Klaus Schwab afferma che il nazionalismo e' una minaccia per il Great Reset e chiede l'introduzione del lasciapassare globale: che cosa deve ancora succedere prima che qualcuno della polizia vada a fare una visita all'organizzazione di questo squilibrato?

Flashback: Klaus Schwab Admits Nationalism a Threat to Great Reset


Video going viral on social media shows World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, one of the primary architects of the Great Reset, declaring nationalism a threat to the New World Order.

In a recent video message, the Bond villain-esque Schwab warns other globalists about the threat of people being proud of their country because it undermines a global society framework.

“Fragmented global architecture is not fit anymore for purpose in the 21st century,” Schwab imparts.

“It’s high time for a Great Reset.”

“Change is not happening. We have a choice to stay passive and seize the negative trends and revel in inequality, polarization, nationalism, racism.

“If you do not stop those trends will lead to a post-corona world that is definitely less sustainable, less equal and much more fragile.”

The video appears to originate from a July 8, 2020 WEF summit.

In the same speech, Schwab mentioned the prospect of a “cyber [pandemic]…which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.”

“The Covid-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”

Are the arch-villain’s predictions merely speculation, or is he warning other globalists of events that are planned but have yet to come to fruition? Let’s hope it’s the former, but be prepared for the latter.

Klaus Schwab Calls For Global Passport

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