“The Human Bomb”: Effects of mRNA “Vaccination” on Unvaccinated People?


“The Human Bomb”: Effects of mRNA “Vaccination” on Unvaccinated People?

Investigation of alarming phenomenon relating to the vaccine

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Hundreds of people NOT “VACCINATED” report having “side effects” from Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but WITHOUT being vaccinated.

April 2021, United States: Reports of women having problems with bleeding, abnormal periods, miscarriages, very serious symptoms.

The fact is that these people and these women are “not vaccinated” but have been in contact with “vaccinated” people. Other people report pericarditis, autoimmune diseases, shingles, thrombosis, Bell’s palsy after close contact with “vaccinees”.


The ex-vice-president of Pfizer Michael Yeadon had already warned a few months ago with ‘precaution’, that the spike protein injected by the RNA messenger vaccine, Pfizer like Moderna, has an affinity of nature and grip, with the proteins of the placenta and female and male reproductive systems and could create damage to these systems, along with other serious side effects.

He recently wrote that this massive injection of “gene” technologies was insane, contrary to Science, and presented incalculable risks to humanity.

In the video below an American doctor explains very well all the risks of injecting spike protein Sars Cov-2 messenger RNA into the human body.

He talks about the risks for people taking this injection, and also at the end of the video, the risks for others:

It has already been confirmed: the mRNA “vaccine” with synthetic spike protein + nanotechnological hydrogel, produces many cases of side effects on the female reproductive system, plus thousands of other cerebral, cardiac, neurological, neuromuscular effects, blood clots, thrombosis, thousands of deaths too, now that the “vaccination” has spread around the world.

‘Pandemic’ curves and statistics show that the number of people supposedly sick with ‘new variant covid’ (according to official propaganda) is exploding in all countries that have ‘vaccinated’ massively like Israel, Brazil, India , USA, Monaco, etc.

The list of side effects on the female and male reproductive systems is officially listed (for people who ARE “VACCINATED”) with only 1% of cases reported ( thetruedefender.com ).

The UK’s government vaccine adverse event system registered more than 2,200 reports of reproductive disorders due to receiving the jab. Among the consequences were excessive bleeding, absent and delayed bleeding, vaginal hemorrhaging, miscarriages, and stillbirths.

The Yellow Card * Adverse Event also registered 2,233 reports of reproductive and breast disorders due to the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines.

Also, 1,465 were registered involving reproductive systems and 19 miscarriages, five premature labors, and two stillbirths linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The reports have:

  • 255 cases of abnormal uterine bleeding
  • 242 reports of unusual breast pain and swelling
  • 182 women who experienced absent or delayed menstruation
  • 175 cases of heavy menstrual bleeding

[The Yellow Card Scheme is the UK’s system for collecting information on suspected adverse drug reactions. The program monitors the safety of drugs and vaccines that are on the market.]

About the nano-technological HYDROGEL coating the Spike protein in Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections: it is not itself something trivial, it has never been used in “vaccines” for humans, nor has messenger RNA technology ever been used either.

You will find below a link with analyzes, and a PDF with photos under a microscope made by Slovak doctors, on the nature and properties of this hydrogel present both in nasopharyngeal tests and in RNA ‘vaccines’:

“The Human Bomb”

According to US reports made in April 2021:

  • There are hundreds, even thousands of unvaccinated people reporting having “side effects” from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but without themselves being vaccinated.
  • April 2021, United States: there are hundreds of women reporting having problems with bleeding, abnormal periods, miscarriages, other very serious effects.


We note on social networks, including Telegram (posts immediately censored) hundreds of testimonials from unvaccinated women, who claim to have side effects like those of the vaccine on their genital system, serious or extremely serious effects (huge periods, blood clots, AND miscarriages) but they ARE NOT VACCINATED. They state that they have just been in close contact with vaccinated people:

Watch the video here.

Quickly, American doctors are wondering how unvaccinated people could ‘catch’ side effects of the mRNA spike protein vaccine affecting the genital and reproductive system in particular, by just being ‘around’ vaccinated people, that is without direct sexual contact or otherwise.

Serious effects on the female genital system, now affecting hundreds of women, even girl children or menopausal women: blood discharge, heavy periods, clots, including in young girls, and miscarriages in the case of pregnant women. There are problems also for men with their genitals (unvaccinated men)

Unvaccinated women claim unusual menstrual cycles & miscarriages after being near recently vaccinated individuals

Go deeper in the topic in link below:

Original video of 5 American doctors (these doctors make very elaborate assumptions, but do not yet have a sure and certain answer on “how it happens”)

This video is the exchange between 5 doctors on April 22, 2021 around the consequences of mRNA vaccination on unvaccinated people.

Indeed, reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 injections, but have been exposed to those who have received them. These people suffer from what appears to be infections from these fully “vaccinated” people. This is mostly affecting women, who report menstruation problems, heavy bleeding, miscarriages and reduced breast milk.

April 29, 2021: USA. the MEDIA BOMB : the worst worry for all women and Humanity.

