Japan has discovered what is probably 3 different variants of the Pfizer shot

Japan has discovered what is probably 3 different variants of the Pfizer shot
Tap News / Weaver

This can’t happen if not intentional. Japan discovered: 1. Shots with pink stuff in them. 2. Shots with black stuff in them. 3. Shots with shiny metallic magnetic stuff in them. And it was not just a few shots, it was millions that had EACH PROBLEM. That means it was not a problem.

I saw and ignored a post by “someone who works for pfizer” saying there were 10 different varianst of the shots, each designed to do something different to the recipient. I blew the post off as B.S. However, if Japan found three different “contaminants” in the pfizer shot, and each event had thousands of vials involved, perhaps that post was accurate because that can’t happen in a factory if it was not intentional and no individual could ever hand contaminate that many vials. That employee said one of the 10 possibilities was saline. That would mean Japan has discovered 4 out of 10 variants.

I totally called B.S. on this, and ignored it. But it has a good chance of being true now that Japan has discovered there are different versions of the shot (by what they have found in them) and the difference in all of this is that the Japanese were skeptical to begin with, did not have fully controlled lying scamming sh*t bag hospitals and pharmacies and THEN did not have a total con job media hiding stuff like this.

So now Japan is switching over to Ivermectin while the scamming con job American media is calling it “cow paste” and saying people are idiots for trying it AND OVERDOSING. But the reality is that ivermectin is like any other medicine and made for people too. You used to be able to pick it up anywhere. But like hydroxychloroquine, which could also be purchased like aspirin before this scamdemic, Ivermectin is being pulled as fast as they can pull it off pharmacy shelves because “they” want their death shot into everyone. Multiple boosters yearly according to Fauci’s latest comedy rap.

HMMM, 10 variants of the vax, with one being saline. That leaves room for 19, delta, lambda, “the New York strain” zimbabwe, and 4 other variants, ALL OF THEM needing 2 shots each. By then, we’ll be down to that magical 500 million the guidestones recommend.

Only, it is not going well. So there will probably be the “world war 3” strain, the “patriot roundup” strain, the “woke staff sargeant strain” and the “Al Quaida” strain and don’t forget the “dark winter” strain and “supply disruption” strain which Ida will no doubt enhance.


China Proposes Own View on Finding COVID-19 Origins, Suggests It Could Have Been Imported Into Wuhan

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China has been battling against being labeled the country allegedly responsible for the coronavirus pandemic since its onset. The first officially registered cases of COVID-19 were in the Chinese city of Wuhan, but Beijing has repeatedly suggested that the pathogen could have been imported into the country.

The Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has unveiled its own suggestion regarding how the World Health Organisation (WHO) should handle the second phase of the investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 virus. According to the Chinese CDC, WHO investigators should focus their efforts on studying cold-chain products and their logistics ahead of the detection of the first COVID-19 cases in Wuhan – specifically between September and December 2019.

The Chinese CDC epidemiologists said that samples of COVID-19 could be found on some of the cold-chain products shipped to other Chinese cities, namely to Beijing and Dalian, right before the two cities suffered limited outbreaks of the disease in summer 2020. These incidents happened after China managed to quickly end the original outbreak in Wuhan in April 2020.

Staff members in protective suits stand at Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine where members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are visiting, in Wuhan, Hubei province, China January 29, 2021.
Staff members in protective suits stand at Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine where members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are visiting, in Wuhan, Hubei province, China January 29, 2021.

Chinese epidemiologists have thus suggested that COVID-19 might have been imported into Wuhan, either from another Chinese region or from a foreign supplier of cold-chain products. Members of the country's CDC have proposed that the WHO explore this hypothesis and track the supply chain for this type of product. The scientists stressed in their publications that there have been numerous evidence of COVID-19 being present in other parts of the world, specifically the US, Italy, Spain and France, ahead of the detection of the first cases in China and as early as March 2019.

"We conducted epidemiological investigations, nucleic acid testing, antibody detections, cold-chain food retrospection and comparative analysis of viral gene sequencing of COVID-19 patients and food packages and confirmed that the virus was imported from other countries or regions through the cold-chain transportation", Ma Huilai, an official from the China CDC said.

The researchers from the Chinese CDC further noted that over half of the stores in the Huanan seafood market, a suspected source of the original infection, imported 29 types of cold-chain products from 20 countries and regions of China.

