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The Bill Gates plan to prevent future pandemics: global alerts and ‘germ games’

Bill and Melinda Gates’s annual letter tackles pandemic preparedness and ‘immunity inequality’ in distributing vaccines

Bill Gates talks pandemic preparedness and Melinda Gates discusses immunity inequality in a new letter.

AFP/Getty Images

Bill Gates is already worrying about the next pandemic.

The Microsoft US:MSFT  founder and philanthropist notes in his annual letter with wife Melinda Gates that while everyone wants the world to go back to “normal” after COVID-19 is brought under control, the world cannot afford to go back to being complacent about pandemics.

“Pandemic preparedness must be taken as seriously as we take the threat of war,” Gates writes in his portion of the letter released on Wednesday. He suggests that stopping the next pandemic will require “spending tens of billions of dollars per year,” and argues the investment is necessary to prevent a global disease outbreak like COVID-19 from costing trillions of dollars — and millions of lives.

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And he has some ideas on how that money should be spent, which he lays out in a video accompanying his latest letter.

Gates’s pandemic preparedness plan includes a large-scale global alert system that would be able to spot disease outbreaks as soon as they happen, from wherever they happen.

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He also calls for having a team of pandemic first responders spread across the globe that would regularly train for outbreaks with “germ games” — similar to how the military trains through war games — who would be ready to spring into action whenever a super-infectious disease or new pathogen threatens to become a health crisis.

And Gates hopes mega-testing diagnostic platforms that could test as much as 20% of the global population every week could be online before the next outbreak, and that we’ll be able to get treatments and vaccines out even faster next time through more antibody research.

Watch his video pitch here:

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