Il dottor Fauci e' una volpe

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Did US taxpayers fund research that became the Coronavirus? Lawrence Jones and Steve Hilton react

Hilton asks if Dr. Fauci's research was the direct cause of the virus

Lawrence Jones and Steve Hilton reacted to members of the media beginning to question Dr. Fauci on 'Fox News Primetime,' and asked whether U.S. taxpayers are "paying for the research that eventually ended up as the pandemic virus."  

LAWRENCE JONES: The media is slowly starting to catch on. Ever since he burst on to the national scene last year, Dr. Anthony Fauci has become one of the most recognizable people in America. He is everywhere. On every channel, at every briefing. He’s even on every cover of every magazine…and every time he’s on, he’s doing his best to inform the American people about the status of the pandemic. And he’s never been wrong. Not once. Not about masks. Not about social distancing. And certainly not when he said we only needed two weeks to slow the spread.

In the eyes of the left and the media, Dr. Fauci is untouchable. Criticize Fauci, and you’ll be smeared as being anti-science. Question the origin of the Coronavirus and say it may have come from a lab, you’re a conspiracy theorist.

STEVE HILTON: The reason it’s so important that we do question all of this is not anything personal against Dr. Fauci. No one, least of all me, has ever said that he tried to do anything deliberately. That he would ever cause harm deliberately. He has dedicated his entire life to fighting disease. But, the point is, his research, that he actually argued for a decade ago, that it was a ‘risk worth taking,’ his words, to engineer dangerous viruses in the laboratory in order to learn how to fight them, he has funded the kinds of research as we have documented…that actually is directly caused, directly related to the pandemic virus that leaked from the Chinese lab.

You can blame the Chinese government for allowing the virus to leak. You can blame them for the cover-up. The question we have to ask is whether U.S. taxpayers were actually paying for the research that eventually ended up as the pandemic virus. If there’s even a remote possibility that that’s the case, then we should investigate it.  


Fox Nation

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