The publication by the Chinese epidemiologists comes as the WHO is planning on carrying out the second phase of the investigation into the origins of the virus that has taken the lives of over 4,493,000 people around the world and disrupted economies. The previous probe yielded no answers as to when and how the virus jumped from animals to humans, and the global health body announced in July 2021 that a new investigation will be conducted. The announcement of the second phase probe also coincided with the US intelligence services opening an investigation into the allegations that the virus could have escaped from a Chinese laboratory.


Afghanistan, Di Maio: "Non possiamo dare le liste ai talebani"

Il ministrod egli Esteri il collegamento con il presidente dell'Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, e il direttore di QN - il Resto del Carlino, Michele Brambilla

Il ministro Luigi Di maio in collegamento con Stefano Bonaccini e Michele Brambilla
Il ministro Luigi Di maio in collegamento con Stefano Bonaccini e Michele Brambilla

Scandiano (Reggio Emilia), 30 agosto 2021 - “Questa settimana convocheremo una cabina di regia con tutti i ministeri che dialogherà anche con le Regioni e i Comuni per garantire la formazione ai bambini afghani”. È l'impegno del ministro degli Esteri, Luigi Di Maio intervenuto in videocollegamento a un incontro a Scandiano, in provincia di Reggio Emilia, dov'è intervenuto alla presentazione del libro “Il Paese che vogliamo”, scritto dal presidente della Regione, Stefano Bonaccini. Il capo della Farnesina e il governatore hanno dialogato col direttore del QN-il Resto del Carlino, Michele Brambilla, in una gremita piazza Fiume.

“Non possiamo dare le liste di quelli da evacuare ai talebani. Noi - ha spiegato il ministro - non possiamo fare corridoi umanitari immediatamente dall'Afghanistan, perché dovremmo dare la lista di coloro che vogliamo portare in Italia alle autorità talebane. Dobbiamo lavorare coi Paesi confinanti con l'Afghanistan. Con Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan e Tagikistan dove i profughi in queste ore stanno scappando. Sosterremo l'immigrazione in questi Paesi e creeremo corridoi per dare un futuro migliore a donne e bambini”, ha indicato la rotta Di Maio che lancia così l'avvio della cosiddetta 'Fase 2', ossìa “il piano operativo per il popolo afghano che scatterà la prossima settimana”.

"Non abbiamo fatto rientrare l'ambasciatore Sandalli per ragioni di sicurezza - ha poi stroncato le polemiche Di Maio -, altrimenti non avremmo lasciato neanche il console Claudi. Qui alla Farnesina abbiamo l'unità di crisi e l'ambasciatore aveva bisogno di tutte le strumentazioni che servono per gestirla. Sandalli mi aveva chiesto di restare a Kabul. Io gli ho detto: 'Se devi gestire l'evacuazione di migliaia di afghani devi avere il database dell'intelligence, non lo puoi fare dall'aeroporto di Kabul con uno smartphone'".

"Ho visto tante polemiche sull'Italia che scappa - ha aggiunto il ministro -. L'ambasciatore Sandalli non merita queste polemiche. Da qui, dall'unità di crisi, ha gestito la più ampia evacuazione di afghani dell'Unione Europea".

Una sfida, quella sull'accoglienza, raccolta anche da Bonaccini: “Dopo i primi cento afghani accolti nel Piacentino e nel Parmense e gli altri cento nel Modenese, ne attendiamo altri. Chiederò al ministro Luciana Lamorgese di venire in conferenza Stato-Regioni perché abbiamo bisogno di avere un quadro complessivo. Mi auguro che tutti diano disponibilità ad un'accoglienza sacrosanta. Si parla di dare diritti e un futuro a chi rischia la vita. Faremo tutto ciò che serve”, ha spiegato il governatore.

Mattarella striglia i sovranisti: "Non accogliere è sconcertante" - Ex ministro dell'Afghanistan ora fa il rider in Germania

Il green pass

Il ministro è poi passato a parlare del green pass, che da mercoledì 1 settembre sarà obbligatorio anche per trasporti e lunga percorrenza. "O abbiamo il Green pass e quindi un livello di vaccinazione alto, oppure dobbiamo chiudere le imprese, chiudere gli esercizi commerciali. Non c'è una via di mezzo", ha poi sottolienato il ministro. "Io vedo che c'è tanta polemica: a quali attività stiamo applicando il Green pass, a chi allargarlo. Su questo io mi affido alla comunità scientifica, agli esperti. Però deve essere chiaro, senza green pass avremmo dovuto chiudere esercizi commerciali e attività economiche e questo avrebbe impattato sulla crescita e lo sviluppo del Paese".

