di Maio vuole aprire consolati in Mali ed altri paesi africani, illudendosi che lo lascino partecipare alla quarta guerra mondiale come lustrascarpe, forse bibitaro navale


World War 3: China and US could be set for major military conflict in Africa - experts

AFRICA could be a potential site for a land war between China and the US in the near future, experts have warned.

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Beijing is seeking to extend its influence in Africa through both economic and military means, as it continues to project its power around the world. The People's Republic established its first military base in Doraleh, Djibouti on Africa's eastern coast back in 2017. The move caused considerable alarm among US military officials, as the new base was located just eight miles from a US military facility.

Control of Djibouti's eastern coast would allow any major power to potentially control access to the Suez Canal, a vital shipping route.

Professor Gerald Horne, from the University of Houston, told The Sun Online: "Certainly, the signs of impending conflict between China and the US are worrisome, especially as suggested in the recent novel by NATO former leader, James Stavridis.

"Since Djibouti contains bases of both China and the US (and others) it is likely the flashpoint."


AFRICA could be a potential site for a land war between China and the US (Image: Getty)


US military (Image: Getty)

However, China's military ambitions are not confined to this small eastern African state.

US General Stephen Townsend warned that Beijing is now looking to extend its military presence to Africa's Atlantic coast.

In an interview with the Associated Press on Thursday, he said that China wanted to set up a large navy port capable of hosting submarines or aircraft carriers on Africa's western coast.

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China navy (Image: Getty)

The US General claimed that the Chinese government had already approached countries stretching from Mauritania to south of Namibia about its plans for a new naval base.

He explained: "They're looking for a place where they can rearm and repair warships.

"That becomes militarily useful in conflict.

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Lettera aperta al signor Luigi di Maio, deputato del Popolo Italiano

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