Tracking Israeli Involvement: University of North Carolina generated COVID-19 (censored/suppressed): DELLA SERIE IL PIU' PULITO HA LA ROGNA


Tracking Israeli Involvement: University of North Carolina generated COVID-19 (censored/suppressed)


Update VT has been tracking COVID stats and disinformation/censorship since day one.  Now, in light of the Beirut attack (Trump backs us up), we now view the release of a hybridized version of COVID 19 on the New York metropolitan area as a terror attack.

Stats on hospitalization and deaths there have been altered/censored which prove this was a biological attack.  Death rates were many times higher than elsewhere and even target specifically the Jewish population, something Israel has done before.

We have watched Google Corporation manipulation of the internet, we have tracked them and find clear and absolute evidence that ties those who executed the Beirut attack to those who released COVID 19 on the US and the world.

We have also watched Facebook, Google/YouTube and Twitter censored Beirut videos and coordinate with MSM to sell a fake narrative involving unexplodable fertilizer while evidence mounts of a massive not only attack by Israel but a brilliant set of feints also, drones, planes and even a missile.

Who knows, a nuke could have been loaded there with ease right off a truck and no one would notice.

Now with Beirut in shambles, the UAE joining Greater Israel and the Qanon monstrosity selling a police state to the rabble, the inexplicable becomes clear.

Below, we prove the creation of COVID, a CIA project done through a cover program at a private university using bioweapons experts.  Now we see it released, the target?  Looting the US economy, bringing America to civil war and allowing power to centralize under Kosher Nostra control without the subterfuge, now unnecessary.

This article contains hard proof that cannot be questioned or denied, which you may submit to any government agency or healthcare professional.

What is not yet proven but coming into focus is that the US biological weapons program at Fort Detrick, Maryland, equipment and certainly key staff, certainly migrated to secret labs at large state universities in order to “hide in plain sight.”

Follow the careers, all links are included, of those who worked on the Wuhan-COVID project in 2017.

Also, note that the exact same personnel and equipment is used for fake “prevention” research and testing as weaponization and actual production.

Since this article was written, we have begun to look at worldwide operations of US nuclear/bio/chem contractor, Kushner-Trump favorite, Battelle, and their secret labs around the world.

When we began, our people started to be threatened.  That was a serious mistake.

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