be open season on the relationship between Bill Gates and
Epstein, such is not the case for Microsoft and Epstein
The ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to Silicon Valley, not just to
Microsoft, are part of a broader attempt to cover up the strong
intelligence component in the origin of Silicon Valley’s most powerful
The biggest reason why the military/intelligence origins and links to
the current Silicon Valley oligarchy will never be honestly examined is
that those very entities are working to usher in the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, which would make artificial intelligence, automation, mass
electronic surveillance and transhumanism central to human society

In early May, the announcement1 that Bill and Melinda Gates would be
divorcing after 27 years of marriage shocked both those that praise and
those that loathe the "philanthropic" power couple.

Less than a week after the initial announcement of the divorce, May 7,
the Daily Beast reported2 that Melinda Gates had allegedly been "deeply
troubled" by Bill Gates' relationship with child sex trafficker and
intelligence asset Jeffrey Epstein.

The report suggested that Melinda was a major reason for her husband's
decision to distance himself from Epstein around 2014 because of her
discomfort with Epstein after they both met him in 2013. That previously
unreported meeting had taken place at Epstein's mansion on New York's
Upper East Side.

The Daily Beast also revealed that the details of the Gates' divorce had
been decided several weeks prior to the official announcement. Then, May
9, the Wall Street Journal3 published a report suggesting that the plans
for divorce went back even further, with Melinda having consulted
divorce lawyers in 2019.

Allegedly, that consultation was made after details of Bill Gates'
relationship with Jeffrey Epstein had gained considerable mainstream
media attention, including from The New York Times.

While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was
a likely factor in the Gates' recently announced split, what these same
outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates-Jeffrey
Epstein relationship. Indeed, the mainstream narrative holds that Gates
ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their
relationship beginning decades earlier.

This blanket refusal to honestly report on the Gates-Epstein ties likely
is due to Gates' outsized role in current events, both in terms of
global health policy as it relates to COVID-19 and in his being a major
promoter and funder of controversial technocratic "solutions" to a slew
of societal problems.

What is more likely, however, is that the nature of the relationship
between Gates and Epstein before 2011 is even more scandalous than what
transpired later, and it may have major implications not just for Gates
but for Microsoft as a company and for some of its former top executives.

This particular cover-up is part of an obvious tendency of mainstream
media to ignore the clear influence that both Epstein and members of the
Maxwell family wielded — and, arguably, continue to wield — in Silicon
Valley. Indeed, the individuals who founded tech giants such as Google,
LinkedIn, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla and Amazon all have connections
with Jeffrey Epstein, some closer than others.

This investigation is adapted from my upcoming book "One Nation Under
Blackmail," which will be released early next year and will include a
more complete investigation into Epstein's ties to Silicon Valley,
scientific academia and intelligence agencies.

The Evening Standard Mystery
In 2001, perhaps the most important article ever written about Jeffrey
Epstein was published. The article, which focused mainly on Ghislaine
Maxwell's and Epstein's relationship with Prince Andrew, was published
January 22, 2001,4 in London's Evening Standard.

The article, written by Nigel Rosser, was never retracted and was
published well before Epstein's first arrest and the onset of his public
notoriety. It has, nevertheless, since been removed from The Evening
Standard's website and can now only be found on professional newspaper
databases. I made a PDF of that article and several other scrubbed
Epstein-related articles publicly available in October 2019.5 The full
article can also be accessed here.

Key statements made in the article make it clear why it was removed from
the internet, apparently in the wake of Epstein's first arrest in
Florida. Rosser introduces Epstein as "an immensely powerful New York
property developer and financier," a nod to Epstein's past in the New
York real estate market.

Later in the article, he notes that Epstein "once claimed to have worked
for the CIA although he now denies it," one of several likely reasons
why the article was removed from the internet well before Epstein's
second arrest in 2019.

Much of the article notes the closeness of Epstein and Maxwell to Prince
Andrew and suggests that both wielded considerable influence over the
prince, largely due to Maxwell's role as his "social fixer." It states
that Maxwell was "manipulating" the prince and that "the whole Andrew
thing is probably being done for Epstein."

One line stands out, however, as the first major clue toward
demystifying the true origin of the Gates-Epstein relationship. Soon
after Rosser introduces Epstein in the article, he states that Epstein
"has made many millions out of his business links with the likes of Bill
Gates, Donald Trump and Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner, whose trust he

Both Wexner's and Trump's relationships with Epstein prior to 2001 are
well known and date back to 1985 and 1987, respectively. Mainstream
media, however, continue to report that Gates and Epstein first met in
2011 and have declined to follow the leads laid out by Nigel Rosser.

I am personally aware of this withholding of information to a degree, as
a BBC reporter contacted me in 2019 for details about this 2001 Evening
Standard article, which I provided. To date, the BBC has never reported
on the contents of that article. Notably, the BBC has received millions6
in funding for years7 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Not only was Rosser's article never retracted, but neither Gates, Trump
nor Wexner disputed the claims made in the article at the time, which
was well before Epstein became notorious. In addition, given that Gates
is named alongside two known close Epstein associates at the time —
Donald Trump and Leslie Wexner — it further suggests that Gates' ties to
Epstein prior to 2001 were considerable enough to warrant his mention
alongside these two other men.

