
Foreign & Commonwealth Office4.0
Army Relations Officer (ITA20.492)
Job Description (Roles and Responsibilities)

Due to COVID-19, you may experience some delay in the progress of this recruitment campaign. We are working hard to minimise any disruption. You may find more information in the Additional Information section below.

The British Embassy in Rome is part of a world-wide network, representing British political, economic and consular interests overseas and is now looking for an Army Relations Officer to support the Defence Attaché in strengthening the bilateral relationship between the British and Italian Armies. The Army Relations Officer will: Facilitate bilateral activity as desk officer for the Italy-UK Army and IT-UK Carabinieri relationships; Process clearances for all adventure training, battlefield tours and exercises in Italy by British military personnel; Support the Defence Adviser to Malta as required and act as desk officer for all Malta clearances, including overflights and ship visits; Manage the Defence Section Budget, run the section Imprest Account and ensure compliance with Ministry of Defence (MoD) financial and budgetary requirements.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Desk officer for UK-IT Army relationship: first point of contact in the Embassy for British-Italian Army relations;
  • Support preparation for and attend the annual Army Staff Talks, monitoring progress on agreed objectives and identifying areas for potential future collaboration;
  • Work with the British Army Exchange Officer to report to the Defence Attaché on Army related matters;
  • Monitor the Italian press and keep abreast of any developments on Army issues;
  • Desk officer responsible for the Carabinieri relationship, in particular the growing relationship with the Carabinieri Unit for Cultural Property Protection and the Operational Training and Advisory Group (OPTAG) exchange programme;
  • Responsible for staffing and administering UK military personnel conducting Adventure Training in Italy;
  • Responsible for processing all applications to obtain clearance for the annual Italian Military Skills Competitions;
  • Responsible for co-ordinating requests for Battlefield Tours and processing requests for diplomatic clearance;
  • Staff road moves through Italy relating to the British Army, gaining clearance from the relevant Italian Authorities and arranging additional logistic support as required needed (police escort, parking facilities and accommodation);
  • Embassy point of contact for commemorative events. Liaise with the Royal British Legion (RBL), British Regimental Associations, a multitude of Italian Associations and numerous City Councils (Mayors) for Defence Section participation;
  • Co-ordinate the RBL annual Poppy Appeal: ordering poppies and distributing in British associations (Schools, British Council, Churches etc.);
  • Organise the annual Ceremony of Remembrance on 11 November on behalf of the Ambassador, liaising with Commonwealth Embassies, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the FCDO;
  • Support the British Officer attending Italian Staff College (ISSMI), requesting a place on the course and notifying the Italian MOD of the name of the chosen student;

  • Desk Officer responsible for processing all applications for Malta as follows:
  • Dealing with all aspects of UK MoD visits to Malta and the production of Note Verbal’s for diplomatic clearance for Royal Navy ship visits, RAF overflights, and exercises, battlefield tours and training by members of the British Armed Forces;
  • Providing administrative support to the Defence Adviser as required;
  • Facilitate Maltese Armed Forces participation on UK courses. Ensure bids for places are made on time, and maintain a log of alumni to foster future relationships with key officers.
  • Budget manager and Cashier responsible for the running of the Defence Section accounts. This will involve forecasts of expenditure, monthly budgetary returns to the MOD in London and the handling of cash and bank transactions, adhering to MOD financial regulations;
  • Undertake Defence Section Duty Officer responsibilities on a regular basis. Involves out of hours working (conducted by phone/laptop);
  • Provide cover for the Defence Relations Officer to ensure business continuity during routine periods of absence, including leave periods;
  • Support wider Defence Section activity as required;
  • Actively participate in corporate activities in the Italy Network.

Learning and development opportunities:

  • Annual visit to Ministry of Defence in London for budgetary training and updates (may be conducted remotely due to the ongoing pandemic);
  • Line Management course;
  • British Embassy Rome is a Learning and Development focused organisation. The job holder will be expected to have a Personal Development Plan and undertake training courses.

Applications will be considered from nationals holding a valid passport from the following countries: United Kingdom, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia. Your application must clearly indicate all nationalities you hold.

Essential qualifications, skills and experience
  • Fluency both oral and written in English and Italian (Common European Framework level C1 or above, or equivalent);
  • Ability to work independently whilst being part of a team and make effective decisions;
  • Ability to prioritise effectively often pressing competing priorities and to work at pace;
  • Ability in planning often large-scale events with accuracy and attention to detail;
  • Good oral and written communication skills;
  • Strong organisational skills;
  • Ability to create a network of useful contacts in the Italian Defence sector;
  • Knowledge of and interest in political affairs, defence and security issues;
  • Knowledge of MS Windows programmes/IT skills.

Desirable qualifications, skills and experience
  • Previous work experience in the Defence/Security sector or international organisations/Embassies;
  • Line management experience;
  • Experience in budget management and running imprest accounts.

Required competencies
Seeing the Big Picture, Collaborating and Partnering, Delivering Value for Money, Managing a Quality Service, Delivering at Pace, Engaging Internationally
Application deadline Application deadline - day Application deadline - month Application deadline - year
17 January 2021
B3 (L)
Type of Position
Fixed Term, Full-time
Working hours per week
Duration of Post
18 months
Europe, Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Location (City)
Type of Post
British Embassy
Number of vacancies
Starting yearly salary (EUR)
41.000 (gross)
Start Date Start Date - day Start Date - month Start Date - year
8 February 2021
Other benefits and conditions of employment

This is a full-time temporary position with a contract of 18 months to cover a maternity leave, graded B3(L) according to the FCO grading structure. The monthly gross salary is Euro 2929,00. The salary is paid monthly 14 times per year including € 10.33 EDR paid 13 times per year, with double salary payments in June and December. If working less than a full calendar year, the additional salary payments will be pro-rata.

Working hours are 35 hrs per week Monday to Friday 09.00 – 17.00.

The appointment is subject to security clearance, professional background check and the successful completion of a 4 month probationary period.

All staff employed by the British Embassy are subject to Italian income tax (IRPEF). However the administration of these tax payments will vary depending on nationality.

The successful candidate will be enrolled in the Italian State Social Security Scheme. Staff recruited locally by the British Embassy in Rome are subject to terms and conditions of service according to local Italian employment law.

Visa/work permit requirements: Candidates must currently hold the independent right to live and work in Italy and be prepared to ensure that right remains throughout the scope of the contract.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure you meet the legal requirements to live and work in this country.

Additional information

Please note, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment indicates Level C1 as Mastery or proficiency Level which comprehends that a person can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read; can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation; can express themselves spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations. For more information please click on the following link CEFR. Please bear in mind in case you are invited for an interview your languages skills are going to be assessed.

Please be advised that the deadline for applications is 23:55 on the day mentioned in the above field “Application deadline”.

We advise you to allow enough time to complete and submit your full application, since only applications completed and submitted before the deadline will be considered.

Please be aware that the deadline for submitting applications is considered to be the time zone for the country where the vacancy has arisen.

Please also be advised that the British Diplomatic Missions will not be able to meet the travel costs incurred when travelling to the interview, nor the costs connected with relocation if offered a job.

Please be advised that interviews will be conducted remotely if the existing situation determines this to be the right course of action.

The starting date may be delayed depending on circumstances at the time and this will be agreed with the selected candidate.

Please be aware that you will only be able to apply to vacancies for Local Staff roles with the British Government through this official tal.net site (operated by Oleeo). Jobs may be advertised on third party websites, however our adverts will always link back to the official tal.net site. If you complete and send an application through any other site, we will not receive it.

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