Zuckerburg sarebbe Zuckerberg


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Image: Emails show Fauci, Zuckerburg colluded to sow coronavirus panic

(Natural News) Recent emails have shown that top American infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci worked with Facebook to condition people’s mindsets on the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Correspondences between Fauci and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg centered on the disease and the vaccine itself. The social media site essentially served as the propaganda arm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Fauci heads.

One email from February 2020 saw Zuckerberg asking Fauci about ways that he could help in the creation and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Facebook CEO lauded the NIAID director that time for announcing that the vaccine was ready for human trials. Zuckerberg asked in the email: “Are there any resources our foundation can help provide to potentially accelerate this – or at least make sure it stays on track?”

Fauci replied in the affirmative, saying that the institute needed help with resources for its phase two vaccine trial “if [it does] not get [its] requested budget supplement.” He thanked Zuckerberg for the offer and promised to inform the Facebook head if the trial “goes off track.”

Zuckerberg then sent another email to Fauci in March 2020 as the pandemic made its way to America. He proposed a Coronavirus Information Hub on Facebook to “make sure people can get authoritative information from reliable sources.” However, this endeavor also permitted the social media platform to restrict information about COVID-19 that went against the supported narrative.

The Facebook CEO said in his email: “As a central part of this hub, I think it would be useful to include a video from you – because people trust and want to hear from experts rather than just a bunch of agencies and political leaders.”

Fauci replied to Zuckerberg’s email and called his proposal “terrific.” He added: “I would be happy to do a video for your hub. We need to reach as many people as possible and convince them to take mitigation strategies seriously or things will get much, much worse.”

Facebook cranked up its censorship of coronavirus “misinformation” to 11

True enough, the social media site pushed through with censoring purported “misinformation” about the Wuhan coronavirus. According to an August 2020 Breitbart report, Facebook announced its removal of seven million posts with “harmful” misinformation about COVID-19. The site removed the content between April and June of that year.

Furthermore, Facebook put warning labels on an additional 98 million posts on all its platforms – including Instagram – as they were “misleading.” The said posts received the warning labels during the same period in 2020. Zuckerberg previously stated that the warning labels are as effective as removing the posts themselves as they discourage 95 percent of users from viewing the content.

Months later, the social media site announced that it would censor similar misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. CNBC reported in December of last year that Facebook would “start removing false claims about [COVID-19] vaccines that have been debunked by public health experts.” (Related: Facebook to now ban ‘false claims’ about coronavirus vaccines.)

The platform elaborated its policy in a blog post. “This could include false claims about the safety, efficacy, ingredients or side effects of the vaccines. For example, we will remove false claims that COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips or anything else that isn’t on the official vaccine ingredient list,” it said. Facebook continued that it will “regularly update claims [it removes] based on guidance from public health authorities.”

But the cracks in Facebook still showed despite its support toward Fauci and censorship of posts critical of vaccines. Back in February 2021, Project Veritas released leaked footage of Zuckerberg himself expressing his doubts regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. According to the whistleblower who sent the video, the Facebook CEO made the remarks during an internal weekly question and answer session in July 2020.

The Facebook head said in the video: “I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this [vaccine], because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA. [Also,] the ability to produce those antibodies and whether [the vaccine] causes other mutations or other risks downstream. So, there’s work on both paths of vaccine development.” (Related: Project Veritas releases footage of Facebook CEO showing concern about Wuhan coronavirus jabs.)

Visit to read more stories about censorship by Facebook and other social media platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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WikiLeaks Reveals Sweden Allegedly Sought to Bomb Afghanistan as Advertisement for Its Fighter Jets

TEHRAN (FNA)- A sensational WikiLeaks disclosure revealed that Sweden's Armed Forces wanted to use the Afghanistan war to advertise its Saab Gripen fighter jets across the world thanks to combat experience.

In 2008, the Swedish Armed Forces wanted Sweden to send Jas Gripen aircraft to Afghanistan, as part of a marketing stint for its fighter aircraft, WikiLeaks has reported citing a leaked cable, Sputnik reported.