In addition to the Evening Standard article, there is evidence from
Maria Farmer, an Epstein victim who was employed by Epstein and Maxwell
from 1995 to 1996, that she recalled hearing8 Epstein mention Bill Gates
in such a way as to imply they were close friends and which gave her the
impression that the Microsoft cofounder might soon be visiting one of
Epstein's residences.

Microsoft, McKinley and Isabel Maxwell
Beyond these two key pieces of evidence, there is also the fact that,
prior to the Evening Standard article, Gates already had a documented
connection to a business run by Ghislaine Maxwell's sisters in which
Ghislaine had a financial stake, which may offer a clue as to the nature
of the "business links" alluded to by Nigel Rosser.

Furthermore, the odd nature of Gates' relationship with Isabel Maxwell,
who has ties to the PROMIS software espionage scandal and to Israeli
intelligence, is documented in a 2000 article from the Guardian.

Twin sisters Christine and Isabel Maxwell, along with their husbands at
the time, created the McKinley Group in January 1992. Christine and
Isabel had both previously worked9 for the front company Information on
Demand used by their father Robert Maxwell to sell the backdoored PROMIS
software to the U.S. government.

After Robert Maxwell's death, Christine and Isabel "wanted to circle the
wagons and rebuild"10 and saw McKinley as "a chance to recreate a bit of
their father's legacy." The McKinley Group, however, was not just a
venture of Isabel, Christine and their husbands, as Ghislaine Maxwell
also had "a substantial interest" in the company, according to a Sunday
Times article published in November 2000.

That same article also noted that Ghislaine, throughout the 1990s, had
"been discreetly building up a business empire as opaque as her
father's" and that "she is secretive to the point of paranoia and her
business affairs are deeply mysterious." She chose to describe "herself
as an 'internet operator'" during this period, even though "her office
in Manhattan refuses to confirm even the name or the nature of her

Another article, appearing in The Scotsman11 from 2001, separately notes
that Ghislaine "is extremely secretive about her affairs and describes
herself as an internet operator." It is unclear how involved Ghislaine
actually was in the McKinley Group's affairs. However, during this
period, she was operating an intelligence-linked sexual-blackmail
operation with Jeffrey Epstein, and there was considerable overlap of
their finances, as noted in press reports from the time and afterward.

McKinley created what became known as the Magellan Internet Directory,
remembered as "the first site to publish lengthy reviews and ratings of
websites." Magellan's "value-added content" approach attracted several
large corporations, resulting in "major alliances" with AT&T,
Time-Warner, IBM, Netcom and the Microsoft Network (MSN) that were all
negotiated by12 Isabel Maxwell.

Microsoft's major alliance with McKinley came in late 1995, when
Microsoft announced13 that Magellan would power the search option for
the company's MSN service.

McKinley's fortunes fell, as its effort to become the first search
engine to go public failed, igniting a stand-off14 between Christine
Maxwell and Isabel's then husband that also resulted in the company
essentially falling behind15 other market leaders. As a result, McKinley
missed the window for a second IPO attempt and continued to lag behind
in adding ad revenue to their business model.

Excite, which was later acquired by AskJeeves, ultimately bought16 the
McKinley Group and Magellan for 1.2 million shares of Excite in 1996,
which was then valued at $18 million. It was said that it was Isabel
Maxwell who made the deal possible, with Excite's CEO at the time,
George Bell, claiming17 she alone salvaged their purchase of McKinley.

Despite McKinley's lackluster end, the Maxwell twins and other
stakeholders in the company, Ghislaine Maxwell among them, not only
obtained a multimillion-dollar payout from the deal but also forged
close connections with Silicon Valley high rollers. It is unclear if the
money Ghislaine received from the sale was used to further the sexual
blackmail operation she was then conducting alongside Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell Ties to US and Israel Intelligence Grow
After the sale of McKinley/Magellan, the overt ties of Christine and
Isabel Maxwell to intelligence in both the U.S. and Israel grew
considerably. Isabel's ties to Microsoft also persisted following the
sale of the McKinley Group. She became president of the Israeli tech
company CommTouch, whose funding was linked18 to individuals and groups
involved in the Jonathan Pollard nuclear spying affair.

CommTouch, an "obscure software developer" founded in 1991 by former
Israeli military officers, focused on "selling, maintaining and
servicing stand-alone email client software products for mainframe and
personal computers."

The company specifically courted19 Isabel because she was the daughter
of Israeli "super-spy" Robert Maxwell. Isabel had similar reasons for
joining the company, telling Haaretz20 that leading the company gave her
"a chance to continue her father's involvement in Israel."

Of all the alliances and partnerships Isabel negotiated during her early
years at CommTouch, it was her dealings with Microsoft cofounders Bill
Gates and Paul Allen that put CommTouch "on the map."21

Microsoft's cofounders did much more than put CommTouch "on the map,"
however, as they essentially intervened to prevent the collapse of its
initial public offering, a fate that had befallen Isabel Maxwell's
previous company, the McKinley Group, not long before. Indeed, CommTouch
kept pushing back its IPO until a massive investment from firms tied to
Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen was announced in July 1999.22

The investments from Allen's Vulcan and Go2Net resulted in a jump in
"interest in the stock sale and in CommTouch, until now an obscure
software developer," according to a Bloomberg report,23 and also
inflated their stock price immediately prior to their going public. The
money from the Allen-linked companies was specifically used "to expand
sales and marketing and build its presence in international markets."

