La NATO potrebbe perdere una guerra con la Russia nel giro di 60 ore


Before Donald Trump, Russia Needed 60 Hours To Beat NATO—Now Moscow Could Win Much Faster

David Axe

Four days after President Donald Trump’s most recent phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the news broke that Trump plans to cut a quarter of U.S. forces in Germany.

The 9,500-person cut to U.S. European Command’s permanent force of 34,500 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines would reverse the Pentagon’s efforts in recent years to bolster its ability to defend against a Russian attack.

Analysts expect that any Russian invasion would target NATO’s eastern flank, where allied troops are thinnest on the ground. The Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania—are particularly vulnerable.

It’s not clear whether Trump’s cuts will go through. Nor is it clear which units EUCOM might withdraw. But it’s apparent that any reduction in U.S. forces in Europe would weaken NATO’s defenses. U.S. military leaders were “blindsided” by Trump’s cuts, The New York Times reported.

For decades the Army maintained heavy forces in Europe in order to defend against the Soviet Union and later Russia. Force levels precipitously decreased following the end of the Cold War, but as late as 2012 the Army had four brigades in Europe, two of them with tanks.

The Obama administration cut the two Europe-based tank brigades in the wake of the 2011 debt-ceiling squabble with Congress that resulted in the Budget Control Act and automatic "sequestration" budget cuts. Army troops permanently in Europe declined from 40,000 in 2011 to around 25,000 in 2014.

After the Obama-era cuts, an Army regiment with 300 Stryker wheeled vehicles is the only mechanized American force permanently in Europe. The Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade also is based on the continent. 

In 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine. The Pentagon in response scrambled to restore its fighting strength in Europe. The Obama administration budgeted billions of dollars for temporary deployments to Europe under the auspices of the European Reassurance Initiative. 

The Army began returning to Europe two battalions with 18 tracked rocket launchers.

The ground-combat branch also started temporarily deploying one armored brigade at a time to Europe, each on a nine-month rotation. A typical armored brigade has around 90 M-1 tanks and 130 M-2 fighting vehicles plus around 18 M-109 self-propelled howitzers.

But even after the post-2014 plus-up, U.S. and NATO forces in Europe were incapable of defeating a sudden Russian attack on the Baltic States, California think-tank RAND concluded.

Russia keeps around 760 tanks in 25 battalions within quick striking distance of NATO's Baltic members. NATO countries together maintain 15 battalions with around 130 tanks in the same region — and around 90 of those are the American M-1s on their temporary rotation.

In 2016 RAND war-gamed a Russian invasion. In RAND's scenario, the Russian army quickly overruns lightly-armed NATO forces. The Western alliance deploys helicopters and air-mobile troops to confront the Russian advance, but NATO tanks are too slow to arrive.

"What cannot get there in time are the kinds of armored forces required to engage their Russian counterparts on equal terms, delay their advance, expose them to more-frequent and more-effective attacks from air- and land-based fires and subject them to spoiling counterattacks," RAND explained.

Despite the NATO advantage in the air, the alliance can’t stop the Russian armor. “Across multiple games using a wide range of expert participants playing both sides, the longest it has taken Russian forces to reach the outskirts of Tallinn and Riga is 60 hours,” RAND explained.

“Such a rapid defeat would leave NATO with a limited number of options, all bad,” the think-tank concluded. Russia again would take possession of states that, as recently as the Soviet era, had been under Moscow’s sway.

RAND estimated that, to effectively defend the Baltic countries, NATO would need to grow the defensive force in the region from 15 battalions to around 30 and ensure that those additional units possess heavy equipment capable of meeting Russian tanks in battle.

“While this deterrent posture would not be inexpensive in absolute terms, it is not unaffordable, especially in comparison with the potential costs of failing to defend NATO’s most exposed and vulnerable allies,” RAND pointed out.

But instead of growing its force in Europe, the U.S. Army under Trump looks set to shrink its European presence. NATO’s eastern members are likely to be more vulnerable after the cuts. As the American army in Europe withers, Russia might not need 60 hours to occupy the Baltics. It likely could complete its takeover much faster.

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