In the secret telegram, then-US Chargé d'Affaires in Sweden Robert Silverman wrote to the NATO forces in Afghanistan asking them to put pressure on Sweden, which he called a "leading NATO partner", to contribute more to the US-led effort with additional manpower and resources.

At that time, Sweden's participation in the mission amounted to 365 soldiers in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

Silverman argued that Sweden had the opportunity and willingness to increase its participation and even mentioned medical helicopters, Operational Mentor and Liaison (OMLT) teams and, crucially, Saab JAS 39 Gripens, light single-engine multirole fighter aircraft manufactured by the Swedish aerospace company Saab AB.

Silverman additionally argued that Sweden's Armed Forces had publicly suggested sending JAS Gripen fighter aircraft to Afghanistan, thus revealing that the Swedish military had lobbied for the deployment over possible combat experience, something beneficial for the Swedish Air Force to market the Gripen fighter aircraft, as combat experience by military platforms substantially increase their marketability.

As the terror groups operating in Afghanistan lacked any air forces, the question of air-to-air combat did not arise. Instead, the combat experience would entail precision strikes against local militant forces scattered around the country.

Despite formally being non-aligned, Sweden took part in the US-led operations in Afghanistan from 2002 to 2021 and has repeatedly been branded a faithful and loyal ally. The Swedish force peaked at some 500 soldiers stationed in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. A total of five Swedish soldiers lost their lives during the operation.




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New £100 contactless card limit WILL convince you to switch to Google or Apple pay

THE contactless card limit will be raised to £100 in October, but warnings from security experts about the risks could finally convince you to ditch your card for software solutions from Apple and Google.

Contactless card payments have made it convenient for shoppers to quickly spend small amounts of money in-store without needing to type in a pin or sign their name on a receipt. When contactless first launched in 2007, credit and debit card owners were only able to spend a maximum of £5 – with anything over that amount requiring the more secure chip-and-PIN treatment.

Since then, that contactless limit has slowly crept higher, up to £10, then doubled, before an update in 2020 allowed shoppers to tap and go with purchases up to a maximum price of £45. That may already sound like a large amount of money but it's nothing when you see what is coming next. From October, you'll be able to spend £100 via contactless technology. No PIN, no signature... just tap and walk away.

That means anyone with your card can walk into a shop and buy up to £100 worth of products without needing any form of security. When contactless payments first launched, credit and debit card owners were reassured that, should someone steal their card, they would only be able to make smaller payments before you managed to call the bank and block the card. With the limit about to reach £100, the difference of a few hours between realising you don't have your card and calling the bank to enact the block could be thousands of pounds.

This update is aimed at making things, such as the weekly shop, faster at the checkout with Chancellor Rishi Sunak saying: "Increasing the contactless limit will make it easier than ever to pay safely and securely."


Apple unveil their brand new purple iPhone 12

However, experts are warning that criminals could take advantage of the new rules and make it even more tempting to steal bank cards. A recent report from UCL's Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science said: "Debit and credit cards are a high-risk target of acquisitive crimes.

"Raising the contactless card limit to £100 would likely make card theft more attractive, increasing a broad range of acquisitive crimes including snatch theft of wallets and purses, hold-up robberies, and home and vehicle break-ins to find cards that can be used fraudulently."

With concerns over the £100 limit, some consumers may now be tempted to make the switch to services such as Apple and Google Pay.

Payments via these platforms need to be verified via biometric data such as facial and fingerprint recognition. That means cards can't be used without the owner being present. When you try and buy something via your iPhone or Android device a message instantly pops up asking for confirmation that it's really you making the purchase.

On iPhone, this is handled by Apple's Face ID facial recognition sensor (of Touch ID fingerprint on the iPhone SE), while Android devices require a fingerprint to be checked before any money is removed from an account.

As a result of these extra security precautions, manufacturers like Apple and Google don’t impose a strict limit on the amount of money that can be paid wirelessly. In fact, it's possible to spend huge sums of money via these services without ever needing to reach for your wallet.

Anyone who feels concerned by the new £100 limit should certainly consider using phone payments as they are far more secure.

Contactless technology has been widely embraced by consumers in recent years, with most shops now offering it as an option. Last year, contactless accounted for 41 percent of all card transactions. Following the lifting of some restrictions, there was a 16 percent increase in the total value of contactless payments in the UK in October, compared with the previous year.

Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano


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