Allen's decision to invest in CommTouch seems odd from a financial
perspective, given that the company had never turned a profit and had
over $4 million in losses just the year before. Yet, thanks to Allen's
timely investment and his apparent coordination with the company's
repeated delays of its IPO, CommTouch was valued at over $230 million
when it went public, as opposed to a $150 million valuation just weeks
before Allen's investment.24

It is not exactly clear why Paul Allen came to the rescue of CommTouch's
IPO and what he expected to gain from his investment.

It is worth pointing out, however, that Allen later became among the
members25 of an elite online community set up in 2004 called A Small
World, whose membership also included26 Jeffrey Epstein and
Epstein-linked figures such as Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Naomi
Campbell, as well as Petrina Khashoggi, the daughter of Adnan Khashoggi,
a former client of Epstein's.

A Small World's largest shareholder27 was Harvey Weinstein, the
now-disgraced media mogul who was a business partner of Epstein and who
has since been convicted of rape and sexual abuse. Around this same
time, Paul Allen was photographed with28 Epstein associate Nicole
Junkermann,29 herself an intelligence asset.

CommTouch Strikes a Deal With Microsoft
Less than three months after Allen's investments in CommTouch in October
1999, the company announced that it had struck a major deal30 with
Microsoft whereby "Microsoft will utilize the CommTouch Custom MailTM
service to provide private label web-based email solutions for select
MSN partners and international markets."

In addition, per the agreement, "CommTouch will provide MSN Messenger
Service and Microsoft Passport to its customers while building upon its
Windows NT expertise by supporting future MSN messaging technologies."
"We are looking forward to further enhancing our relationship with
Microsoft by integrating other state-of-the-art Microsoft products,"
Gideon Mantel of CommTouch said at the time of the deal's public

In December 1999, Microsoft announced31 that it had invested $20 million
in CommTouch by purchasing 4.7% of its shares. The announcement pushed
CommTouch stock prices from $11.63 a share to $49.13 in just a few
hours' time. Part of that deal had been finalized by Richard Sorkin, a
recently appointed CommTouch director. Sorkin had just become a
multimillionaire following the sale of Zip2, Elon Musk's first company
of which Sorkin had been CEO.

It further appears that Bill Gates, then head of Microsoft, made a
personal investment in CommTouch at the behest of Isabel Maxwell. In an
October 2000 article32 published in The Guardian, Isabel "jokes about
persuading Bill Gates to make a personal investment" in CommTouch
sometime during this period. The Guardian article then oddly notes,
regarding Isabel Maxwell and Bill Gates:

"In a faux southern belle accent, [Isabel] purrs: 'He's got to spend
$375m a year to keep his tax free status, why not allow me to help him.'
She explodes with laughter."

Given that individuals as wealthy as Gates cannot have "tax-free status"
and that this article was published soon after the creation of the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation, Isabel's statements suggest that it was the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, which manages the foundation's
endowment assets, that made this sizable investment in CommTouch.

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting the odd way in which Isabel
describes her dealings with Gates ("purring," speaking in a fake
Southern accent), describing her interactions with him in a way not
found in any of her numerous other interviews on a wide variety of
topics. This odd behavior may be related to Isabel's previous
interactions with Gates and/or the mysterious relationship between Gates
and Epstein during this time.

CommTouch's Clout Expanded Rapidly
After 2000, CommTouch's business and clout expanded rapidly, with Isabel
Maxwell subsequently crediting investments from Microsoft, led by Gates,
and Paul Allen for the company's good fortune and the success of its
effort to enter the U.S. market.

Maxwell, as quoted in the 2002 book "Fastalliances,"33 states that
Microsoft viewed CommTouch as a key "distribution network," adding that
"Microsoft's investment in us put us on the map. It gave us instant
credibility, validated our technology and service in the marketplace."
By this time, Microsoft's ties to CommTouch had deepened with new
partnerships, including CommTouch's hosting of Microsoft Exchange.34

Though Isabel Maxwell was able to secure lucrative investments and
alliances for CommTouch and saw its products integrated into key
software and hardware components produced and sold by Microsoft and
other tech giants, she was unable to improve the company's dire
financial situation, with CommTouch netting a loss of $4.4 million35 in
1998 and similar losses well into the 2000s, with net losses totaling
$24 million36 in 2000 (just one year after the sizable investments from
Microsoft, Paul Allen and Gates).

The losses continued even after Isabel formally left the company and
became president emeritus in 2001. By 2006, the company was over $170
million in debt. Isabel Maxwell left her position at CommTouch in 2001
but for years retained a sizable amount of CommTouch stock valued at the
time at around $9.5 million.37 Today, Isabel Maxwell is, among other
things, a "technology pioneer"38 of the World Economic Forum.

Epstein, Edge and Nathan Myhrvold
Another indication of a relationship between Epstein and Gates prior to
2001 is Epstein's cozy ties with Nathan Myhrvold, who joined Microsoft
in the 1980s and became the company's first chief technology officer in
1996. At the time, Myhrvold was one of Gates' closest advisers, if not
the closest, and cowrote Gates' 1996 book, "The Road Ahead," which
sought to explain how emerging technologies would impact life in the
years and decades to come.

In December of the same year that he became Microsoft's CTO, Myhrvold
traveled on Epstein's plane from Kentucky to New Jersey, and then again
in January 1997 from New Jersey to Florida. Other passengers
accompanying Myhrvold on these flights included Alan Dershowitz and
"GM," presumably Ghislaine Maxwell. It is worth keeping in mind that
this is the same period when Gates had a documented relationship with
Ghislaine's sister Isabel.

