Soldiers’ fears grow as commanders train through coronavirus outbreak

The Pentagon has assured the public that it’s doing all it can to stem the coronavirus outbreak, but soldiers across the force say that guidance from experts has equated to only half-measures at their levels.

More than a dozen soldiers at installations across the United States and overseas told Army Times they’re frustrated with commanders still sending troops to the field, forcing soldiers to come to work to do mundane tasks that aren’t mission essential, and failing to test potentially sick individuals.

An Army physician assigned to a maneuver unit said the guidance handed down has been too reactive.

“Limited duty days and restricted PT are half-measures and you’re going to get half-assed results," the physician said. “That may have been great for last week, but this week, the cat’s out of the bag."

Coronavirus appears to spread easily, the Center for Disease Control warns. There is strong evidence that it can be transmitted by people who aren’t yet showing symptoms or who are only mildly ill, according to the New England Journal of Medicine.

The 1st Armored Division’s 3rd Armored Brigade at Fort Bliss, Texas, announced Sunday night that it will end its planned training and begin exiting the field due to coronavirus. But troops who’ve been training out there could’ve already been exposed to it.

“There are plenty of people out in the field that are sick and are being quarantined,” said a soldier from the unit before the announcement. “People are constantly coming and going to and from the field, raising the risk of someone coming into contact with the coronavirus and spreading it.”

A New York-based Army reservist training at Fort Bliss tested positive for coronavirus Friday. “One of my medics took care of him,” the soldier Army Times spoke with added.

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