Zuckerberg scivola sempre piu' in basso nelle classifiche dei CEO di Glassdoor


Employee approvals mean a lot to every CEO despite the fact that whether it is a small business or a large tech firm. This shows the impact and hold the CEO has on the company’s decision and how well he collaborates all those decisions with its worker, which eventually makes the work space a happy, positive place.

A recruiting firm called Glassdoor releases a list of rankings every year based on employees’ survey from different companies to see which workers are the happiest with their CEOs and list their names rank wise based on their remarks from their employees.

Though last year Glassdoor, was unable to publish their rank list considering the ongoing pandemic and the lockdowns which took over the world, but this year they are back in business. However, though the results show the past year may not have been very employee-boss liking for Mark Zuckerberg considering how he fell down from the top 100 CEOs for the first time since Glassdoor began issuing this list.

When the list was issued for the first time in 2013, Zuckerberg had managed to secure the first position with a 99 percent approval score from his employees, and in 2019, when the survey was done last time pre pandemic, the CEO of Facebook had a 94 percent approval score.

However, things took turns and due to some factors the CEO could not achieve enough votes in his favor compared to before. This year 700 employees from Facebook were asked to fill the survey form, which contained three options to rate their CEOs which are: approve, no opinion or disapprove. Mark Zuckerberg came out with an average of 88 percent in rankings and though this is lower than before, this is still without any doubt above the normal average score of the Glassdoor rank list which is 76 percent. Also, the 700 employees are considerably only a small proportion of the workers in the company considering the tech giant houses thousands of employees and a small part cannot decide the like and dislike ratio of their CEO alone.

Things did not work well in Mark’s favor because of the incidents that took place along with the pandemic last year like Covid-19 misinformation circulation on the application which could not be controlled to the presidential election issues in the US.

People who did managed to reach the top names in the list were Rich Lesser, the CEO of a consulting Group called Boston, who stood at number one with 99 percent approvals, Satya Nadella from Microsoft had 97 percent approvals and was at number 6 with Tim Cook being at the 32nd ranking with 95 percent approvals.

Though the following year wasn’t the best for Mark Zuckerberg in terms of employee approvals, we sincere hope that the coming one is a great and successful one for him and the company.

Read next: Facebook has developed its own Podcast platform which will be launching next week
Arooj Ahmed

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