In addition, in the 1990s, Myhrvold traveled with Epstein in Russia
alongside Esther Dyson,39 a digital technology consultant who has been
called40 "the most influential woman in all the computer world." She
currently has close ties to Google as well as the DNA testing company
23andme and is a member41 of and agenda contributor42 to the World
Economic Forum.

Dyson later stated that the meeting with Epstein had been planned by
Myhrvold. The meeting appears to have taken place in 1998, based on
information posted on Dyson's social media accounts. One photo43
features Dyson and Epstein, with a time stamp indicating April 28, 1998,
posing with Pavel Oleynikov, who appears to have been44 an employee of
the Russian Federal Nuclear Center.

In that photo, they are standing in front of the house of the late
Andrei Sakharov, the Soviet nuclear scientist and dissident, who is
alleged to have had ties to U.S. intelligence. Sakharov45 and his wife,
Yelena Bonner, were supporters of Zionist causes.46

The photos were taken in Sarov, where the Russian Federal Nuclear Center
is based. That same day, another photo47 was taken that shows Epstein
inside a classroom full of teens, apparently also in Sarov, given the
time stamp.

Another Dyson image,48 one without a visible time stamp but with a
caption stating the photo was taken "at Microsoft Russia in Moscow" in
April 1998, shows Nathan Myhrvold. Dyson's caption further states, "This
was the beginning of a three-week trip during which Nathan and a variety
of hangers-on (including a bodyguard) explored the state of post-Soviet
science." Epstein appears to be one of the "hangers-on," given the
photographs, dates and the described purpose of the trip.

Microsoft's Ties to Epstein
Myhrvold and Epstein apparently had more in common than an interest in
Russian scientific advances. When Myhrvold left Microsoft to cofound
Intellectual Ventures, Vanity Fair reported49 that he had received
Epstein at the firm's office with "young girls" in tow who appeared to
be "Russian models."

A source close to Myhrvold and cited by Vanity Fair claimed that
Myhrvold spoke openly about borrowing Epstein's jet and staying at his
homes in Florida and New York. Vanity Fair also noted that Myhrvold has
been accused of having sex with minors provided by Epstein by none other
than Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who stands accused of the
same crime and who had previously flown with Myhrvold on Epstein's
private plane.

In addition, a former colleague of Myhrvold's at Microsoft later
developed her own ties to Epstein. Linda Stone,50 who joined Microsoft
in 1993 and worked directly under Myhrvold, eventually became a
Microsoft vice president. She introduced Epstein to Joi Ito of the MIT
Media Lab after Epstein's first arrest. "He has a tainted past, but
Linda assures me that he's awesome," Ito later said51 in an email to
three MIT staffers.

In Epstein's famous little black book, there are several phone numbers
for Stone, and her emergency contact is listed as Kelly Bovino, a former
model and alleged Epstein coconspirator. After Epstein's 2019 arrest, it
emerged that Epstein had "directed"52 Bill Gates to donate $2 million to
the MIT lab in 2014. Epstein also allegedly secured a $5 million
donation from Leon Black for the lab. Ito was forced to resign his post
as the lab's director shortly after Epstein's 2019 arrest.

Nathan Myhrvold,53 Linda Stone,54 Joi Ito, Esther Dyson,55 and Bill
Gates56 were all members of the Edge Foundation community (edge.org
website), alongside several other Silicon Valley icons. Edge, which is
described as an exclusive organization of intellectuals "redefining who
and what we are,"57 was created by John Brockman, a self-described
"cultural impresario" and noted literary agent.

Brockman is best known for his deep ties to the art world in the late
1960s, though lesser known58 are his various "management consulting"
gigs for the Pentagon and White House during that same period. Edge,
which The Guardian59 once called "the world's smartest website," is an
exclusive online symposium affiliated with what Brockman calls "the
Third Culture."

Epstein appears to have become involved with Brockman as early as 1995,
when he helped to finance and rescue a struggling book project that was
managed by Brockman. Edge, however, is more than just a website. For
decades, it was also instrumental in bringing together tech executives,
scientists who were often Brockman's clients, and Wall Street financiers
through its Millionaires' Dinner, first held in 1985.

In 1999, this event rebranded as the Billionaires' Dinner, and Epstein
became intimately involved in these affairs and the Edge Foundation
itself. Epstein was photographed attending several of the dinners as was
Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine Maxwell's chief "assistant" and coconspirator in
the Epstein/Maxwell-run sex trafficking and blackmail scheme.

 From 2001 to 2017, Epstein funded60 $638,000 out of a total of $857,000
raised by Edge. During this period, there were several years when
Epstein was Edge's only donor. Epstein stopped giving in 2015, which was
incidentally the same year that Edge decided to discontinue its annual
Billionaires' Dinner tradition.

In addition, the only award Edge has ever given out, the $100,000 Edge
of Computation prize, was awarded in 2005 to Quantum computing pioneer
David Deutsch — it was funded entirely by Epstein. A year before he
began donating heavily to Edge, Epstein had created the Jeffrey Epstein
VI Foundation to "fund and support cutting edge science around the world."

Since the Epstein scandal, regular attendees of the Billionaires'
Dinner, sometimes called the Edge annual dinner, have referred to the
event as an "influence operation." If one follows the money, it appears
it was an influence operation largely benefiting one man, Jeffrey
Epstein, and his network. The evidence points toward Myhrvold and Gates
as being very much a part of that network, even before Epstein's
involvement in Edge increased significantly.

