Come occultare il fallimento della partitokrazzia tedesca e di 20 anni di globalismo volti solo alla distruzione delle classi lavoratrici? Con una bella guerra, ovviamente. Come sempre: nulla di nuovo sotto il sole. Peccato che la UE non abbia (ancora) un vero e proprio esercito, la NATO sia a brandelli e Biden si sgoli ogniqualvolta alza la testa dai libri contabili del governo federale.


Ready for war: Germany warns Russia aiming to ‘provoke’ Ukraine with troops

FEARS of open war in Europe have surged after the German defence minister warned Russia is seeking to "provoke" Ukraine by massing troops along its border.

Russia: Expert discusses tensions with Ukraine

Over the past few weeks tens of thousands of Russian soldiers have amassed along Ukraine’s eastern border and in Crimea, which Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014. Fighting has also intensified in eastern Ukraine between pro-Russian separatists and Government forces which heavy shelling reported.

Pro-Russian elements declared the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics as independent states in 2014 though they remain unrecognised by any country.

Ukraine and western powers have long alleged regular Russian troops have been assisting the separatists in the fighting.

Speaking to ARD public television Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the German defence minister, accused Russia of “trying everything to provoke a reaction” from Ukraine.

She claimed Moscow is “just waiting for a move, so to speak, from NATO, to have a pretext to continue its actions”.


The German defence minister accused Russia of "trying everything to provoke a reaction" (Image: GETTY)


Ukrainian troops in the country's east (Image: GETTY)

Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer praised Ukraine for its “sober” reaction to the Russian build-up and warned Russia NATO won’t be sucked into its “game”.

The minister added: “If it is a manoeuvre like the Russian side says, there are international procedures through which one can create transparency and trust.”

On Wednesday NATO urged Russia to stop its “unjustified” military build-up around Ukraine.

Jens Stolenberg, NATO’s secretary general, accused Moscow of the “largest massing of Russian troops” since the 2014 invasion of Crimea.

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