Lawsuit Against Mark Zuckerberg over $500M ‘Dark Money’ Contribution Enabling 2020 Election Fraud

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. (Photo: House Judiciary Committee testimony)

Lawsuit Against Mark Zuckerberg over $500M ‘Dark Money’ Contribution Enabling 2020 Election Fraud

Attorneys say Zuckerberg’s $500M to influence election evaded campaign contribution limits by using charities

By Katy Grimes, December 16, 2020 2:07 pm

Mark Serrano, President of ProActive Communications, announced Wednesday a new lawsuit is to be filed by attorneys at the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, over the $500 million of “dark money” he spent to facilitate election fraud in key battleground states. Serrano said the suit will be filed in the next 24 hours in the District Court of the District of Columbia that covers with Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia.

In an interview on The War Room with Steve Bannon, Serrano said their report at the center of the lawsuit shows that Zuckerberg contributed a total of $500 million to a network of non-profit and “charitable” organizations in the various named states.

Serrano said Zuckerberg’s millions funded the ecosystem that caused such massive fraud to take place.

Phill Kline, Director of the Amistad Project explained in great detail at a press conference how Zuckerberg’s funds ensured that America was not allowed into the ballot counting rooms, while oligarch funder Zuckerberg was. He said Zuckerberg’s $500 million flowed through charities, and paid for election judges, satellite offices to turn out the vote, machines, and dictated the policies that undermined state laws.

Serrano said the case is broken down into three: “First of all the dark money funding. Then the changing and the shifting of the election law by governors and secretaries of state leading into election day and then the fraud we saw take place on and after election day in the management of the elections and even in the counting of the ballots where a billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg, was allowed in the counting room because he funded it.”

During his press conference, Kline reiterated that it is government’s job to manage elections, and do it without a thumb on the scale. “We don’t put out elections to bid, or bring you elections by Coca Cola,” Kline said. “With transparency, we can discover fraud.”

Both Kline and Serrano said of Zuckerberg’s $500 million, $350 million went through the Center for Technology and Civic Life. “He paid for election judges, purchased drop boxes, contrary to state laws,” Kline said. “Zuckerberg ordered the consolidation of counting facilities. Zuckerberg’s money paid local officials who boarded up the windows to counting rooms. Zuckerberg’s money purchased machines – Dominion and otherwise – and Zuckerberg’s funding was contributed to Secretaries of State.”

Kline said “there is no question that there is evidence, that impacted this election and incentivized people to violate election laws. That evidence has been demonstrated and proven.”

Kline was particularly critical of the media, which he said has had a false narrative throughout this, and highlighted a call he received from a Wall Street Journal reporter who said questioning the process would undermine Democracy.

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