A Tale of Two Bills
It is worth exploring the ties between the "philanthropic" endeavors of
Bill Gates and Bill Clinton in the early 2000s, particularly given
Epstein's and Ghislaine Maxwell's ties to the Clinton Foundation and the
Clinton Global Initiative during that period.

According to former Israeli intelligence operative Ari Ben-Menashe, Bill
Clinton had been the main focus61 of Epstein's sexual blackmail
operation in the 1990s, a claim supported62 by Epstein victim testimony
and Epstein's intimate involvement with individuals who were close to
the former president at the time.

Despite tensions arising from the Clinton administration's pursuit of
Microsoft's monopoly in the late 1990s, the Gates and Clinton
relationship had thawed by April 2000, when Gates attended the White
House "Conference on the New Economy."63

Attendees64 besides Gates included close Epstein associate Lynn Forester
(now Lady de Rothschild) and then secretary of the treasury Larry
Summers, who has also come under fire for his Epstein ties. Another
attendee was White House chief of staff Thomas "Mack" McLarty, whose
special assistant Mark Middleton met with Epstein at least three times65
at the Clinton White House.

Middleton was fired after press reports surfaced detailing his ties to
illegal donations linked to foreign governments that had been made to
Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign. Another participant in the
conference was Janet Yellen, Biden's current Secretary of the Treasury.

Gates spoke at a conference panel titled "Closing the Global Divide:
Health, Education and Technology." He discussed how the mapping of the
human genome would result in a new era of technological breakthroughs
and discussed the need to offer internet access to everyone to close the
digital divide and allow the "new" internet-based economy to take shape.

At the time, Gates was backing a company,66 along with American Telecom
billionaire Craig McCaw, that hoped to establish a global internet
service provider monopoly through a network of low-orbit satellites.
That company, Teledesic, shut down between 2002 and 2003 and is credited
as being the inspiration67 for Elon Musk's Starlink.

Bill Clinton and Bill Gates entered the world of philanthropy around the
same time, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launching in 2000
and the Clinton Foundation, in 2001. Not only that but Wired described68
the two foundations as being "at the forefront of a new era in
philanthropy, in which decisions — often referred to as investments —
are made with the strategic precision demanded of business and
government, then painstakingly tracked to gauge their success."

Other media outlets, however, such as HuffPost,69 challenged that these
foundations engaged in "philanthropy" and asserted that calling them
such was causing "the rapid deconstruction of the accepted term."
HuffPost further noted that the Clinton Global Initiative (part of the
Clinton Foundation), the Gates Foundation and a few similar
organizations "all point in the direction of blurring the boundaries
between philanthropy, business and nonprofits."

It noted that this model for "philanthropy" has been promoted by the
World Economic Forum and the Milken Institute. It is also worth noting
that several of Epstein's own "philanthropic" vehicles were also created
just as this new era in philanthropy was beginning.

The Milken Institute was founded by Michael Milken,70 the notorious Wall
Street "junk bond king," who was indicted on 98 counts of racketeering
and securities fraud in 1989. He served little prison time and was
ultimately pardoned by71 Donald Trump. Milken committed his crimes while
working alongside Leon Black and Ron Perelman at Drexel Burnham
Lambert72 before its scandalous collapse.

Black was deeply tied to Epstein, even having Epstein manage his
personal "philanthropic" foundation73 for several years, even after
Epstein's first arrest. Perelman was a major Clinton donor whose 1995
fundraiser for the then president was attended by Epstein and whose
companies offered jobs to Webster Hubbell and Monica Lewinsky after
their respective scandals in the Clinton administration.

Like Gates, Milken has transformed his reputation for ruthlessness in
the corporate world into one of a "prominent philanthropist." Much of
his "philanthropy"74 benefits the Israeli military and illegal Israeli
settlements in occupied Palestine.

Years after creating their foundations, Gates and Clinton discussed how
they have "long bonded over their shared mission" of normalizing this
new model of philanthropy. Gates spoke to Wired75 in 2013 about "their
forays into developing regions" and "cites the close partnerships
between their organizations."

In that interview, Gates revealed that he had met Clinton before he had
become president, stating, "I knew him before he was president, I knew
him when he was president, and I know him now that he's not president."

Also in that interview, Clinton stated that after he left the White
House he sought to focus on two specific things. The first is the
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which he stated exists "thanks
largely to funding from the Gates Foundation," and the second is the
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), "where I try to build a global network
of people to do their own thing."

The Clinton Health Access Initiative first received76 an $11 million
donation from the Gates Foundation in 2009. Over the last 12 years, the
Gates Foundation has donated more than $497 million to CHAI. CHAI was
initially founded in 2002 with the mission of tackling HIV/AIDS globally
through77 "strong government relationships" and addressing "market

The Gates Foundation's significant donations, however, began not long
after78 CHAI's expansion into malaria diagnostics and treatments.
Notably, in 2011, Tachi Yamada, the former president of the Gates
Foundation's Global Health program, joined CHAI's board alongside
Chelsea Clinton.

Regarding the CGI, Epstein's defense lawyers argued in court79 in 2007
that Epstein had been "part of the original group that conceived of the
Clinton Global Initiative," which was first launched in 2005. Epstein's
lawyers described the CGI as a project "bringing together a community of
global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of
the world's most pressing challenges."