The evidence is piling up day by day.

A bombshell is coming out on Infowars and in reliable alternative medias in the US on what could be the POSSIBLE explanation for this ‘leak’ to the unvaccinated of “something,” (synthetic SPIKE PROTEIN injected?) (mRNA spike protein sars cov 2 coated in hydrogel NANO), which would be ‘communicated’ to unvaccinated people by vaccinated people) and proof of this is found in the PFIZER document:

Internet publication 2 = video from Infowars, with documents from the Pfizer company:

Watch the video here.

Internet publication 3 = video on the same theme: 

Watch the video here.

Internet publication 4: read the article here.

PFIZER DOCUMENT / pages 67, 68, 69. Extract:

“A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:

A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by INHALATION or skin contact. “ Exposure An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the study intervention, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an AE. trial participant’s care The investigator must report occupational exposure to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator’s awareness, regardless of whether there is an associated AE. The information must be reported using the Adverse Vaccine Reaction Reporting Form.

An example of environmental exposure during breastfeeding is a female family member or healthcare provider who reports that she is breastfeeding after having been exposed to the study intervention by INHALATION or skin contact.”

Herre are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:

    • A female family member or a health care professional is found to be pregnant after having been exposed (unknowingly pregnant) as part of an intervention study by inhalation or contact with the skin.
    • A male family member or healthcare professional who has been exposed to a study-related procedure by inhalation or skin contact is then exposing his female partner before or around the time of conception .

See the PFIZER document by clicking HERE

The trials, wrongly called vaccination, are therefore taking place all over the world under the aegis of representatives of international high finance. The products pose major concerns, which has led some to say that we now have to manage a double problem: the pandemic on the one hand and the consequences of vaccination on the other.

Can ‘vaccines’ (of biotechnology) be technologically made to ‘disseminate’ in populations? (Were COVID-19 Vaccines Made To “Self-Spread” To Non-Vaccinated People?)

Modern science says YES: in any case, it is done for ANIMALS. And the feasibility of it was discussed for humans in 2018 at the John Hopkins Center, of which Bill Gates is a stakeholder.

Documents from Pfizer, Johns Hopkins and other organizations raise the possibility that COVID-19 vaccines “spread” to unvaccinated people who come into contact with a recently vaccinated person.

John Hopkins Document 2018

“Self-Spreading Vaccines: Self-spreading vaccines are genetically engineered to move through populations like communicable diseases, but rather than causing disease, they confer protection. The vision is that a small number of individuals in a target population could be vaccinated, and the vaccine strain would then circulate in the population much like a pathogenic virus, resulting in rapid, widespread immunity. ” Source: Infowars.com

PLEASE NOTE: a scientific document talks about the possibility of passive transfection ‘by inhaled mRNA’:


“Messenger RNA (mRNA) as a means of passive immunization has been extensively studied for years. The first studies since the 1990s have shown that exogenous mRNA can drive protein expression in vivo, cementing mRNA as a promising drug platform technology. Several studies have subsequently demonstrated the usefulness of mRNA in the development of vaccines and conferring protection against cancer and infectious diseases. In addition, passive mRNA immunization also encounters fewer safety concerns due to its non-integrative and transient nature, the latter contributing to better and / or easier control of protein expression. The potential role of mRNA vaccination in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 is highlighted by ongoing COVID-19 phase I vaccine trials conducted by several pharmaceutical companies, including the mRNA-1273 vaccine from Moderna Therapeutics, which is showing promising results. The feasibility of INHALE RNA for PASSIVE TRANSFECTION has also been proven in a number of studies. Mechanistically, inhaled RNA can lead to PASSIVE SYNTHESIS of non-infectious spike proteins using the cell transfection machinery, thus leading to immunization of the individual. The feasibility of INHALE RNA for PASSIVE TRANSFECTION has also been proven in a number of studies. Mechanistically, inhaled RNA can lead to PASSIVE SYNTHESIS of non-infectious spike proteins using the cell transfection machinery, thus leading to immunization of the individual. The feasibility of INHALE RNA for PASSIVE TRANSFECTION has also been proven in a number of studies. Mechanistically, inhaled RNA can lead to PASSIVE SYNTHESIS of non-infectious spike proteins using the cell transfection machinery, thus leading to immunization of the individual.”

And they brag about it !!

We hit the bottom of human madness and the emerging risk of an extinction level event through ‘vaccine’ bio-technology.

Post 6: further proof that inhalation techniques for messenger RNA vaccines already exist, which may or may not be related to this case:


Updated May 2, 2021: this video is the excerpt from the exchange between 5 doctors USA April 22, 2021 around the consequences of mRNA vaccination on unvaccinated people.

See this.

Dr. Carrie Madej shares her thoughts and concerns regarding the presence of nanolipid particles in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Hydrogel reactive to artificial EMF waves ??

Darpa has developed a ‘substance’ which can be inserted under the skin, which is not rejected by the body and contains ‘sensors’:


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Translated from French by the author.

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