The Gates Foundation80 gave the CGI a total of $2.5 million between 2012
and 2013 in addition to its massive donations to the CHAI and an
additional $35 million to the Clinton Foundation itself. In addition to
the Gates Foundation donations, Gates' Microsoft has been intimately
involved81 in other "philanthropic" projects backed by Clinton.

In addition to these ties, Hillary Clinton established82 a partnership
between the Clinton Foundation and the Gates Foundation in 2014 as part
of the Clintons' No Ceilings initiative. That partnership sought to
"gather and analyze data about the status of women and girls'
participation around the world" and involved the two foundations working
"with leading technology partners to collect these data and compile them."

Months before the partnership was announced, Gates and Epstein met for
dinner and discussed the Gates Foundation and philanthropy, according to
The New York Times.83 During Hillary Clinton's unsuccessful run for
president in 2016, both Bill and Melinda Gates were on her short list84
as potential options for vice president.

In addition, Epstein attempted to become involved in the Gates
Foundation directly, as seen by his efforts to convince the Gates
Foundation to partner with JP Morgan on a multibillion-dollar "global
health charitable fund"85 that would have resulted in hefty fees paid
out to Epstein, who was very involved with JP Morgan at the time.

Though that fund never materialized, Epstein and Gates did discuss
Epstein becoming involved in Gates' philanthropic efforts. Some of these
contacts were not reported by the mainstream press until after the Bill
and Melinda Gates divorce announcement. Yet, as mentioned, it was known
that Epstein had "directed" Gates to donate to at least one organization
— $2 million in 2014 to the MIT Media Lab.

Recent revelations about Gates and Epstein meetings that took place
between 2013 and 2014 have further underscored the importance Epstein
apparently held in the world of billionaire "philanthropy," with Gates
reportedly claiming that Epstein was his "ticket"86 to winning a Nobel
Prize. Norwegian media, however, reported87 in October 2020 that Gates
and Epstein had met the Nobel Committee chair, which failed to make a
splash in international media at the time.

It is worth asking if Epstein managed to arrange such meetings with
other individuals who also coveted Nobel Prizes and if any such
individuals later received those prizes. If Epstein had such
connections, it is unlikely that he would use them only once in the case
of Bill Gates, given the vastness of his network, particularly in the
tech and science worlds.

The year 2013 is also when Bill and Melinda Gates together met with
Epstein88 at his New York residence, after which Melinda allegedly began
asking her soon-to-be ex-husband to distance himself from Epstein.

While the stated reason for this, in the wake of the Gates' divorce
announcement, was that Melinda was put off by Epstein's past and his
persona, it could potentially be related to other concerns about
Melinda's reputation and that of the foundation that shares her name.

Indeed, 2013 was also the year that the Gates mansion systems engineer,
Rick Allen Jones, began to be investigated by Seattle police for his
child porn and child rape collection, which contained over 6,000 images
and videos. Despite the gravity of his crime, when Jones was arrested89
at the Gates mansion a year later, he was not jailed after his arrest
but was merely ordered "to stay away from children," according to local
media reports.

 >From Melinda's perspective, this scandal, combined with Bill Gates'
growing association with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, may have
posed a threat to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's reputation, well
before Epstein's 2019 arrest.

2013 was also the year that the Maxwells become involved in the Clinton
Foundation. That year, Ghislaine Maxwell's TerraMar Project, which
officially supported UN Sustainable Development Goals as they relate the
world's oceans, made a $1.25 million commitment90 to the Clinton Global
Initiative as part of an effort to form a Sustainable Oceans Alliance.
TerraMar shut down shortly after Epstein's 2019 arrest.

Notably, Ghislaine's TerraMar Project was in many ways the successor to
Isabel Maxwell's failed Blue World Alliance, which was also ostensibly
focused on the world's oceans. Blue World Alliance was set up by Isabel
and her now deceased husband Al Seckel, who had hosted a "scientific
conference" on Epstein's island.

The Blue World Alliance also went under the name91 Globalsolver
Foundation, and Xavier Malina, Christine Maxwell's son, was listed as
Globalsolver's liaison to the Clinton Foundation. He was previously an
intern at the Clinton Global Initiative.

Malina later worked92 in the Obama administration at the Office of White
House Personnel. He now works for Google. It is also worth noting that
during this same period, Isabel Maxwell's son, Alexander Djerassi,93 was
chief of staff at the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs in the Hillary
Clinton–run State Department.

Gates Science and Epstein Science
While the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation intermingled, and
the latter had ties to Epstein and Maxwell, it also appears that Epstein
had significant influence over two of the most prominent science
advisers to Bill Gates over the last 15 years — Melanie Walker and Boris

Melanie Walker,95 now a celebrated neurosurgeon, met Jeffrey Epstein in
1992 soon after she graduated from college, when he offered her a
Victoria's Secret modeling job. Such offers were often made by Epstein
and his accomplices when recruiting women into his operation and it is
unclear if Walker ever actually worked as a model for the Leslie
Wexner-owned company.

She then stayed at a New York apartment building associated with
Epstein's trafficking operations during visits to New York, but it is
unclear how long she stayed there or at other Epstein-owned properties.
After she graduated from medical school in 1998, she became Epstein's
science adviser for at least a year.

By 1999, she had grown so close to Prince Andrew that she attended a
Windsor Castle birthday celebration96 hosted by the Queen along with
Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. During this period, Melanie appears on
Epstein's flight logs97 under her birth name,98 Melanie Starnes,99
though it looks like "Starves" on the flight logs.

The close relationship between Prince Andrew and Melanie Walker came
under scrutiny after Epstein's former housekeeper at the Zorro Ranch
property, Deidre Stratton, stated in an interview100 that Prince Andrew
had been "given" a "beautiful young neurosurgeon" while he stayed at
Epstein's New Mexico property.

Given that only one neurosurgeon was both close to Prince Andrew and a
part of Epstein's entourage at the time, it seems highly likely that
this woman "gifted" to Andrew was Melanie Walker.

According to Stratton, Andrew "kept company" with this woman for three
days. The arrangement was set up by Epstein, who was not at the property
at the time. The exact timing of the stay is uncertain, but it likely
took place between 1999 and 2001. Stratton said the following101 about
the stay:

"At the time, Jeffrey had this, she supposedly was a neurosurgeon, quite
young, beautiful, young and brilliant, and she stayed in the home with
him … At one point we had all these different teas and you could pick
the teas that you wanted and she asked me to find one that would make
Andrew more horny.

I'm guessing she understood her job was to entertain him because I
guess, the fear, I don't know; the fear would be that Andrew would say,
'No I didn't really find her that attractive.' ... He would tell Jeffrey
that and then she would be on the ropes.

I'm guessing that, another theory is, that Jeffrey probably had her on
retainer and she knew what her job would be, should be, to make these
people happy … Sex was all they thought about. I mean, I know for sure
that Jeffrey would ideally like three massages a day."

Sometime later, Walker moved to Seattle and began living with then
Microsoft executive Steven Sinofsky, who now serves as a board
partner102 at the venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz. Andreesen
Horowitz notably backs Carbyne911, the Israel intelligence-linked
precrime start-up funded by Epstein and his close associate, former
prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak, as well as another Israeli
intelligence-linked tech company led by Barak, called Toka.103

Toka recently won contracts with the governments of Moldova, Nigeria and
Ghana through the World Bank, where Melanie Walker is currently a
director104 and a former special adviser to its president. It is unclear
when, how and under what circumstances Walker met Sinofsky.

Epstein's Influence on the Gates Foundation
After moving to Seattle to be with Sinofsky and after a brief stint as a
"practitioner in the developing world" in China with the World Health
Organization, Walker was hired as a senior program officer by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation in 2006.

Given that the main feature of Walker's resume at the time was having
been a science adviser to another wealthy "philanthropist," Jeffrey
Epstein, her hire by the Gates Foundation for this critical role further
underscores how Bill Gates, at the very least, not only knew who Epstein
was but knew enough about his scientific interests and investments to
want to hire Walker.

Walker went on to become105 deputy director for Global Development as
well as a deputy director of Special Initiatives at the foundation.
According to the Rockefeller Foundation,106 where she is a fellow,
Walker later advised Gates on issues pertaining to neurotechnology and
brain science for Gates' secretive company bgC3,107 which Gates
originally registered108 as a think tank under the name Carillon Holdings.

According to federal filings, bgC3's focus areas were109 "scientific and
technological services," "industrial analysis and research," and "design
and development of computer hardware and software."

During her time at the Gates Foundation, Walker introduced Boris
Nikolic, Gates' science adviser, to Epstein. Today, Melanie Walker is
the cochair of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on
Neurotechnology and Brain Science, having previously been named a WEF
Young Global Leader. She also advises the World Health Organization,
which is closely linked to Bill Gates's "philanthropy."

At the WEF, Walker wrote an article in 2016 titled "Healthcare in 2030:
Goodbye Hospital, Hello Home-spital,"110 in which she discusses how
wearable devices, brain-machine interfaces and injectable/swallowable
robotic "medicines" will be the norm by 2030.

Years before COVID-19 and the Great Reset-inspired efforts to change
health care in just this way, Walker wrote that while the dystopian
scenario she was painting "sounds crazy ... most of these technologies
are either almost ready for prime time, or in development." Of course, a
lot of those technologies took shape thanks to the patronage of her
former bosses, Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates.

In the case of Boris Nikolic, after being introduced to Epstein through
Walker, he attended a 2011 meeting111 with Gates and Epstein where he
was photographed alongside James Staley, then a senior JP Morgan
executive, and Larry Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury and a
close Epstein associate.

Nikolic was chief adviser for science and technology to Bill Gates at
the time, advising both112 the Gates Foundation and bgC3. According to
the mainstream narrative, this is supposed to be the first time that
Gates and Epstein had ever met. In addition, this may have been when
Epstein pitched the joint Gates Foundation-JP Morgan "global health
charitable fund."

In 2014, Nikolic "waxed enthusiastic"113 about Epstein's supposed
penchant for financial advice ahead of a public offering for a
gene-editing company that Nikolic had a $42 million stake in.114
Notably, both Nikolic and Epstein were clients of the same group of
bankers at JP Morgan, with Bloomberg later reporting that Epstein
regularly helped those bankers attract wealthy new clients.

In 2016, Nikolic cofounded Biomatics115 capital, which invests in
health-related companies at "the convergence of genomics and digital
data" that are "enabling the development of superior therapeutics,
diagnostics and delivery models." Nikolic founded Biomatics with Julie
Sunderland, formerly the director of the Gates Foundation's Strategic
Investment Fund.

At least three of the companies backed by Biomatics116 — Qihan
Biotech,117 eGenesis118 and Editas119 — were cofounded by George Church,
a Harvard geneticist with deep ties to Epstein and also closely
associated with the Edge Foundation. Biomatics investment in Qihan
Biotech is no longer listed120 on the Biomatics website.

Church's Qihan Biotech seeks to produce human tissues and organs inside
pigs for transplantation into humans, while eGenesis seeks to
genetically modify pig organs for use in humans. Editas produces CRISPR
gene-editing "medicines" and is also backed by121 the Gates Foundation
as well as Google Ventures.

Church has been accused122 of promoting eugenics as well as unethical
human experimentation.123 Epstein's significant interest in eugenics124
was made public after his death, and Bill Gates, as well as his father
William H. Gates II, have also been linked125 to eugenics movements and

After Epstein's death in 2019, it was revealed that Nikolic had been
named the "successor executor" of Epstein's estate, further suggesting
close ties to Epstein despite Nikolic's claims to the contrary. After
details of Epstein's will were made public, Nikolic did not sign a form
indicating his willingness to be executor and did not ultimately
serve126 in that role.

The Epstein Cover-Up Continues127
Despite the relatively abrupt shift in the mainstream media regarding
what is acceptable to discuss regarding the Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Gates
relationship, many of these same media outlets refuse to acknowledge
much of the information contained in this investigative report. This is
particularly true in the case of the Evening Standard article and Bill
Gates' odd relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell's sister Isabel and
CommTouch, the company Isabel previously led.

The likely reason for the continued cover-up of the true extent of
Epstein's ties to Gates has much more to do with Gates' company
Microsoft than with Bill Gates himself. While it is now permissible to
report on ties that discredit Gates' personal reputation, the
information that could tie his relationship with Epstein and the
Maxwells to Microsoft has been omitted.

If, as the Evening Standard reported, Epstein did make millions out of
his business ties with Gates prior to 2001 and if Gates' ties to Isabel
Maxwell and the Israeli espionage-linked company CommTouch were to
become public knowledge, the result could easily be a scandal on par
with the PROMIS software affair.

Such a disclosure could be very damaging for Microsoft and its
partner128 the World Economic Forum, as Microsoft has become a key
player in the WEF's Fourth Industrial Revolution initiatives that range
from digital identity and vaccine passports to efforts to replace human
workers with artificial intelligence.

There are clearly powerful actors with a vested interest in keeping the
Epstein-Gates narrative squarely focused on 2011 and later — not
necessarily to protect Gates but more likely to protect the company
itself and other top Microsoft executives who appear to have been
compromised by Epstein and others in the same intelligence-linked network.

This is hardly an isolated incident, as similar efforts have been made
to cover up (or memory hole) the ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to
other prominent Silicon Valley empires, such as those led by Jeff
Bezos129 and Elon Musk.130 One key reason for this is that the Epstein
network's blackmail operation involved not only sexual blackmail but
electronic forms of blackmail, something used to great effect by Robert
Maxwell on behalf of Israeli intelligence as part of the PROMIS operation.

Given its nature, electronic forms of blackmail through illegal
surveillance or backdoored software can be used to compromise those in
power with something to hide, but who were uninclined to engage in the
exploitation of minors, such as those abused by Epstein.

That Isabel and Christine Maxwell were able to forge close business ties
with Microsoft after having been part of the front company that played a
central role in PROMIS-related espionage and after explicitly managing
their subsequent companies with the admitted intention to "rebuild"
their spy father's work and legacy, strongly points to the probability
of at least some Microsoft products having been compromised in some
fashion, likely through alliances with Maxwell-run tech companies.

The lack of mainstream media concern over the documented ties of the
Epstein network to other top Microsoft executives of the past, such as
Nathan Myhrvold, Linda Stone and Steven Sinofsky, makes it clear that,
while it may be open season on the relationship between Bill Gates and
Epstein, such is not the case for Microsoft and Epstein.

The ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to Silicon Valley, not just to
Microsoft, are part of a broader attempt to cover up the strong
intelligence component in the origin of Silicon Valley's most powerful
companies. Much effort has been invested in creating a public perception
that these companies are strictly private entities despite their deep,
long-standing ties to the intelligence agencies and militaries of the
U.S.131 and Israel.132

The true breadth of the Epstein scandal will never be covered by
mainstream media because so many news outlets are owned by these same
Silicon Valley oligarchs or depend on Silicon Valley for online reader

Perhaps the biggest reason why the military/intelligence origins and
links to the current Silicon Valley oligarchy will never be honestly
examined, however, is that those very entities are now working with
breakneck speed to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which
would make artificial intelligence, automation, mass electronic
surveillance and transhumanism central to human society.

One of the architects of this "revolution," Klaus Schwab, said earlier
this year that rebuilding and maintaining trust with the public was
critical to that project. However, were the true nature of Silicon
Valley, including its significant ties to serial child rapist and sex
trafficker Jeffery Epstein and his network, to emerge, the public's
trust would be significantly eroded, thus threatening what the global
oligarchy views as a project critical to its survival.

About the Author
To find more of Webb's work, be sure to check out her website,
unlimitedhangout.com. You can also find her videos by searching
Bitchute, and she has her own podcast channel called Unlimited Hangout
on Rokfin.com. Warp Speed reporting can also be found on
thelastamericanvagabond.com. At present, Webb is also still on Twitter

- Sources and References
1 See all references

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